import logging import os import shutil import pkgutil import psutil import pathlib import json import aiohttp from voluptuous.schema_builder import message from cbpi.api.dataclasses import NotificationAction, NotificationType from cbpi.api.base import CBPiBase from cbpi.api.config import ConfigType from cbpi.api import * import zipfile import socket import importlib from tabulate import tabulate from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date import glob try: from systemd import journal systemd_available=True except Exception: logging.warning("Failed to load systemd library. logfile download not available") systemd_available=False class SystemController: def __init__(self, cbpi): self.cbpi = cbpi self.service = self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.logsFolderPath = self.cbpi.config_folder.logsFolderPath async def check_for_update(self, app): pass async def restart(self):"RESTART") os.system('systemctl reboot') pass async def shutdown(self):"SHUTDOWN") os.system('systemctl poweroff') pass async def backupConfig(self): files=glob.glob('*cbpi4_config*.zip') for f in files: try: os.remove(f) except Exception as e: logging.error("Cannot remove old config backup: {}".format(e)) try: current_date = current_date=str(current_date).replace("-","_") output_filename = current_date+"_cbpi4_config" except: output_filename = "cbpi4_config" dir_name = pathlib.Path(self.cbpi.config_folder.get_file_path('')) shutil.make_archive(output_filename, 'zip', dir_name) return output_filename+".zip" async def plugins_list(self): result = [] discovered_plugins = { name: importlib.import_module(name) for finder, name, ispkg in pkgutil.iter_modules() if name.startswith('cbpi') and len(name) > 4 } for key, module in discovered_plugins.items(): from importlib.metadata import version try: from importlib.metadata import (distribution, metadata, version) meta = metadata(key) result.append(dict(Name=meta["Name"], Version=meta["Version"], Author=meta["Author"], Homepage=meta["Home-page"], Summary=meta["Summary"])) except Exception as e: print(e) return tabulate(result, headers="keys") async def downloadlog(self, logtime): filename = "cbpi4.log" fullname = pathlib.Path(os.path.join(".",filename)) pluginname = "cbpi4_plugins.txt" fullpluginname = pathlib.Path(os.path.join(".",pluginname)) actorname = "cbpi4_actors.txt" fullactorname = pathlib.Path(os.path.join(".",actorname)) sensorname = "cbpi4_sensors.txt" fullsensorname = pathlib.Path(os.path.join(".",sensorname)) kettlename = "cbpi4_kettles.txt" fullkettlename = pathlib.Path(os.path.join(".",kettlename)) output_filename="" result=[] if systemd_available: j = journal.Reader() if logtime == "b": j.this_boot() else: since = - timedelta(hours=int(logtime)) j.seek_realtime(since) j.add_match(_SYSTEMD_UNIT="craftbeerpi.service") for entry in j: result.append(entry['MESSAGE']) else: try: logfilename=pathlib.Path(self.logsFolderPath+"/"+"cbpi.log") with open(logfilename) as f: for line in f: result.append(line.rstrip('\n')) except: pass try: with open(fullname, 'w') as f: for line in result: f.write(f"{line}\n") except Exception as e: logging.error(e) plugins = await self.plugins_list() with open(fullpluginname, 'w') as f: f.write(plugins) try: actors = json.dump(actors['data'],open(fullactorname,'w'),indent=4, sort_keys=True) sensors = self.cbpi.sensor.get_state() json.dump(sensors['data'],open(fullsensorname,'w'),indent=4, sort_keys=True) kettles = self.cbpi.kettle.get_state() json.dump(kettles['data'],open(fullkettlename,'w'),indent=4, sort_keys=True) except Exception as e: self.cbpi.notify("Error", "Creation of files failed: {}".format(e), NotificationType.ERROR) try: zipObj=zipfile.ZipFile(output_filename , 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) zipObj.write(fullname) zipObj.write(fullpluginname) zipObj.write(fullactorname) zipObj.write(fullsensorname) zipObj.write(fullkettlename) zipObj.close() except Exception as e: self.cbpi.notify("Error", "Zip creation failed: {}".format(e), NotificationType.ERROR) try: os.remove(fullname) os.remove(fullpluginname) os.remove(fullactorname) os.remove(fullsensorname) os.remove(fullkettlename) except Exception as e: self.cbpi.notify("Error", "Removal of original files failed: {}".format(e), NotificationType.ERROR) def allowed_file(self, filename, extension): return '.' in filename and filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1] in set([extension]) def recursive_chown(self, path, owner, group): for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path): shutil.chown(dirpath, owner, group) for filename in filenames: shutil.chown(os.path.join(dirpath, filename), owner, group) async def restoreConfig(self, data): fileData = data['File'] filename = fileData.filename backup_file = fileData.file content_type = fileData.content_type required_content=['dashboard/', 'recipes/', 'upload/', 'config.json', 'config.yaml'] if content_type == 'application/x-zip-compressed': try: content = if backup_file and self.allowed_file(filename, 'zip'): self.path = os.path.join(self.cbpi.config_folder.configFolderPath, "") f=open(self.path, "wb") f.write(content) f.close() zip=zipfile.ZipFile(self.path) zip_content_list = zip.namelist() zip_content = True for content in required_content: try: check = zip_content_list.index(content) except: zip_content = False if zip_content == True: self.cbpi.notify("Success", "Config backup has been uploaded", NotificationType.SUCCESS) self.cbpi.notify("Action Required!", "Please restart the server", NotificationType.WARNING) else: self.cbpi.notify("Error", "Wrong content type. Upload failed", NotificationType.ERROR) os.remove(self.path) except: self.cbpi.notify("Error", "Config backup upload failed", NotificationType.ERROR) pass else: self.cbpi.notify("Error", "Wrong content type. Upload failed", NotificationType.ERROR) async def uploadSVG(self, data): fileData = data['File'] filename = fileData.filename svg_file = fileData.file content_type = fileData.content_type if content_type == 'image/svg+xml': try: content ='utf-8','replace') if svg_file and self.allowed_file(filename, 'svg'): self.path = os.path.join(self.cbpi.config_folder.get_file_path("dashboard"),"widgets", filename) f=open(self.path, "w") f.write(content) f.close() self.cbpi.notify("Success", "SVG file ({}) has been uploaded.".format(filename), NotificationType.SUCCESS) except: self.cbpi.notify("Error", "SVG upload failed", NotificationType.ERROR) pass else: self.cbpi.notify("Error", "Wrong content type. Upload failed", NotificationType.ERROR) async def systeminfo(self):"SYSTEMINFO") system = "" temp = 0 cpuload = 0 cpucount = 0 cpufreq = 0 totalmem = 0 availmem = 0 mempercent = 0 eth0IP = "N/A" wlan0IP = "N/A" eth0speed = "N/A" wlan0speed = "N/A" TEMP_UNIT=self.cbpi.config.get("TEMP_UNIT", "C") FAHRENHEIT = False if TEMP_UNIT == "C" else True af_map = { socket.AF_INET: 'IPv4', socket.AF_INET6: 'IPv6', } try: if psutil.LINUX == True: system = "Linux" elif psutil.WINDOWS == True: system = "Windows" elif psutil.MACOS == True: system = "MacOS" cpuload = round(psutil.cpu_percent(interval=None),1) cpucount = psutil.cpu_count(logical=False) cpufreq = psutil.cpu_freq() mem = psutil.virtual_memory() availmem = round((int(mem.available) / (1024*1024)),1) mempercent = round(float(mem.percent),1) totalmem = round((int( / (1024*1024)),1) if system == "Linux": try: temps = psutil.sensors_temperatures(fahrenheit=FAHRENHEIT) for name, entries in temps.items(): for entry in entries: if name == "cpu_thermal": temp = round(float(entry.current),1) except: pass else: temp = "N/A" if system == "Linux": try: ethernet = psutil.net_if_addrs() for nic, addrs in ethernet.items(): if nic == "eth0": for addr in addrs: if str( == "AddressFamily.AF_INET" or str( == "2": if addr.address: eth0IP = addr.address if nic == "wlan0": for addr in addrs: if str( == "AddressFamily.AF_INET" or str( == "2": if addr.address: wlan0IP = addr.address info = psutil.net_if_stats() try: for nic in info: if nic == 'eth0': if info[nic].isup == True: if info[nic].speed: eth0speed = info[nic].speed else: eth0speed = "down" if nic == 'wlan0': if info[nic].isup == True: ratestring = os.popen('iwlist wlan0 rate | grep Rate').read() start = ratestring.find("=") + 1 end = ratestring.find(" Mb/s") wlan0speed = ratestring[start:end] else: wlan0speed = "down" except Exception as e: except: pass if system == "Windows": try: ethernet = psutil.net_if_addrs() for nic, addrs in ethernet.items(): if nic == "Ethernet": for addr in addrs: if str( == "AddressFamily.AF_INET": if addr.address: eth0IP = addr.address if nic == "WLAN": for addr in addrs: if str( == "AddressFamily.AF_INET": if addr.address: wlan0IP = addr.address info = psutil.net_if_stats() try: for nic in info: if nic == 'Ethernet': if info[nic].isup == True: if info[nic].speed: eth0speed = info[nic].speed else: eth0speed = "down" if nic == 'WLAN': if info[nic].isup == True: if info[nic].speed: wlan0speed = info[nic].speed else: wlan0speed = "down" except Exception as e: except: pass except: pass systeminfo = {'system': system, 'cpuload': cpuload, 'cpucount': cpucount, 'cpufreq': cpufreq.current, 'totalmem': totalmem, 'availmem': availmem, 'mempercent': mempercent, 'temp': temp, 'temp_unit': TEMP_UNIT, 'eth0': eth0IP, 'wlan0': wlan0IP, 'eth0speed': eth0speed, 'wlan0speed': wlan0speed} return systeminfo