# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2006-2014 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE) # Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Google, Inc. # Copyright (c) 2013 moxian # Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Claudiu Popa # Copyright (c) 2014 frost-nzcr4 # Copyright (c) 2014 Brett Cannon # Copyright (c) 2014 Michal Nowikowski # Copyright (c) 2014 Arun Persaud # Copyright (c) 2015 Mike Frysinger # Copyright (c) 2015 Fabio Natali # Copyright (c) 2015 Harut # Copyright (c) 2015 Mihai Balint # Copyright (c) 2015 Pavel Roskin # Copyright (c) 2015 Ionel Cristian Maries # Copyright (c) 2016 Petr Pulc # Copyright (c) 2016 Moises Lopez # Copyright (c) 2016 Ashley Whetter # Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Bryce Guinta # Copyright (c) 2017, 2019 hippo91 # Copyright (c) 2017 Krzysztof Czapla # Copyright (c) 2017 Łukasz Rogalski # Copyright (c) 2017 James M. Allen # Copyright (c) 2017 vinnyrose # Copyright (c) 2018, 2020 Bryce Guinta # Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Pierre Sassoulas # Copyright (c) 2018 Pierre Sassoulas # Copyright (c) 2018, 2020 Anthony Sottile # Copyright (c) 2018 Lucas Cimon # Copyright (c) 2018 Michael Hudson-Doyle # Copyright (c) 2018 Natalie Serebryakova # Copyright (c) 2018 ssolanki # Copyright (c) 2018 Marcus Näslund # Copyright (c) 2018 Mike Frysinger # Copyright (c) 2018 Fureigh # Copyright (c) 2018 Andreas Freimuth # Copyright (c) 2018 Jakub Wilk # Copyright (c) 2019 Nick Drozd # Copyright (c) 2019 Hugo van Kemenade # Licensed under the GPL: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html # For details: https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/blob/master/COPYING """Python code format's checker. By default try to follow Guido's style guide : https://www.python.org/doc/essays/styleguide/ Some parts of the process_token method is based from The Tab Nanny std module. """ import tokenize from functools import reduce # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin from tokenize import TokenInfo from typing import List from astroid import nodes from pylint.checkers import BaseTokenChecker from pylint.checkers.utils import ( check_messages, is_overload_stub, is_protocol_class, node_frame_class, ) from pylint.constants import WarningScope from pylint.interfaces import IAstroidChecker, IRawChecker, ITokenChecker from pylint.utils.pragma_parser import OPTION_PO, PragmaParserError, parse_pragma _ASYNC_TOKEN = "async" _KEYWORD_TOKENS = [ "assert", "del", "elif", "except", "for", "if", "in", "not", "raise", "return", "while", "yield", "with", ] _SPACED_OPERATORS = [ "==", "<", ">", "!=", "<>", "<=", ">=", "+=", "-=", "*=", "**=", "/=", "//=", "&=", "|=", "^=", "%=", ">>=", "<<=", ] _OPENING_BRACKETS = ["(", "[", "{"] _CLOSING_BRACKETS = [")", "]", "}"] _TAB_LENGTH = 8 _EOL = frozenset([tokenize.NEWLINE, tokenize.NL, tokenize.COMMENT]) _JUNK_TOKENS = (tokenize.COMMENT, tokenize.NL) # Whitespace checking policy constants _MUST = 0 _MUST_NOT = 1 _IGNORE = 2 MSGS = { "C0301": ( "Line too long (%s/%s)", "line-too-long", "Used when a line is longer than a given number of characters.", ), "C0302": ( "Too many lines in module (%s/%s)", # was W0302 "too-many-lines", "Used when a module has too many lines, reducing its readability.", ), "C0303": ( "Trailing whitespace", "trailing-whitespace", "Used when there is whitespace between the end of a line and the newline.", ), "C0304": ( "Final newline missing", "missing-final-newline", "Used when the last line in a file is missing a newline.", ), "C0305": ( "Trailing newlines", "trailing-newlines", "Used when there are trailing blank lines in a file.", ), "W0311": ( "Bad indentation. Found %s %s, expected %s", "bad-indentation", "Used when an unexpected number of indentation's tabulations or " "spaces has been found.", ), "W0301": ( "Unnecessary semicolon", # was W0106 "unnecessary-semicolon", 'Used when a statement is ended by a semi-colon (";"), which ' "isn't necessary (that's python, not C ;).", ), "C0321": ( "More than one statement on a single line", "multiple-statements", "Used when more than on statement are found on the same line.", {"scope": WarningScope.NODE}, ), "C0325": ( "Unnecessary parens after %r keyword", "superfluous-parens", "Used when a single item in parentheses follows an if, for, or " "other keyword.", ), "C0327": ( "Mixed line endings LF and CRLF", "mixed-line-endings", "Used when there are mixed (LF and CRLF) newline signs in a file.", ), "C0328": ( "Unexpected line ending format. There is '%s' while it should be '%s'.", "unexpected-line-ending-format", "Used when there is different newline than expected.", ), } def _last_token_on_line_is(tokens, line_end, token): return ( line_end > 0 and tokens.token(line_end - 1) == token or line_end > 1 and tokens.token(line_end - 2) == token and tokens.type(line_end - 1) == tokenize.COMMENT ) # The contexts for hanging indents. # A hanging indented dictionary value after : HANGING_DICT_VALUE = "dict-value" # Hanging indentation in an expression. HANGING = "hanging" # Hanging indentation in a block header. HANGING_BLOCK = "hanging-block" # Continued indentation inside an expression. CONTINUED = "continued" # Continued indentation in a block header. CONTINUED_BLOCK = "continued-block" SINGLE_LINE = "single" WITH_BODY = "multi" class TokenWrapper: """A wrapper for readable access to token information.""" def __init__(self, tokens): self._tokens = tokens def token(self, idx): return self._tokens[idx][1] def type(self, idx): return self._tokens[idx][0] def start_line(self, idx): return self._tokens[idx][2][0] def start_col(self, idx): return self._tokens[idx][2][1] def line(self, idx): return self._tokens[idx][4] class FormatChecker(BaseTokenChecker): """checks for : * unauthorized constructions * strict indentation * line length """ __implements__ = (ITokenChecker, IAstroidChecker, IRawChecker) # configuration section name name = "format" # messages msgs = MSGS # configuration options # for available dict keys/values see the optik parser 'add_option' method options = ( ( "max-line-length", { "default": 100, "type": "int", "metavar": "", "help": "Maximum number of characters on a single line.", }, ), ( "ignore-long-lines", { "type": "regexp", "metavar": "", "default": r"^\s*(# )??$", "help": ( "Regexp for a line that is allowed to be longer than " "the limit." ), }, ), ( "single-line-if-stmt", { "default": False, "type": "yn", "metavar": "", "help": ( "Allow the body of an if to be on the same " "line as the test if there is no else." ), }, ), ( "single-line-class-stmt", { "default": False, "type": "yn", "metavar": "", "help": ( "Allow the body of a class to be on the same " "line as the declaration if body contains " "single statement." ), }, ), ( "max-module-lines", { "default": 1000, "type": "int", "metavar": "", "help": "Maximum number of lines in a module.", }, ), ( "indent-string", { "default": " ", "type": "non_empty_string", "metavar": "", "help": "String used as indentation unit. This is usually " '" " (4 spaces) or "\\t" (1 tab).', }, ), ( "indent-after-paren", { "type": "int", "metavar": "", "default": 4, "help": "Number of spaces of indent required inside a hanging " "or continued line.", }, ), ( "expected-line-ending-format", { "type": "choice", "metavar": "", "default": "", "choices": ["", "LF", "CRLF"], "help": ( "Expected format of line ending, " "e.g. empty (any line ending), LF or CRLF." ), }, ), ) def __init__(self, linter=None): BaseTokenChecker.__init__(self, linter) self._lines = None self._visited_lines = None self._bracket_stack = [None] def new_line(self, tokens, line_end, line_start): """a new line has been encountered, process it if necessary""" if _last_token_on_line_is(tokens, line_end, ";"): self.add_message("unnecessary-semicolon", line=tokens.start_line(line_end)) line_num = tokens.start_line(line_start) line = tokens.line(line_start) if tokens.type(line_start) not in _JUNK_TOKENS: self._lines[line_num] = line.split("\n")[0] self.check_lines(line, line_num) def process_module(self, _module): pass def _check_keyword_parentheses(self, tokens: List[TokenInfo], start: int) -> None: """Check that there are not unnecessary parens after a keyword. Parens are unnecessary if there is exactly one balanced outer pair on a line, and it is followed by a colon, and contains no commas (i.e. is not a tuple). Args: tokens: list of Tokens; the entire list of Tokens. start: int; the position of the keyword in the token list. """ # If the next token is not a paren, we're fine. if self._bracket_stack[-1] == ":" and tokens[start].string == "for": self._bracket_stack.pop() if tokens[start + 1].string != "(": return found_and_or = False contains_walrus_operator = False walrus_operator_depth = 0 depth = 0 keyword_token = str(tokens[start].string) line_num = tokens[start].start[0] for i in range(start, len(tokens) - 1): token = tokens[i] # If we hit a newline, then assume any parens were for continuation. if token.type == tokenize.NL: return # Since the walrus operator doesn't exist below python3.8, the tokenizer # generates independent tokens if ( token.string == ":=" # <-- python3.8+ path or token.string + tokens[i + 1].string == ":=" ): contains_walrus_operator = True walrus_operator_depth = depth if token.string == "(": depth += 1 elif token.string == ")": depth -= 1 if depth: continue # ')' can't happen after if (foo), since it would be a syntax error. if tokens[i + 1].string in (":", ")", "]", "}", "in") or tokens[ i + 1 ].type in (tokenize.NEWLINE, tokenize.ENDMARKER, tokenize.COMMENT): # The empty tuple () is always accepted. if contains_walrus_operator and walrus_operator_depth - 1 == depth: # Reset variable for possible following expressions contains_walrus_operator = False continue if i == start + 2: return if keyword_token == "not": if not found_and_or: self.add_message( "superfluous-parens", line=line_num, args=keyword_token ) elif keyword_token in ("return", "yield"): self.add_message( "superfluous-parens", line=line_num, args=keyword_token ) elif not found_and_or: self.add_message( "superfluous-parens", line=line_num, args=keyword_token ) return elif depth == 1: # This is a tuple, which is always acceptable. if token[1] == ",": return # 'and' and 'or' are the only boolean operators with lower precedence # than 'not', so parens are only required when they are found. if token[1] in ("and", "or"): found_and_or = True # A yield inside an expression must always be in parentheses, # quit early without error. elif token[1] == "yield": return # A generator expression always has a 'for' token in it, and # the 'for' token is only legal inside parens when it is in a # generator expression. The parens are necessary here, so bail # without an error. elif token[1] == "for": return def _prepare_token_dispatcher(self): dispatch = {} for tokens, handler in [ (_KEYWORD_TOKENS, self._check_keyword_parentheses), ]: for token in tokens: dispatch[token] = handler return dispatch def process_tokens(self, tokens): """process tokens and search for : _ too long lines (i.e. longer than ) _ optionally bad construct (if given, bad_construct must be a compiled regular expression). """ self._bracket_stack = [None] indents = [0] check_equal = False line_num = 0 self._lines = {} self._visited_lines = {} token_handlers = self._prepare_token_dispatcher() self._last_line_ending = None last_blank_line_num = 0 for idx, (tok_type, token, start, _, line) in enumerate(tokens): if start[0] != line_num: line_num = start[0] # A tokenizer oddity: if an indented line contains a multi-line # docstring, the line member of the INDENT token does not contain # the full line; therefore we check the next token on the line. if tok_type == tokenize.INDENT: self.new_line(TokenWrapper(tokens), idx - 1, idx + 1) else: self.new_line(TokenWrapper(tokens), idx - 1, idx) if tok_type == tokenize.NEWLINE: # a program statement, or ENDMARKER, will eventually follow, # after some (possibly empty) run of tokens of the form # (NL | COMMENT)* (INDENT | DEDENT+)? # If an INDENT appears, setting check_equal is wrong, and will # be undone when we see the INDENT. check_equal = True self._check_line_ending(token, line_num) elif tok_type == tokenize.INDENT: check_equal = False self.check_indent_level(token, indents[-1] + 1, line_num) indents.append(indents[-1] + 1) elif tok_type == tokenize.DEDENT: # there's nothing we need to check here! what's important is # that when the run of DEDENTs ends, the indentation of the # program statement (or ENDMARKER) that triggered the run is # equal to what's left at the top of the indents stack check_equal = True if len(indents) > 1: del indents[-1] elif tok_type == tokenize.NL: if not line.strip("\r\n"): last_blank_line_num = line_num elif tok_type not in (tokenize.COMMENT, tokenize.ENCODING): # This is the first concrete token following a NEWLINE, so it # must be the first token of the next program statement, or an # ENDMARKER; the "line" argument exposes the leading whitespace # for this statement; in the case of ENDMARKER, line is an empty # string, so will properly match the empty string with which the # "indents" stack was seeded if check_equal: check_equal = False self.check_indent_level(line, indents[-1], line_num) if tok_type == tokenize.NUMBER and token.endswith("l"): self.add_message("lowercase-l-suffix", line=line_num) try: handler = token_handlers[token] except KeyError: pass else: handler(tokens, idx) line_num -= 1 # to be ok with "wc -l" if line_num > self.config.max_module_lines: # Get the line where the too-many-lines (or its message id) # was disabled or default to 1. message_definition = self.linter.msgs_store.get_message_definitions( "too-many-lines" )[0] names = (message_definition.msgid, "too-many-lines") line = next(filter(None, map(self.linter._pragma_lineno.get, names)), 1) self.add_message( "too-many-lines", args=(line_num, self.config.max_module_lines), line=line, ) # See if there are any trailing lines. Do not complain about empty # files like __init__.py markers. if line_num == last_blank_line_num and line_num > 0: self.add_message("trailing-newlines", line=line_num) def _check_line_ending(self, line_ending, line_num): # check if line endings are mixed if self._last_line_ending is not None: # line_ending == "" indicates a synthetic newline added at # the end of a file that does not, in fact, end with a # newline. if line_ending and line_ending != self._last_line_ending: self.add_message("mixed-line-endings", line=line_num) self._last_line_ending = line_ending # check if line ending is as expected expected = self.config.expected_line_ending_format if expected: # reduce multiple \n\n\n\n to one \n line_ending = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y if x != y else x, line_ending, "") line_ending = "LF" if line_ending == "\n" else "CRLF" if line_ending != expected: self.add_message( "unexpected-line-ending-format", args=(line_ending, expected), line=line_num, ) @check_messages("multiple-statements") def visit_default(self, node): """check the node line number and check it if not yet done""" if not node.is_statement: return if not node.root().pure_python: return prev_sibl = node.previous_sibling() if prev_sibl is not None: prev_line = prev_sibl.fromlineno # The line on which a finally: occurs in a try/finally # is not directly represented in the AST. We infer it # by taking the last line of the body and adding 1, which # should be the line of finally: elif ( isinstance(node.parent, nodes.TryFinally) and node in node.parent.finalbody ): prev_line = node.parent.body[0].tolineno + 1 else: prev_line = node.parent.statement().fromlineno line = node.fromlineno assert line, node if prev_line == line and self._visited_lines.get(line) != 2: self._check_multi_statement_line(node, line) return if line in self._visited_lines: return try: tolineno = node.blockstart_tolineno except AttributeError: tolineno = node.tolineno assert tolineno, node lines = [] for line in range(line, tolineno + 1): self._visited_lines[line] = 1 try: lines.append(self._lines[line].rstrip()) except KeyError: lines.append("") def _check_multi_statement_line(self, node, line): """Check for lines containing multiple statements.""" # Do not warn about multiple nested context managers # in with statements. if isinstance(node, nodes.With): return # For try... except... finally..., the two nodes # appear to be on the same line due to how the AST is built. if isinstance(node, nodes.TryExcept) and isinstance( node.parent, nodes.TryFinally ): return if ( isinstance(node.parent, nodes.If) and not node.parent.orelse and self.config.single_line_if_stmt ): return if ( isinstance(node.parent, nodes.ClassDef) and len(node.parent.body) == 1 and self.config.single_line_class_stmt ): return # Function overloads that use ``Ellipsis`` are exempted. if isinstance(node, nodes.Expr) and ( isinstance(node.value, nodes.Ellipsis) or (isinstance(node.value, nodes.Const) and node.value.value is Ellipsis) ): frame = node.frame() if is_overload_stub(frame) or is_protocol_class(node_frame_class(frame)): return self.add_message("multiple-statements", node=node) self._visited_lines[line] = 2 def check_line_ending(self, line: str, i: int) -> None: """ Check that the final newline is not missing and that there is no trailing whitespace. """ if not line.endswith("\n"): self.add_message("missing-final-newline", line=i) return # exclude \f (formfeed) from the rstrip stripped_line = line.rstrip("\t\n\r\v ") if line[len(stripped_line) :] not in ("\n", "\r\n"): self.add_message( "trailing-whitespace", line=i, col_offset=len(stripped_line) ) def check_line_length(self, line: str, i: int) -> None: """ Check that the line length is less than the authorized value """ max_chars = self.config.max_line_length ignore_long_line = self.config.ignore_long_lines line = line.rstrip() if len(line) > max_chars and not ignore_long_line.search(line): self.add_message("line-too-long", line=i, args=(len(line), max_chars)) @staticmethod def remove_pylint_option_from_lines(options_pattern_obj) -> str: """ Remove the `# pylint ...` pattern from lines """ lines = options_pattern_obj.string purged_lines = ( lines[: options_pattern_obj.start(1)].rstrip() + lines[options_pattern_obj.end(1) :] ) return purged_lines @staticmethod def is_line_length_check_activated(pylint_pattern_match_object) -> bool: """ Return true if the line length check is activated """ try: for pragma in parse_pragma(pylint_pattern_match_object.group(2)): if pragma.action == "disable" and "line-too-long" in pragma.messages: return False except PragmaParserError: # Printing useful information dealing with this error is done in the lint package pass return True @staticmethod def specific_splitlines(lines: str) -> List[str]: """ Split lines according to universal newlines except those in a specific sets """ unsplit_ends = { "\v", "\x0b", "\f", "\x0c", "\x1c", "\x1d", "\x1e", "\x85", "\u2028", "\u2029", } res = [] buffer = "" for atomic_line in lines.splitlines(True): if atomic_line[-1] not in unsplit_ends: res.append(buffer + atomic_line) buffer = "" else: buffer += atomic_line return res def check_lines(self, lines: str, lineno: int) -> None: """ Check lines have : - a final newline - no trailing whitespace - less than a maximum number of characters """ #  By default, check the line length check_l_length = True # Line length check may be deactivated through `pylint: disable` comment mobj = OPTION_PO.search(lines) if mobj: check_l_length = self.is_line_length_check_activated(mobj) # The 'pylint: disable whatever' should not be taken into account for line length count lines = self.remove_pylint_option_from_lines(mobj) for line in self.specific_splitlines(lines): if check_l_length: self.check_line_length(line, lineno) self.check_line_ending(line, lineno) lineno += 1 def check_indent_level(self, string, expected, line_num): """return the indent level of the string """ indent = self.config.indent_string if indent == "\\t": # \t is not interpreted in the configuration file indent = "\t" level = 0 unit_size = len(indent) while string[:unit_size] == indent: string = string[unit_size:] level += 1 suppl = "" while string and string[0] in " \t": suppl += string[0] string = string[1:] if level != expected or suppl: i_type = "spaces" if indent[0] == "\t": i_type = "tabs" self.add_message( "bad-indentation", line=line_num, args=(level * unit_size + len(suppl), i_type, expected * unit_size), ) def register(linter): """required method to auto register this checker """ linter.register_checker(FormatChecker(linter))