import asyncio from cbpi.api import parameters, Property, action from cbpi.api.step import StepResult, CBPiFermentationStep from cbpi.api.timer import Timer from datetime import datetime import time from voluptuous.schema_builder import message from cbpi.api.dataclasses import NotificationAction, NotificationType from cbpi.api.dataclasses import Kettle, Props, Fermenter from cbpi.api import * import logging from socket import timeout from typing import KeysView from cbpi.api.config import ConfigType from cbpi.api.base import CBPiBase import numpy as np import warnings @parameters([Property.Text(label="Notification",configurable = True, description = "Text for notification"), Property.Select(label="AutoNext",options=["Yes","No"], description="Automatically move to next step (Yes) or pause after Notification (No)")]) class FermenterNotificationStep(CBPiFermentationStep): async def NextStep(self, **kwargs): await async def on_timer_done(self,timer): self.summary = self.props.get("Notification","") if self.AutoNext == True: self.cbpi.notify(, self.props.get("Notification",""), NotificationType.INFO) await else: self.cbpi.notify(, self.props.get("Notification",""), NotificationType.INFO, action=[NotificationAction("Next Step", self.NextStep)]) await self.push_update() async def on_timer_update(self,timer, seconds): await self.push_update() async def on_start(self): self.summary="" self.AutoNext = False if self.props.get("AutoNext", "No") == "No" else True if self.timer is None: self.timer = Timer(1 ,on_update=self.on_timer_update, on_done=self.on_timer_done) await self.push_update() async def on_stop(self): await self.timer.stop() self.summary = "" await self.push_update() async def run(self): while self.running == True: await asyncio.sleep(1) if self.timer.is_running is not True: self.timer.start() self.timer.is_running = True return StepResult.DONE @parameters([Property.Number(label="Temp", configurable=True), Property.Sensor(label="Sensor"), Property.Kettle(label="Kettle"), Property.Text(label="Notification",configurable = True, description = "Text for notification when Temp is reached"), Property.Select(label="AutoMode",options=["Yes","No"], description="Switch Kettlelogic automatically on and off -> Yes")]) class FermenterTargetTempStep(CBPiFermentationStep): async def NextStep(self, **kwargs): await async def on_timer_done(self,timer): self.summary = "" self.kettle.target_temp = 0 await self.push_update() if self.AutoMode == True: await self.setAutoMode(False) self.cbpi.notify(, self.props.get("Notification","Target Temp reached. Please add malt and klick next to move on."), action=[NotificationAction("Next Step", self.NextStep)]) async def on_timer_update(self,timer, seconds): await self.push_update() async def on_start(self): self.AutoMode = True if self.props.get("AutoMode","No") == "Yes" else False self.kettle=self.get_kettle(self.props.get("Kettle", None)) if self.kettle is not None: self.kettle.target_temp = int(self.props.get("Temp", 0)) if self.AutoMode == True: await self.setAutoMode(True) self.summary = "Waiting for Target Temp" if self.cbpi.kettle is not None and self.timer is None: self.timer = Timer(1 ,on_update=self.on_timer_update, on_done=self.on_timer_done) await self.push_update() async def on_stop(self): await self.timer.stop() self.summary = "" if self.AutoMode == True: await self.setAutoMode(False) await self.push_update() async def run(self): while self.running == True: await asyncio.sleep(1) sensor_value = self.get_sensor_value(self.props.get("Sensor", None)).get("value") if sensor_value >= int(self.props.get("Temp",0)) and self.timer.is_running is not True: self.timer.start() self.timer.is_running = True await self.push_update() return StepResult.DONE async def reset(self): self.timer = Timer(1 ,on_update=self.on_timer_update, on_done=self.on_timer_done) async def setAutoMode(self, auto_state): try: if (self.kettle.instance is None or self.kettle.instance.state == False) and (auto_state is True): await self.cbpi.kettle.toggle( elif (self.kettle.instance.state == True) and (auto_state is False): await self.cbpi.kettle.stop( await self.push_update() except Exception as e: logging.error("Failed to switch on KettleLogic {} {}".format(, e)) @parameters([Property.Number(label="Timer", description="Time in Minutes", configurable=True), Property.Number(label="Temp", configurable=True), Property.Sensor(label="Sensor"), Property.Kettle(label="Kettle"), Property.Select(label="AutoMode",options=["Yes","No"], description="Switch Kettlelogic automatically on and off -> Yes")]) class FermentationStep(CBPiFermentationStep): @action("Start Timer", []) async def start_timer(self): if self.timer.is_running is not True: self.cbpi.notify(, 'Timer started', NotificationType.INFO) self.timer.start() self.timer.is_running = True else: self.cbpi.notify(, 'Timer is already running', NotificationType.WARNING) @action("Add 5 Minutes to Timer", []) async def add_timer(self): if self.timer.is_running == True: self.cbpi.notify(, '5 Minutes added', NotificationType.INFO) await self.timer.add(300) else: self.cbpi.notify(, 'Timer must be running to add time', NotificationType.WARNING) async def on_timer_done(self,timer): self.summary = "" self.kettle.target_temp = 0 if self.AutoMode == True: await self.setAutoMode(False) self.cbpi.notify(, 'Step finished', NotificationType.SUCCESS) await async def on_timer_update(self,timer, seconds): self.summary = Timer.format_time(seconds) await self.push_update() async def on_start(self): self.AutoMode = True if self.props.get("AutoMode", "No") == "Yes" else False self.kettle=self.get_kettle(self.props.Kettle) if self.kettle is not None: self.kettle.target_temp = int(self.props.get("Temp", 0)) if self.AutoMode == True: await self.setAutoMode(True) await self.push_update() if self.cbpi.kettle is not None and self.timer is None: self.timer = Timer(int(self.props.get("Timer",0)) *60 ,on_update=self.on_timer_update, on_done=self.on_timer_done) elif self.cbpi.kettle is not None: try: if self.timer.is_running == True: self.timer.start() except: pass self.summary = "Waiting for Target Temp" await self.push_update() async def on_stop(self): await self.timer.stop() self.summary = "" if self.AutoMode == True: await self.setAutoMode(False) await self.push_update() async def reset(self): self.timer = Timer(int(self.props.get("Timer",0)) *60 ,on_update=self.on_timer_update, on_done=self.on_timer_done) async def run(self): while self.running == True: await asyncio.sleep(1) sensor_value = self.get_sensor_value(self.props.get("Sensor", None)).get("value") if sensor_value >= int(self.props.get("Temp",0)) and self.timer.is_running is not True: self.timer.start() self.timer.is_running = True estimated_completion_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()+ (int(self.props.get("Timer",0)))*60) self.cbpi.notify(, 'Timer started. Estimated completion: {}'.format(estimated_completion_time.strftime("%H:%M")), NotificationType.INFO) return StepResult.DONE async def setAutoMode(self, auto_state): try: if (self.kettle.instance is None or self.kettle.instance.state == False) and (auto_state is True): await self.cbpi.kettle.toggle( elif (self.kettle.instance.state == True) and (auto_state is False): await self.cbpi.kettle.stop( await self.push_update() except Exception as e: logging.error("Failed to switch on KettleLogic {} {}".format(, e)) def setup(cbpi): ''' This method is called by the server during startup Here you need to register your plugins at the server :param cbpi: the cbpi core :return: ''' cbpi.plugin.register("FermenterNotificationStep", FermenterNotificationStep) cbpi.plugin.register("FermenterTargetTempStep", FermenterTargetTempStep) cbpi.plugin.register("FermentationStep", FermentationStep)