Change for sensor plugins.
Will update also mqtt per default when push_update is called.
But if False is send for mqtt parameter, only web interface will be updated.
-> Good for sensors that retrieve values only once per minute or so
-> WI can be continuosly updated with current value and no empty value is displayed, but mqtt does not nee to be updated
(example ispindel, scd30 sensor, kettle sensor, Hydrom/Tilt,....)
Plugins will be updated later in main branches
-> sensor values are updated under sensordata/{sensorid}
One topic for each sensor to keep data small (esp compatibility)
actor, kettle, sensor, fermenter, steps are updated also for each id individually to keep packets small
e.g. actorupdate/{actorid}
This was proposed by Innuendo to ensure compatibility with the ESP based MQTTDevice