import json from cbpi.utils.encoder import ComplexEncoder from hbmqtt.mqtt.constants import QOS_0 from hbmqtt.client import MQTTClient class CBPiMqttClient: def __init__(self, cbpi): self.cbpi = cbpi self.cbpi.bus.register("#", self.listen) self.client = None async def init_client(self, cbpi): self.client = MQTTClient() await self.client.connect('mqtt://localhost:1883') async def listen(self, topic, **kwargs): if self.client is not None: await self.client.publish(topic, str.encode(json.dumps(kwargs, cls=ComplexEncoder)), QOS_0) def setup(cbpi): ''' This method is called by the server during startup Here you need to register your plugins at the server :param cbpi: the cbpi core :return: ''' print("MQTT") print("###################") print("###################") print("###################") print("###################") client = CBPiMqttClient(cbpi)