# Copyright 2018 John Reese # Licensed under the MIT license """ Simple perf tests for aiosqlite and the asyncio run loop. """ import string import time import aiounittest import aiosqlite from .smoke import setup_logger TEST_DB = ":memory:" TARGET = 2.0 RESULTS = {} def timed(fn, name=None): """ Decorator for perf testing a block of async code. Expects the wrapped function to return an async generator. The generator should do setup, then yield when ready to start perf testing. The decorator will then pump the generator repeatedly until the target time has been reached, then close the generator and print perf results. """ name = name or fn.__name__ async def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): gen = fn(*args, **kwargs) await gen.asend(None) count = 0 before = time.time() while True: count += 1 value = time.time() - before < TARGET try: if value: await gen.asend(value) else: await gen.aclose() break except StopAsyncIteration: break except Exception as e: print(f"exception occurred: {e}") return duration = time.time() - before RESULTS[name] = (count, duration) return wrapper class PerfTest(aiounittest.AsyncTestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): print(f"Running perf tests for at least {TARGET:.1f}s each...") setup_logger() @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): print(f"\n{'Perf Test':<25} Iterations Duration {'Rate':>11}") for name in sorted(RESULTS): count, duration = RESULTS[name] rate = count / duration name = name.replace("test_", "") print(f"{name:<25} {count:>10} {duration:>7.1f}s {rate:>9.1f}/s") @timed async def test_atomics(self): async with aiosqlite.connect(TEST_DB) as db: await db.execute("create table perf (i integer primary key asc, k integer)") await db.execute("insert into perf (k) values (2), (3)") await db.commit() while True: yield async with db.execute("select last_insert_rowid()") as cursor: _row_id = await cursor.fetchone() @timed async def test_inserts(self): async with aiosqlite.connect(TEST_DB) as db: await db.execute("create table perf (i integer primary key asc, k integer)") await db.commit() while True: yield await db.execute("insert into perf (k) values (1), (2), (3)") await db.commit() @timed async def test_insert_ids(self): async with aiosqlite.connect(TEST_DB) as db: await db.execute("create table perf (i integer primary key asc, k integer)") await db.commit() while True: yield cursor = await db.execute("insert into perf (k) values (1)") await cursor.execute("select last_insert_rowid()") await cursor.fetchone() await db.commit() @timed async def test_insert_macro_ids(self): async with aiosqlite.connect(TEST_DB) as db: await db.execute("create table perf (i integer primary key asc, k integer)") await db.commit() while True: yield await db.execute_insert("insert into perf (k) values (1)") await db.commit() @timed async def test_select(self): async with aiosqlite.connect(TEST_DB) as db: await db.execute("create table perf (i integer primary key asc, k integer)") for i in range(100): await db.execute("insert into perf (k) values (%d)" % (i,)) await db.commit() while True: yield cursor = await db.execute("select i, k from perf") assert len(await cursor.fetchall()) == 100 @timed async def test_select_macro(self): async with aiosqlite.connect(TEST_DB) as db: await db.execute("create table perf (i integer primary key asc, k integer)") for i in range(100): await db.execute("insert into perf (k) values (%d)" % (i,)) await db.commit() while True: yield assert len(await db.execute_fetchall("select i, k from perf")) == 100 async def test_iterable_cursor_perf(self): async with aiosqlite.connect(TEST_DB) as db: await db.execute( "create table ic_perf (" "i integer primary key asc, k integer, a integer, b integer, c char(16))" ) for batch in range(128): # add 128k rows r_start = batch * 1024 await db.executemany( "insert into ic_perf (k, a, b, c) values(?, 1, 2, ?)", [ *[ (i, string.ascii_lowercase) for i in range(r_start, r_start + 1024) ] ], ) await db.commit() async def test_perf(chunk_size: int): while True: async with db.execute("SELECT * FROM ic_perf") as cursor: cursor.iter_chunk_size = chunk_size async for _ in cursor: yield for chunk_size in [2 ** i for i in range(4, 11)]: await timed(test_perf, f"iterable_cursor @ {chunk_size}")(chunk_size)