import asyncio import cbpi import copy import json import yaml import logging import os.path from os import listdir import os from os.path import isfile, join import shortuuid from cbpi.api.dataclasses import NotificationAction, Props, Step from tabulate import tabulate from ..api.step import StepMove, StepResult, StepState class StepController: def __init__(self, cbpi): self.cbpi = cbpi self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.path = self.cbpi.config_folder.get_file_path("step_data.json") #self._loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.basic_data = {} self.step = None self.types = {} async def init(self):"INIT STEP Controller") self.load(startActive=True) def create(self, data): id = data.get("id") name = data.get("name") type = data.get("type") status = StepState(data.get("status", "I")) props = Props(data.get("props", {})) try: type_cfg = self.types.get(type) clazz = type_cfg.get("class") instance = clazz(self.cbpi, id, name, props, self.done) except Exception as e: logging.warning("Failed to create step instance %s - %s" % (id, e)) instance = None step=Step(id, name, type=type, status=status, instance=instance, props=props ) return step def load(self, startActive=False): # create file if not exists if os.path.exists(self.path) is False: logging.warning("Missing step_data.json file. INIT empty file") with open(self.path, "w") as file: json.dump(dict(basic={}, steps=[]), file, indent=4, sort_keys=True) #load from json file try: with open(self.path) as json_file: data = json.load(json_file) self.basic_data = data["basic"] self.profile = data["steps"] # Start step after start up self.profile = list(map(lambda item: self.create(item), self.profile)) if startActive is True: active_step = self.find_by_status("A") if active_step is not None: asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task(self.start_step(active_step)) #self._loop.create_task(self.start_step(active_step)) except: logging.warning("Invalid step_data.json file - Creating empty file") os.remove(self.path) with open(self.path, "w") as file: json.dump(dict(basic={"name": ""}, steps=[]), file, indent=4, sort_keys=True) with open(self.path) as json_file: data = json.load(json_file) self.basic_data = data["basic"] self.profile = data["steps"] # Start step after start up self.profile = list(map(lambda item: self.create(item), self.profile)) if startActive is True: active_step = self.find_by_status("A") if active_step is not None: asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task(self.start_step(active_step)) #self._loop.create_task(self.start_step(active_step)) async def add(self, item: Step): logging.debug("Add step") = shortuuid.uuid() item.status = StepState.INITIAL try: type_cfg = self.types.get(item.type) clazz = type_cfg.get("class") item.instance = clazz(self.cbpi,,, item.props, self.done) except Exception as e: logging.warning("Failed to create step instance %s - %s " % (id, e)) item.instance = None self.profile.append(item) await return item async def update(self, item: Step):"update step") try: type_cfg = self.types.get(item.type) clazz = type_cfg.get("class") item.instance = clazz(self.cbpi,,, item.props, self.done) except Exception as e: logging.warning("Failed to create step instance %s - %s " % (, e)) item.instance = None self.profile = list(map(lambda old: item if == else old, self.profile)) await return item async def save(self): logging.debug("save profile") data = dict(basic=self.basic_data, steps=list(map(lambda item: item.to_dict(), self.profile))) with open(self.path, "w") as file: json.dump(data, file, indent=4, sort_keys=True) self.push_udpate() async def start(self): if self.find_by_status(StepState.ACTIVE) is not None: logging.error("Steps already running") return step = self.find_by_status(StepState.STOP) if step is not None:"Resume step") self.cbpi.push_update(topic="cbpi/notification", data=dict(type="info", title="Resume", message="Calling resume step")) await self.start_step(step) await return step = self.find_by_status(StepState.INITIAL) if step is not None:"Start Step") self.cbpi.push_update(topic="cbpi/notification", data=dict(type="info", title="Start", message="Calling start step")) self.push_udpate(complete=True) await self.start_step(step) await return self.cbpi.notify("Brewing Complete", "Now the yeast will take over",action=[NotificationAction("OK")]) self.cbpi.push_update(topic="cbpi/notification", data=dict(type="info", title="Brewing completed", message="Now the yeast will take over"))"BREWING COMPLETE") async def previous(self):"Trigger Next") async def next(self):"Trigger Next") print("\n\n\n\n") print(self.profile) print("\n\n\n\n") step = self.find_by_status(StepState.ACTIVE) if step is not None: if step.instance is not None: await step = self.find_by_status(StepState.STOP) if step is not None: if step.instance is not None: step.status = StepState.DONE await await self.start() else:"No Step is running") async def resume(self): step = self.find_by_status("P") if step is not None: instance = step.get("instance") if instance is not None: await self.start_step(step) else:"Nothing to resume") async def stop(self): step = self.find_by_status(StepState.ACTIVE) if step != None:"CALLING STOP STEP") try: await step.instance.stop() self.cbpi.push_update(topic="cbpi/notification", data=dict(type="info", title="Pause", message="Calling paue step")) step.status = StepState.STOP await except Exception as e: logging.error("Failed to stop step - Id: %s" % async def reset_all(self): if self.find_by_status(StepState.ACTIVE) is not None: logging.error("Please stop before reset") return for item in self.profile:"Reset %s" % item) item.status = StepState.INITIAL try: await item.instance.reset() self.cbpi.push_update(topic="cbpi/notification", data=dict(type="info", title="Stop", message="Calling stop step")) except: logging.warning("No Step Instance - Id: %s", await self.push_udpate() def get_types(self): result = {} for key, value in self.types.items(): #if "ferment" not in str(value.get("class")).lower(): result[key] = dict(name=value.get("name"), properties=value.get("properties"), actions=value.get("actions")) return result def get_state(self): return {"basic": self.basic_data, "steps": list(map(lambda item: item.to_dict(), self.profile)), "types":self.get_types()} async def move(self, id, direction: StepMove): index = self.get_index_by_id(id) if direction not in [-1, 1]: self.logger.error("Cant move. Direction 1 and -1 allowed") return self.profile[index], self.profile[index+direction] = self.profile[index+direction], self.profile[index] await self.push_udpate() async def delete(self, id): step = self.find_by_id(id) if step is None: logging.error("Cant find step - Nothing deleted - Id: %s", id) return if step.status == StepState.ACTIVE: logging.error("Cant delete active Step %s", id) return self.profile = list(filter(lambda item: != id, self.profile)) await async def shutdown(self, app=None):"Mash Profile Shutdown") for p in self.profile: instance = p.instance # Stopping all running task if hasattr(instance, "task") and instance.task != None and instance.task.done() is False:"Stop Step") await instance.stop() await instance.task await self.push_udpate() def done(self, step, result): if result == StepResult.NEXT: step_current = self.find_by_id( step_current.status = StepState.DONE async def wrapper(): await await self.start() asyncio.create_task(wrapper()) def find_by_status(self, status): return next((item for item in self.profile if item.status == status), None) def find_by_id(self, id): return next((item for item in self.profile if == id), None) def get_index_by_id(self, id): return next((i for i, item in enumerate(self.profile) if == id), None) def push_udpate(self, complete=False): if complete is True:"mash_profile_update", data=self.get_state())) for item in self.profile: self.cbpi.push_update(topic="cbpi/stepupdate/{}".format(, data=(item.to_dict())) else:"step_update", data=list(map(lambda item: item.to_dict(), self.profile)))) step = self.find_by_status(StepState.ACTIVE) if step != None: self.cbpi.push_update(topic="cbpi/stepupdate/{}".format(, data=(step.to_dict())) async def start_step(self,step): try:"Try to start step %s" % step) await step.instance.start() step.status = StepState.ACTIVE except Exception as e: logging.error("Failed to start step %s" % step) async def save_basic(self, data):"SAVE Basic Data") self.basic_data = {**self.basic_data, **data,} await self.push_udpate() async def call_action(self, id, action, parameter) -> None:"Step Controller - call all Action {} {}".format(id, action)) try: item = self.find_by_id(id) await item.instance.__getattribute__(action)(**parameter) except Exception as e: logging.error("Step Controller -Failed to call action on {} {} {}".format(id, action, e)) async def load_recipe(self, data): try: await self.shutdown() except: pass def add_runtime_data(item): item["status"] = "I" item["id"] = shortuuid.uuid() list(map(lambda item: add_runtime_data(item), data.get("steps"))) with open(self.path, "w") as file: json.dump(data, file, indent=4, sort_keys=True) self.load() self.push_udpate(complete=True) async def clear(self): try: await self.shutdown() except: pass data = dict(basic=dict(), steps=[]) with open(self.path, "w") as file: json.dump(data, file, indent=4, sort_keys=True) self.load() self.push_udpate(complete=True) async def savetobook(self): name = shortuuid.uuid() path = os.path.join(self.cbpi.config_folder.get_file_path("recipes"), "{}.yaml".format(name)) data = dict(basic=self.basic_data, steps=list(map(lambda item: item.to_dict(), self.profile))) with open(path, "w") as file: yaml.dump(data, file) self.push_udpate()