// Flansch für Saugpumpe $fn = 100; // Auflösung Scheibenhoehe = 6; // Dicke der Flanschscheibe Dichtungsringdicke = 2; // Ring wird Dicke / 2 eingelassen riA = 14/2; riB = 9/2-0.25; // rimthickness trouble vert0 = 100; vert1 = 100; t1 = 1.75; // minimum wallthickness r1 = 38/2; // initial standoff t2 = 4; r2 = 20/2; // torodial reduction t3 = 8; r3= 14/2; // trapezoidal t4 = 0.75; t5 = 1.50; r5 = 17/2; t6 = 0.75; s6 = t1+t2+t3+t4+t5+t6; // tip t7 = 2.50; t8 = 3.00; t9 = 3.5; r7 = 16/2; r8 = 11.5/2; // critical echo("rimthickness: ",r8-riB); r9 = r7; echo("length=24? ",s6-t1 +t7+t8+t9); // not correct yet ############################# /* todo smaller tiptorus (2.5mm radius instead of 3.0mm */ difference() { union() { translate([0,0,5])difference() { union() { cylinder(r=r1,h=t1,$fn=vert0); translate([0,0,t1]) { cylinder(r=r2,h=t2,$fn=vert0); translate([0,0,t2])difference() { cylinder(r=r2,h=t3,$fn=vert0); translate([0,0,t3])scale([1,1,t3/(r2-r3)])rotate_extrude(convexity=3, $fn=vert0)translate([r2,0,0]) #circle(r=r2-r3,$fn=vert1); } } // trapezoidal part translate([0,0,t1+t2+t3])rotate_extrude(convexity=3, $fn=vert0)polygon(points=[[0,0],[r3,0],[r5,t4],[r5,t4+t5],[r7,t4+t5+t6],[0,t4+t5+t6]],paths=[[0,1,2,3,4,5]]); //TIP translate([0,0,s6]) { cylinder(r = r7, h=t7+t8,$fn=vert0) ; translate([0,0,t7+t8+0.5])torus(2.5,r7-2.5,vert1,vert0); // maybe add cylinder here ################### "t_8_1/2" } } // minus: // too low in z translate([0,0,s6+t7+t8/2])torus(t8/2*sqrt(2), (r7+r8)/2 + (r7-r8)/2*sqrt(2),4,vert0); // test translate([0,0,s6+t7+t8/2])torus(t8/2, r8+t8/2,vert1,vert0); // test //cylinder(r=riB,h= (t1+24)*1.1,$fn=vert0); // to see 24 mm translate([0,0,-0.05]) //cylinder(r1=riA,r2=riB,h=10,$fn=vert0); //cylinder(r1=riA,r2=riB,h=10,$fn=vert0); // h=10 just looks good cylinder(r1=riA+1.0,r2=riB,h=12,$fn=vert0); // h=10 just looks good // DEBUGGING CUT // translate([30,0,0]) cube([60,60,60],center=true); } // translate([0,0,t1]) #cylinder(r=2,h=24,$fn=16); // to see 24 mm linear_extrude(height = Scheibenhoehe, center = false, convexity = 10, twist = 0) { hull(){ translate([36,0,0])circle(r = 10); translate([-36,0,0])circle(r = 10); circle(r = 25); } } } translate([36,0,-1])cylinder(h = Scheibenhoehe+2, d = 11, center = false); translate([-36,0,-1])cylinder(h = Scheibenhoehe+2, d = 11, center = false); difference() { translate([0,0,0-Dichtungsringdicke/2])cylinder(h = Dichtungsringdicke, d = 45, center = false); translate([0,0,0-Dichtungsringdicke/2-1])cylinder(h = Dichtungsringdicke+1, d = 33, center = false); } translate([0,0,-1])cylinder(h = 40, d = 9, center = false); } module torus(ra,rb,va,vb) { rotate_extrude(convexity=3, $fn=vb) translate([rb,0,0]) rotate(45,[0,0,1]) #circle(r=ra,$fn=va); }