# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Pretty-print tabular data.""" from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals from collections import namedtuple from platform import python_version_tuple import re import math if python_version_tuple() >= ("3", "3", "0"): from collections.abc import Iterable else: from collections import Iterable if python_version_tuple()[0] < "3": from itertools import izip_longest from functools import partial _none_type = type(None) _bool_type = bool _int_type = int _long_type = long # noqa _float_type = float _text_type = unicode # noqa _binary_type = str def _is_file(f): return hasattr(f, "read") else: from itertools import zip_longest as izip_longest from functools import reduce, partial _none_type = type(None) _bool_type = bool _int_type = int _long_type = int _float_type = float _text_type = str _binary_type = bytes basestring = str import io def _is_file(f): return isinstance(f, io.IOBase) try: import wcwidth # optional wide-character (CJK) support except ImportError: wcwidth = None try: from html import escape as htmlescape except ImportError: from cgi import escape as htmlescape __all__ = ["tabulate", "tabulate_formats", "simple_separated_format"] __version__ = "0.8.7" # minimum extra space in headers MIN_PADDING = 2 # Whether or not to preserve leading/trailing whitespace in data. PRESERVE_WHITESPACE = False _DEFAULT_FLOATFMT = "g" _DEFAULT_MISSINGVAL = "" # if True, enable wide-character (CJK) support WIDE_CHARS_MODE = wcwidth is not None Line = namedtuple("Line", ["begin", "hline", "sep", "end"]) DataRow = namedtuple("DataRow", ["begin", "sep", "end"]) # A table structure is suppposed to be: # # --- lineabove --------- # headerrow # --- linebelowheader --- # datarow # --- linebewteenrows --- # ... (more datarows) ... # --- linebewteenrows --- # last datarow # --- linebelow --------- # # TableFormat's line* elements can be # # - either None, if the element is not used, # - or a Line tuple, # - or a function: [col_widths], [col_alignments] -> string. # # TableFormat's *row elements can be # # - either None, if the element is not used, # - or a DataRow tuple, # - or a function: [cell_values], [col_widths], [col_alignments] -> string. # # padding (an integer) is the amount of white space around data values. # # with_header_hide: # # - either None, to display all table elements unconditionally, # - or a list of elements not to be displayed if the table has column headers. # TableFormat = namedtuple( "TableFormat", [ "lineabove", "linebelowheader", "linebetweenrows", "linebelow", "headerrow", "datarow", "padding", "with_header_hide", ], ) def _pipe_segment_with_colons(align, colwidth): """Return a segment of a horizontal line with optional colons which indicate column's alignment (as in `pipe` output format).""" w = colwidth if align in ["right", "decimal"]: return ("-" * (w - 1)) + ":" elif align == "center": return ":" + ("-" * (w - 2)) + ":" elif align == "left": return ":" + ("-" * (w - 1)) else: return "-" * w def _pipe_line_with_colons(colwidths, colaligns): """Return a horizontal line with optional colons to indicate column's alignment (as in `pipe` output format).""" if not colaligns: # e.g. printing an empty data frame (github issue #15) colaligns = [""] * len(colwidths) segments = [_pipe_segment_with_colons(a, w) for a, w in zip(colaligns, colwidths)] return "|" + "|".join(segments) + "|" def _mediawiki_row_with_attrs(separator, cell_values, colwidths, colaligns): alignment = { "left": "", "right": 'align="right"| ', "center": 'align="center"| ', "decimal": 'align="right"| ', } # hard-coded padding _around_ align attribute and value together # rather than padding parameter which affects only the value values_with_attrs = [ " " + alignment.get(a, "") + c + " " for c, a in zip(cell_values, colaligns) ] colsep = separator * 2 return (separator + colsep.join(values_with_attrs)).rstrip() def _textile_row_with_attrs(cell_values, colwidths, colaligns): cell_values[0] += " " alignment = {"left": "<.", "right": ">.", "center": "=.", "decimal": ">."} values = (alignment.get(a, "") + v for a, v in zip(colaligns, cell_values)) return "|" + "|".join(values) + "|" def _html_begin_table_without_header(colwidths_ignore, colaligns_ignore): # this table header will be suppressed if there is a header row return "\n" def _html_row_with_attrs(celltag, cell_values, colwidths, colaligns): alignment = { "left": "", "right": ' style="text-align: right;"', "center": ' style="text-align: center;"', "decimal": ' style="text-align: right;"', } values_with_attrs = [ "<{0}{1}>{2}".format(celltag, alignment.get(a, ""), htmlescape(c)) for c, a in zip(cell_values, colaligns) ] rowhtml = "{}".format("".join(values_with_attrs).rstrip()) if celltag == "th": # it's a header row, create a new table header rowhtml = "
\n\n{}\n\n".format(rowhtml) return rowhtml def _moin_row_with_attrs(celltag, cell_values, colwidths, colaligns, header=""): alignment = { "left": "", "right": '', "center": '', "decimal": '', } values_with_attrs = [ "{0}{1} {2} ".format(celltag, alignment.get(a, ""), header + c + header) for c, a in zip(cell_values, colaligns) ] return "".join(values_with_attrs) + "||" def _latex_line_begin_tabular(colwidths, colaligns, booktabs=False): alignment = {"left": "l", "right": "r", "center": "c", "decimal": "r"} tabular_columns_fmt = "".join([alignment.get(a, "l") for a in colaligns]) return "\n".join( [ "\\begin{tabular}{" + tabular_columns_fmt + "}", "\\toprule" if booktabs else "\\hline", ] ) LATEX_ESCAPE_RULES = { r"&": r"\&", r"%": r"\%", r"$": r"\$", r"#": r"\#", r"_": r"\_", r"^": r"\^{}", r"{": r"\{", r"}": r"\}", r"~": r"\textasciitilde{}", "\\": r"\textbackslash{}", r"<": r"\ensuremath{<}", r">": r"\ensuremath{>}", } def _latex_row(cell_values, colwidths, colaligns, escrules=LATEX_ESCAPE_RULES): def escape_char(c): return escrules.get(c, c) escaped_values = ["".join(map(escape_char, cell)) for cell in cell_values] rowfmt = DataRow("", "&", "\\\\") return _build_simple_row(escaped_values, rowfmt) def _rst_escape_first_column(rows, headers): def escape_empty(val): if isinstance(val, (_text_type, _binary_type)) and not val.strip(): return ".." else: return val new_headers = list(headers) new_rows = [] if headers: new_headers[0] = escape_empty(headers[0]) for row in rows: new_row = list(row) if new_row: new_row[0] = escape_empty(row[0]) new_rows.append(new_row) return new_rows, new_headers _table_formats = { "simple": TableFormat( lineabove=Line("", "-", " ", ""), linebelowheader=Line("", "-", " ", ""), linebetweenrows=None, linebelow=Line("", "-", " ", ""), headerrow=DataRow("", " ", ""), datarow=DataRow("", " ", ""), padding=0, with_header_hide=["lineabove", "linebelow"], ), "plain": TableFormat( lineabove=None, linebelowheader=None, linebetweenrows=None, linebelow=None, headerrow=DataRow("", " ", ""), datarow=DataRow("", " ", ""), padding=0, with_header_hide=None, ), "grid": TableFormat( lineabove=Line("+", "-", "+", "+"), linebelowheader=Line("+", "=", "+", "+"), linebetweenrows=Line("+", "-", "+", "+"), linebelow=Line("+", "-", "+", "+"), headerrow=DataRow("|", "|", "|"), datarow=DataRow("|", "|", "|"), padding=1, with_header_hide=None, ), "fancy_grid": TableFormat( lineabove=Line("╒", "═", "╤", "╕"), linebelowheader=Line("╞", "═", "╪", "╡"), linebetweenrows=Line("├", "─", "┼", "┤"), linebelow=Line("╘", "═", "╧", "╛"), headerrow=DataRow("│", "│", "│"), datarow=DataRow("│", "│", "│"), padding=1, with_header_hide=None, ), "github": TableFormat( lineabove=Line("|", "-", "|", "|"), linebelowheader=Line("|", "-", "|", "|"), linebetweenrows=None, linebelow=None, headerrow=DataRow("|", "|", "|"), datarow=DataRow("|", "|", "|"), padding=1, with_header_hide=["lineabove"], ), "pipe": TableFormat( lineabove=_pipe_line_with_colons, linebelowheader=_pipe_line_with_colons, linebetweenrows=None, linebelow=None, headerrow=DataRow("|", "|", "|"), datarow=DataRow("|", "|", "|"), padding=1, with_header_hide=["lineabove"], ), "orgtbl": TableFormat( lineabove=None, linebelowheader=Line("|", "-", "+", "|"), linebetweenrows=None, linebelow=None, headerrow=DataRow("|", "|", "|"), datarow=DataRow("|", "|", "|"), padding=1, with_header_hide=None, ), "jira": TableFormat( lineabove=None, linebelowheader=None, linebetweenrows=None, linebelow=None, headerrow=DataRow("||", "||", "||"), datarow=DataRow("|", "|", "|"), padding=1, with_header_hide=None, ), "presto": TableFormat( lineabove=None, linebelowheader=Line("", "-", "+", ""), linebetweenrows=None, linebelow=None, headerrow=DataRow("", "|", ""), datarow=DataRow("", "|", ""), padding=1, with_header_hide=None, ), "pretty": TableFormat( lineabove=Line("+", "-", "+", "+"), linebelowheader=Line("+", "-", "+", "+"), linebetweenrows=None, linebelow=Line("+", "-", "+", "+"), headerrow=DataRow("|", "|", "|"), datarow=DataRow("|", "|", "|"), padding=1, with_header_hide=None, ), "psql": TableFormat( lineabove=Line("+", "-", "+", "+"), linebelowheader=Line("|", "-", "+", "|"), linebetweenrows=None, linebelow=Line("+", "-", "+", "+"), headerrow=DataRow("|", "|", "|"), datarow=DataRow("|", "|", "|"), padding=1, with_header_hide=None, ), "rst": TableFormat( lineabove=Line("", "=", " ", ""), linebelowheader=Line("", "=", " ", ""), linebetweenrows=None, linebelow=Line("", "=", " ", ""), headerrow=DataRow("", " ", ""), datarow=DataRow("", " ", ""), padding=0, with_header_hide=None, ), "mediawiki": TableFormat( lineabove=Line( '{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: left;"', "", "", "\n|+ \n|-", ), linebelowheader=Line("|-", "", "", ""), linebetweenrows=Line("|-", "", "", ""), linebelow=Line("|}", "", "", ""), headerrow=partial(_mediawiki_row_with_attrs, "!"), datarow=partial(_mediawiki_row_with_attrs, "|"), padding=0, with_header_hide=None, ), "moinmoin": TableFormat( lineabove=None, linebelowheader=None, linebetweenrows=None, linebelow=None, headerrow=partial(_moin_row_with_attrs, "||", header="'''"), datarow=partial(_moin_row_with_attrs, "||"), padding=1, with_header_hide=None, ), "youtrack": TableFormat( lineabove=None, linebelowheader=None, linebetweenrows=None, linebelow=None, headerrow=DataRow("|| ", " || ", " || "), datarow=DataRow("| ", " | ", " |"), padding=1, with_header_hide=None, ), "html": TableFormat( lineabove=_html_begin_table_without_header, linebelowheader="", linebetweenrows=None, linebelow=Line("\n
", "", "", ""), headerrow=partial(_html_row_with_attrs, "th"), datarow=partial(_html_row_with_attrs, "td"), padding=0, with_header_hide=["lineabove"], ), "latex": TableFormat( lineabove=_latex_line_begin_tabular, linebelowheader=Line("\\hline", "", "", ""), linebetweenrows=None, linebelow=Line("\\hline\n\\end{tabular}", "", "", ""), headerrow=_latex_row, datarow=_latex_row, padding=1, with_header_hide=None, ), "latex_raw": TableFormat( lineabove=_latex_line_begin_tabular, linebelowheader=Line("\\hline", "", "", ""), linebetweenrows=None, linebelow=Line("\\hline\n\\end{tabular}", "", "", ""), headerrow=partial(_latex_row, escrules={}), datarow=partial(_latex_row, escrules={}), padding=1, with_header_hide=None, ), "latex_booktabs": TableFormat( lineabove=partial(_latex_line_begin_tabular, booktabs=True), linebelowheader=Line("\\midrule", "", "", ""), linebetweenrows=None, linebelow=Line("\\bottomrule\n\\end{tabular}", "", "", ""), headerrow=_latex_row, datarow=_latex_row, padding=1, with_header_hide=None, ), "tsv": TableFormat( lineabove=None, linebelowheader=None, linebetweenrows=None, linebelow=None, headerrow=DataRow("", "\t", ""), datarow=DataRow("", "\t", ""), padding=0, with_header_hide=None, ), "textile": TableFormat( lineabove=None, linebelowheader=None, linebetweenrows=None, linebelow=None, headerrow=DataRow("|_. ", "|_.", "|"), datarow=_textile_row_with_attrs, padding=1, with_header_hide=None, ), } tabulate_formats = list(sorted(_table_formats.keys())) # The table formats for which multiline cells will be folded into subsequent # table rows. The key is the original format specified at the API. The value is # the format that will be used to represent the original format. multiline_formats = { "plain": "plain", "simple": "simple", "grid": "grid", "fancy_grid": "fancy_grid", "pipe": "pipe", "orgtbl": "orgtbl", "jira": "jira", "presto": "presto", "pretty": "pretty", "psql": "psql", "rst": "rst", } # TODO: Add multiline support for the remaining table formats: # - mediawiki: Replace \n with
# - moinmoin: TBD # - youtrack: TBD # - html: Replace \n with
# - latex*: Use "makecell" package: In header, replace X\nY with # \thead{X\\Y} and in data row, replace X\nY with \makecell{X\\Y} # - tsv: TBD # - textile: Replace \n with
(must be well-formed XML) _multiline_codes = re.compile(r"\r|\n|\r\n") _multiline_codes_bytes = re.compile(b"\r|\n|\r\n") _invisible_codes = re.compile( r"\x1b\[\d+[;\d]*m|\x1b\[\d*\;\d*\;\d*m" ) # ANSI color codes _invisible_codes_bytes = re.compile( b"\x1b\\[\\d+\\[;\\d]*m|\x1b\\[\\d*;\\d*;\\d*m" ) # ANSI color codes def simple_separated_format(separator): """Construct a simple TableFormat with columns separated by a separator. >>> tsv = simple_separated_format("\\t") ; \ tabulate([["foo", 1], ["spam", 23]], tablefmt=tsv) == 'foo \\t 1\\nspam\\t23' True """ return TableFormat( None, None, None, None, headerrow=DataRow("", separator, ""), datarow=DataRow("", separator, ""), padding=0, with_header_hide=None, ) def _isconvertible(conv, string): try: conv(string) return True except (ValueError, TypeError): return False def _isnumber(string): """ >>> _isnumber("123.45") True >>> _isnumber("123") True >>> _isnumber("spam") False >>> _isnumber("123e45678") False >>> _isnumber("inf") True """ if not _isconvertible(float, string): return False elif isinstance(string, (_text_type, _binary_type)) and ( math.isinf(float(string)) or math.isnan(float(string)) ): return string.lower() in ["inf", "-inf", "nan"] return True def _isint(string, inttype=int): """ >>> _isint("123") True >>> _isint("123.45") False """ return ( type(string) is inttype or (isinstance(string, _binary_type) or isinstance(string, _text_type)) and _isconvertible(inttype, string) ) def _isbool(string): """ >>> _isbool(True) True >>> _isbool("False") True >>> _isbool(1) False """ return type(string) is _bool_type or ( isinstance(string, (_binary_type, _text_type)) and string in ("True", "False") ) def _type(string, has_invisible=True, numparse=True): """The least generic type (type(None), int, float, str, unicode). >>> _type(None) is type(None) True >>> _type("foo") is type("") True >>> _type("1") is type(1) True >>> _type('\x1b[31m42\x1b[0m') is type(42) True >>> _type('\x1b[31m42\x1b[0m') is type(42) True """ if has_invisible and ( isinstance(string, _text_type) or isinstance(string, _binary_type) ): string = _strip_invisible(string) if string is None: return _none_type elif hasattr(string, "isoformat"): # datetime.datetime, date, and time return _text_type elif _isbool(string): return _bool_type elif _isint(string) and numparse: return int elif _isint(string, _long_type) and numparse: return int elif _isnumber(string) and numparse: return float elif isinstance(string, _binary_type): return _binary_type else: return _text_type def _afterpoint(string): """Symbols after a decimal point, -1 if the string lacks the decimal point. >>> _afterpoint("123.45") 2 >>> _afterpoint("1001") -1 >>> _afterpoint("eggs") -1 >>> _afterpoint("123e45") 2 """ if _isnumber(string): if _isint(string): return -1 else: pos = string.rfind(".") pos = string.lower().rfind("e") if pos < 0 else pos if pos >= 0: return len(string) - pos - 1 else: return -1 # no point else: return -1 # not a number def _padleft(width, s): """Flush right. >>> _padleft(6, '\u044f\u0439\u0446\u0430') == ' \u044f\u0439\u0446\u0430' True """ fmt = "{0:>%ds}" % width return fmt.format(s) def _padright(width, s): """Flush left. >>> _padright(6, '\u044f\u0439\u0446\u0430') == '\u044f\u0439\u0446\u0430 ' True """ fmt = "{0:<%ds}" % width return fmt.format(s) def _padboth(width, s): """Center string. >>> _padboth(6, '\u044f\u0439\u0446\u0430') == ' \u044f\u0439\u0446\u0430 ' True """ fmt = "{0:^%ds}" % width return fmt.format(s) def _padnone(ignore_width, s): return s def _strip_invisible(s): "Remove invisible ANSI color codes." if isinstance(s, _text_type): return re.sub(_invisible_codes, "", s) else: # a bytestring return re.sub(_invisible_codes_bytes, "", s) def _visible_width(s): """Visible width of a printed string. ANSI color codes are removed. >>> _visible_width('\x1b[31mhello\x1b[0m'), _visible_width("world") (5, 5) """ # optional wide-character support if wcwidth is not None and WIDE_CHARS_MODE: len_fn = wcwidth.wcswidth else: len_fn = len if isinstance(s, _text_type) or isinstance(s, _binary_type): return len_fn(_strip_invisible(s)) else: return len_fn(_text_type(s)) def _is_multiline(s): if isinstance(s, _text_type): return bool(re.search(_multiline_codes, s)) else: # a bytestring return bool(re.search(_multiline_codes_bytes, s)) def _multiline_width(multiline_s, line_width_fn=len): """Visible width of a potentially multiline content.""" return max(map(line_width_fn, re.split("[\r\n]", multiline_s))) def _choose_width_fn(has_invisible, enable_widechars, is_multiline): """Return a function to calculate visible cell width.""" if has_invisible: line_width_fn = _visible_width elif enable_widechars: # optional wide-character support if available line_width_fn = wcwidth.wcswidth else: line_width_fn = len if is_multiline: width_fn = lambda s: _multiline_width(s, line_width_fn) # noqa else: width_fn = line_width_fn return width_fn def _align_column_choose_padfn(strings, alignment, has_invisible): if alignment == "right": if not PRESERVE_WHITESPACE: strings = [s.strip() for s in strings] padfn = _padleft elif alignment == "center": if not PRESERVE_WHITESPACE: strings = [s.strip() for s in strings] padfn = _padboth elif alignment == "decimal": if has_invisible: decimals = [_afterpoint(_strip_invisible(s)) for s in strings] else: decimals = [_afterpoint(s) for s in strings] maxdecimals = max(decimals) strings = [s + (maxdecimals - decs) * " " for s, decs in zip(strings, decimals)] padfn = _padleft elif not alignment: padfn = _padnone else: if not PRESERVE_WHITESPACE: strings = [s.strip() for s in strings] padfn = _padright return strings, padfn def _align_column( strings, alignment, minwidth=0, has_invisible=True, enable_widechars=False, is_multiline=False, ): """[string] -> [padded_string]""" strings, padfn = _align_column_choose_padfn(strings, alignment, has_invisible) width_fn = _choose_width_fn(has_invisible, enable_widechars, is_multiline) s_widths = list(map(width_fn, strings)) maxwidth = max(max(s_widths), minwidth) # TODO: refactor column alignment in single-line and multiline modes if is_multiline: if not enable_widechars and not has_invisible: padded_strings = [ "\n".join([padfn(maxwidth, s) for s in ms.splitlines()]) for ms in strings ] else: # enable wide-character width corrections s_lens = [max((len(s) for s in re.split("[\r\n]", ms))) for ms in strings] visible_widths = [maxwidth - (w - l) for w, l in zip(s_widths, s_lens)] # wcswidth and _visible_width don't count invisible characters; # padfn doesn't need to apply another correction padded_strings = [ "\n".join([padfn(w, s) for s in (ms.splitlines() or ms)]) for ms, w in zip(strings, visible_widths) ] else: # single-line cell values if not enable_widechars and not has_invisible: padded_strings = [padfn(maxwidth, s) for s in strings] else: # enable wide-character width corrections s_lens = list(map(len, strings)) visible_widths = [maxwidth - (w - l) for w, l in zip(s_widths, s_lens)] # wcswidth and _visible_width don't count invisible characters; # padfn doesn't need to apply another correction padded_strings = [padfn(w, s) for s, w in zip(strings, visible_widths)] return padded_strings def _more_generic(type1, type2): types = { _none_type: 0, _bool_type: 1, int: 2, float: 3, _binary_type: 4, _text_type: 5, } invtypes = { 5: _text_type, 4: _binary_type, 3: float, 2: int, 1: _bool_type, 0: _none_type, } moregeneric = max(types.get(type1, 5), types.get(type2, 5)) return invtypes[moregeneric] def _column_type(strings, has_invisible=True, numparse=True): """The least generic type all column values are convertible to. >>> _column_type([True, False]) is _bool_type True >>> _column_type(["1", "2"]) is _int_type True >>> _column_type(["1", "2.3"]) is _float_type True >>> _column_type(["1", "2.3", "four"]) is _text_type True >>> _column_type(["four", '\u043f\u044f\u0442\u044c']) is _text_type True >>> _column_type([None, "brux"]) is _text_type True >>> _column_type([1, 2, None]) is _int_type True >>> import datetime as dt >>> _column_type([dt.datetime(1991,2,19), dt.time(17,35)]) is _text_type True """ types = [_type(s, has_invisible, numparse) for s in strings] return reduce(_more_generic, types, _bool_type) def _format(val, valtype, floatfmt, missingval="", has_invisible=True): """Format a value accoding to its type. Unicode is supported: >>> hrow = ['\u0431\u0443\u043a\u0432\u0430', '\u0446\u0438\u0444\u0440\u0430'] ; \ tbl = [['\u0430\u0437', 2], ['\u0431\u0443\u043a\u0438', 4]] ; \ good_result = '\\u0431\\u0443\\u043a\\u0432\\u0430 \\u0446\\u0438\\u0444\\u0440\\u0430\\n------- -------\\n\\u0430\\u0437 2\\n\\u0431\\u0443\\u043a\\u0438 4' ; \ tabulate(tbl, headers=hrow) == good_result True """ # noqa if val is None: return missingval if valtype in [int, _text_type]: return "{0}".format(val) elif valtype is _binary_type: try: return _text_type(val, "ascii") except TypeError: return _text_type(val) elif valtype is float: is_a_colored_number = has_invisible and isinstance( val, (_text_type, _binary_type) ) if is_a_colored_number: raw_val = _strip_invisible(val) formatted_val = format(float(raw_val), floatfmt) return val.replace(raw_val, formatted_val) else: return format(float(val), floatfmt) else: return "{0}".format(val) def _align_header( header, alignment, width, visible_width, is_multiline=False, width_fn=None ): "Pad string header to width chars given known visible_width of the header." if is_multiline: header_lines = re.split(_multiline_codes, header) padded_lines = [ _align_header(h, alignment, width, width_fn(h)) for h in header_lines ] return "\n".join(padded_lines) # else: not multiline ninvisible = len(header) - visible_width width += ninvisible if alignment == "left": return _padright(width, header) elif alignment == "center": return _padboth(width, header) elif not alignment: return "{0}".format(header) else: return _padleft(width, header) def _prepend_row_index(rows, index): """Add a left-most index column.""" if index is None or index is False: return rows if len(index) != len(rows): print("index=", index) print("rows=", rows) raise ValueError("index must be as long as the number of data rows") rows = [[v] + list(row) for v, row in zip(index, rows)] return rows def _bool(val): "A wrapper around standard bool() which doesn't throw on NumPy arrays" try: return bool(val) except ValueError: # val is likely to be a numpy array with many elements return False def _normalize_tabular_data(tabular_data, headers, showindex="default"): """Transform a supported data type to a list of lists, and a list of headers. Supported tabular data types: * list-of-lists or another iterable of iterables * list of named tuples (usually used with headers="keys") * list of dicts (usually used with headers="keys") * list of OrderedDicts (usually used with headers="keys") * 2D NumPy arrays * NumPy record arrays (usually used with headers="keys") * dict of iterables (usually used with headers="keys") * pandas.DataFrame (usually used with headers="keys") The first row can be used as headers if headers="firstrow", column indices can be used as headers if headers="keys". If showindex="default", show row indices of the pandas.DataFrame. If showindex="always", show row indices for all types of data. If showindex="never", don't show row indices for all types of data. If showindex is an iterable, show its values as row indices. """ try: bool(headers) is_headers2bool_broken = False # noqa except ValueError: # numpy.ndarray, pandas.core.index.Index, ... is_headers2bool_broken = True # noqa headers = list(headers) index = None if hasattr(tabular_data, "keys") and hasattr(tabular_data, "values"): # dict-like and pandas.DataFrame? if hasattr(tabular_data.values, "__call__"): # likely a conventional dict keys = tabular_data.keys() rows = list( izip_longest(*tabular_data.values()) ) # columns have to be transposed elif hasattr(tabular_data, "index"): # values is a property, has .index => it's likely a pandas.DataFrame (pandas 0.11.0) keys = list(tabular_data) if tabular_data.index.name is not None: if isinstance(tabular_data.index.name, list): keys[:0] = tabular_data.index.name else: keys[:0] = [tabular_data.index.name] vals = tabular_data.values # values matrix doesn't need to be transposed # for DataFrames add an index per default index = list(tabular_data.index) rows = [list(row) for row in vals] else: raise ValueError("tabular data doesn't appear to be a dict or a DataFrame") if headers == "keys": headers = list(map(_text_type, keys)) # headers should be strings else: # it's a usual an iterable of iterables, or a NumPy array rows = list(tabular_data) if headers == "keys" and not rows: # an empty table (issue #81) headers = [] elif ( headers == "keys" and hasattr(tabular_data, "dtype") and getattr(tabular_data.dtype, "names") ): # numpy record array headers = tabular_data.dtype.names elif ( headers == "keys" and len(rows) > 0 and isinstance(rows[0], tuple) and hasattr(rows[0], "_fields") ): # namedtuple headers = list(map(_text_type, rows[0]._fields)) elif len(rows) > 0 and isinstance(rows[0], dict): # dict or OrderedDict uniq_keys = set() # implements hashed lookup keys = [] # storage for set if headers == "firstrow": firstdict = rows[0] if len(rows) > 0 else {} keys.extend(firstdict.keys()) uniq_keys.update(keys) rows = rows[1:] for row in rows: for k in row.keys(): # Save unique items in input order if k not in uniq_keys: keys.append(k) uniq_keys.add(k) if headers == "keys": headers = keys elif isinstance(headers, dict): # a dict of headers for a list of dicts headers = [headers.get(k, k) for k in keys] headers = list(map(_text_type, headers)) elif headers == "firstrow": if len(rows) > 0: headers = [firstdict.get(k, k) for k in keys] headers = list(map(_text_type, headers)) else: headers = [] elif headers: raise ValueError( "headers for a list of dicts is not a dict or a keyword" ) rows = [[row.get(k) for k in keys] for row in rows] elif ( headers == "keys" and hasattr(tabular_data, "description") and hasattr(tabular_data, "fetchone") and hasattr(tabular_data, "rowcount") ): # Python Database API cursor object (PEP 0249) # print tabulate(cursor, headers='keys') headers = [column[0] for column in tabular_data.description] elif headers == "keys" and len(rows) > 0: # keys are column indices headers = list(map(_text_type, range(len(rows[0])))) # take headers from the first row if necessary if headers == "firstrow" and len(rows) > 0: if index is not None: headers = [index[0]] + list(rows[0]) index = index[1:] else: headers = rows[0] headers = list(map(_text_type, headers)) # headers should be strings rows = rows[1:] headers = list(map(_text_type, headers)) rows = list(map(list, rows)) # add or remove an index column showindex_is_a_str = type(showindex) in [_text_type, _binary_type] if showindex == "default" and index is not None: rows = _prepend_row_index(rows, index) elif isinstance(showindex, Iterable) and not showindex_is_a_str: rows = _prepend_row_index(rows, list(showindex)) elif showindex == "always" or (_bool(showindex) and not showindex_is_a_str): if index is None: index = list(range(len(rows))) rows = _prepend_row_index(rows, index) elif showindex == "never" or (not _bool(showindex) and not showindex_is_a_str): pass # pad with empty headers for initial columns if necessary if headers and len(rows) > 0: nhs = len(headers) ncols = len(rows[0]) if nhs < ncols: headers = [""] * (ncols - nhs) + headers return rows, headers def tabulate( tabular_data, headers=(), tablefmt="simple", floatfmt=_DEFAULT_FLOATFMT, numalign="decimal", stralign="left", missingval=_DEFAULT_MISSINGVAL, showindex="default", disable_numparse=False, colalign=None, ): """Format a fixed width table for pretty printing. >>> print(tabulate([[1, 2.34], [-56, "8.999"], ["2", "10001"]])) --- --------- 1 2.34 -56 8.999 2 10001 --- --------- The first required argument (`tabular_data`) can be a list-of-lists (or another iterable of iterables), a list of named tuples, a dictionary of iterables, an iterable of dictionaries, a two-dimensional NumPy array, NumPy record array, or a Pandas' dataframe. Table headers ------------- To print nice column headers, supply the second argument (`headers`): - `headers` can be an explicit list of column headers - if `headers="firstrow"`, then the first row of data is used - if `headers="keys"`, then dictionary keys or column indices are used Otherwise a headerless table is produced. If the number of headers is less than the number of columns, they are supposed to be names of the last columns. This is consistent with the plain-text format of R and Pandas' dataframes. >>> print(tabulate([["sex","age"],["Alice","F",24],["Bob","M",19]], ... headers="firstrow")) sex age ----- ----- ----- Alice F 24 Bob M 19 By default, pandas.DataFrame data have an additional column called row index. To add a similar column to all other types of data, use `showindex="always"` or `showindex=True`. To suppress row indices for all types of data, pass `showindex="never" or `showindex=False`. To add a custom row index column, pass `showindex=some_iterable`. >>> print(tabulate([["F",24],["M",19]], showindex="always")) - - -- 0 F 24 1 M 19 - - -- Column alignment ---------------- `tabulate` tries to detect column types automatically, and aligns the values properly. By default it aligns decimal points of the numbers (or flushes integer numbers to the right), and flushes everything else to the left. Possible column alignments (`numalign`, `stralign`) are: "right", "center", "left", "decimal" (only for `numalign`), and None (to disable alignment). Table formats ------------- `floatfmt` is a format specification used for columns which contain numeric data with a decimal point. This can also be a list or tuple of format strings, one per column. `None` values are replaced with a `missingval` string (like `floatfmt`, this can also be a list of values for different columns): >>> print(tabulate([["spam", 1, None], ... ["eggs", 42, 3.14], ... ["other", None, 2.7]], missingval="?")) ----- -- ---- spam 1 ? eggs 42 3.14 other ? 2.7 ----- -- ---- Various plain-text table formats (`tablefmt`) are supported: 'plain', 'simple', 'grid', 'pipe', 'orgtbl', 'rst', 'mediawiki', 'latex', 'latex_raw' and 'latex_booktabs'. Variable `tabulate_formats` contains the list of currently supported formats. "plain" format doesn't use any pseudographics to draw tables, it separates columns with a double space: >>> print(tabulate([["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]], ... ["strings", "numbers"], "plain")) strings numbers spam 41.9999 eggs 451 >>> print(tabulate([["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]], tablefmt="plain")) spam 41.9999 eggs 451 "simple" format is like Pandoc simple_tables: >>> print(tabulate([["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]], ... ["strings", "numbers"], "simple")) strings numbers --------- --------- spam 41.9999 eggs 451 >>> print(tabulate([["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]], tablefmt="simple")) ---- -------- spam 41.9999 eggs 451 ---- -------- "grid" is similar to tables produced by Emacs table.el package or Pandoc grid_tables: >>> print(tabulate([["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]], ... ["strings", "numbers"], "grid")) +-----------+-----------+ | strings | numbers | +===========+===========+ | spam | 41.9999 | +-----------+-----------+ | eggs | 451 | +-----------+-----------+ >>> print(tabulate([["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]], tablefmt="grid")) +------+----------+ | spam | 41.9999 | +------+----------+ | eggs | 451 | +------+----------+ "fancy_grid" draws a grid using box-drawing characters: >>> print(tabulate([["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]], ... ["strings", "numbers"], "fancy_grid")) ╒═══════════╤═══════════╕ │ strings │ numbers │ ╞═══════════╪═══════════╡ │ spam │ 41.9999 │ ├───────────┼───────────┤ │ eggs │ 451 │ ╘═══════════╧═══════════╛ "pipe" is like tables in PHP Markdown Extra extension or Pandoc pipe_tables: >>> print(tabulate([["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]], ... ["strings", "numbers"], "pipe")) | strings | numbers | |:----------|----------:| | spam | 41.9999 | | eggs | 451 | "presto" is like tables produce by the Presto CLI: >>> print(tabulate([["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]], ... ["strings", "numbers"], "presto")) strings | numbers -----------+----------- spam | 41.9999 eggs | 451 >>> print(tabulate([["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]], tablefmt="pipe")) |:-----|---------:| | spam | 41.9999 | | eggs | 451 | "orgtbl" is like tables in Emacs org-mode and orgtbl-mode. They are slightly different from "pipe" format by not using colons to define column alignment, and using a "+" sign to indicate line intersections: >>> print(tabulate([["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]], ... ["strings", "numbers"], "orgtbl")) | strings | numbers | |-----------+-----------| | spam | 41.9999 | | eggs | 451 | >>> print(tabulate([["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]], tablefmt="orgtbl")) | spam | 41.9999 | | eggs | 451 | "rst" is like a simple table format from reStructuredText; please note that reStructuredText accepts also "grid" tables: >>> print(tabulate([["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]], ... ["strings", "numbers"], "rst")) ========= ========= strings numbers ========= ========= spam 41.9999 eggs 451 ========= ========= >>> print(tabulate([["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]], tablefmt="rst")) ==== ======== spam 41.9999 eggs 451 ==== ======== "mediawiki" produces a table markup used in Wikipedia and on other MediaWiki-based sites: >>> print(tabulate([["strings", "numbers"], ["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]], ... headers="firstrow", tablefmt="mediawiki")) {| class="wikitable" style="text-align: left;" |+ |- ! strings !! align="right"| numbers |- | spam || align="right"| 41.9999 |- | eggs || align="right"| 451 |} "html" produces HTML markup as an html.escape'd str with a ._repr_html_ method so that Jupyter Lab and Notebook display the HTML and a .str property so that the raw HTML remains accessible: >>> print(tabulate([["strings", "numbers"], ["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]], ... headers="firstrow", tablefmt="html"))
strings numbers
spam 41.9999
eggs 451
"latex" produces a tabular environment of LaTeX document markup: >>> print(tabulate([["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]], tablefmt="latex")) \\begin{tabular}{lr} \\hline spam & 41.9999 \\\\ eggs & 451 \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} "latex_raw" is similar to "latex", but doesn't escape special characters, such as backslash and underscore, so LaTeX commands may embedded into cells' values: >>> print(tabulate([["spam$_9$", 41.9999], ["\\\\emph{eggs}", "451.0"]], tablefmt="latex_raw")) \\begin{tabular}{lr} \\hline spam$_9$ & 41.9999 \\\\ \\emph{eggs} & 451 \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} "latex_booktabs" produces a tabular environment of LaTeX document markup using the booktabs.sty package: >>> print(tabulate([["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]], tablefmt="latex_booktabs")) \\begin{tabular}{lr} \\toprule spam & 41.9999 \\\\ eggs & 451 \\\\ \\bottomrule \\end{tabular} Number parsing -------------- By default, anything which can be parsed as a number is a number. This ensures numbers represented as strings are aligned properly. This can lead to weird results for particular strings such as specific git SHAs e.g. "42992e1" will be parsed into the number 429920 and aligned as such. To completely disable number parsing (and alignment), use `disable_numparse=True`. For more fine grained control, a list column indices is used to disable number parsing only on those columns e.g. `disable_numparse=[0, 2]` would disable number parsing only on the first and third columns. """ if tabular_data is None: tabular_data = [] list_of_lists, headers = _normalize_tabular_data( tabular_data, headers, showindex=showindex ) # empty values in the first column of RST tables should be escaped (issue #82) # "" should be escaped as "\\ " or ".." if tablefmt == "rst": list_of_lists, headers = _rst_escape_first_column(list_of_lists, headers) # PrettyTable formatting does not use any extra padding. # Numbers are not parsed and are treated the same as strings for alignment. # Check if pretty is the format being used and override the defaults so it # does not impact other formats. min_padding = MIN_PADDING if tablefmt == "pretty": min_padding = 0 disable_numparse = True numalign = "center" stralign = "center" # optimization: look for ANSI control codes once, # enable smart width functions only if a control code is found plain_text = "\t".join( ["\t".join(map(_text_type, headers))] + ["\t".join(map(_text_type, row)) for row in list_of_lists] ) has_invisible = re.search(_invisible_codes, plain_text) enable_widechars = wcwidth is not None and WIDE_CHARS_MODE if ( not isinstance(tablefmt, TableFormat) and tablefmt in multiline_formats and _is_multiline(plain_text) ): tablefmt = multiline_formats.get(tablefmt, tablefmt) is_multiline = True else: is_multiline = False width_fn = _choose_width_fn(has_invisible, enable_widechars, is_multiline) # format rows and columns, convert numeric values to strings cols = list(izip_longest(*list_of_lists)) numparses = _expand_numparse(disable_numparse, len(cols)) coltypes = [_column_type(col, numparse=np) for col, np in zip(cols, numparses)] if isinstance(floatfmt, basestring): # old version float_formats = len(cols) * [ floatfmt ] # just duplicate the string to use in each column else: # if floatfmt is list, tuple etc we have one per column float_formats = list(floatfmt) if len(float_formats) < len(cols): float_formats.extend((len(cols) - len(float_formats)) * [_DEFAULT_FLOATFMT]) if isinstance(missingval, basestring): missing_vals = len(cols) * [missingval] else: missing_vals = list(missingval) if len(missing_vals) < len(cols): missing_vals.extend((len(cols) - len(missing_vals)) * [_DEFAULT_MISSINGVAL]) cols = [ [_format(v, ct, fl_fmt, miss_v, has_invisible) for v in c] for c, ct, fl_fmt, miss_v in zip(cols, coltypes, float_formats, missing_vals) ] # align columns aligns = [numalign if ct in [int, float] else stralign for ct in coltypes] if colalign is not None: assert isinstance(colalign, Iterable) for idx, align in enumerate(colalign): aligns[idx] = align minwidths = ( [width_fn(h) + min_padding for h in headers] if headers else [0] * len(cols) ) cols = [ _align_column(c, a, minw, has_invisible, enable_widechars, is_multiline) for c, a, minw in zip(cols, aligns, minwidths) ] if headers: # align headers and add headers t_cols = cols or [[""]] * len(headers) t_aligns = aligns or [stralign] * len(headers) minwidths = [ max(minw, max(width_fn(cl) for cl in c)) for minw, c in zip(minwidths, t_cols) ] headers = [ _align_header(h, a, minw, width_fn(h), is_multiline, width_fn) for h, a, minw in zip(headers, t_aligns, minwidths) ] rows = list(zip(*cols)) else: minwidths = [max(width_fn(cl) for cl in c) for c in cols] rows = list(zip(*cols)) if not isinstance(tablefmt, TableFormat): tablefmt = _table_formats.get(tablefmt, _table_formats["simple"]) return _format_table(tablefmt, headers, rows, minwidths, aligns, is_multiline) def _expand_numparse(disable_numparse, column_count): """ Return a list of bools of length `column_count` which indicates whether number parsing should be used on each column. If `disable_numparse` is a list of indices, each of those indices are False, and everything else is True. If `disable_numparse` is a bool, then the returned list is all the same. """ if isinstance(disable_numparse, Iterable): numparses = [True] * column_count for index in disable_numparse: numparses[index] = False return numparses else: return [not disable_numparse] * column_count def _pad_row(cells, padding): if cells: pad = " " * padding padded_cells = [pad + cell + pad for cell in cells] return padded_cells else: return cells def _build_simple_row(padded_cells, rowfmt): "Format row according to DataRow format without padding." begin, sep, end = rowfmt return (begin + sep.join(padded_cells) + end).rstrip() def _build_row(padded_cells, colwidths, colaligns, rowfmt): "Return a string which represents a row of data cells." if not rowfmt: return None if hasattr(rowfmt, "__call__"): return rowfmt(padded_cells, colwidths, colaligns) else: return _build_simple_row(padded_cells, rowfmt) def _append_basic_row(lines, padded_cells, colwidths, colaligns, rowfmt): lines.append(_build_row(padded_cells, colwidths, colaligns, rowfmt)) return lines def _append_multiline_row( lines, padded_multiline_cells, padded_widths, colaligns, rowfmt, pad ): colwidths = [w - 2 * pad for w in padded_widths] cells_lines = [c.splitlines() for c in padded_multiline_cells] nlines = max(map(len, cells_lines)) # number of lines in the row # vertically pad cells where some lines are missing cells_lines = [ (cl + [" " * w] * (nlines - len(cl))) for cl, w in zip(cells_lines, colwidths) ] lines_cells = [[cl[i] for cl in cells_lines] for i in range(nlines)] for ln in lines_cells: padded_ln = _pad_row(ln, pad) _append_basic_row(lines, padded_ln, colwidths, colaligns, rowfmt) return lines def _build_line(colwidths, colaligns, linefmt): "Return a string which represents a horizontal line." if not linefmt: return None if hasattr(linefmt, "__call__"): return linefmt(colwidths, colaligns) else: begin, fill, sep, end = linefmt cells = [fill * w for w in colwidths] return _build_simple_row(cells, (begin, sep, end)) def _append_line(lines, colwidths, colaligns, linefmt): lines.append(_build_line(colwidths, colaligns, linefmt)) return lines class JupyterHTMLStr(str): """Wrap the string with a _repr_html_ method so that Jupyter displays the HTML table""" def _repr_html_(self): return self @property def str(self): """add a .str property so that the raw string is still accessible""" return self def _format_table(fmt, headers, rows, colwidths, colaligns, is_multiline): """Produce a plain-text representation of the table.""" lines = [] hidden = fmt.with_header_hide if (headers and fmt.with_header_hide) else [] pad = fmt.padding headerrow = fmt.headerrow padded_widths = [(w + 2 * pad) for w in colwidths] if is_multiline: pad_row = lambda row, _: row # noqa do it later, in _append_multiline_row append_row = partial(_append_multiline_row, pad=pad) else: pad_row = _pad_row append_row = _append_basic_row padded_headers = pad_row(headers, pad) padded_rows = [pad_row(row, pad) for row in rows] if fmt.lineabove and "lineabove" not in hidden: _append_line(lines, padded_widths, colaligns, fmt.lineabove) if padded_headers: append_row(lines, padded_headers, padded_widths, colaligns, headerrow) if fmt.linebelowheader and "linebelowheader" not in hidden: _append_line(lines, padded_widths, colaligns, fmt.linebelowheader) if padded_rows and fmt.linebetweenrows and "linebetweenrows" not in hidden: # initial rows with a line below for row in padded_rows[:-1]: append_row(lines, row, padded_widths, colaligns, fmt.datarow) _append_line(lines, padded_widths, colaligns, fmt.linebetweenrows) # the last row without a line below append_row(lines, padded_rows[-1], padded_widths, colaligns, fmt.datarow) else: for row in padded_rows: append_row(lines, row, padded_widths, colaligns, fmt.datarow) if fmt.linebelow and "linebelow" not in hidden: _append_line(lines, padded_widths, colaligns, fmt.linebelow) if headers or rows: output = "\n".join(lines) if fmt.lineabove == _html_begin_table_without_header: return JupyterHTMLStr(output) else: return output else: # a completely empty table return "" def _main(): """\ Usage: tabulate [options] [FILE ...] Pretty-print tabular data. See also https://github.com/astanin/python-tabulate FILE a filename of the file with tabular data; if "-" or missing, read data from stdin. Options: -h, --help show this message -1, --header use the first row of data as a table header -o FILE, --output FILE print table to FILE (default: stdout) -s REGEXP, --sep REGEXP use a custom column separator (default: whitespace) -F FPFMT, --float FPFMT floating point number format (default: g) -f FMT, --format FMT set output table format; supported formats: plain, simple, grid, fancy_grid, pipe, orgtbl, rst, mediawiki, html, latex, latex_raw, latex_booktabs, tsv (default: simple) """ import getopt import sys import textwrap usage = textwrap.dedent(_main.__doc__) try: opts, args = getopt.getopt( sys.argv[1:], "h1o:s:F:A:f:", ["help", "header", "output", "sep=", "float=", "align=", "format="], ) except getopt.GetoptError as e: print(e) print(usage) sys.exit(2) headers = [] floatfmt = _DEFAULT_FLOATFMT colalign = None tablefmt = "simple" sep = r"\s+" outfile = "-" for opt, value in opts: if opt in ["-1", "--header"]: headers = "firstrow" elif opt in ["-o", "--output"]: outfile = value elif opt in ["-F", "--float"]: floatfmt = value elif opt in ["-C", "--colalign"]: colalign = value.split() elif opt in ["-f", "--format"]: if value not in tabulate_formats: print("%s is not a supported table format" % value) print(usage) sys.exit(3) tablefmt = value elif opt in ["-s", "--sep"]: sep = value elif opt in ["-h", "--help"]: print(usage) sys.exit(0) files = [sys.stdin] if not args else args with (sys.stdout if outfile == "-" else open(outfile, "w")) as out: for f in files: if f == "-": f = sys.stdin if _is_file(f): _pprint_file( f, headers=headers, tablefmt=tablefmt, sep=sep, floatfmt=floatfmt, file=out, colalign=colalign, ) else: with open(f) as fobj: _pprint_file( fobj, headers=headers, tablefmt=tablefmt, sep=sep, floatfmt=floatfmt, file=out, colalign=colalign, ) def _pprint_file(fobject, headers, tablefmt, sep, floatfmt, file, colalign): rows = fobject.readlines() table = [re.split(sep, r.rstrip()) for r in rows if r.strip()] print( tabulate(table, headers, tablefmt, floatfmt=floatfmt, colalign=colalign), file=file, ) if __name__ == "__main__": _main()