import asyncio from core.api import Property, on_event from core.api.kettle_logic import CBPiKettleLogic class CustomLogic(CBPiKettleLogic): test = Property.Number(label="Test") running = True async def wait_for_event(self, topic, callback=None, timeout=None): future_obj = async def default_callback(id, **kwargs): future_obj.set_result("HELLO") if callback is None: self.cbpi.bus.register(topic=topic, method=default_callback) else: callback.future = future_obj self.cbpi.bus.register(topic=topic, method=callback) if timeout is not None: try: print("----> WAIT FOR FUTURE") await asyncio.wait_for(future_obj, timeout=timeout) print("------> TIMEOUT") return future_obj.result() except asyncio.TimeoutError: print('timeout!') else: print("----> WAIT FOR FUTURE") await future_obj return future_obj.result() async def run(self): async def my_callback(value, **kwargs): if value == 5: self.cbpi.bus.unregister(my_callback) kwargs["future"].set_result("AMAZING") else: print("OTHER VALUE", value) result = await self.wait_for_event("sensor/1", callback=my_callback) print("THE RESULT", result) ''' while self.running: print("RUN", self.test) value = await self.cbpi.sensor.get_value(1) print(value) if value >= 10: break await asyncio.sleep(1) ''' print("YES IM FINISHED STOP LOGIC") def setup(cbpi): ''' This method is called by the server during startup Here you need to register your plugins at the server :param cbpi: the cbpi core :return: ''' cbpi.plugin.register("CustomKettleLogic", CustomLogic)