import itertools
from aiohttp import web
from ..auth import get_auth
from ..permissions import Permission, Group

GROUPS_KEY = 'aiohttp_auth.acl.callback'

def acl_middleware(callback):
    """Returns a aiohttp_auth.acl middleware factory for use by the aiohttp
    application object.

        callback: This is a callable which takes a user_id (as returned from
            the auth.get_auth function), and expects a sequence of permitted ACL
            groups to be returned. This can be a empty tuple to represent no
            explicit permissions, or None to explicitly forbid this particular
            user_id. Note that the user_id passed may be None if no
            authenticated user exists.

        A aiohttp middleware factory.
    async def _acl_middleware_factory(app, handler):

        async def _middleware_handler(request):
            # Save the policy in the request
            request[GROUPS_KEY] = callback

            # Call the next handler in the chain
            return await handler(request)

        return _middleware_handler

    return _acl_middleware_factory

async def get_user_groups(request):
    """Returns the groups that the user in this request has access to.

    This function gets the user id from the auth.get_auth function, and passes
    it to the ACL callback function to get the groups.

        request: aiohttp Request object

        If the ACL callback function returns None, this function returns None.
        Otherwise this function returns the sequence of group permissions
        provided by the callback, plus the Everyone group. If user_id is not
        None, the AuthnticatedUser group and the user_id are added to the
        groups returned by the function

        RuntimeError: If the ACL middleware is not installed
    acl_callback = request.get(GROUPS_KEY)
    if acl_callback is None:
        raise RuntimeError('acl_middleware not installed')

    user_id = await get_auth(request)
    groups = await acl_callback(user_id)
    if groups is None:
        return None

    user_groups = (Group.AuthenticatedUser, user_id) if user_id is not None else ()

    return set(itertools.chain(groups, (Group.Everyone,), user_groups))

async def get_permitted(request, permission, context):
    """Returns true if the one of the groups in the request has the requested

    The function takes a request, a permission to check for and a context. A
    context is a sequence of ACL tuples which consist of a Allow/Deny action,
    a group, and a sequence of permissions for that ACL group. For example::

        context = [(Permission.Allow, 'view_group', ('view',)),
                   (Permission.Allow, 'edit_group', ('view', 'edit')),]

    ACL tuple sequences are checked in order, with the first tuple that matches
    the group the user is a member of, and includes the permission passed to
    the function, to be the matching ACL group. If no ACL group is found, the
    function returns False.

    Groups and permissions need only be immutable objects, so can be strings,
    numbers, enumerations, or other immutable objects.

        request: aiohttp Request object
        permission: The specific permission requested.
        context: A sequence of ACL tuples

        The function gets the groups by calling get_user_groups() and returns
        true if the groups are Allowed the requested permission, false

        RuntimeError: If the ACL middleware is not installed

    groups = await get_user_groups(request)
    if groups is None:
        return False

    for action, group, permissions in context:
        if group in groups:
            if permission in permissions:
                return action == Permission.Allow

    return False