import asyncio import json from re import M from asyncio_mqtt import Client, MqttError, Will, client from contextlib import AsyncExitStack, asynccontextmanager from cbpi import __version__ import logging class SatelliteController: def __init__(self, cbpi): self.cbpi = cbpi self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) = cbpi.static_config.get("mqtt_host", "localhost") self.port = cbpi.static_config.get("mqtt_port", 1883) self.username = cbpi.static_config.get("mqtt_username", None) self.password = cbpi.static_config.get("mqtt_password", None) self.client = None self.topic_filters = [ ("cbpi/actor/+/on", self._actor_on), ("cbpi/actor/+/off", self._actor_off) ] self.tasks = set() async def init(self): asyncio.create_task(self.init_client(self.cbpi)) async def publish(self, topic, message, retain=False): if self.client is not None and self.client._connected: try: await self.client.publish(topic, message, qos=1, retain=retain) except: self.logger.warning("Faild to push data via mqtt") async def _actor_on(self, messages): async for message in messages: try: topic_key = message.topic.split("/") await[2]) except: self.logger.warning("Faild to process actor on via mqtt") async def _actor_off(self, messages): async for message in messages: try: topic_key = message.topic.split("/") await[2]) except: self.logger.warning("Faild to process actor off via mqtt") def subcribe(self, topic, method): task = asyncio.create_task(self._subcribe(topic, method)) return task async def _subcribe(self, topic, method): while True: try: if self.client._connected.done(): async with self.client.filtered_messages(topic) as messages: await self.client.subscribe(topic) async for message in messages: await method(message.payload.decode()) except asyncio.CancelledError as e: # Cancel self.logger.warning( "Sub CancelledError Exception: {}".format(e)) return except MqttError as e: self.logger.error("Sub MQTT Exception: {}".format(e)) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Sub Exception: {}".format(e)) # wait before try to resubscribe await asyncio.sleep(5) async def init_client(self, cbpi): async def cancel_tasks(tasks): for task in tasks: if task.done(): continue task.cancel() try: await task except asyncio.CancelledError: pass while True: try: async with AsyncExitStack() as stack: self.tasks = set() stack.push_async_callback(cancel_tasks, self.tasks) self.client = Client(, port=self.port, username=self.username, password=self.password, will=Will(topic="cbpi/diconnect", payload="CBPi Server Disconnected")) await stack.enter_async_context(self.client) for topic_filter in self.topic_filters: topic = topic_filter[0] method = topic_filter[1] manager = self.client.filtered_messages(topic) messages = await stack.enter_async_context(manager) task = asyncio.create_task(method(messages)) self.tasks.add(task) for topic_filter in self.topic_filters: topic = topic_filter[0] await self.client.subscribe(topic)"MQTT Connected to {}:{}".format(, self.port)) await asyncio.gather(*self.tasks) except MqttError as e: self.logger.error("MQTT Exception: {}".format(e)) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("MQTT General Exception: {}".format(e)) await asyncio.sleep(5)