# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import asyncio from aiohttp import web from cbpi.api import * import time from datetime import datetime import re import logging from cbpi.api.dataclasses import NotificationAction, NotificationType cache = {} @parameters([Property.Text(label="Key", configurable=True, description="Http Key"), Property.Number(label="Timeout", configurable="True",unit="sec",description="Timeout in seconds to send notification (default:60 | deactivated: 0)"), Property.Kettle(label="Kettle", description="Reduced logging if Kettle is inactive / range warning in dashboard (only Kettle or Fermenter to be selected)"), Property.Fermenter(label="Fermenter", description="Reduced logging in seconds if Fermenter is inactive / range warning in dashboard (only Kettle or Fermenter to be selected)"), Property.Number(label="ReducedLogging", configurable=True, description="Reduced logging frequency in seconds if selected Kettle or Fermenter is inactive (default: 60 sec | disabled: 0)"), Property.Number(label="TempRange", configurable=True, unit="degree", description="Temp range in degree between reading and target temp of fermenter/kettle. Larger difference shows different color in dashboard (default:0 | deactivated: 0)") ]) class HTTPSensor(CBPiSensor): def __init__(self, cbpi, id, props): super(HTTPSensor, self).__init__(cbpi, id, props) self.running = True self.value = 0 self.timeout=int(self.props.get("Timeout", 60)) self.starttime = time.time() self.notificationsend = False self.nextchecktime=self.starttime+self.timeout self.sensor=self.get_sensor(self.id) self.lastdata=time.time() self.lastlog=0 self.reducedfrequency=int(self.props.get("ReducedLogging", 60)) if self.reducedfrequency < 0: self.reducedfrequency = 0 self.kettleid=self.props.get("Kettle", None) self.fermenterid=self.props.get("Fermenter", None) self.temprange=float(self.props.get("TempRange", 0)) self.reducedlogging = True if self.kettleid or self.fermenterid else False if self.kettleid is not None and self.fermenterid is not None: self.reducedlogging=False self.cbpi.notify("HTTPSensor", "Sensor '" + str(self.sensor.name) + "' cant't have Fermenter and Kettle defined for reduced logging / range warning", NotificationType.WARNING, action=[NotificationAction("OK", self.Confirm)]) async def Confirm(self, **kwargs): self.nextchecktime = time.time() + self.timeout self.notificationsend = False pass async def message(self): target_timestring= datetime.fromtimestamp(self.lastdata) self.cbpi.notify("HTTPSensor Timeout", "Sensor '" + str(self.sensor.name) + "' did not respond. Last data received: "+target_timestring.strftime("%D %H:%M"), NotificationType.WARNING, action=[NotificationAction("OK", self.Confirm)]) pass async def run(self): ''' This method is executed asynchronousely In this example the code is executed every second ''' while self.running is True: self.kettle = self.get_kettle(self.kettleid) if self.kettleid is not None else None self.fermenter = self.get_fermenter(self.fermenterid) if self.fermenterid is not None else None if self.timeout !=0: currenttime=time.time() if currenttime > self.nextchecktime and self.notificationsend == False: await self.message() self.notificationsend=True try: cache_value = cache.pop(self.props.get("Key"), None) if cache_value is not None: self.value = float(cache_value) self.push_update(self.value) if self.reducedlogging: await self.logvalue() else: self.log_data(self.value) self.lastlog = time.time() if self.timeout !=0: self.nextchecktime = currenttime + self.timeout self.notificationsend = False self.lastdata=time.time() except Exception as e: logging.error(e) pass await asyncio.sleep(1) async def logvalue(self): now=time.time() if self.kettle is not None: try: kettlestatus=self.kettle.instance.state except: kettlestatus=False if kettlestatus: self.log_data(self.value) logging.info("Kettle Active") self.lastlog = time.time() else: logging.info("Kettle Inactive") if self.reducedfrequency != 0: if now >= self.lastlog + self.reducedfrequency: self.log_data(self.value) self.lastlog = time.time() logging.info("Logged with reduced freqency") pass if self.fermenter is not None: try: fermenterstatus=self.fermenter.instance.state except: fermenterstatus=False if fermenterstatus: self.log_data(self.value) logging.info("Fermenter Active") self.lastlog = time.time() else: logging.info("Fermenter Inactive") if self.reducedfrequency != 0: if now >= self.lastlog + self.reducedfrequency: self.log_data(self.value) self.lastlog = time.time() logging.info("Logged with reduced freqency") pass def get_state(self): # return the current state of the sensor return dict(value=self.value) class HTTPSensorEndpoint(CBPiExtension): def __init__(self, cbpi): ''' Initializer :param cbpi: ''' self.pattern_check = re.compile("^[a-zA-Z0-9,.]{0,10}$") self.cbpi = cbpi # register component for http, events # In addtion the sub folder static is exposed to access static content via http self.cbpi.register(self, "/httpsensor") @request_mapping(path="/{key}/{value}", auth_required=False) async def http_new_value2(self, request): """ --- description: Kettle Heater on tags: - HttpSensor parameters: - name: "key" in: "path" description: "Sensor Key" required: true type: "string" - name: "value" in: "path" description: "Value" required: true type: "integer" format: "int64" responses: "204": description: successful operation """ global cache key = request.match_info['key'] value = request.match_info['value'] if self.pattern_check.match(key) is None: return web.json_response(status=422, data={'error': "Key not matching pattern ^[a-zA-Z0-9,.]{0,10}$"}) if self.pattern_check.match(value) is None: return web.json_response(status=422, data={'error': "Data not matching pattern ^[a-zA-Z0-9,.]{0,10}$"}) cache[key] = value return web.Response(status=204) def setup(cbpi): ''' This method is called by the server during startup Here you need to register your plugins at the server :param cbpi: the cbpi core :return: ''' cbpi.plugin.register("HTTPSensor", HTTPSensor) cbpi.plugin.register("HTTPSensorEndpoint", HTTPSensorEndpoint)