class MQTTMatcher(object): class Node(object): __slots__ = '_children', '_content' def __init__(self): self._children = {} self._content = None def register(self, key, value): node = self._root for sym in key.split('/'): node = node._children.setdefault(sym, self.Node()) if not isinstance(node._content, list): node._content = [] node._content.append(value) def get_callbacks(self, key): try: node = self._root for sym in key.split('/'): node = node._children[sym] if node._content is None: raise KeyError(key) return node._content except KeyError: raise KeyError(key) def unregister(self, key, method=None): lst = [] try: parent, node = None, self._root for k in key.split('/'): parent, node = node, node._children[k] lst.append((parent, k, node)) # TODO print(node._content) if method is not None: node._content = None else: node._content = None except KeyError: raise KeyError(key) else: # cleanup for parent, k, node in reversed(lst): if node._children or node._content is not None: break del parent._children[k] def __init__(self): self._root = self.Node() def __setitem__(self, key, value): print("...",key, value) node = self._root for sym in key.split('/'): print(sym) node = node._children.setdefault(sym, self.Node()) print(node) if not isinstance(node._content, list): #print("new array") node._content = [] node._content.append(value) #node._content = value def __getitem__(self, key): try: node = self._root for sym in key.split('/'): node = node._children[sym] if node._content is None: raise KeyError(key) return node._content except KeyError: raise KeyError(key) ''' def __delitem__(self, thekey): print("DELETE") if isinstance(thekey, tuple): key = thekey[1] methods = thekey[0] print(methods.__module__, methods.__name__) else: methods = None key = thekey lst = [] try: parent, node = None, self._root for k in key.split('/'): parent, node = node, node._children[k] lst.append((parent, k, node)) # TODO print(node._content) if methods is not None: node._content = None else: node._content = None except KeyError: raise KeyError(key) else: # cleanup for parent, k, node in reversed(lst): if node._children or node._content is not None: break del parent._children[k] ''' def iter_match(self, topic): lst = topic.split('/') normal = not topic.startswith('$') def rec(node, i=0): if i == len(lst): if node._content is not None: yield node._content else: part = lst[i] if part in node._children: for content in rec(node._children[part], i + 1): yield content if '+' in node._children and (normal or i > 0): for content in rec(node._children['+'], i + 1): yield content if '#' in node._children and (normal or i > 0): content = node._children['#']._content if content is not None: yield content return rec(self._root) if __name__ == "__main__": m = MQTTMatcher() def test_name(): print("actor/1/on") def test_name2(): print("actor/2/on") def test_name3(): print("actor/#") def test_name4(): print("actor/+/on") m.register("actor/1/on", test_name) m.register("actor/1/on", test_name) m.register("actor/1/on", test_name) print(m.get_callbacks("actor/1/on")) m.unregister("actor/1/on") for methods in m.iter_match("actor/1/on"): for f in methods: f()