2022-01-02 11:25:56 +01:00
import os , threading , time , shutil
2021-07-15 07:16:26 +02:00
from aiohttp import web
import logging
from unittest . mock import MagicMock , patch
import asyncio
import random
2022-01-02 11:25:56 +01:00
import json
2021-07-15 07:16:26 +02:00
from cbpi . api import *
from cbpi . api . config import ConfigType
from cbpi . api . base import CBPiBase
logger = logging . getLogger ( __name__ )
class ConfigUpdate ( CBPiExtension ) :
def __init__ ( self , cbpi ) :
self . cbpi = cbpi
self . _task = asyncio . create_task ( self . run ( ) )
async def run ( self ) :
logging . info ( " Check Config for required changes " )
# check is default steps are config parameters
TEMP_UNIT = self . cbpi . config . get ( " TEMP_UNIT " , " C " )
default_boil_temp = 99 if TEMP_UNIT == " C " else 212
default_cool_temp = 20 if TEMP_UNIT == " C " else 68
boil_temp = self . cbpi . config . get ( " steps_boil_temp " , None )
cooldown_sensor = self . cbpi . config . get ( " steps_cooldown_sensor " , None )
2022-01-28 07:56:24 +01:00
cooldown_actor = self . cbpi . config . get ( " steps_cooldown_actor " , None )
2021-07-15 07:16:26 +02:00
cooldown_temp = self . cbpi . config . get ( " steps_cooldown_temp " , None )
mashin_step = self . cbpi . config . get ( " steps_mashin " , None )
mash_step = self . cbpi . config . get ( " steps_mash " , None )
mashout_step = self . cbpi . config . get ( " steps_mashout " , None )
boil_step = self . cbpi . config . get ( " steps_boil " , None )
cooldown_step = self . cbpi . config . get ( " steps_cooldown " , None )
2021-08-11 17:12:13 +02:00
max_dashboard_number = self . cbpi . config . get ( " max_dashboard_number " , None )
2021-08-18 21:55:56 +02:00
current_dashboard_number = self . cbpi . config . get ( " current_dashboard_number " , None )
2021-12-14 07:20:22 +01:00
logfiles = self . cbpi . config . get ( " CSVLOGFILES " , None )
influxdb = self . cbpi . config . get ( " INFLUXDB " , None )
influxdbaddr = self . cbpi . config . get ( " INFLUXDBADDR " , None )
influxdbport = self . cbpi . config . get ( " INFLUXDBPORT " , None )
influxdbname = self . cbpi . config . get ( " INFLUXDBNAME " , None )
influxdbuser = self . cbpi . config . get ( " INFLUXDBUSER " , None )
influxdbpwd = self . cbpi . config . get ( " INFLUXDBPWD " , None )
2022-02-04 20:48:55 +01:00
influxdbcloud = self . cbpi . config . get ( " INFLUXDBCLOUD " , None )
2022-01-31 17:17:53 +01:00
mqttupdate = self . cbpi . config . get ( " MQTTUpdate " , None )
2022-04-03 12:37:34 +02:00
PRESSURE_UNIT = self . cbpi . config . get ( " PRESSURE_UNIT " , None )
2022-07-19 21:03:17 +02:00
SENSOR_LOG_BACKUP_COUNT = self . cbpi . config . get ( " SENSOR_LOG_BACKUP_COUNT " , None )
SENSOR_LOG_MAX_BYTES = self . cbpi . config . get ( " SENSOR_LOG_MAX_BYTES " , None )
2022-07-21 10:27:54 +02:00
slow_pipe_animation = self . cbpi . config . get ( " slow_pipe_animation " , None )
2022-12-02 20:05:30 +01:00
NOTIFY_ON_ERROR = self . cbpi . config . get ( " NOTIFY_ON_ERROR " , None )
2022-07-21 10:27:54 +02:00
2021-07-15 07:16:26 +02:00
if boil_temp is None :
logger . info ( " INIT Boil Temp Setting " )
try :
await self . cbpi . config . add ( " steps_boil_temp " , default_boil_temp , ConfigType . NUMBER , " Default Boil Temperature for Recipe Creation " )
except :
logger . warning ( ' Unable to update database ' )
if cooldown_sensor is None :
logger . info ( " INIT Cooldown Sensor Setting " )
try :
await self . cbpi . config . add ( " steps_cooldown_sensor " , " " , ConfigType . SENSOR , " Alternative Sensor to monitor temperature durring cooldown (if not selected, Kettle Sensor will be used) " )
except :
logger . warning ( ' Unable to update database ' )
2022-01-28 07:56:24 +01:00
if cooldown_actor is None :
logger . info ( " INIT Cooldown Actor Setting " )
try :
await self . cbpi . config . add ( " steps_cooldown_actor " , " " , ConfigType . ACTOR , " Actor to trigger cooldown water on and off (default: None) " )
except :
logger . warning ( ' Unable to update database ' )
2021-07-15 07:16:26 +02:00
if cooldown_temp is None :
logger . info ( " INIT Cooldown Temp Setting " )
try :
await self . cbpi . config . add ( " steps_cooldown_temp " , default_cool_temp , ConfigType . NUMBER , " Cooldown temp will send notification when this temeprature is reached " )
except :
logger . warning ( ' Unable to update database ' )
if cooldown_step is None :
logger . info ( " INIT Cooldown Step Type " )
try :
await self . cbpi . config . add ( " steps_cooldown " , " " , ConfigType . STEP , " Cooldown step type " )
except :
logger . warning ( ' Unable to update database ' )
if mashin_step is None :
logger . info ( " INIT MashIn Step Type " )
try :
await self . cbpi . config . add ( " steps_mashin " , " " , ConfigType . STEP , " MashIn step type " )
except :
logger . warning ( ' Unable to update database ' )
if mash_step is None :
logger . info ( " INIT Mash Step Type " )
try :
await self . cbpi . config . add ( " steps_mash " , " " , ConfigType . STEP , " Mash step type " )
except :
logger . warning ( ' Unable to update database ' )
if mashout_step is None :
logger . info ( " INIT MashOut Step Type " )
try :
await self . cbpi . config . add ( " steps_mashout " , " " , ConfigType . STEP , " MashOut step type " )
except :
logger . warning ( ' Unable to update database ' )
if boil_step is None :
logger . info ( " INIT Boil Step Type " )
try :
await self . cbpi . config . add ( " steps_boil " , " " , ConfigType . STEP , " Boil step type " )
except :
logger . warning ( ' Unable to update database ' )
2021-08-11 17:12:13 +02:00
if max_dashboard_number is None :
logger . info ( " INIT Max Dashboard Numbers for multiple dashboards " )
try :
await self . cbpi . config . add ( " max_dashboard_number " , 4 , ConfigType . SELECT , " Max Number of Dashboards " ,
[ { " label " : " 1 " , " value " : 1 } ,
{ " label " : " 2 " , " value " : 2 } ,
{ " label " : " 3 " , " value " : 3 } ,
{ " label " : " 4 " , " value " : 4 } ,
{ " label " : " 5 " , " value " : 5 } ,
{ " label " : " 6 " , " value " : 6 } ,
{ " label " : " 7 " , " value " : 7 } ,
{ " label " : " 8 " , " value " : 8 } ,
{ " label " : " 9 " , " value " : 9 } ,
{ " label " : " 10 " , " value " : 10 } ] )
except :
logger . warning ( ' Unable to update database ' )
2021-08-18 21:55:56 +02:00
if current_dashboard_number is None :
logger . info ( " INIT Current Dashboard Number " )
try :
await self . cbpi . config . add ( " current_dashboard_number " , 1 , ConfigType . NUMBER , " Number of current Dashboard " )
except :
logger . warning ( ' Unable to update database ' )
2021-08-11 17:12:13 +02:00
## Check if AtuoMode for Steps is in config
2021-07-15 07:16:26 +02:00
AutoMode = self . cbpi . config . get ( " AutoMode " , None )
if AutoMode is None :
logger . info ( " INIT AutoMode " )
try :
await self . cbpi . config . add ( " AutoMode " , " Yes " , ConfigType . SELECT , " Use AutoMode in steps " ,
[ { " label " : " Yes " , " value " : " Yes " } ,
{ " label " : " No " , " value " : " No " } ] )
except :
logger . warning ( ' Unable to update config ' )
## Check if AddMashInStep for Steps is in config
AddMashIn = self . cbpi . config . get ( " AddMashInStep " , None )
if AddMashIn is None :
logger . info ( " INIT AddMashInStep " )
try :
await self . cbpi . config . add ( " AddMashInStep " , " Yes " , ConfigType . SELECT , " Add MashIn Step automatically if not defined in recipe " ,
[ { " label " : " Yes " , " value " : " Yes " } ,
{ " label " : " No " , " value " : " No " } ] )
except :
logger . warning ( ' Unable to update config ' )
## Check if Brewfather UserID is in config
bfuserid = self . cbpi . config . get ( " brewfather_user_id " , None )
if bfuserid is None :
logger . info ( " INIT Brewfather User ID " )
try :
await self . cbpi . config . add ( " brewfather_user_id " , " " , ConfigType . STRING , " Brewfather User ID " )
except :
logger . warning ( ' Unable to update config ' )
## Check if Brewfather API Key is in config
bfapikey = self . cbpi . config . get ( " brewfather_api_key " , None )
if bfapikey is None :
logger . info ( " INIT Brewfather API Key " )
try :
await self . cbpi . config . add ( " brewfather_api_key " , " " , ConfigType . STRING , " Brewfather API Key " )
except :
logger . warning ( ' Unable to update config ' )
## Check if Brewfather API Key is in config
RecipeCreationPath = self . cbpi . config . get ( " RECIPE_CREATION_PATH " , None )
if RecipeCreationPath is None :
logger . info ( " INIT Recipe Creation Path " )
try :
await self . cbpi . config . add ( " RECIPE_CREATION_PATH " , " upload " , ConfigType . STRING , " API path to creation plugin. Default: upload . CHANGE ONLY IF USING A RECIPE CREATION PLUGIN " )
except :
logger . warning ( ' Unable to update config ' )
2021-09-21 18:06:23 +02:00
## Check if Kettle for Boil, Whirlpool and Cooldown is in config
BoilKettle = self . cbpi . config . get ( " BoilKettle " , None )
if BoilKettle is None :
logger . info ( " INIT BoilKettle " )
try :
await self . cbpi . config . add ( " BoilKettle " , " " , ConfigType . KETTLE , " Define Kettle that is used for Boil, Whirlpool and Cooldown. If not selected, MASH_TUN will be used " )
except :
logger . warning ( ' Unable to update config ' )
2021-12-14 07:20:22 +01:00
## Check if CSV logfiles is on config
if logfiles is None :
logger . info ( " INIT CSV logfiles " )
try :
await self . cbpi . config . add ( " CSVLOGFILES " , " Yes " , ConfigType . SELECT , " Write sensor data to csv logfiles " ,
[ { " label " : " Yes " , " value " : " Yes " } ,
{ " label " : " No " , " value " : " No " } ] )
except :
logger . warning ( ' Unable to update config ' )
2022-02-04 20:48:55 +01:00
## Check if influxdb is on config
2021-12-14 07:20:22 +01:00
if influxdb is None :
logger . info ( " INIT Influxdb " )
try :
await self . cbpi . config . add ( " INFLUXDB " , " No " , ConfigType . SELECT , " Write sensor data to influxdb " ,
[ { " label " : " Yes " , " value " : " Yes " } ,
{ " label " : " No " , " value " : " No " } ] )
except :
logger . warning ( ' Unable to update config ' )
## Check if influxdbaddr is in config
if influxdbaddr is None :
logger . info ( " INIT Influxdbaddr " )
try :
2022-02-04 20:48:55 +01:00
await self . cbpi . config . add ( " INFLUXDBADDR " , " localhost " , ConfigType . STRING , " IP Address of your influxdb server (If INFLUXDBCLOUD set to Yes use URL Address of your influxdb cloud server) " )
2021-12-14 07:20:22 +01:00
except :
logger . warning ( ' Unable to update config ' )
## Check if influxdbport is in config
if influxdbport is None :
logger . info ( " INIT Influxdbport " )
try :
await self . cbpi . config . add ( " INFLUXDBPORT " , " 8086 " , ConfigType . STRING , " Port of your influxdb server " )
except :
logger . warning ( ' Unable to update config ' )
## Check if influxdbname is in config
if influxdbname is None :
logger . info ( " INIT Influxdbname " )
try :
2022-02-04 20:48:55 +01:00
await self . cbpi . config . add ( " INFLUXDBNAME " , " cbpi4 " , ConfigType . STRING , " Name of your influxdb database name (If INFLUXDBCLOUD set to Yes use bucket of your influxdb cloud database) " )
2021-12-14 07:20:22 +01:00
except :
logger . warning ( ' Unable to update config ' )
2022-02-04 20:48:55 +01:00
## Check if influxduser is in config
2021-12-14 07:20:22 +01:00
if influxdbuser is None :
logger . info ( " INIT Influxdbuser " )
try :
2022-02-04 20:48:55 +01:00
await self . cbpi . config . add ( " INFLUXDBUSER " , " " , ConfigType . STRING , " User name for your influxdb database (only if required)(If INFLUXDBCLOUD set to Yes use organisation of your influxdb cloud database) " )
2021-12-14 07:20:22 +01:00
except :
logger . warning ( ' Unable to update config ' )
2022-02-04 20:48:55 +01:00
## Check if influxdpwd is in config
2021-12-14 07:20:22 +01:00
if influxdbpwd is None :
logger . info ( " INIT Influxdbpwd " )
try :
2022-02-04 20:48:55 +01:00
await self . cbpi . config . add ( " INFLUXDBPWD " , " " , ConfigType . STRING , " Password for your influxdb database (only if required)(If INFLUXDBCLOUD set to Yes use token of your influxdb cloud database) " )
except :
logger . warning ( ' Unable to update config ' )
## Check if influxdb cloud is on config
if influxdbcloud is None :
logger . info ( " INIT influxdbcloud " )
try :
await self . cbpi . config . add ( " INFLUXDBCLOUD " , " No " , ConfigType . SELECT , " Write sensor data to influxdb cloud (INFLUXDB must set to Yes) " ,
[ { " label " : " Yes " , " value " : " Yes " } ,
{ " label " : " No " , " value " : " No " } ] )
2021-12-14 07:20:22 +01:00
except :
logger . warning ( ' Unable to update config ' )
2021-07-15 07:16:26 +02:00
2022-01-31 17:17:53 +01:00
if mqttupdate is None :
logger . info ( " INIT MQTT update frequency for Kettles and Fermenters " )
try :
2022-02-04 17:08:10 +01:00
await self . cbpi . config . add ( " MQTTUpdate " , 0 , ConfigType . SELECT , " Forced MQTT Update frequency in s for Kettle and Fermenter (no changes in payload required). Restart required after change " ,
2022-01-31 17:17:53 +01:00
[ { " label " : " 30 " , " value " : 30 } ,
{ " label " : " 60 " , " value " : 60 } ,
{ " label " : " 120 " , " value " : 120 } ,
{ " label " : " 300 " , " value " : 300 } ,
{ " label " : " Never " , " value " : 0 } ] )
except :
logger . warning ( ' Unable to update database ' )
2022-04-03 12:37:34 +02:00
## Check if PRESSURE_UNIT is in config
if PRESSURE_UNIT is None :
logger . info ( " INIT PRESSURE_UNIT " )
try :
await self . cbpi . config . add ( " PRESSURE_UNIT " , " kPa " , ConfigType . SELECT , " Set unit for pressure " ,
[ { " label " : " kPa " , " value " : " kPa " } ,
{ " label " : " PSI " , " value " : " PSI " } ] )
except :
logger . warning ( ' Unable to update config ' )
2022-07-19 09:39:27 +02:00
# check if SENSOR_LOG_BACKUP_COUNT exists in config
logger . info ( " INIT SENSOR_LOG_BACKUP_COUNT " )
try :
await self . cbpi . config . add ( " SENSOR_LOG_BACKUP_COUNT " , 3 , ConfigType . NUMBER , " Max. number of backup logs " )
except :
logger . warning ( ' Unable to update database ' )
# check if SENSOR_LOG_MAX_BYTES exists in config
2022-07-19 18:27:10 +02:00
logger . info ( " Init maximum size of sensor logfiles " )
2022-07-19 09:39:27 +02:00
try :
2022-07-21 10:27:54 +02:00
await self . cbpi . config . add ( " SENSOR_LOG_MAX_BYTES " , 100000 , ConfigType . NUMBER , " Max. number of bytes in sensor logs " )
2022-07-19 09:39:27 +02:00
except :
logger . warning ( ' Unable to update database ' )
2022-07-21 10:27:54 +02:00
# Check if slow_pipe_animation is in config
if slow_pipe_animation is None :
logger . info ( " INIT slow_pipe_animation " )
try :
await self . cbpi . config . add ( " slow_pipe_animation " , " Yes " , ConfigType . SELECT , " Slow down dashboard pipe animation taking up close to 100 % o f the CPU ' s capacity " ,
[ { " label " : " Yes " , " value " : " Yes " } ,
{ " label " : " No " , " value " : " No " } ] )
except :
logger . warning ( ' Unable to update config ' )
2022-12-02 20:05:30 +01:00
## Check if NOTIFY_ON_ERROR is in config
if NOTIFY_ON_ERROR is None :
logger . info ( " INIT NOTIFY_ON_ERROR " )
try :
await self . cbpi . config . add ( " NOTIFY_ON_ERROR " , " No " , ConfigType . SELECT , " Send Notification on Logging Error " ,
[ { " label " : " Yes " , " value " : " Yes " } ,
{ " label " : " No " , " value " : " No " } ] )
except :
logger . warning ( ' Unable to update config ' )
2021-07-15 07:16:26 +02:00
def setup ( cbpi ) :
cbpi . plugin . register ( " ConfigUpdate " , ConfigUpdate )