import abc import time from ipaddress import ip_address from ticket_auth import TicketFactory, TicketError from .abstract_auth import AbstractAuthentication from aiohttp import web _REISSUE_KEY = 'aiohttp_auth.auth.TktAuthentication.reissue' class TktAuthentication(AbstractAuthentication): """Ticket authentication mechanism based on the ticket_auth library. This class is an abstract class that creates a ticket and validates it. Storage of the ticket data itself is abstracted to allow different implementations to store the cookie differently (encrypted, server side etc). """ def __init__( self, secret, max_age, reissue_time=None, include_ip=False, cookie_name='AUTH_TKT'): """Initializes the ticket authentication mechanism. Args: secret: Byte sequence used to initialize the ticket factory. max_age: Integer representing the number of seconds to allow the ticket to remain valid for after being issued. reissue_time: Integer representing the number of seconds before a valid login will cause a ticket to be reissued. If this value is 0, a new ticket will be reissued on every request which requires authentication. If this value is None, no tickets will be reissued, and the max_age will always expire the ticket. include_ip: If true, requires the clients ip details when calculating the ticket hash cookie_name: Name to use to reference the ticket details. """ self._ticket = TicketFactory(secret) self._max_age = max_age if (self._max_age is not None and reissue_time is not None and reissue_time < self._max_age): self._reissue_time = max_age - reissue_time else: self._reissue_time = None self._include_ip = include_ip self._cookie_name = cookie_name @property def cookie_name(self): """Returns the name of the cookie stored in the session""" return self._cookie_name async def remember(self, request, user_id): """Called to store the userid for a request. This function creates a ticket from the request and user_id, and calls the abstract function remember_ticket() to store the ticket. Args: request: aiohttp Request object. user_id: String representing the user_id to remember """ ticket = self._new_ticket(request, user_id) await self.remember_ticket(request, ticket) async def forget(self, request): """Called to forget the userid for a request This function calls the forget_ticket() function to forget the ticket associated with this request. Args: request: aiohttp Request object """ await self.forget_ticket(request) async def get(self, request): """Gets the user_id for the request. Gets the ticket for the request using the get_ticket() function, and authenticates the ticket. Args: request: aiohttp Request object. Returns: The userid for the request, or None if the ticket is not authenticated. """ ticket = await self.get_ticket(request) if ticket is None: return None try: # Returns a tuple of (user_id, token, userdata, validuntil) now = time.time() fields = self._ticket.validate(ticket, self._get_ip(request), now) # Check if we need to reissue a ticket if (self._reissue_time is not None and now >= (fields.valid_until - self._reissue_time)): # Reissue our ticket, and save it in our request. request[_REISSUE_KEY] = self._new_ticket(request, fields.user_id) return fields.user_id except TicketError as e: return None async def process_response(self, request, response): """If a reissue was requested, only reiisue if the response was a valid 2xx response """ if _REISSUE_KEY in request: if (response.started or not isinstance(response, web.Response) or response.status < 200 or response.status > 299): return await self.remember_ticket(request, request[_REISSUE_KEY]) @abc.abstractmethod async def remember_ticket(self, request, ticket): """Abstract function called to store the ticket data for a request. Args: request: aiohttp Request object. ticket: String like object representing the ticket to be stored. """ pass @abc.abstractmethod async def forget_ticket(self, request): """Abstract function called to forget the ticket data for a request. Args: request: aiohttp Request object. """ pass @abc.abstractmethod async def get_ticket(self, request): """Abstract function called to return the ticket for a request. Args: request: aiohttp Request object. Returns: A ticket (string like) object, or None if no ticket is available for the passed request. """ pass def _get_ip(self, request): ip = None if self._include_ip: peername = request.transport.get_extra_info('peername') if peername: ip = ip_address(peername[0]) return ip def _new_ticket(self, request, user_id): ip = self._get_ip(request) valid_until = int(time.time()) + self._max_age return, valid_until=valid_until, client_ip=ip)