# CraftBeerPi 4 [![Build](https://github.com/avollkopf/craftbeerpi4/actions/workflows/build.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/avollkopf/craftbeerpi4/actions/workflows/build.yml) [![GitHub license](https://img.shields.io/github/license/avollkopf/craftbeerpi4)](https://github.com/avollkopf/craftbeerpi4/blob/master/LICENSE) ![GitHub issues](https://img.shields.io/github/issues-raw/Manuel83/craftbeerpi4) ![PyPI](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/cbpi) ![Happy Brewing](https://img.shields.io/badge/CraftBeerPi%204-Happy%20Brewing-%23FBB117)

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CraftBeerPi 4 is an open source software solution to control the brewing and fermentation of beer :beer:. ## 📚 Documentation Instructions on how to install CraftBeerPi and use its plugins is described in the documentation, that can be found here: [gitbook.io](https://openbrewing.gitbook.io/craftbeerpi4_support/). ### Plugins Plugins extend the base functionality of CraftBeerPi 4. You can find a list of available plugins [here](https://openbrewing.gitbook.io/craftbeerpi4_support/master/plugin-installation#plugin-list). ### Docker image While CraftbeerPi is primarily created to be run on a RaspberryPi you can also use a docker image to run it. This let's you try CraftBeerPi quickly without much installation overhead. It can also be very handy when developing your own plugins. Images are currently available for `arm64` and `amd64` architectures. That means, that they won't run on a RaspberryPi unless you installed a 64bit version of the OS. This is only a requirement for the docker image, not if you install CraftBeerPi on the pi directly. ### Start a container You can also use the image in your real setup with docker or docker-compose (or other orchestrators). ```bash # setup the configuration directory for later use in a volume mount (must be done once) mkdir config && chown :1000 config docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)/config:/cbpi/config" ghcr.io/avollkopf/craftbeerpi4:latest cbpi setup # run craftbeerpi docker run -d -v "$(pwd)/config:/cbpi/config" -p 8000:8000 ghcr.io/avollkopf/craftbeerpi4:latest ``` or as compose file ```yml version: "3.7" services: craftbeerpi: image: ghcr.io/avollkopf/craftbeerpi4:latest volumes: - "./config:/cbpi/config" ports: - 8000:8000 ``` Please note that this setup does not include GPIO functionality for CraftBeerPi 4. You may be lucky with one of the methods described here to get it to work: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30059784/docker-access-to-raspberry-pi-gpio-pins #### Install plugins in the container You can create your own image based on `ghcr.io/avollkopf/craftbeerpi4` and install plugins as `RUN` commands in the docker file as you would in a regular environment. Sample `Dockerfile` ```Dockerfile FROM ghcr.io/avollkopf/craftbeerpi4:vXX.XX.XX.XX # Switch to root user for installing plugins USER root # Install plugins RUN pip3 install --no-cache-dir cbpi4-pt100x # Don't forget to switch back to craftbeerpi user USER craftbeerpi # Add plugin to craftbeerpi RUN cbpi add cbpi4-pt100x ``` Then build the image ```bash docker build . -t yourimagename ``` Then build and use your image in the `docker run` command or `docker-compose` file. ## 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Contributers Thanks to all the people who have contributed [![contributors](https://contributors-img.web.app/image?repo=avollkopf/craftbeerpi4)](https://github.com/avollkopf/craftbeerpi4/graphs/contributors)