import builtins import sys import datetime as dt from abc import abstractmethod from types import TracebackType from contextlib import ContextDecorator from numpy.core._internal import _ctypes from numpy.typing import ( ArrayLike, DTypeLike, _Shape, _ShapeLike, _CharLike, _BoolLike, _IntLike, _FloatLike, _ComplexLike, _NumberLike, _SupportsDType, _VoidDTypeLike, NBitBase, _64Bit, _32Bit, _16Bit, _8Bit, ) from numpy.typing._callable import ( _BoolOp, _BoolBitOp, _BoolSub, _BoolTrueDiv, _BoolMod, _BoolDivMod, _TD64Div, _IntTrueDiv, _UnsignedIntOp, _UnsignedIntBitOp, _UnsignedIntMod, _UnsignedIntDivMod, _SignedIntOp, _SignedIntBitOp, _SignedIntMod, _SignedIntDivMod, _FloatOp, _FloatMod, _FloatDivMod, _ComplexOp, _NumberOp, ) from typing import ( Any, ByteString, Callable, Container, Callable, Dict, Generic, IO, Iterable, List, Mapping, Optional, overload, Sequence, Sized, SupportsComplex, SupportsFloat, SupportsInt, Text, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union, ) if sys.version_info >= (3, 8): from typing import Literal, Protocol, SupportsIndex, Final else: from typing_extensions import Literal, Protocol, Final class SupportsIndex(Protocol): def __index__(self) -> int: ... # Ensures that the stubs are picked up from numpy import ( char, ctypeslib, emath, fft, lib, linalg, ma, matrixlib, polynomial, random, rec, testing, version, ) from numpy.core.function_base import ( linspace, logspace, geomspace, ) from numpy.core.fromnumeric import ( take, reshape, choose, repeat, put, swapaxes, transpose, partition, argpartition, sort, argsort, argmax, argmin, searchsorted, resize, squeeze, diagonal, trace, ravel, nonzero, shape, compress, clip, sum, all, any, cumsum, ptp, amax, amin, prod, cumprod, ndim, size, around, mean, std, var, ) from numpy.core._asarray import ( asarray as asarray, asanyarray as asanyarray, ascontiguousarray as ascontiguousarray, asfortranarray as asfortranarray, require as require, ) from numpy.core._type_aliases import ( sctypes as sctypes, sctypeDict as sctypeDict, ) from numpy.core._ufunc_config import ( seterr as seterr, geterr as geterr, setbufsize as setbufsize, getbufsize as getbufsize, seterrcall as seterrcall, geterrcall as geterrcall, _SupportsWrite, _ErrKind, _ErrFunc, _ErrDictOptional, ) from numpy.core.numeric import ( zeros_like as zeros_like, ones as ones, ones_like as ones_like, empty_like as empty_like, full as full, full_like as full_like, count_nonzero as count_nonzero, isfortran as isfortran, argwhere as argwhere, flatnonzero as flatnonzero, correlate as correlate, convolve as convolve, outer as outer, tensordot as tensordot, roll as roll, rollaxis as rollaxis, moveaxis as moveaxis, cross as cross, indices as indices, fromfunction as fromfunction, isscalar as isscalar, binary_repr as binary_repr, base_repr as base_repr, identity as identity, allclose as allclose, isclose as isclose, array_equal as array_equal, array_equiv as array_equiv, ) from numpy.core.numerictypes import ( maximum_sctype as maximum_sctype, issctype as issctype, obj2sctype as obj2sctype, issubclass_ as issubclass_, issubsctype as issubsctype, issubdtype as issubdtype, sctype2char as sctype2char, find_common_type as find_common_type, ) from numpy.core.shape_base import ( atleast_1d as atleast_1d, atleast_2d as atleast_2d, atleast_3d as atleast_3d, block as block, hstack as hstack, stack as stack, vstack as vstack, ) # Add an object to `__all__` if their stubs are defined in an external file; # their stubs will not be recognized otherwise. # NOTE: This is redundant for objects defined within this file. __all__ = [ "linspace", "logspace", "geomspace", "take", "reshape", "choose", "repeat", "put", "swapaxes", "transpose", "partition", "argpartition", "sort", "argsort", "argmax", "argmin", "searchsorted", "resize", "squeeze", "diagonal", "trace", "ravel", "nonzero", "shape", "compress", "clip", "sum", "all", "any", "cumsum", "ptp", "amax", "amin", "prod", "cumprod", "ndim", "size", "around", "mean", "std", "var", ] __path__: List[str] __version__: str DataSource: Any MachAr: Any ScalarType: Any angle: Any append: Any apply_along_axis: Any apply_over_axes: Any arange: Any array2string: Any array_repr: Any array_split: Any array_str: Any asarray_chkfinite: Any asfarray: Any asmatrix: Any asscalar: Any average: Any bartlett: Any bincount: Any bitwise_not: Any blackman: Any bmat: Any bool8: Any broadcast: Any broadcast_arrays: Any broadcast_to: Any busday_count: Any busday_offset: Any busdaycalendar: Any byte: Any byte_bounds: Any bytes0: Any c_: Any can_cast: Any cast: Any cdouble: Any cfloat: Any chararray: Any clongdouble: Any clongfloat: Any column_stack: Any common_type: Any compare_chararrays: Any complex256: Any complex_: Any concatenate: Any conj: Any copy: Any copyto: Any corrcoef: Any cov: Any csingle: Any cumproduct: Any datetime_as_string: Any datetime_data: Any delete: Any deprecate: Any deprecate_with_doc: Any diag: Any diag_indices: Any diag_indices_from: Any diagflat: Any diff: Any digitize: Any disp: Any divide: Any dot: Any double: Any dsplit: Any dstack: Any ediff1d: Any einsum: Any einsum_path: Any expand_dims: Any extract: Any eye: Any fill_diagonal: Any finfo: Any fix: Any flip: Any fliplr: Any flipud: Any float128: Any float_: Any format_float_positional: Any format_float_scientific: Any format_parser: Any frombuffer: Any fromfile: Any fromiter: Any frompyfunc: Any fromregex: Any fromstring: Any genfromtxt: Any get_include: Any get_printoptions: Any geterrobj: Any gradient: Any half: Any hamming: Any hanning: Any histogram: Any histogram2d: Any histogram_bin_edges: Any histogramdd: Any hsplit: Any i0: Any iinfo: Any imag: Any in1d: Any index_exp: Any info: Any inner: Any insert: Any int0: Any int_: Any intc: Any interp: Any intersect1d: Any intp: Any is_busday: Any iscomplex: Any iscomplexobj: Any isin: Any isneginf: Any isposinf: Any isreal: Any isrealobj: Any iterable: Any ix_: Any kaiser: Any kron: Any lexsort: Any load: Any loads: Any loadtxt: Any longcomplex: Any longdouble: Any longfloat: Any longlong: Any lookfor: Any mafromtxt: Any mask_indices: Any mat: Any matrix: Any max: Any may_share_memory: Any median: Any memmap: Any meshgrid: Any mgrid: Any min: Any min_scalar_type: Any mintypecode: Any mod: Any msort: Any nan_to_num: Any nanargmax: Any nanargmin: Any nancumprod: Any nancumsum: Any nanmax: Any nanmean: Any nanmedian: Any nanmin: Any nanpercentile: Any nanprod: Any nanquantile: Any nanstd: Any nansum: Any nanvar: Any nbytes: Any ndenumerate: Any ndfromtxt: Any ndindex: Any nditer: Any nested_iters: Any newaxis: Any numarray: Any object0: Any ogrid: Any packbits: Any pad: Any percentile: Any piecewise: Any place: Any poly: Any poly1d: Any polyadd: Any polyder: Any polydiv: Any polyfit: Any polyint: Any polymul: Any polysub: Any polyval: Any printoptions: Any product: Any promote_types: Any put_along_axis: Any putmask: Any quantile: Any r_: Any ravel_multi_index: Any real: Any real_if_close: Any recarray: Any recfromcsv: Any recfromtxt: Any record: Any result_type: Any roots: Any rot90: Any round: Any round_: Any row_stack: Any s_: Any save: Any savetxt: Any savez: Any savez_compressed: Any select: Any set_printoptions: Any set_string_function: Any setdiff1d: Any seterrobj: Any setxor1d: Any shares_memory: Any short: Any show_config: Any sinc: Any single: Any singlecomplex: Any sort_complex: Any source: Any split: Any string_: Any take_along_axis: Any tile: Any trapz: Any tri: Any tril: Any tril_indices: Any tril_indices_from: Any trim_zeros: Any triu: Any triu_indices: Any triu_indices_from: Any typeDict: Any typecodes: Any typename: Any ubyte: Any uint: Any uint0: Any uintc: Any uintp: Any ulonglong: Any union1d: Any unique: Any unpackbits: Any unravel_index: Any unwrap: Any ushort: Any vander: Any vdot: Any vectorize: Any void0: Any vsplit: Any where: Any who: Any _NdArraySubClass = TypeVar("_NdArraySubClass", bound=ndarray) _DTypeScalar = TypeVar("_DTypeScalar", bound=generic) _ByteOrder = Literal["S", "<", ">", "=", "|", "L", "B", "N", "I"] class dtype(Generic[_DTypeScalar]): names: Optional[Tuple[str, ...]] # Overload for subclass of generic @overload def __new__( cls, dtype: Type[_DTypeScalar], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., ) -> dtype[_DTypeScalar]: ... # Overloads for string aliases, Python types, and some assorted # other special cases. Order is sometimes important because of the # subtype relationships # # bool < int < float < complex # # so we have to make sure the overloads for the narrowest type is # first. @overload def __new__( cls, dtype: Union[ Type[bool], Literal[ "?", "=?", "?", "bool", "bool_", ], ], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., ) -> dtype[bool_]: ... @overload def __new__( cls, dtype: Literal[ "uint8", "u1", "=u1", "u1", ], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., ) -> dtype[uint8]: ... @overload def __new__( cls, dtype: Literal[ "uint16", "u2", "=u2", "u2", ], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., ) -> dtype[uint16]: ... @overload def __new__( cls, dtype: Literal[ "uint32", "u4", "=u4", "u4", ], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., ) -> dtype[uint32]: ... @overload def __new__( cls, dtype: Literal[ "uint64", "u8", "=u8", "u8", ], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., ) -> dtype[uint64]: ... @overload def __new__( cls, dtype: Literal[ "int8", "i1", "=i1", "i1", ], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., ) -> dtype[int8]: ... @overload def __new__( cls, dtype: Literal[ "int16", "i2", "=i2", "i2", ], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., ) -> dtype[int16]: ... @overload def __new__( cls, dtype: Literal[ "int32", "i4", "=i4", "i4", ], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., ) -> dtype[int32]: ... @overload def __new__( cls, dtype: Literal[ "int64", "i8", "=i8", "i8", ], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., ) -> dtype[int64]: ... # "int"/int resolve to int_, which is system dependent and as of # now untyped. Long-term we'll do something fancier here. @overload def __new__( cls, dtype: Union[Type[int], Literal["int"]], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., ) -> dtype: ... @overload def __new__( cls, dtype: Literal[ "float16", "f4", "=f4", "f4", "e", "=e", "e", "half", ], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., ) -> dtype[float16]: ... @overload def __new__( cls, dtype: Literal[ "float32", "f4", "=f4", "f4", "f", "=f", "f", "single", ], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., ) -> dtype[float32]: ... @overload def __new__( cls, dtype: Union[ None, Type[float], Literal[ "float64", "f8", "=f8", "f8", "d", "d", "float", "double", "float_", ], ], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., ) -> dtype[float64]: ... @overload def __new__( cls, dtype: Literal[ "complex64", "c8", "=c8", "c8", "F", "=F", "F", ], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., ) -> dtype[complex64]: ... @overload def __new__( cls, dtype: Union[ Type[complex], Literal[ "complex128", "c16", "=c16", "c16", "D", "=D", "D", ], ], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., ) -> dtype[complex128]: ... @overload def __new__( cls, dtype: Union[ Type[bytes], Literal[ "S", "=S", "S", "bytes", "bytes_", "bytes0", ], ], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., ) -> dtype[bytes_]: ... @overload def __new__( cls, dtype: Union[ Type[str], Literal[ "U", "=U", # U intentionally not included; they are not # the same dtype and which one dtype("U") translates # to is platform-dependent. "str", "str_", "str0", ], ], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., ) -> dtype[str_]: ... # dtype of a dtype is the same dtype @overload def __new__( cls, dtype: dtype[_DTypeScalar], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., ) -> dtype[_DTypeScalar]: ... # TODO: handle _SupportsDType better @overload def __new__( cls, dtype: _SupportsDType, align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., ) -> dtype[Any]: ... # Handle strings that can't be expressed as literals; i.e. s1, s2, ... @overload def __new__( cls, dtype: str, align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., ) -> dtype[Any]: ... # Catchall overload @overload def __new__( cls, dtype: _VoidDTypeLike, align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., ) -> dtype[void]: ... def __eq__(self, other: DTypeLike) -> bool: ... def __ne__(self, other: DTypeLike) -> bool: ... def __gt__(self, other: DTypeLike) -> bool: ... def __ge__(self, other: DTypeLike) -> bool: ... def __lt__(self, other: DTypeLike) -> bool: ... def __le__(self, other: DTypeLike) -> bool: ... @property def alignment(self) -> int: ... @property def base(self) -> dtype: ... @property def byteorder(self) -> str: ... @property def char(self) -> str: ... @property def descr(self) -> List[Union[Tuple[str, str], Tuple[str, str, _Shape]]]: ... @property def fields( self, ) -> Optional[Mapping[str, Union[Tuple[dtype, int], Tuple[dtype, int, Any]]]]: ... @property def flags(self) -> int: ... @property def hasobject(self) -> bool: ... @property def isbuiltin(self) -> int: ... @property def isnative(self) -> bool: ... @property def isalignedstruct(self) -> bool: ... @property def itemsize(self) -> int: ... @property def kind(self) -> str: ... @property def metadata(self) -> Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]: ... @property def name(self) -> str: ... @property def num(self) -> int: ... @property def shape(self) -> _Shape: ... @property def ndim(self) -> int: ... @property def subdtype(self) -> Optional[Tuple[dtype, _Shape]]: ... def newbyteorder(self, __new_order: _ByteOrder = ...) -> dtype: ... # Leave str and type for end to avoid having to use `builtins.str` # everywhere. See @property def str(self) -> builtins.str: ... @property def type(self) -> Type[generic]: ... _DType = dtype # to avoid name conflicts with ndarray.dtype class _flagsobj: aligned: bool updateifcopy: bool writeable: bool writebackifcopy: bool @property def behaved(self) -> bool: ... @property def c_contiguous(self) -> bool: ... @property def carray(self) -> bool: ... @property def contiguous(self) -> bool: ... @property def f_contiguous(self) -> bool: ... @property def farray(self) -> bool: ... @property def fnc(self) -> bool: ... @property def forc(self) -> bool: ... @property def fortran(self) -> bool: ... @property def num(self) -> int: ... @property def owndata(self) -> bool: ... def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> bool: ... def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: bool) -> None: ... _ArrayLikeInt = Union[ int, integer, Sequence[Union[int, integer]], Sequence[Sequence[Any]], # TODO: wait for support for recursive types ndarray ] _FlatIterSelf = TypeVar("_FlatIterSelf", bound=flatiter) class flatiter(Generic[_ArraySelf]): @property def base(self) -> _ArraySelf: ... @property def coords(self) -> _Shape: ... @property def index(self) -> int: ... def copy(self) -> _ArraySelf: ... def __iter__(self: _FlatIterSelf) -> _FlatIterSelf: ... def __next__(self) -> generic: ... def __len__(self) -> int: ... @overload def __getitem__(self, key: Union[int, integer]) -> generic: ... @overload def __getitem__( self, key: Union[_ArrayLikeInt, slice, ellipsis], ) -> _ArraySelf: ... def __array__(self, __dtype: DTypeLike = ...) -> ndarray: ... _OrderKACF = Optional[Literal["K", "A", "C", "F"]] _OrderACF = Optional[Literal["A", "C", "F"]] _OrderCF = Optional[Literal["C", "F"]] _ModeKind = Literal["raise", "wrap", "clip"] _PartitionKind = Literal["introselect"] _SortKind = Literal["quicksort", "mergesort", "heapsort", "stable"] _SortSide = Literal["left", "right"] _ArrayLikeBool = Union[_BoolLike, Sequence[_BoolLike], ndarray] _ArrayLikeIntOrBool = Union[ _IntLike, _BoolLike, ndarray, Sequence[_IntLike], Sequence[_BoolLike], Sequence[Sequence[Any]], # TODO: wait for support for recursive types ] _ArraySelf = TypeVar("_ArraySelf", bound=_ArrayOrScalarCommon) class _ArrayOrScalarCommon: @property def T(self: _ArraySelf) -> _ArraySelf: ... @property def data(self) -> memoryview: ... @property def flags(self) -> _flagsobj: ... @property def itemsize(self) -> int: ... @property def nbytes(self) -> int: ... def __array__(self, __dtype: DTypeLike = ...) -> ndarray: ... def __bool__(self) -> bool: ... def __bytes__(self) -> bytes: ... def __str__(self) -> str: ... def __repr__(self) -> str: ... def __copy__(self: _ArraySelf) -> _ArraySelf: ... def __deepcopy__(self: _ArraySelf, __memo: Optional[dict] = ...) -> _ArraySelf: ... def __lt__(self, other): ... def __le__(self, other): ... def __eq__(self, other): ... def __ne__(self, other): ... def __gt__(self, other): ... def __ge__(self, other): ... def astype( self: _ArraySelf, dtype: DTypeLike, order: _OrderKACF = ..., casting: _Casting = ..., subok: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., ) -> _ArraySelf: ... def copy(self: _ArraySelf, order: _OrderKACF = ...) -> _ArraySelf: ... def dump(self, file: str) -> None: ... def dumps(self) -> bytes: ... def flatten(self, order: _OrderKACF = ...) -> ndarray: ... def getfield( self: _ArraySelf, dtype: DTypeLike, offset: int = ... ) -> _ArraySelf: ... def ravel(self, order: _OrderKACF = ...) -> ndarray: ... @overload def reshape( self, __shape: Sequence[int], *, order: _OrderACF = ... ) -> ndarray: ... @overload def reshape( self, *shape: int, order: _OrderACF = ... ) -> ndarray: ... def tobytes(self, order: _OrderKACF = ...) -> bytes: ... # NOTE: `tostring()` is deprecated and therefore excluded # def tostring(self, order=...): ... def tofile( self, fid: Union[IO[bytes], str], sep: str = ..., format: str = ... ) -> None: ... # generics and 0d arrays return builtin scalars def tolist(self) -> Any: ... @overload def view(self, type: Type[_NdArraySubClass]) -> _NdArraySubClass: ... @overload def view(self: _ArraySelf, dtype: DTypeLike = ...) -> _ArraySelf: ... @overload def view( self, dtype: DTypeLike, type: Type[_NdArraySubClass] ) -> _NdArraySubClass: ... # TODO: Add proper signatures def __getitem__(self, key) -> Any: ... @property def __array_interface__(self): ... @property def __array_priority__(self): ... @property def __array_struct__(self): ... def __array_wrap__(array, context=...): ... def __setstate__(self, __state): ... # a `bool_` is returned when `keepdims=True` and `self` is a 0d array @overload def all( self, axis: None = ..., out: None = ..., keepdims: Literal[False] = ... ) -> bool_: ... @overload def all( self, axis: Optional[_ShapeLike] = ..., out: None = ..., keepdims: bool = ... ) -> Union[bool_, ndarray]: ... @overload def all( self, axis: Optional[_ShapeLike] = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ..., keepdims: bool = ..., ) -> _NdArraySubClass: ... @overload def any( self, axis: None = ..., out: None = ..., keepdims: Literal[False] = ... ) -> bool_: ... @overload def any( self, axis: Optional[_ShapeLike] = ..., out: None = ..., keepdims: bool = ... ) -> Union[bool_, ndarray]: ... @overload def any( self, axis: Optional[_ShapeLike] = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ..., keepdims: bool = ..., ) -> _NdArraySubClass: ... @overload def argmax(self, axis: None = ..., out: None = ...) -> signedinteger: ... @overload def argmax( self, axis: _ShapeLike = ..., out: None = ... ) -> Union[signedinteger, ndarray]: ... @overload def argmax( self, axis: Optional[_ShapeLike] = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ... ) -> _NdArraySubClass: ... @overload def argmin(self, axis: None = ..., out: None = ...) -> signedinteger: ... @overload def argmin( self, axis: _ShapeLike = ..., out: None = ... ) -> Union[signedinteger, ndarray]: ... @overload def argmin( self, axis: Optional[_ShapeLike] = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ... ) -> _NdArraySubClass: ... def argsort( self, axis: Optional[int] = ..., kind: Optional[_SortKind] = ..., order: Union[None, str, Sequence[str]] = ..., ) -> ndarray: ... @overload def choose( self, choices: ArrayLike, out: None = ..., mode: _ModeKind = ..., ) -> ndarray: ... @overload def choose( self, choices: ArrayLike, out: _NdArraySubClass = ..., mode: _ModeKind = ..., ) -> _NdArraySubClass: ... @overload def clip( self, min: ArrayLike = ..., max: Optional[ArrayLike] = ..., out: None = ..., **kwargs: Any, ) -> Union[number, ndarray]: ... @overload def clip( self, min: None = ..., max: ArrayLike = ..., out: None = ..., **kwargs: Any, ) -> Union[number, ndarray]: ... @overload def clip( self, min: ArrayLike = ..., max: Optional[ArrayLike] = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ..., **kwargs: Any, ) -> _NdArraySubClass: ... @overload def clip( self, min: None = ..., max: ArrayLike = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ..., **kwargs: Any, ) -> _NdArraySubClass: ... @overload def compress( self, a: ArrayLike, axis: Optional[int] = ..., out: None = ..., ) -> ndarray: ... @overload def compress( self, a: ArrayLike, axis: Optional[int] = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ..., ) -> _NdArraySubClass: ... def conj(self: _ArraySelf) -> _ArraySelf: ... def conjugate(self: _ArraySelf) -> _ArraySelf: ... @overload def cumprod( self, axis: Optional[int] = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: None = ..., ) -> ndarray: ... @overload def cumprod( self, axis: Optional[int] = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ..., ) -> _NdArraySubClass: ... @overload def cumsum( self, axis: Optional[int] = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: None = ..., ) -> ndarray: ... @overload def cumsum( self, axis: Optional[int] = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ..., ) -> _NdArraySubClass: ... @overload def max( self, axis: None = ..., out: None = ..., keepdims: Literal[False] = ..., initial: _NumberLike = ..., where: _ArrayLikeBool = ..., ) -> number: ... @overload def max( self, axis: Optional[_ShapeLike] = ..., out: None = ..., keepdims: bool = ..., initial: _NumberLike = ..., where: _ArrayLikeBool = ..., ) -> Union[number, ndarray]: ... @overload def max( self, axis: Optional[_ShapeLike] = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ..., keepdims: bool = ..., initial: _NumberLike = ..., where: _ArrayLikeBool = ..., ) -> _NdArraySubClass: ... @overload def mean( self, axis: None = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: None = ..., keepdims: Literal[False] = ..., ) -> number: ... @overload def mean( self, axis: Optional[_ShapeLike] = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: None = ..., keepdims: bool = ..., ) -> Union[number, ndarray]: ... @overload def mean( self, axis: Optional[_ShapeLike] = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ..., keepdims: bool = ..., ) -> _NdArraySubClass: ... @overload def min( self, axis: None = ..., out: None = ..., keepdims: Literal[False] = ..., initial: _NumberLike = ..., where: _ArrayLikeBool = ..., ) -> number: ... @overload def min( self, axis: Optional[_ShapeLike] = ..., out: None = ..., keepdims: bool = ..., initial: _NumberLike = ..., where: _ArrayLikeBool = ..., ) -> Union[number, ndarray]: ... @overload def min( self, axis: Optional[_ShapeLike] = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ..., keepdims: bool = ..., initial: _NumberLike = ..., where: _ArrayLikeBool = ..., ) -> _NdArraySubClass: ... def newbyteorder(self: _ArraySelf, __new_order: _ByteOrder = ...) -> _ArraySelf: ... @overload def prod( self, axis: None = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: None = ..., keepdims: Literal[False] = ..., initial: _NumberLike = ..., where: _ArrayLikeBool = ..., ) -> number: ... @overload def prod( self, axis: Optional[_ShapeLike] = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: None = ..., keepdims: bool = ..., initial: _NumberLike = ..., where: _ArrayLikeBool = ..., ) -> Union[number, ndarray]: ... @overload def prod( self, axis: Optional[_ShapeLike] = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ..., keepdims: bool = ..., initial: _NumberLike = ..., where: _ArrayLikeBool = ..., ) -> _NdArraySubClass: ... @overload def ptp( self, axis: None = ..., out: None = ..., keepdims: Literal[False] = ..., ) -> number: ... @overload def ptp( self, axis: Optional[_ShapeLike] = ..., out: None = ..., keepdims: bool = ..., ) -> Union[number, ndarray]: ... @overload def ptp( self, axis: Optional[_ShapeLike] = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ..., keepdims: bool = ..., ) -> _NdArraySubClass: ... def repeat( self, repeats: _ArrayLikeIntOrBool, axis: Optional[int] = ... ) -> ndarray: ... @overload def round(self: _ArraySelf, decimals: int = ..., out: None = ...) -> _ArraySelf: ... @overload def round( self, decimals: int = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ... ) -> _NdArraySubClass: ... @overload def std( self, axis: None = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: None = ..., ddof: int = ..., keepdims: Literal[False] = ..., ) -> number: ... @overload def std( self, axis: Optional[_ShapeLike] = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: None = ..., ddof: int = ..., keepdims: bool = ..., ) -> Union[number, ndarray]: ... @overload def std( self, axis: Optional[_ShapeLike] = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ..., ddof: int = ..., keepdims: bool = ..., ) -> _NdArraySubClass: ... @overload def sum( self, axis: None = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: None = ..., keepdims: Literal[False] = ..., initial: _NumberLike = ..., where: _ArrayLikeBool = ..., ) -> number: ... @overload def sum( self, axis: Optional[_ShapeLike] = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: None = ..., keepdims: bool = ..., initial: _NumberLike = ..., where: _ArrayLikeBool = ..., ) -> Union[number, ndarray]: ... @overload def sum( self, axis: Optional[_ShapeLike] = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ..., keepdims: bool = ..., initial: _NumberLike = ..., where: _ArrayLikeBool = ..., ) -> _NdArraySubClass: ... @overload def take( self, indices: Union[_IntLike, _BoolLike], axis: Optional[int] = ..., out: None = ..., mode: _ModeKind = ..., ) -> generic: ... @overload def take( self, indices: _ArrayLikeIntOrBool, axis: Optional[int] = ..., out: None = ..., mode: _ModeKind = ..., ) -> ndarray: ... @overload def take( self, indices: _ArrayLikeIntOrBool, axis: Optional[int] = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ..., mode: _ModeKind = ..., ) -> _NdArraySubClass: ... @overload def var( self, axis: None = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: None = ..., ddof: int = ..., keepdims: Literal[False] = ..., ) -> number: ... @overload def var( self, axis: Optional[_ShapeLike] = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: None = ..., ddof: int = ..., keepdims: bool = ..., ) -> Union[number, ndarray]: ... @overload def var( self, axis: Optional[_ShapeLike] = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ..., ddof: int = ..., keepdims: bool = ..., ) -> _NdArraySubClass: ... _BufferType = Union[ndarray, bytes, bytearray, memoryview] _Casting = Literal["no", "equiv", "safe", "same_kind", "unsafe"] class ndarray(_ArrayOrScalarCommon, Iterable, Sized, Container): @property def base(self) -> Optional[ndarray]: ... @property def ndim(self) -> int: ... @property def size(self) -> int: ... @property def real(self: _ArraySelf) -> _ArraySelf: ... @real.setter def real(self, value: ArrayLike) -> None: ... @property def imag(self: _ArraySelf) -> _ArraySelf: ... @imag.setter def imag(self, value: ArrayLike) -> None: ... def __new__( cls: Type[_ArraySelf], shape: Sequence[int], dtype: DTypeLike = ..., buffer: _BufferType = ..., offset: int = ..., strides: _ShapeLike = ..., order: _OrderKACF = ..., ) -> _ArraySelf: ... @property def dtype(self) -> _DType: ... @property def ctypes(self) -> _ctypes: ... @property def shape(self) -> _Shape: ... @shape.setter def shape(self, value: _ShapeLike): ... @property def strides(self) -> _Shape: ... @strides.setter def strides(self, value: _ShapeLike): ... def byteswap(self: _ArraySelf, inplace: bool = ...) -> _ArraySelf: ... def fill(self, value: Any) -> None: ... @property def flat(self: _ArraySelf) -> flatiter[_ArraySelf]: ... @overload def item(self, *args: int) -> Any: ... @overload def item(self, __args: Tuple[int, ...]) -> Any: ... @overload def itemset(self, __value: Any) -> None: ... @overload def itemset(self, __item: _ShapeLike, __value: Any) -> None: ... @overload def resize(self, __new_shape: Sequence[int], *, refcheck: bool = ...) -> None: ... @overload def resize(self, *new_shape: int, refcheck: bool = ...) -> None: ... def setflags( self, write: bool = ..., align: bool = ..., uic: bool = ... ) -> None: ... def squeeze( self: _ArraySelf, axis: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]] = ... ) -> _ArraySelf: ... def swapaxes(self: _ArraySelf, axis1: int, axis2: int) -> _ArraySelf: ... @overload def transpose(self: _ArraySelf, __axes: Sequence[int]) -> _ArraySelf: ... @overload def transpose(self: _ArraySelf, *axes: int) -> _ArraySelf: ... def argpartition( self, kth: _ArrayLikeIntOrBool, axis: Optional[int] = ..., kind: _PartitionKind = ..., order: Union[None, str, Sequence[str]] = ..., ) -> ndarray: ... def diagonal( self: _ArraySelf, offset: int = ..., axis1: int = ..., axis2: int = ... ) -> _ArraySelf: ... @overload def dot(self, b: ArrayLike, out: None = ...) -> Union[number, ndarray]: ... @overload def dot(self, b: ArrayLike, out: _NdArraySubClass = ...) -> _NdArraySubClass: ... # `nonzero()` is deprecated for 0d arrays/generics def nonzero(self) -> Tuple[ndarray, ...]: ... def partition( self, kth: _ArrayLikeIntOrBool, axis: int = ..., kind: _PartitionKind = ..., order: Union[None, str, Sequence[str]] = ..., ) -> None: ... # `put` is technically available to `generic`, # but is pointless as `generic`s are immutable def put( self, ind: _ArrayLikeIntOrBool, v: ArrayLike, mode: _ModeKind = ... ) -> None: ... def searchsorted( self, # >= 1D array v: ArrayLike, side: _SortSide = ..., sorter: Optional[_ArrayLikeIntOrBool] = ..., # 1D int array ) -> ndarray: ... def setfield( self, val: ArrayLike, dtype: DTypeLike, offset: int = ... ) -> None: ... def sort( self, axis: int = ..., kind: Optional[_SortKind] = ..., order: Union[None, str, Sequence[str]] = ..., ) -> None: ... @overload def trace( self, # >= 2D array offset: int = ..., axis1: int = ..., axis2: int = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: None = ..., ) -> Union[number, ndarray]: ... @overload def trace( self, # >= 2D array offset: int = ..., axis1: int = ..., axis2: int = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ..., ) -> _NdArraySubClass: ... # Many of these special methods are irrelevant currently, since protocols # aren't supported yet. That said, I'm adding them for completeness. # def __int__(self) -> int: ... def __float__(self) -> float: ... def __complex__(self) -> complex: ... def __len__(self) -> int: ... def __setitem__(self, key, value): ... def __iter__(self) -> Any: ... def __contains__(self, key) -> bool: ... def __index__(self) -> int: ... def __matmul__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> Any: ... # NOTE: `ndarray` does not implement `__imatmul__` def __rmatmul__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> Any: ... def __neg__(self: _ArraySelf) -> Any: ... def __pos__(self: _ArraySelf) -> Any: ... def __abs__(self: _ArraySelf) -> Any: ... def __mod__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> Any: ... def __rmod__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> Any: ... def __divmod__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> Tuple[Any, Any]: ... def __rdivmod__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> Tuple[Any, Any]: ... def __add__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> Any: ... def __radd__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> Any: ... def __sub__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> Any: ... def __rsub__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> Any: ... def __mul__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> Any: ... def __rmul__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> Any: ... def __floordiv__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> Any: ... def __rfloordiv__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> Any: ... def __pow__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> Any: ... def __rpow__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> Any: ... def __truediv__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> Any: ... def __rtruediv__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> Any: ... def __invert__(self: _ArraySelf) -> Any: ... def __lshift__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> Any: ... def __rlshift__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> Any: ... def __rshift__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> Any: ... def __rrshift__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> Any: ... def __and__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> Any: ... def __rand__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> Any: ... def __xor__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> Any: ... def __rxor__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> Any: ... def __or__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> Any: ... def __ror__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> Any: ... # `np.generic` does not support inplace operations def __iadd__(self: _ArraySelf, other: ArrayLike) -> _ArraySelf: ... def __isub__(self: _ArraySelf, other: ArrayLike) -> _ArraySelf: ... def __imul__(self: _ArraySelf, other: ArrayLike) -> _ArraySelf: ... def __itruediv__(self: _ArraySelf, other: ArrayLike) -> _ArraySelf: ... def __ifloordiv__(self: _ArraySelf, other: ArrayLike) -> _ArraySelf: ... def __ipow__(self: _ArraySelf, other: ArrayLike) -> _ArraySelf: ... def __imod__(self: _ArraySelf, other: ArrayLike) -> _ArraySelf: ... def __ilshift__(self: _ArraySelf, other: ArrayLike) -> _ArraySelf: ... def __irshift__(self: _ArraySelf, other: ArrayLike) -> _ArraySelf: ... def __iand__(self: _ArraySelf, other: ArrayLike) -> _ArraySelf: ... def __ixor__(self: _ArraySelf, other: ArrayLike) -> _ArraySelf: ... def __ior__(self: _ArraySelf, other: ArrayLike) -> _ArraySelf: ... # NOTE: while `np.generic` is not technically an instance of `ABCMeta`, # the `@abstractmethod` decorator is herein used to (forcefully) deny # the creation of `np.generic` instances. # The `# type: ignore` comments are necessary to silence mypy errors regarding # the missing `ABCMeta` metaclass. # See for more details. _ScalarType = TypeVar("_ScalarType", bound=generic) _NBit_co = TypeVar("_NBit_co", covariant=True, bound=NBitBase) _NBit_co2 = TypeVar("_NBit_co2", covariant=True, bound=NBitBase) class generic(_ArrayOrScalarCommon): @abstractmethod def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: ... @property def base(self) -> None: ... @property def dtype(self: _ScalarType) -> _DType[_ScalarType]: ... @property def ndim(self) -> Literal[0]: ... @property def size(self) -> Literal[1]: ... @property def shape(self) -> Tuple[()]: ... @property def strides(self) -> Tuple[()]: ... def byteswap(self: _ScalarType, inplace: Literal[False] = ...) -> _ScalarType: ... @property def flat(self) -> flatiter[ndarray]: ... def item( self: _ScalarType, __args: Union[Literal[0], Tuple[()], Tuple[Literal[0]]] = ..., ) -> Any: ... def squeeze( self: _ScalarType, axis: Union[Literal[0], Tuple[()]] = ... ) -> _ScalarType: ... def transpose(self: _ScalarType, __axes: Tuple[()] = ...) -> _ScalarType: ... class number(generic, Generic[_NBit_co]): # type: ignore @property def real(self: _ArraySelf) -> _ArraySelf: ... @property def imag(self: _ArraySelf) -> _ArraySelf: ... def __int__(self) -> int: ... def __float__(self) -> float: ... def __complex__(self) -> complex: ... def __neg__(self: _ArraySelf) -> _ArraySelf: ... def __pos__(self: _ArraySelf) -> _ArraySelf: ... def __abs__(self: _ArraySelf) -> _ArraySelf: ... # Ensure that objects annotated as `number` support arithmetic operations __add__: _NumberOp __radd__: _NumberOp __sub__: _NumberOp __rsub__: _NumberOp __mul__: _NumberOp __rmul__: _NumberOp __floordiv__: _NumberOp __rfloordiv__: _NumberOp __pow__: _NumberOp __rpow__: _NumberOp __truediv__: _NumberOp __rtruediv__: _NumberOp class bool_(generic): def __init__(self, __value: object = ...) -> None: ... @property def real(self: _ArraySelf) -> _ArraySelf: ... @property def imag(self: _ArraySelf) -> _ArraySelf: ... def __int__(self) -> int: ... def __float__(self) -> float: ... def __complex__(self) -> complex: ... def __abs__(self: _ArraySelf) -> _ArraySelf: ... __add__: _BoolOp[bool_] __radd__: _BoolOp[bool_] __sub__: _BoolSub __rsub__: _BoolSub __mul__: _BoolOp[bool_] __rmul__: _BoolOp[bool_] __floordiv__: _BoolOp[int8] __rfloordiv__: _BoolOp[int8] __pow__: _BoolOp[int8] __rpow__: _BoolOp[int8] __truediv__: _BoolTrueDiv __rtruediv__: _BoolTrueDiv def __invert__(self) -> bool_: ... __lshift__: _BoolBitOp[int8] __rlshift__: _BoolBitOp[int8] __rshift__: _BoolBitOp[int8] __rrshift__: _BoolBitOp[int8] __and__: _BoolBitOp[bool_] __rand__: _BoolBitOp[bool_] __xor__: _BoolBitOp[bool_] __rxor__: _BoolBitOp[bool_] __or__: _BoolBitOp[bool_] __ror__: _BoolBitOp[bool_] __mod__: _BoolMod __rmod__: _BoolMod __divmod__: _BoolDivMod __rdivmod__: _BoolDivMod class object_(generic): def __init__(self, __value: object = ...) -> None: ... @property def real(self: _ArraySelf) -> _ArraySelf: ... @property def imag(self: _ArraySelf) -> _ArraySelf: ... class datetime64(generic): @overload def __init__( self, __value: Union[None, datetime64, _CharLike, dt.datetime] = ..., __format: Union[_CharLike, Tuple[_CharLike, _IntLike]] = ..., ) -> None: ... @overload def __init__( self, __value: int, __format: Union[_CharLike, Tuple[_CharLike, _IntLike]] ) -> None: ... def __add__(self, other: Union[timedelta64, _IntLike, _BoolLike]) -> datetime64: ... def __radd__(self, other: Union[timedelta64, _IntLike, _BoolLike]) -> datetime64: ... @overload def __sub__(self, other: datetime64) -> timedelta64: ... @overload def __sub__(self, other: Union[timedelta64, _IntLike, _BoolLike]) -> datetime64: ... def __rsub__(self, other: datetime64) -> timedelta64: ... # Support for `__index__` was added in python 3.8 (bpo-20092) if sys.version_info >= (3, 8): _IntValue = Union[SupportsInt, _CharLike, SupportsIndex] _FloatValue = Union[None, _CharLike, SupportsFloat, SupportsIndex] _ComplexValue = Union[None, _CharLike, SupportsFloat, SupportsComplex, SupportsIndex] else: _IntValue = Union[SupportsInt, _CharLike] _FloatValue = Union[None, _CharLike, SupportsFloat] _ComplexValue = Union[None, _CharLike, SupportsFloat, SupportsComplex] class integer(number[_NBit_co]): # type: ignore # NOTE: `__index__` is technically defined in the bottom-most # sub-classes (`int64`, `uint32`, etc) def __index__(self) -> int: ... __truediv__: _IntTrueDiv[_NBit_co] __rtruediv__: _IntTrueDiv[_NBit_co] def __mod__(self, value: Union[_IntLike, integer]) -> integer: ... def __rmod__(self, value: Union[_IntLike, integer]) -> integer: ... def __invert__(self: _IntType) -> _IntType: ... # Ensure that objects annotated as `integer` support bit-wise operations def __lshift__(self, other: Union[_IntLike, _BoolLike]) -> integer: ... def __rlshift__(self, other: Union[_IntLike, _BoolLike]) -> integer: ... def __rshift__(self, other: Union[_IntLike, _BoolLike]) -> integer: ... def __rrshift__(self, other: Union[_IntLike, _BoolLike]) -> integer: ... def __and__(self, other: Union[_IntLike, _BoolLike]) -> integer: ... def __rand__(self, other: Union[_IntLike, _BoolLike]) -> integer: ... def __or__(self, other: Union[_IntLike, _BoolLike]) -> integer: ... def __ror__(self, other: Union[_IntLike, _BoolLike]) -> integer: ... def __xor__(self, other: Union[_IntLike, _BoolLike]) -> integer: ... def __rxor__(self, other: Union[_IntLike, _BoolLike]) -> integer: ... class signedinteger(integer[_NBit_co]): def __init__(self, __value: _IntValue = ...) -> None: ... __add__: _SignedIntOp[_NBit_co] __radd__: _SignedIntOp[_NBit_co] __sub__: _SignedIntOp[_NBit_co] __rsub__: _SignedIntOp[_NBit_co] __mul__: _SignedIntOp[_NBit_co] __rmul__: _SignedIntOp[_NBit_co] __floordiv__: _SignedIntOp[_NBit_co] __rfloordiv__: _SignedIntOp[_NBit_co] __pow__: _SignedIntOp[_NBit_co] __rpow__: _SignedIntOp[_NBit_co] __lshift__: _SignedIntBitOp[_NBit_co] __rlshift__: _SignedIntBitOp[_NBit_co] __rshift__: _SignedIntBitOp[_NBit_co] __rrshift__: _SignedIntBitOp[_NBit_co] __and__: _SignedIntBitOp[_NBit_co] __rand__: _SignedIntBitOp[_NBit_co] __xor__: _SignedIntBitOp[_NBit_co] __rxor__: _SignedIntBitOp[_NBit_co] __or__: _SignedIntBitOp[_NBit_co] __ror__: _SignedIntBitOp[_NBit_co] __mod__: _SignedIntMod[_NBit_co] __rmod__: _SignedIntMod[_NBit_co] __divmod__: _SignedIntDivMod[_NBit_co] __rdivmod__: _SignedIntDivMod[_NBit_co] int8 = signedinteger[_8Bit] int16 = signedinteger[_16Bit] int32 = signedinteger[_32Bit] int64 = signedinteger[_64Bit] class timedelta64(generic): def __init__( self, __value: Union[None, int, _CharLike, dt.timedelta, timedelta64] = ..., __format: Union[_CharLike, Tuple[_CharLike, _IntLike]] = ..., ) -> None: ... def __int__(self) -> int: ... def __float__(self) -> float: ... def __complex__(self) -> complex: ... def __neg__(self: _ArraySelf) -> _ArraySelf: ... def __pos__(self: _ArraySelf) -> _ArraySelf: ... def __abs__(self: _ArraySelf) -> _ArraySelf: ... def __add__(self, other: Union[timedelta64, _IntLike, _BoolLike]) -> timedelta64: ... def __radd__(self, other: Union[timedelta64, _IntLike, _BoolLike]) -> timedelta64: ... def __sub__(self, other: Union[timedelta64, _IntLike, _BoolLike]) -> timedelta64: ... def __rsub__(self, other: Union[timedelta64, _IntLike, _BoolLike]) -> timedelta64: ... def __mul__(self, other: Union[_FloatLike, _BoolLike]) -> timedelta64: ... def __rmul__(self, other: Union[_FloatLike, _BoolLike]) -> timedelta64: ... __truediv__: _TD64Div[float64] __floordiv__: _TD64Div[int64] def __rtruediv__(self, other: timedelta64) -> float64: ... def __rfloordiv__(self, other: timedelta64) -> int64: ... def __mod__(self, other: timedelta64) -> timedelta64: ... def __rmod__(self, other: timedelta64) -> timedelta64: ... def __divmod__(self, other: timedelta64) -> Tuple[int64, timedelta64]: ... def __rdivmod__(self, other: timedelta64) -> Tuple[int64, timedelta64]: ... class unsignedinteger(integer[_NBit_co]): # NOTE: `uint64 + signedinteger -> float64` def __init__(self, __value: _IntValue = ...) -> None: ... __add__: _UnsignedIntOp[_NBit_co] __radd__: _UnsignedIntOp[_NBit_co] __sub__: _UnsignedIntOp[_NBit_co] __rsub__: _UnsignedIntOp[_NBit_co] __mul__: _UnsignedIntOp[_NBit_co] __rmul__: _UnsignedIntOp[_NBit_co] __floordiv__: _UnsignedIntOp[_NBit_co] __rfloordiv__: _UnsignedIntOp[_NBit_co] __pow__: _UnsignedIntOp[_NBit_co] __rpow__: _UnsignedIntOp[_NBit_co] __lshift__: _UnsignedIntBitOp[_NBit_co] __rlshift__: _UnsignedIntBitOp[_NBit_co] __rshift__: _UnsignedIntBitOp[_NBit_co] __rrshift__: _UnsignedIntBitOp[_NBit_co] __and__: _UnsignedIntBitOp[_NBit_co] __rand__: _UnsignedIntBitOp[_NBit_co] __xor__: _UnsignedIntBitOp[_NBit_co] __rxor__: _UnsignedIntBitOp[_NBit_co] __or__: _UnsignedIntBitOp[_NBit_co] __ror__: _UnsignedIntBitOp[_NBit_co] __mod__: _UnsignedIntMod[_NBit_co] __rmod__: _UnsignedIntMod[_NBit_co] __divmod__: _UnsignedIntDivMod[_NBit_co] __rdivmod__: _UnsignedIntDivMod[_NBit_co] uint8 = unsignedinteger[_8Bit] uint16 = unsignedinteger[_16Bit] uint32 = unsignedinteger[_32Bit] uint64 = unsignedinteger[_64Bit] class inexact(number[_NBit_co]): ... # type: ignore _IntType = TypeVar("_IntType", bound=integer) _FloatType = TypeVar('_FloatType', bound=floating) class floating(inexact[_NBit_co]): def __init__(self, __value: _FloatValue = ...) -> None: ... __add__: _FloatOp[_NBit_co] __radd__: _FloatOp[_NBit_co] __sub__: _FloatOp[_NBit_co] __rsub__: _FloatOp[_NBit_co] __mul__: _FloatOp[_NBit_co] __rmul__: _FloatOp[_NBit_co] __truediv__: _FloatOp[_NBit_co] __rtruediv__: _FloatOp[_NBit_co] __floordiv__: _FloatOp[_NBit_co] __rfloordiv__: _FloatOp[_NBit_co] __pow__: _FloatOp[_NBit_co] __rpow__: _FloatOp[_NBit_co] __mod__: _FloatMod[_NBit_co] __rmod__: _FloatMod[_NBit_co] __divmod__: _FloatDivMod[_NBit_co] __rdivmod__: _FloatDivMod[_NBit_co] float16 = floating[_16Bit] float32 = floating[_32Bit] float64 = floating[_64Bit] # The main reason for `complexfloating` having two typevars is cosmetic. # It is used to clarify why `complex128`s precision is `_64Bit`, the latter # describing the two 64 bit floats representing its real and imaginary component class complexfloating(inexact[_NBit_co], Generic[_NBit_co, _NBit_co2]): def __init__(self, __value: _ComplexValue = ...) -> None: ... @property def real(self) -> floating[_NBit_co]: ... # type: ignore[override] @property def imag(self) -> floating[_NBit_co2]: ... # type: ignore[override] def __abs__(self) -> floating[_NBit_co]: ... # type: ignore[override] __add__: _ComplexOp[_NBit_co] __radd__: _ComplexOp[_NBit_co] __sub__: _ComplexOp[_NBit_co] __rsub__: _ComplexOp[_NBit_co] __mul__: _ComplexOp[_NBit_co] __rmul__: _ComplexOp[_NBit_co] __truediv__: _ComplexOp[_NBit_co] __rtruediv__: _ComplexOp[_NBit_co] __floordiv__: _ComplexOp[_NBit_co] __rfloordiv__: _ComplexOp[_NBit_co] __pow__: _ComplexOp[_NBit_co] __rpow__: _ComplexOp[_NBit_co] complex64 = complexfloating[_32Bit, _32Bit] complex128 = complexfloating[_64Bit, _64Bit] class flexible(generic): ... # type: ignore class void(flexible): def __init__(self, __value: Union[_IntLike, _BoolLike, bytes]): ... @property def real(self: _ArraySelf) -> _ArraySelf: ... @property def imag(self: _ArraySelf) -> _ArraySelf: ... def setfield( self, val: ArrayLike, dtype: DTypeLike, offset: int = ... ) -> None: ... class character(flexible): # type: ignore def __int__(self) -> int: ... def __float__(self) -> float: ... # NOTE: Most `np.bytes_` / `np.str_` methods return their # builtin `bytes` / `str` counterpart class bytes_(character, bytes): @overload def __init__(self, __value: object = ...) -> None: ... @overload def __init__( self, __value: str, encoding: str = ..., errors: str = ... ) -> None: ... class str_(character, str): @overload def __init__(self, __value: object = ...) -> None: ... @overload def __init__( self, __value: bytes, encoding: str = ..., errors: str = ... ) -> None: ... unicode_ = str0 = str_ # TODO(alan): Platform dependent types # longcomplex, longdouble, longfloat # bytes, short, intc, intp, longlong # half, single, double, longdouble # uint_, int_, float_, complex_ # float128, complex256 # float96 def array( object: object, dtype: DTypeLike = ..., *, copy: bool = ..., order: _OrderKACF = ..., subok: bool = ..., ndmin: int = ..., like: ArrayLike = ..., ) -> ndarray: ... def zeros( shape: _ShapeLike, dtype: DTypeLike = ..., order: _OrderCF = ..., *, like: ArrayLike = ..., ) -> ndarray: ... def empty( shape: _ShapeLike, dtype: DTypeLike = ..., order: _OrderCF = ..., *, like: ArrayLike = ..., ) -> ndarray: ... def broadcast_shapes(*args: _ShapeLike) -> _Shape: ... # # Constants # Inf: Final[float] Infinity: Final[float] NAN: Final[float] NINF: Final[float] NZERO: Final[float] NaN: Final[float] PINF: Final[float] PZERO: Final[float] e: Final[float] euler_gamma: Final[float] inf: Final[float] infty: Final[float] nan: Final[float] pi: Final[float] ALLOW_THREADS: Final[int] BUFSIZE: Final[int] CLIP: Final[int] ERR_CALL: Final[int] ERR_DEFAULT: Final[int] ERR_IGNORE: Final[int] ERR_LOG: Final[int] ERR_PRINT: Final[int] ERR_RAISE: Final[int] ERR_WARN: Final[int] FLOATING_POINT_SUPPORT: Final[int] FPE_DIVIDEBYZERO: Final[int] FPE_INVALID: Final[int] FPE_OVERFLOW: Final[int] FPE_UNDERFLOW: Final[int] MAXDIMS: Final[int] MAY_SHARE_BOUNDS: Final[int] MAY_SHARE_EXACT: Final[int] RAISE: Final[int] SHIFT_DIVIDEBYZERO: Final[int] SHIFT_INVALID: Final[int] SHIFT_OVERFLOW: Final[int] SHIFT_UNDERFLOW: Final[int] UFUNC_BUFSIZE_DEFAULT: Final[int] WRAP: Final[int] tracemalloc_domain: Final[int] little_endian: Final[bool] True_: Final[bool_] False_: Final[bool_] UFUNC_PYVALS_NAME: Final[str] class ufunc: @property def __name__(self) -> str: ... def __call__( self, *args: ArrayLike, out: Optional[Union[ndarray, Tuple[ndarray, ...]]] = ..., where: Optional[ndarray] = ..., # The list should be a list of tuples of ints, but since we # don't know the signature it would need to be # Tuple[int, ...]. But, since List is invariant something like # e.g. List[Tuple[int, int]] isn't a subtype of # List[Tuple[int, ...]], so we can't type precisely here. axes: List[Any] = ..., axis: int = ..., keepdims: bool = ..., casting: _Casting = ..., order: _OrderKACF = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., subok: bool = ..., signature: Union[str, Tuple[str]] = ..., # In reality this should be a length of list 3 containing an # int, an int, and a callable, but there's no way to express # that. extobj: List[Union[int, Callable]] = ..., ) -> Any: ... @property def nin(self) -> int: ... @property def nout(self) -> int: ... @property def nargs(self) -> int: ... @property def ntypes(self) -> int: ... @property def types(self) -> List[str]: ... # Broad return type because it has to encompass things like # # >>> np.logical_and.identity is True # True # >>> np.add.identity is 0 # True # >>> np.sin.identity is None # True # # and any user-defined ufuncs. @property def identity(self) -> Any: ... # This is None for ufuncs and a string for gufuncs. @property def signature(self) -> Optional[str]: ... # The next four methods will always exist, but they will just # raise a ValueError ufuncs with that don't accept two input # arguments and return one output argument. Because of that we # can't type them very precisely. @property def reduce(self) -> Any: ... @property def accumulate(self) -> Any: ... @property def reduceat(self) -> Any: ... @property def outer(self) -> Any: ... # Similarly at won't be defined for ufuncs that return multiple # outputs, so we can't type it very precisely. @property def at(self) -> Any: ... absolute: ufunc add: ufunc arccos: ufunc arccosh: ufunc arcsin: ufunc arcsinh: ufunc arctan2: ufunc arctan: ufunc arctanh: ufunc bitwise_and: ufunc bitwise_or: ufunc bitwise_xor: ufunc cbrt: ufunc ceil: ufunc conjugate: ufunc copysign: ufunc cos: ufunc cosh: ufunc deg2rad: ufunc degrees: ufunc divmod: ufunc equal: ufunc exp2: ufunc exp: ufunc expm1: ufunc fabs: ufunc float_power: ufunc floor: ufunc floor_divide: ufunc fmax: ufunc fmin: ufunc fmod: ufunc frexp: ufunc gcd: ufunc greater: ufunc greater_equal: ufunc heaviside: ufunc hypot: ufunc invert: ufunc isfinite: ufunc isinf: ufunc isnan: ufunc isnat: ufunc lcm: ufunc ldexp: ufunc left_shift: ufunc less: ufunc less_equal: ufunc log10: ufunc log1p: ufunc log2: ufunc log: ufunc logaddexp2: ufunc logaddexp: ufunc logical_and: ufunc logical_not: ufunc logical_or: ufunc logical_xor: ufunc matmul: ufunc maximum: ufunc minimum: ufunc modf: ufunc multiply: ufunc negative: ufunc nextafter: ufunc not_equal: ufunc positive: ufunc power: ufunc rad2deg: ufunc radians: ufunc reciprocal: ufunc remainder: ufunc right_shift: ufunc rint: ufunc sign: ufunc signbit: ufunc sin: ufunc sinh: ufunc spacing: ufunc sqrt: ufunc square: ufunc subtract: ufunc tan: ufunc tanh: ufunc true_divide: ufunc trunc: ufunc abs = absolute # Warnings class ModuleDeprecationWarning(DeprecationWarning): ... class VisibleDeprecationWarning(UserWarning): ... class ComplexWarning(RuntimeWarning): ... class RankWarning(UserWarning): ... # Errors class TooHardError(RuntimeError): ... class AxisError(ValueError, IndexError): def __init__( self, axis: int, ndim: Optional[int] = ..., msg_prefix: Optional[str] = ... ) -> None: ... _CallType = TypeVar("_CallType", bound=Union[_ErrFunc, _SupportsWrite]) class errstate(Generic[_CallType], ContextDecorator): call: _CallType kwargs: _ErrDictOptional # Expand `**kwargs` into explicit keyword-only arguments def __init__( self, *, call: _CallType = ..., all: Optional[_ErrKind] = ..., divide: Optional[_ErrKind] = ..., over: Optional[_ErrKind] = ..., under: Optional[_ErrKind] = ..., invalid: Optional[_ErrKind] = ..., ) -> None: ... def __enter__(self) -> None: ... def __exit__( self, __exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], __exc_value: Optional[BaseException], __traceback: Optional[TracebackType], ) -> None: ...