import asyncio
from cbpi.api.dataclasses import NotificationType
import logging
import shortuuid
class NotificationController:

    def __init__(self, cbpi):
        :param cbpi: craftbeerpi object
        self.cbpi = cbpi
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self.callback_cache = {}    
        self.listener = {}
    def add_listener(self, method):
        listener_id = shortuuid.uuid()
        self.listener[listener_id] = method
        return listener_id

    def remove_listener(self, listener_id):
            del self.listener[listener_id] 
            self.logger.error("Faild to remove listener {}".format(listener_id))

    async def _call_listener(self, title, message, type, action):
        for id, method in self.listener.items():
            print(id, method)
            asyncio.create_task(method(self.cbpi, title, message, type, action ))

    def notify(self, title, message: str, type: NotificationType = NotificationType.INFO, action=[]) -> None:
        This is a convinience method to send notification to the client
        :param key: notification key
        :param message: notification message
        :param type: notification type (info,warning,danger,successs)
        notifcation_id = shortuuid.uuid()
        def prepare_action(item):
   = shortuuid.uuid()
            return item.to_dict()

        actions = list(map(lambda item: prepare_action(item), action))
        self.callback_cache[notifcation_id] = action, topic="notifiaction", type=type.value, title=title, message=message, action=actions))
        data = dict(type=type.value, title=title, message=message, action=actions)
        self.cbpi.push_update(topic="cbpi/notification", data=data)
        asyncio.create_task(self._call_listener(title, message, type, action))

    def notify_callback(self, notification_id, action_id) -> None:
            action = next((item for item in self.callback_cache[notification_id]  if == action_id), None)
            if action.method is not None:
            del self.callback_cache[notification_id]
        except Exception as e:
            self.logger.error("Faild to call notificatoin callback")