import logging import os from importlib import import_module import datetime import aiohttp import yaml import subprocess import sys from cbpi.api import * from cbpi.utils.utils import load_config logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class PluginController(): modules = {} types = {} def __init__(self, cbpi): self.cbpi = cbpi self.plugins = load_config("./config/plugin_list.txt") if self.plugins is None: self.plugins = {} async def load_plugin_list(self): async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get('http://localhost:2202/list') as resp: if (resp.status == 200): data = yaml.load(await resp.text()) self.plugins = data return data def installed_plugins(self): return self.plugins async def install(self, package_name): async def install(cbpi, plugins, package_name): data = subprocess.check_output( [sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", package_name]) data = data.decode('UTF-8') if package_name not in self.plugins: now = self.plugins[package_name] = dict( version="1.0", installation_date=now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) with open('./config/plugin_list.txt', 'w') as outfile: yaml.dump(self.plugins, outfile, default_flow_style=False) if data.startswith('Requirement already satisfied'): self.cbpi.notify( key="p", message="Plugin already installed ", type="warning") else: self.cbpi.notify( key="p", message="Plugin installed ", type="success") async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get('http://localhost:2202/get/%s' % package_name) as resp: if (resp.status == 200): data = await resp.json() await self.cbpi.job.start_job(install(self.cbpi, self.plugins, data["package_name"]), data["package_name"], "plugins_install") return True else: self.cbpi.notify( key="p", message="Failed to install Plugin %s " % package_name, type="danger") return False async def uninstall(self, package_name): async def uninstall(cbpi, plugins, package_name): print("try to uninstall", package_name) try: data = subprocess.check_output( [sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "uninstall", "-y", package_name]) data = data.decode('UTF-8') if data.startswith("Successfully uninstalled"): cbpi.notify(key="p", message="Plugin %s Uninstalled" % package_name, type="success") else: cbpi.notify(key="p", message=data, type="success") except Exception as e: print(e) if package_name in self.plugins: print("Uninstall", self.plugins[package_name]) await self.cbpi.job.start_job(uninstall(self.cbpi, self.plugins, package_name), package_name, "plugins_uninstall") def load_plugins(self): this_directory = os.path.dirname(__file__) for filename in os.listdir(os.path.join(this_directory, "../extension")): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(this_directory, "../extension/") + filename) is False or filename == "__pycache__": continue try:"Trying to load plugin %s" % filename) data = load_config(os.path.join( this_directory, "../extension/%s/config.yaml" % filename)) if (data.get("active") is True and data.get("version") == 4): self.modules[filename] = import_module( "cbpi.extension.%s" % (filename)) self.modules[filename].setup(self.cbpi)"Plugin %s loaded successful" % filename) else: logger.warning( "Plugin %s is not supporting version 4" % filename) except Exception as e: print(e) logger.error(e) def load_plugins_from_evn(self): for p in self.plugins: logger.debug("Load Plugin %s" % p) try:"Try to load plugin: %s " % p) self.modules[p] = import_module(p) self.modules[p].setup(self.cbpi)"Plugin %s loaded successfully" % p) except Exception as e: logger.error("FAILED to load plugin %s " % p) logger.error(e) def register(self, name, clazz) -> None: ''' Register a new actor type :param name: actor name :param clazz: actor class :return: None ''' logger.debug("Register %s Class %s" % (name, clazz.__name__)) if issubclass(clazz, CBPiActor):[name] = self._parse_step_props(clazz,name) if issubclass(clazz, CBPiKettleLogic): self.cbpi.kettle.types[name] = self._parse_step_props(clazz,name) if issubclass(clazz, CBPiSensor): self.cbpi.sensor.types[name] = self._parse_step_props(clazz,name) if issubclass(clazz, CBPiStep): self.cbpi.step.types[name] = self._parse_step_props(clazz,name) if issubclass(clazz, CBPiExtension): self.c = clazz(self.cbpi) def _parse_property_object(self, p): if isinstance(p, Property.Number): return {"label": p.label, "type": "number", "configurable": p.configurable, "description": p.description, "default_value": p.default_value} elif isinstance(p, Property.Text): return {"label": p.label, "type": "text", "configurable": p.configurable, "default_value": p.default_value, "description": p.description} elif isinstance(p, Property.Select): return {"label": p.label, "type": "select", "configurable": True, "options": p.options, "description": p.description} elif isinstance(p, Property.Actor): return {"label": p.label, "type": "actor", "configurable": p.configurable, "description": p.description} elif isinstance(p, Property.Sensor): return {"label": p.label, "type": "sensor", "configurable": p.configurable, "description": p.description} elif isinstance(p, Property.Kettle): return {"label": p.label, "type": "kettle", "configurable": p.configurable, "description": p.description} def _parse_step_props(self, cls, name): result = {"name": name, "class": cls, "properties": [], "actions": []} if hasattr(cls, "cbpi_parameters"): parameters = [] for p in cls.cbpi_parameters: parameters.append(self._parse_property_object(p)) result["properties"] = parameters for method_name, method in cls.__dict__.items(): if hasattr(method, "action"): print(method_name) key = method.__getattribute__("key") parameters = [] for p in method.__getattribute__("parameters"): parameters.append(self._parse_property_object(p)) result["actions"].append({"method": method_name, "label": key, "parameters": parameters}) return result def _parse_props(self, cls): name = cls.__name__ result = {"name": name, "class": cls, "properties": [], "actions": []} tmpObj = cls(cbpi=None, managed_fields=None) members = [attr for attr in dir(tmpObj) if not callable( getattr(tmpObj, attr)) and not attr.startswith("__")] for m in members: if isinstance(tmpObj.__getattribute__(m), Property.Number): t = tmpObj.__getattribute__(m) result["properties"].append( {"name": m, "label": t.label, "type": "number", "configurable": t.configurable, "description": t.description, "default_value": t.default_value}) elif isinstance(tmpObj.__getattribute__(m), Property.Text): t = tmpObj.__getattribute__(m) result["properties"].append( {"name": m, "label": t.label, "type": "text", "configurable": t.configurable, "default_value": t.default_value, "description": t.description}) elif isinstance(tmpObj.__getattribute__(m), Property.Select): t = tmpObj.__getattribute__(m) result["properties"].append( {"name": m, "label": t.label, "type": "select", "configurable": True, "options": t.options, "description": t.description}) elif isinstance(tmpObj.__getattribute__(m), Property.Actor): t = tmpObj.__getattribute__(m) result["properties"].append( {"name": m, "label": t.label, "type": "actor", "configurable": t.configurable, "description": t.description}) elif isinstance(tmpObj.__getattribute__(m), Property.Sensor): t = tmpObj.__getattribute__(m) result["properties"].append( {"name": m, "label": t.label, "type": "sensor", "configurable": t.configurable, "description": t.description}) elif isinstance(tmpObj.__getattribute__(m), Property.Kettle): t = tmpObj.__getattribute__(m) result["properties"].append( {"name": m, "label": t.label, "type": "kettle", "configurable": t.configurable, "description": t.description}) for method_name, method in cls.__dict__.items(): if hasattr(method, "action"): key = method.__getattribute__("key") parameters = method.__getattribute__("parameters") result["actions"].append( {"method": method_name, "label": key, "parameters": parameters}) return result