import os import pathlib import aiohttp from aiohttp import web import asyncio from cbpi.api import * import xml.etree.ElementTree import sqlite3 from voluptuous.schema_builder import message from cbpi.api.dataclasses import NotificationAction, NotificationType from cbpi.controller.kettle_controller import KettleController from cbpi.api.base import CBPiBase from cbpi.api.config import ConfigType import webbrowser import logging import os.path from os import listdir from os.path import isfile, join import json import shortuuid import yaml from ..api.step import StepMove, StepResult, StepState import re import base64 class UploadController: def __init__(self, cbpi): self.cbpi = cbpi self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) async def get_kbh_recipes(self): try: path = os.path.join(".", 'config', "upload", "kbh.db") conn = sqlite3.connect(path) c = conn.cursor() c.execute('SELECT ID, Sudname, Status FROM Sud') data = c.fetchall() result = [] for row in data: element = {'value': str(row[0]), 'label': str(row[1])} result.append(element) return result except: return [] async def get_xml_recipes(self): try: path = os.path.join(".", 'config', "upload", "beer.xml") e = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(path).getroot() result =[] counter = 1 for idx, val in enumerate(e.findall('RECIPE')): element = {'value': str(counter), 'label': val.find("NAME").text} result.append(element) counter +=1 return result except: return [] async def get_brewfather_recipes(self): brewfather = True result=[] self.url="" brewfather_user_id = self.cbpi.config.get("brewfather_user_id", None) if brewfather_user_id == "" or brewfather_user_id is None: brewfather = False brewfather_api_key = self.cbpi.config.get("brewfather_api_key", None) if brewfather_api_key == "" or brewfather_api_key is None: brewfather = False if brewfather == True: encodedData = base64.b64encode(bytes(f"{brewfather_user_id}:{brewfather_api_key}", "ISO-8859-1")).decode("ascii") headers={"Authorization": "Basic %s" % encodedData} async with aiohttp.ClientSession(headers=headers) as bf_session: async with bf_session.get(self.url) as r: bf_recipe_list = await r.json() await bf_session.close() if bf_recipe_list: for row in bf_recipe_list: recipe_id = row['_id'] name = row['name'] element = {'value': recipe_id, 'label': name} result.append(element) return result else: return [] else: return [] def get_creation_path(self): creation_path = self.cbpi.config.get("RECIPE_CREATION_PATH", "upload") path = {'path': 'upload'} if creation_path == '' else {'path': creation_path} return path def allowed_file(self, filename, extension): return '.' in filename and filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1] in set([extension]) async def FileUpload(self, data): fileData = data['File'] filename = fileData.filename recipe_file = fileData.file content_type = fileData.content_type if content_type == 'text/xml': try: beer_xml = if recipe_file and self.allowed_file(filename, 'xml'): self.path = os.path.join(".", 'config', "upload", "beer.xml") f = open(self.path, "w") f.write(beer_xml) f.close() self.cbpi.notify("Success", "XML Recipe {} has been uploaded".format(filename), NotificationType.SUCCESS) except: self.cbpi.notify("Error" "XML Recipe upload failed", NotificationType.ERROR) pass elif content_type == 'application/octet-stream': try: content = if recipe_file and self.allowed_file(filename, 'sqlite'): self.path = os.path.join(".", 'config', "upload", "kbh.db") f=open(self.path, "wb") f.write(content) f.close() self.cbpi.notify("Success", "Kleiner Brauhelfer database has been uploaded", NotificationType.SUCCESS) except: self.cbpi.notify("Error", "Kleiner Brauhelfer database upload failed", NotificationType.ERROR) pass else: self.cbpi.notify("Error", "Wrong content type. Upload failed", NotificationType.ERROR) async def kbh_recipe_creation(self, Recipe_ID): self.kettle = None #Define MashSteps self.mashin = self.cbpi.config.get("steps_mashin", "MashInStep") self.mash = self.cbpi.config.get("steps_mash", "MashStep") self.mashout = self.cbpi.config.get("steps_mashout", None) # Currently used only for the Braumeister self.boil = self.cbpi.config.get("steps_boil", "BoilStep") self.whirlpool="Waitstep" self.cooldown = self.cbpi.config.get("steps_cooldown", "WaitStep") #get default boil temp from settings self.BoilTemp = self.cbpi.config.get("steps_boil_temp", 98) #get default cooldown temp alarm setting self.CoolDownTemp = self.cbpi.config.get("steps_cooldown_temp", 25) #get server port from settings and define url for api calls -> adding steps self.port = str(self.cbpi.static_config.get('port',8000)) self.url="" + self.port + "/step2/" # get default Kettle from Settings = self.cbpi.config.get('MASH_TUN', None) try: self.kettle = self.cbpi.kettle.find_by_id( except: self.cbpi.notify('Recipe Upload', 'No default Kettle defined. Please specify default Kettle in settings', NotificationType.ERROR) if is not None or != '': # load beerxml file located in upload folder self.path = os.path.join(".", 'config', "upload", "kbh.db") if os.path.exists(self.path) is False: self.cbpi.notify("File Not Found", "Please upload a kbh V2 databsel file", NotificationType.ERROR) try: conn = sqlite3.connect(self.path) c = conn.cursor() c.execute('SELECT Sudname FROM Sud WHERE ID = ?', (Recipe_ID,)) row = c.fetchone() name = row[0] # Create recipe in recipe Book with name of first recipe in xml file self.recipeID = await self.cbpi.recipe.create(name) # send recipe to mash profile await self.cbpi.recipe.brew(self.recipeID) # remove empty recipe from recipe book await self.cbpi.recipe.remove(self.recipeID) #MashIn Step c.execute('SELECT Temp FROM Rasten WHERE Typ = 0 AND SudID = ?', (Recipe_ID,)) row = c.fetchone() step_kettle = step_name = "MashIn" step_timer = "0" step_temp = str(int(row[0])) sensor = self.kettle.sensor step_type = self.mashin if self.mashin != "" else "MashInStep" AutoMode = "Yes" if step_type == "MashInStep" else "No" Notification = "Target temperature reached. Please add malt." await self.create_step(step_type, step_name, step_kettle, step_timer, step_temp, AutoMode, sensor, Notification) for row in c.execute('SELECT Name, Temp, Dauer FROM Rasten WHERE Typ <> 0 AND SudID = ?', (Recipe_ID,)): step_name = str(row[0]) step_temp = str(int(row[1])) step_timer = str(int(row[2])) step_type = self.mash if self.mash != "" else "MashStep" AutoMode = "Yes" if step_type == "MashStep" else "No" await self.create_step(step_type, step_name, step_kettle, step_timer, step_temp, AutoMode, sensor) # MashOut -> Notification step that sends notification and waits for user input to move to next step (AutoNext=No) if self.mashout == "NotificationStep": step_kettle = step_type = self.mashout step_name = "Lautering" step_timer = "" step_temp = "" AutoMode = "" sensor = "" Notification = "Mash Process completed. Please start lautering and press next to start boil." AutoNext = "No" await self.create_step(step_type, step_name, step_kettle, step_timer, step_temp, AutoMode, sensor, Notification, AutoNext) c.execute('SELECT Kochdauer FROM Sud WHERE ID = ?', (Recipe_ID,)) row = c.fetchone() step_time = str(int(row[0]))"Boil Time: {}".format(step_time)) FirstWortFlag = self.getFirstWortKBH(Recipe_ID) BoilTimeAlerts = self.getBoilAlertsKBH(Recipe_ID) step_kettle = step_type = self.boil if self.boil != "" else "BoilStep" step_name = "Boil Step" step_temp = int(self.BoilTemp) AutoMode = "Yes" if step_type == "BoilStep" else "No" sensor = self.kettle.sensor Notification = "" AutoNext = "" LidAlert = "Yes" FirstWort = 'Yes' if FirstWortFlag == True else 'No' Hop1 = str(int(BoilTimeAlerts[0])) if len(BoilTimeAlerts) >= 1 else None Hop2 = str(int(BoilTimeAlerts[1])) if len(BoilTimeAlerts) >= 2 else None Hop3 = str(int(BoilTimeAlerts[2])) if len(BoilTimeAlerts) >= 3 else None Hop4 = str(int(BoilTimeAlerts[3])) if len(BoilTimeAlerts) >= 4 else None Hop5 = str(int(BoilTimeAlerts[4])) if len(BoilTimeAlerts) >= 5 else None Hop6 = str(int(BoilTimeAlerts[5])) if len(BoilTimeAlerts) >= 6 else None await self.create_step(step_type, step_name, step_kettle, step_time, step_temp, AutoMode, sensor, Notification, AutoNext, LidAlert, FirstWort, Hop1, Hop2, Hop3, Hop4, Hop5, Hop6) # Add Waitstep as Whirlpool if self.cooldown != "WaiStep" and self.cooldown !="": step_type = "WaitStep" step_name = "Whirlpool" cooldown_sensor = "" step_timer = "15" step_temp = "" AutoMode = "" await self.create_step(step_type, step_name, step_kettle, step_timer, step_temp, AutoMode, cooldown_sensor) # CoolDown step is sending a notification when cooldowntemp is reached step_type = self.cooldown if self.cooldown != "" else "WaitStep" step_name = "CoolDown" cooldown_sensor = "" step_timer = "15" step_temp = "" AutoMode = "" if step_type == "CooldownStep": cooldown_sensor = self.cbpi.config.get("steps_cooldown_sensor", None) if cooldown_sensor is None or cooldown_sensor == '': cooldown_sensor = self.kettle.sensor # fall back to kettle sensor if no other sensor is specified step_kettle = step_timer = "" step_temp = int(self.CoolDownTemp) await self.create_step(step_type, step_name, step_kettle, step_timer, step_temp, AutoMode, cooldown_sensor) except: pass self.cbpi.notify('KBH Recipe created', name, NotificationType.INFO) def getFirstWortKBH(self, id): alert = False try: conn = sqlite3.connect(self.path) c = conn.cursor() c.execute('SELECT Zeit FROM Hopfengaben WHERE Vorderwuerze = 1 AND SudID = ?', (id,)) row = c.fetchall() if len(row) != 0: alert = True except Exception as e: self.cbpi.notify("Failed to create Recipe", e.message, NotificationType.ERROR) return ('', 500) finally: if conn: conn.close() return alert def getBoilAlertsKBH(self, id): alerts = [] try: conn = sqlite3.connect(self.path) c = conn.cursor() # get the hop addition times c.execute('SELECT Zeit FROM Hopfengaben WHERE Vorderwuerze = 0 AND SudID = ?', (id,)) rows = c.fetchall() for row in rows: alerts.append(float(row[0])) # get any misc additions if available c.execute('SELECT Zugabedauer FROM WeitereZutatenGaben WHERE Zeitpunkt = 1 AND SudID = ?', (id,)) rows = c.fetchall() for row in rows: alerts.append(float(row[0])) ## Dedupe and order the additions by their time, to prevent multiple alerts at the same time alerts = sorted(list(set(alerts))) ## CBP should have these additions in reverse alerts.reverse() except Exception as e: self.cbpi.notify("Failed to create Recipe", e.message, NotificationType.ERROR) return ('', 500) finally: if conn: conn.close() return alerts async def xml_recipe_creation(self, Recipe_ID): self.kettle = None #Define MashSteps self.mashin = self.cbpi.config.get("steps_mashin", "MashStep") self.mash = self.cbpi.config.get("steps_mash", "MashStep") self.mashout = self.cbpi.config.get("steps_mashout", None) # Currently used only for the Braumeister self.boil = self.cbpi.config.get("steps_boil", "BoilStep") self.cooldown = self.cbpi.config.get("steps_cooldown", "WaitStep") #get default boil temp from settings self.BoilTemp = self.cbpi.config.get("steps_boil_temp", 98) #get default cooldown temp alarm setting self.CoolDownTemp = self.cbpi.config.get("steps_cooldown_temp", 25) #get server port from settings and define url for api calls -> adding steps self.port = str(self.cbpi.static_config.get('port',8000)) self.url="" + self.port + "/step2/" # get default Kettle from Settings = self.cbpi.config.get('MASH_TUN', None) try: self.kettle = self.cbpi.kettle.find_by_id( except: self.cbpi.notify('Recipe Upload', 'No default Kettle defined. Please specify default Kettle in settings', NotificationType.ERROR) if is not None or != '': # load beerxml file located in upload folder self.path = os.path.join(".", 'config', "upload", "beer.xml") if os.path.exists(self.path) is False: self.cbpi.notify("File Not Found", "Please upload a Beer.xml File", NotificationType.ERROR) e = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(self.path).getroot() result = [] for idx, val in enumerate(e.findall('RECIPE')): result.append(val.find("NAME").text) # Create recipe in recipe Book with name of first recipe in xml file self.recipeID = await self.cbpi.recipe.create(self.getRecipeName(Recipe_ID)) # send recipe to mash profile await self.cbpi.recipe.brew(self.recipeID) # remove empty recipe from recipe book await self.cbpi.recipe.remove(self.recipeID) # Mash Steps -> first step is different as it heats up to defined temp and stops with notification to add malt # AutoMode is yes to start and stop automatic mode or each step MashIn_Flag = True step_kettle = for row in self.getSteps(Recipe_ID): step_name = str(row.get("name")) step_timer = str(int(row.get("timer"))) step_temp = str(int(row.get("temp"))) sensor = self.kettle.sensor if MashIn_Flag == True and row.get("timer") == 0: step_type = self.mashin if self.mashin != "" else "MashInStep" AutoMode = "Yes" if step_type == "MashInStep" else "No" Notification = "Target temperature reached. Please add malt." MashIn_Flag = False else: step_type = self.mash if self.mash != "" else "MashStep" AutoMode = "Yes" if step_type == "MashStep" else "No" Notification = "" await self.create_step(step_type, step_name, step_kettle, step_timer, step_temp, AutoMode, sensor, Notification) # MashOut -> Simple step that sends notification and waits for user input to move to next step (AutoNext=No) if self.mashout == "NotificationStep": step_kettle = step_type = self.mashout step_name = "Lautering" step_timer = "" step_temp = "" AutoMode = "" sensor = "" Notification = "Mash Process completed. Please start lautering and press next to start boil." AutoNext = "No" await self.create_step(step_type, step_name, step_kettle, step_timer, step_temp, AutoMode, sensor, Notification, AutoNext) # Boil step including hop alarms and alarm for first wort hops -> Automode is set tu yes FirstWortFlag = len(str(self.getFirstWortAlert(Recipe_ID))) self.BoilTimeAlerts = self.getBoilAlerts(Recipe_ID) step_kettle = step_time = str(int(self.getBoilTime(Recipe_ID))) step_type = self.boil if self.boil != "" else "BoilStep" step_name = "Boil Step" step_temp = self.BoilTemp AutoMode = "Yes" if step_type == "BoilStep" else "No" sensor = self.kettle.sensor Notification = "" AutoNext = "" LidAlert = "Yes" FirstWort = 'Yes' if FirstWortFlag != 0 else 'No' Hop1 = str(int(self.BoilTimeAlerts[0])) if len(self.BoilTimeAlerts) >= 1 else None Hop2 = str(int(self.BoilTimeAlerts[1])) if len(self.BoilTimeAlerts) >= 2 else None Hop3 = str(int(self.BoilTimeAlerts[2])) if len(self.BoilTimeAlerts) >= 3 else None Hop4 = str(int(self.BoilTimeAlerts[3])) if len(self.BoilTimeAlerts) >= 4 else None Hop5 = str(int(self.BoilTimeAlerts[4])) if len(self.BoilTimeAlerts) >= 5 else None Hop6 = str(int(self.BoilTimeAlerts[5])) if len(self.BoilTimeAlerts) >= 6 else None await self.create_step(step_type, step_name, step_kettle, step_time, step_temp, AutoMode, sensor, Notification, AutoNext, LidAlert, FirstWort, Hop1, Hop2, Hop3, Hop4, Hop5, Hop6) # Add Waitstep as Whirlpool if self.cooldown != "WaiStep" and self.cooldown !="": step_type = "WaitStep" step_name = "Whirlpool" cooldown_sensor = "" step_timer = "15" step_temp = "" AutoMode = "" await self.create_step(step_type, step_name, step_kettle, step_timer, step_temp, AutoMode, cooldown_sensor) # CoolDown step is sending a notification when cooldowntemp is reached step_type = self.cooldown if self.cooldown != "" else "WaitStep" step_name = "CoolDown" cooldown_sensor = "" step_timer = "15" step_temp = "" AutoMode = "" if step_type == "CooldownStep": cooldown_sensor = self.cbpi.config.get("steps_cooldown_sensor", None) if cooldown_sensor is None or cooldown_sensor == '': cooldown_sensor = self.kettle.sensor # fall back to kettle sensor if no other sensor is specified step_kettle = step_timer = "" step_temp = self.CoolDownTemp await self.create_step(step_type, step_name, step_kettle, step_timer, step_temp, AutoMode, cooldown_sensor) self.cbpi.notify('BeerXML Recipe created ', result, NotificationType.INFO) # XML functions to retrieve xml repice parameters (if multiple recipes are stored in one xml file, id could be used) def getRecipeName(self, id): e = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(self.path).getroot() return e.find('./RECIPE[%s]/NAME' % (str(id))).text def getBoilTime(self, id): e = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(self.path).getroot() return float(e.find('./RECIPE[%s]/BOIL_TIME' % (str(id))).text) def getBoilAlerts(self, id): e = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(self.path).getroot() recipe = e.find('./RECIPE[%s]' % (str(id))) alerts = [] for e in recipe.findall('./HOPS/HOP'): use = e.find('USE').text ## Hops which are not used in the boil step should not cause alerts if use != 'Aroma' and use != 'Boil': continue alerts.append(float(e.find('TIME').text)) ## There might also be miscelaneous additions during boild time for e in recipe.findall('MISCS/MISC[USE="Boil"]'): alerts.append(float(e.find('TIME').text)) ## Dedupe and order the additions by their time, to prevent multiple alerts at the same time alerts = sorted(list(set(alerts))) ## CBP should have these additions in reverse alerts.reverse() return alerts def getFirstWortAlert(self, id): e = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(self.path).getroot() recipe = e.find('./RECIPE[%s]' % (str(id))) alerts = [] for e in recipe.findall('./HOPS/HOP'): use = e.find('USE').text ## Hops which are not used in the boil step should not cause alerts if use != 'First Wort': continue alerts.append(float(e.find('TIME').text)) ## Dedupe and order the additions by their time, to prevent multiple alerts at the same time alerts = sorted(list(set(alerts))) ## CBP should have these additions in reverse alerts.reverse() return alerts def getSteps(self, id): e = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(self.path).getroot() steps = [] for e in e.findall('./RECIPE[%s]/MASH/MASH_STEPS/MASH_STEP' % (str(id))): if self.cbpi.config.get("TEMP_UNIT", "C") == "C": temp = float(e.find("STEP_TEMP").text) else: temp = round(9.0 / 5.0 * float(e.find("STEP_TEMP").text) + 32, 2) steps.append({"name": e.find("NAME").text, "temp": temp, "timer": float(e.find("STEP_TIME").text)}) return steps async def bf_recipe_creation(self, Recipe_ID): self.kettle = None #Define MashSteps self.mashin = self.cbpi.config.get("steps_mashin", "MashStep") self.mash = self.cbpi.config.get("steps_mash", "MashStep") self.mashout = self.cbpi.config.get("steps_mashout", None) # Currently used only for the Braumeister self.boil = self.cbpi.config.get("steps_boil", "BoilStep") self.cooldown = self.cbpi.config.get("steps_cooldown", "WaitStep") #get default boil temp from settings self.BoilTemp = self.cbpi.config.get("steps_boil_temp", 98) #get default cooldown temp alarm setting self.CoolDownTemp = self.cbpi.config.get("steps_cooldown_temp", 25) #get server port from settings and define url for api calls -> adding steps self.port = str(self.cbpi.static_config.get('port',8000)) self.url="" + self.port + "/step2/" self.TEMP_UNIT=self.cbpi.config.get("TEMP_UNIT", "C") # get default Kettle from Settings = self.cbpi.config.get('MASH_TUN', None) try: self.kettle = self.cbpi.kettle.find_by_id( except: self.cbpi.notify('Recipe Upload', 'No default Kettle defined. Please specify default Kettle in settings', NotificationType.ERROR) if is not None or != '': brewfather = True result=[] self.bf_url="" + Recipe_ID brewfather_user_id = self.cbpi.config.get("brewfather_user_id", None) if brewfather_user_id == "" or brewfather_user_id is None: brewfather = False brewfather_api_key = self.cbpi.config.get("brewfather_api_key", None) if brewfather_api_key == "" or brewfather_api_key is None: brewfather = False if brewfather == True: encodedData = base64.b64encode(bytes(f"{brewfather_user_id}:{brewfather_api_key}", "ISO-8859-1")).decode("ascii") headers={"Authorization": "Basic %s" % encodedData} bf_recipe = "" async with aiohttp.ClientSession(headers=headers) as bf_session: async with bf_session.get(self.bf_url) as r: bf_recipe = await r.json() await bf_session.close() if bf_recipe !="": RecipeName = bf_recipe['name'] BoilTime = bf_recipe['boilTime'] mash_steps=bf_recipe['mash']['steps'] hops=bf_recipe['hops'] try: miscs = bf_recipe['miscs'] except: miscs = None FirstWort = "No" for hop in hops: if hop['use'] == "First Wort": FirstWort="Yes" # Create recipe in recipe Book with name of first recipe in xml file self.recipeID = await self.cbpi.recipe.create(RecipeName) # send recipe to mash profile await self.cbpi.recipe.brew(self.recipeID) # remove empty recipe from recipe book await self.cbpi.recipe.remove(self.recipeID) # Mash Steps -> first step is different as it heats up to defined temp and stops with notification to add malt # AutoMode is yes to start and stop automatic mode or each step MashIn_Flag = True step_kettle = for step in mash_steps: step_name = step['name'] step_timer = str(int(step['stepTime'])) if self.TEMP_UNIT == "C": step_temp = str(int(step['stepTemp'])) else: step_temp = str(round((9.0 / 5.0 * int(step['stepTemp']) + 32))) sensor = self.kettle.sensor if MashIn_Flag == True and int(step_timer) == 0: step_type = self.mashin if self.mashin != "" else "MashInStep" AutoMode = "Yes" if step_type == "MashInStep" else "No" Notification = "Target temperature reached. Please add malt." MashIn_Flag = False else: step_type = self.mash if self.mash != "" else "MashStep" AutoMode = "Yes" if step_type == "MashStep" else "No" Notification = "" await self.create_step(step_type, step_name, step_kettle, step_timer, step_temp, AutoMode, sensor, Notification) # MashOut -> Simple step that sends notification and waits for user input to move to next step (AutoNext=No) if self.mashout == "NotificationStep": step_kettle = step_type = self.mashout step_name = "Lautering" step_timer = "" step_temp = "" AutoMode = "" sensor = "" Notification = "Mash Process completed. Please start lautering and press next to start boil." AutoNext = "No" await self.create_step(step_type, step_name, step_kettle, step_timer, step_temp, AutoMode, sensor, Notification, AutoNext) # Boil step including hop alarms and alarm for first wort hops -> Automode is set tu yes self.BoilTimeAlerts = self.getBoilAlertsBF(hops,miscs) step_kettle = step_time = str(int(BoilTime)) step_type = self.boil if self.boil != "" else "BoilStep" step_name = "Boil Step" step_temp = self.BoilTemp AutoMode = "Yes" if step_type == "BoilStep" else "No" sensor = self.kettle.sensor Notification = "" AutoNext = "" LidAlert = "Yes" Hop1 = str(int(self.BoilTimeAlerts[0])) if len(self.BoilTimeAlerts) >= 1 else None Hop2 = str(int(self.BoilTimeAlerts[1])) if len(self.BoilTimeAlerts) >= 2 else None Hop3 = str(int(self.BoilTimeAlerts[2])) if len(self.BoilTimeAlerts) >= 3 else None Hop4 = str(int(self.BoilTimeAlerts[3])) if len(self.BoilTimeAlerts) >= 4 else None Hop5 = str(int(self.BoilTimeAlerts[4])) if len(self.BoilTimeAlerts) >= 5 else None Hop6 = str(int(self.BoilTimeAlerts[5])) if len(self.BoilTimeAlerts) >= 6 else None await self.create_step(step_type, step_name, step_kettle, step_time, step_temp, AutoMode, sensor, Notification, AutoNext, LidAlert, FirstWort, Hop1, Hop2, Hop3, Hop4, Hop5, Hop6) # Add Waitstep as Whirlpool if self.cooldown != "WaiStep" and self.cooldown !="": step_type = "WaitStep" step_name = "Whirlpool" cooldown_sensor = "" step_timer = "15" step_temp = "" AutoMode = "" await self.create_step(step_type, step_name, step_kettle, step_timer, step_temp, AutoMode, cooldown_sensor) # CoolDown step is sending a notification when cooldowntemp is reached step_type = self.cooldown if self.cooldown != "" else "WaitStep" step_name = "CoolDown" cooldown_sensor = "" step_timer = "15" step_temp = "" AutoMode = "" if step_type == "CooldownStep": cooldown_sensor = self.cbpi.config.get("steps_cooldown_sensor", None) if cooldown_sensor is None or cooldown_sensor == '': cooldown_sensor = self.kettle.sensor # fall back to kettle sensor if no other sensor is specified step_kettle = step_timer = "" step_temp = self.CoolDownTemp await self.create_step(step_type, step_name, step_kettle, step_timer, step_temp, AutoMode, cooldown_sensor) self.cbpi.notify('Brewfather App Recipe created: ', RecipeName, NotificationType.INFO) def getBoilAlertsBF(self, hops, miscs): alerts = [] for hop in hops: use = hop['use'] ## Hops which are not used in the boil step should not cause alerts if use != 'Aroma' and use != 'Boil': continue alerts.append(float(hop['time'])) #There might also be miscelaneous additions during boild time if miscs is not None: for misc in miscs: use = misc['use'] if use != 'Aroma' and use != 'Boil': continue alerts.append(float(misc['time'])) ## Dedupe and order the additions by their time, to prevent multiple alerts at the same time alerts = sorted(list(set(alerts))) ## CBP should have these additions in reverse alerts.reverse() return alerts # function to create json to be send to api to add a step to the current mash profile. Currently all properties are send to each step which does not cuase an issue async def create_step(self, type, name, kettle, timer, temp, AutoMode, sensor, Notification = "", AutoNext = "", LidAlert = "", FirstWort = "", Hop1 = "", Hop2 = "", Hop3 = "", Hop4 = "", Hop5 = "", Hop6=""): step_string = { "name": name, "props": { "AutoMode": AutoMode, "Kettle": kettle, "Sensor": sensor, "Temp": temp, "Timer": timer, "Notification": Notification, "AutoNext": AutoNext, "First_Wort": FirstWort, "LidAlert": LidAlert, "Hop_1": Hop1, "Hop_2": Hop2, "Hop_3": Hop3, "Hop_4": Hop4, "Hop_5": Hop5, "Hop_6": Hop6 }, "status_text": "", "status": "I", "type": type } # convert step:string to json required for api call. step = json.dumps(step_string) headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json'} async with aiohttp.ClientSession(headers=headers) as session: async with, data=step) as response: return await response.text() await self.push_update()