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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2006-2014 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE) <contact@logilab.fr>
# Copyright (c) 2010 Daniel Harding <dharding@gmail.com>
# Copyright (c) 2011, 2013-2015 Google, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Claudiu Popa <pcmanticore@gmail.com>
# Copyright (c) 2013 Phil Schaf <flying-sheep@web.de>
# Copyright (c) 2014 Eevee (Alex Munroe) <amunroe@yelp.com>
# Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Florian Bruhin <me@the-compiler.org>
# Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Ceridwen <ceridwenv@gmail.com>
# Copyright (c) 2015 Rene Zhang <rz99@cornell.edu>
# Copyright (c) 2015 Philip Lorenz <philip@bithub.de>
# Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Derek Gustafson <degustaf@gmail.com>
# Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Bryce Guinta <bryce.paul.guinta@gmail.com>
# Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Ashley Whetter <ashley@awhetter.co.uk>
# Copyright (c) 2017 Łukasz Rogalski <rogalski.91@gmail.com>
# Copyright (c) 2017 David Euresti <david@dropbox.com>
# Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Nick Drozd <nicholasdrozd@gmail.com>
# Copyright (c) 2018 Ville Skyttä <ville.skytta@iki.fi>
# Copyright (c) 2018 Anthony Sottile <asottile@umich.edu>
# Copyright (c) 2018 HoverHell <hoverhell@gmail.com>
# Copyright (c) 2019 Hugo van Kemenade <hugovk@users.noreply.github.com>
# Copyright (c) 2019 Peter de Blanc <peter@standard.ai>
# Licensed under the LGPL: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.en.html
# For details: https://github.com/PyCQA/astroid/blob/master/COPYING.LESSER
This module contains the classes for "scoped" node, i.e. which are opening a
new local scope in the language definition : Module, ClassDef, FunctionDef (and
Lambda, GeneratorExp, DictComp and SetComp to some extent).
import builtins
import sys
import io
import itertools
from typing import Optional, List
from astroid import bases
from astroid import context as contextmod
from astroid import exceptions
from astroid import decorators as decorators_mod
from astroid.interpreter import objectmodel
from astroid.interpreter import dunder_lookup
from astroid import manager
from astroid import mixins
from astroid import node_classes
from astroid import util
BUILTINS = builtins.__name__
ITER_METHODS = ("__iter__", "__getitem__")
EXCEPTION_BASE_CLASSES = frozenset({"Exception", "BaseException"})
objects = util.lazy_import("objects")
{"classmethod", "staticmethod", "builtins.classmethod", "builtins.staticmethod"}
def _c3_merge(sequences, cls, context):
"""Merges MROs in *sequences* to a single MRO using the C3 algorithm.
Adapted from http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.3/mro/.
result = []
while True:
sequences = [s for s in sequences if s] # purge empty sequences
if not sequences:
return result
for s1 in sequences: # find merge candidates among seq heads
candidate = s1[0]
for s2 in sequences:
if candidate in s2[1:]:
candidate = None
break # reject the current head, it appears later
if not candidate:
# Show all the remaining bases, which were considered as
# candidates for the next mro sequence.
raise exceptions.InconsistentMroError(
message="Cannot create a consistent method resolution order "
"for MROs {mros} of class {cls!r}.",
# remove the chosen candidate
for seq in sequences:
if seq[0] == candidate:
del seq[0]
return None
def clean_duplicates_mro(sequences, cls, context):
for sequence in sequences:
names = [
(node.lineno, node.qname()) if node.name else None for node in sequence
last_index = dict(map(reversed, enumerate(names)))
if names and names[0] is not None and last_index[names[0]] != 0:
raise exceptions.DuplicateBasesError(
message="Duplicates found in MROs {mros} for {cls!r}.",
yield [
for i, (node, name) in enumerate(zip(sequence, names))
if name is None or last_index[name] == i
def function_to_method(n, klass):
if isinstance(n, FunctionDef):
if n.type == "classmethod":
return bases.BoundMethod(n, klass)
if n.type == "property":
return n
if n.type != "staticmethod":
return bases.UnboundMethod(n)
return n
MANAGER = manager.AstroidManager()
def builtin_lookup(name):
"""lookup a name into the builtin module
return the list of matching statements and the astroid for the builtin
builtin_astroid = MANAGER.ast_from_module(builtins)
if name == "__dict__":
return builtin_astroid, ()
stmts = builtin_astroid.locals[name]
except KeyError:
stmts = ()
return builtin_astroid, stmts
# TODO move this Mixin to mixins.py; problem: 'FunctionDef' in _scope_lookup
class LocalsDictNodeNG(node_classes.LookupMixIn, node_classes.NodeNG):
""" this class provides locals handling common to Module, FunctionDef
and ClassDef nodes, including a dict like interface for direct access
to locals information
# attributes below are set by the builder module or by raw factories
locals = {}
"""A map of the name of a local variable to the node defining the local.
:type: dict(str, NodeNG)
def qname(self):
"""Get the 'qualified' name of the node.
For example: module.name, module.class.name ...
:returns: The qualified name.
:rtype: str
# pylint: disable=no-member; github.com/pycqa/astroid/issues/278
if self.parent is None:
return self.name
return "%s.%s" % (self.parent.frame().qname(), self.name)
def frame(self):
"""The first parent frame node.
A frame node is a :class:`Module`, :class:`FunctionDef`,
or :class:`ClassDef`.
:returns: The first parent frame node.
:rtype: Module or FunctionDef or ClassDef
return self
def scope(self):
"""The first parent node defining a new scope.
:returns: The first parent scope node.
:rtype: Module or FunctionDef or ClassDef or Lambda or GenExpr
return self
def _scope_lookup(self, node, name, offset=0):
"""XXX method for interfacing the scope lookup"""
stmts = node._filter_stmts(self.locals[name], self, offset)
except KeyError:
stmts = ()
if stmts:
return self, stmts
if self.parent: # i.e. not Module
# nested scope: if parent scope is a function, that's fine
# else jump to the module
pscope = self.parent.scope()
if not pscope.is_function:
pscope = pscope.root()
return pscope.scope_lookup(node, name)
return builtin_lookup(name) # Module
def set_local(self, name, stmt):
"""Define that the given name is declared in the given statement node.
.. seealso:: :meth:`scope`
:param name: The name that is being defined.
:type name: str
:param stmt: The statement that defines the given name.
:type stmt: NodeNG
# assert not stmt in self.locals.get(name, ()), (self, stmt)
self.locals.setdefault(name, []).append(stmt)
__setitem__ = set_local
def _append_node(self, child):
"""append a child, linking it in the tree"""
# pylint: disable=no-member; depending by the class
# which uses the current class as a mixin or base class.
# It's rewritten in 2.0, so it makes no sense for now
# to spend development time on it.
child.parent = self
def add_local_node(self, child_node, name=None):
"""Append a child that should alter the locals of this scope node.
:param child_node: The child node that will alter locals.
:type child_node: NodeNG
:param name: The name of the local that will be altered by
the given child node.
:type name: str or None
if name != "__class__":
# add __class__ node as a child will cause infinite recursion later!
self.set_local(name or child_node.name, child_node)
def __getitem__(self, item):
"""The first node the defines the given local.
:param item: The name of the locally defined object.
:type item: str
:raises KeyError: If the name is not defined.
return self.locals[item][0]
def __iter__(self):
"""Iterate over the names of locals defined in this scoped node.
:returns: The names of the defined locals.
:rtype: iterable(str)
return iter(self.keys())
def keys(self):
"""The names of locals defined in this scoped node.
:returns: The names of the defined locals.
:rtype: list(str)
return list(self.locals.keys())
def values(self):
"""The nodes that define the locals in this scoped node.
:returns: The nodes that define locals.
:rtype: list(NodeNG)
return [self[key] for key in self.keys()]
def items(self):
"""Get the names of the locals and the node that defines the local.
:returns: The names of locals and their associated node.
:rtype: list(tuple(str, NodeNG))
return list(zip(self.keys(), self.values()))
def __contains__(self, name):
"""Check if a local is defined in this scope.
:param name: The name of the local to check for.
:type name: str
:returns: True if this node has a local of the given name,
False otherwise.
:rtype: bool
return name in self.locals
class Module(LocalsDictNodeNG):
"""Class representing an :class:`ast.Module` node.
>>> node = astroid.extract_node('import astroid')
>>> node
<Import l.1 at 0x7f23b2e4e5c0>
>>> node.parent
<Module l.0 at 0x7f23b2e4eda0>
_astroid_fields = ("body",)
fromlineno = 0
"""The first line that this node appears on in the source code.
:type: int or None
lineno = 0
"""The line that this node appears on in the source code.
:type: int or None
# attributes below are set by the builder module or by raw factories
file = None
"""The path to the file that this ast has been extracted from.
This will be ``None`` when the representation has been built from a
built-in module.
:type: str or None
file_bytes = None
"""The string/bytes that this ast was built from.
:type: str or bytes or None
file_encoding = None
"""The encoding of the source file.
This is used to get unicode out of a source file.
Python 2 only.
:type: str or None
name = None
"""The name of the module.
:type: str or None
pure_python = None
"""Whether the ast was built from source.
:type: bool or None
package = None
"""Whether the node represents a package or a module.
:type: bool or None
globals = None
"""A map of the name of a global variable to the node defining the global.
:type: dict(str, NodeNG)
# Future imports
future_imports = None
"""The imports from ``__future__``.
:type: set(str) or None
special_attributes = objectmodel.ModuleModel()
"""The names of special attributes that this module has.
:type: objectmodel.ModuleModel
# names of module attributes available through the global scope
scope_attrs = {"__name__", "__doc__", "__file__", "__path__", "__package__"}
"""The names of module attributes available through the global scope.
:type: str(str)
_other_fields = (
_other_other_fields = ("locals", "globals")
def __init__(
path: Optional[List[str]] = None,
:param name: The name of the module.
:type name: str
:param doc: The module docstring.
:type doc: str
:param file: The path to the file that this ast has been extracted from.
:type file: str or None
:param path:
:type path: Optional[List[str]]
:param package: Whether the node represents a package or a module.
:type package: bool or None
:param parent: The parent node in the syntax tree.
:type parent: NodeNG or None
:param pure_python: Whether the ast was built from source.
:type pure_python: bool or None
self.name = name
self.doc = doc
self.file = file
self.path = path
self.package = package
self.parent = parent
self.pure_python = pure_python
self.locals = self.globals = {}
"""A map of the name of a local variable to the node defining the local.
:type: dict(str, NodeNG)
self.body = []
"""The contents of the module.
:type: list(NodeNG) or None
self.future_imports = set()
# pylint: enable=redefined-builtin
def postinit(self, body=None):
"""Do some setup after initialisation.
:param body: The contents of the module.
:type body: list(NodeNG) or None
self.body = body
def _get_stream(self):
if self.file_bytes is not None:
return io.BytesIO(self.file_bytes)
if self.file is not None:
stream = open(self.file, "rb")
return stream
return None
def stream(self):
"""Get a stream to the underlying file or bytes.
:type: file or io.BytesIO or None
return self._get_stream()
def block_range(self, lineno):
"""Get a range from where this node starts to where this node ends.
:param lineno: Unused.
:type lineno: int
:returns: The range of line numbers that this node belongs to.
:rtype: tuple(int, int)
return self.fromlineno, self.tolineno
def scope_lookup(self, node, name, offset=0):
"""Lookup where the given variable is assigned.
:param node: The node to look for assignments up to.
Any assignments after the given node are ignored.
:type node: NodeNG
:param name: The name of the variable to find assignments for.
:type name: str
:param offset: The line offset to filter statements up to.
:type offset: int
:returns: This scope node and the list of assignments associated to the
given name according to the scope where it has been found (locals,
globals or builtin).
:rtype: tuple(str, list(NodeNG))
if name in self.scope_attrs and name not in self.locals:
return self, self.getattr(name)
except exceptions.AttributeInferenceError:
return self, ()
return self._scope_lookup(node, name, offset)
def pytype(self):
"""Get the name of the type that this node represents.
:returns: The name of the type.
:rtype: str
return "%s.module" % BUILTINS
def display_type(self):
"""A human readable type of this node.
:returns: The type of this node.
:rtype: str
return "Module"
def getattr(self, name, context=None, ignore_locals=False):
if not name:
raise exceptions.AttributeInferenceError(
target=self, attribute=name, context=context
result = []
name_in_locals = name in self.locals
if name in self.special_attributes and not ignore_locals and not name_in_locals:
result = [self.special_attributes.lookup(name)]
elif not ignore_locals and name_in_locals:
result = self.locals[name]
elif self.package:
result = [self.import_module(name, relative_only=True)]
except (exceptions.AstroidBuildingError, SyntaxError) as exc:
raise exceptions.AttributeInferenceError(
target=self, attribute=name, context=context
) from exc
result = [n for n in result if not isinstance(n, node_classes.DelName)]
if result:
return result
raise exceptions.AttributeInferenceError(
target=self, attribute=name, context=context
def igetattr(self, name, context=None):
"""Infer the possible values of the given variable.
:param name: The name of the variable to infer.
:type name: str
:returns: The inferred possible values.
:rtype: iterable(NodeNG) or None
# set lookup name since this is necessary to infer on import nodes for
# instance
context = contextmod.copy_context(context)
context.lookupname = name
return bases._infer_stmts(self.getattr(name, context), context, frame=self)
except exceptions.AttributeInferenceError as error:
raise exceptions.InferenceError(
error.message, target=self, attribute=name, context=context
) from error
def fully_defined(self):
"""Check if this module has been build from a .py file.
If so, the module contains a complete representation,
including the code.
:returns: True if the module has been built from a .py file.
:rtype: bool
return self.file is not None and self.file.endswith(".py")
def statement(self):
"""The first parent node, including self, marked as statement node.
:returns: The first parent statement.
:rtype: NodeNG
return self
def previous_sibling(self):
"""The previous sibling statement.
:returns: The previous sibling statement node.
:rtype: NodeNG or None
def next_sibling(self):
"""The next sibling statement node.
:returns: The next sibling statement node.
:rtype: NodeNG or None
_absolute_import_activated = True
def absolute_import_activated(self):
"""Whether :pep:`328` absolute import behaviour has been enabled.
:returns: True if :pep:`328` has been enabled, False otherwise.
:rtype: bool
return self._absolute_import_activated
def import_module(self, modname, relative_only=False, level=None):
"""Get the ast for a given module as if imported from this module.
:param modname: The name of the module to "import".
:type modname: str
:param relative_only: Whether to only consider relative imports.
:type relative_only: bool
:param level: The level of relative import.
:type level: int or None
:returns: The imported module ast.
:rtype: NodeNG
if relative_only and level is None:
level = 0
absmodname = self.relative_to_absolute_name(modname, level)
return MANAGER.ast_from_module_name(absmodname)
except exceptions.AstroidBuildingError:
# we only want to import a sub module or package of this module,
# skip here
if relative_only:
return MANAGER.ast_from_module_name(modname)
def relative_to_absolute_name(self, modname, level):
"""Get the absolute module name for a relative import.
The relative import can be implicit or explicit.
:param modname: The module name to convert.
:type modname: str
:param level: The level of relative import.
:type level: int
:returns: The absolute module name.
:rtype: str
:raises TooManyLevelsError: When the relative import refers to a
module too far above this one.
# XXX this returns non sens when called on an absolute import
# like 'pylint.checkers.astroid.utils'
# XXX doesn't return absolute name if self.name isn't absolute name
if self.absolute_import_activated() and level is None:
return modname
if level:
if self.package:
level = level - 1
if level and self.name.count(".") < level:
raise exceptions.TooManyLevelsError(level=level, name=self.name)
package_name = self.name.rsplit(".", level)[0]
elif self.package:
package_name = self.name
package_name = self.name.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
if package_name:
if not modname:
return package_name
return "%s.%s" % (package_name, modname)
return modname
def wildcard_import_names(self):
"""The list of imported names when this module is 'wildcard imported'.
It doesn't include the '__builtins__' name which is added by the
current CPython implementation of wildcard imports.
:returns: The list of imported names.
:rtype: list(str)
# We separate the different steps of lookup in try/excepts
# to avoid catching too many Exceptions
default = [name for name in self.keys() if not name.startswith("_")]
all_values = self["__all__"]
except KeyError:
return default
explicit = next(all_values.assigned_stmts())
except exceptions.InferenceError:
return default
except AttributeError:
# not an assignment node
# XXX infer?
return default
# Try our best to detect the exported name.
inferred = []
explicit = next(explicit.infer())
except exceptions.InferenceError:
return default
if not isinstance(explicit, (node_classes.Tuple, node_classes.List)):
return default
str_const = lambda node: (
isinstance(node, node_classes.Const) and isinstance(node.value, str)
for node in explicit.elts:
if str_const(node):
inferred_node = next(node.infer())
except exceptions.InferenceError:
if str_const(inferred_node):
return inferred
def public_names(self):
"""The list of the names that are publicly available in this module.
:returns: The list of publc names.
:rtype: list(str)
return [name for name in self.keys() if not name.startswith("_")]
def bool_value(self, context=None):
"""Determine the boolean value of this node.
:returns: The boolean value of this node.
For a :class:`Module` this is always ``True``.
:rtype: bool
return True
def get_children(self):
yield from self.body
class ComprehensionScope(LocalsDictNodeNG):
"""Scoping for different types of comprehensions."""
def frame(self):
"""The first parent frame node.
A frame node is a :class:`Module`, :class:`FunctionDef`,
or :class:`ClassDef`.
:returns: The first parent frame node.
:rtype: Module or FunctionDef or ClassDef
return self.parent.frame()
scope_lookup = LocalsDictNodeNG._scope_lookup
class GeneratorExp(ComprehensionScope):
"""Class representing an :class:`ast.GeneratorExp` node.
>>> node = astroid.extract_node('(thing for thing in things if thing)')
>>> node
<GeneratorExp l.1 at 0x7f23b2e4e400>
_astroid_fields = ("elt", "generators")
_other_other_fields = ("locals",)
elt = None
"""The element that forms the output of the expression.
:type: NodeNG or None
generators = None
"""The generators that are looped through.
:type: list(Comprehension) or None
def __init__(self, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None):
:param lineno: The line that this node appears on in the source code.
:type lineno: int or None
:param col_offset: The column that this node appears on in the
source code.
:type col_offset: int or None
:param parent: The parent node in the syntax tree.
:type parent: NodeNG or None
self.locals = {}
"""A map of the name of a local variable to the node defining the local.
:type: dict(str, NodeNG)
super().__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent)
def postinit(self, elt=None, generators=None):
"""Do some setup after initialisation.
:param elt: The element that forms the output of the expression.
:type elt: NodeNG or None
:param generators: The generators that are looped through.
:type generators: list(Comprehension) or None
self.elt = elt
if generators is None:
self.generators = []
self.generators = generators
def bool_value(self, context=None):
"""Determine the boolean value of this node.
:returns: The boolean value of this node.
For a :class:`GeneratorExp` this is always ``True``.
:rtype: bool
return True
def get_children(self):
yield self.elt
yield from self.generators
class DictComp(ComprehensionScope):
"""Class representing an :class:`ast.DictComp` node.
>>> node = astroid.extract_node('{k:v for k, v in things if k > v}')
>>> node
<DictComp l.1 at 0x7f23b2e41d68>
_astroid_fields = ("key", "value", "generators")
_other_other_fields = ("locals",)
key = None
"""What produces the keys.
:type: NodeNG or None
value = None
"""What produces the values.
:type: NodeNG or None
generators = None
"""The generators that are looped through.
:type: list(Comprehension) or None
def __init__(self, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None):
:param lineno: The line that this node appears on in the source code.
:type lineno: int or None
:param col_offset: The column that this node appears on in the
source code.
:type col_offset: int or None
:param parent: The parent node in the syntax tree.
:type parent: NodeNG or None
self.locals = {}
"""A map of the name of a local variable to the node defining the local.
:type: dict(str, NodeNG)
super().__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent)
def postinit(self, key=None, value=None, generators=None):
"""Do some setup after initialisation.
:param key: What produces the keys.
:type key: NodeNG or None
:param value: What produces the values.
:type value: NodeNG or None
:param generators: The generators that are looped through.
:type generators: list(Comprehension) or None
self.key = key
self.value = value
if generators is None:
self.generators = []
self.generators = generators
def bool_value(self, context=None):
"""Determine the boolean value of this node.
:returns: The boolean value of this node.
For a :class:`DictComp` this is always :class:`Uninferable`.
:rtype: Uninferable
return util.Uninferable
def get_children(self):
yield self.key
yield self.value
yield from self.generators
class SetComp(ComprehensionScope):
"""Class representing an :class:`ast.SetComp` node.
>>> node = astroid.extract_node('{thing for thing in things if thing}')
>>> node
<SetComp l.1 at 0x7f23b2e41898>
_astroid_fields = ("elt", "generators")
_other_other_fields = ("locals",)
elt = None
"""The element that forms the output of the expression.
:type: NodeNG or None
generators = None
"""The generators that are looped through.
:type: list(Comprehension) or None
def __init__(self, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None):
:param lineno: The line that this node appears on in the source code.
:type lineno: int or None
:param col_offset: The column that this node appears on in the
source code.
:type col_offset: int or None
:param parent: The parent node in the syntax tree.
:type parent: NodeNG or None
self.locals = {}
"""A map of the name of a local variable to the node defining the local.
:type: dict(str, NodeNG)
super().__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent)
def postinit(self, elt=None, generators=None):
"""Do some setup after initialisation.
:param elt: The element that forms the output of the expression.
:type elt: NodeNG or None
:param generators: The generators that are looped through.
:type generators: list(Comprehension) or None
self.elt = elt
if generators is None:
self.generators = []
self.generators = generators
def bool_value(self, context=None):
"""Determine the boolean value of this node.
:returns: The boolean value of this node.
For a :class:`SetComp` this is always :class:`Uninferable`.
:rtype: Uninferable
return util.Uninferable
def get_children(self):
yield self.elt
yield from self.generators
class _ListComp(node_classes.NodeNG):
"""Class representing an :class:`ast.ListComp` node.
>>> node = astroid.extract_node('[thing for thing in things if thing]')
>>> node
<ListComp l.1 at 0x7f23b2e418d0>
_astroid_fields = ("elt", "generators")
elt = None
"""The element that forms the output of the expression.
:type: NodeNG or None
generators = None
"""The generators that are looped through.
:type: list(Comprehension) or None
def postinit(self, elt=None, generators=None):
"""Do some setup after initialisation.
:param elt: The element that forms the output of the expression.
:type elt: NodeNG or None
:param generators: The generators that are looped through.
:type generators: list(Comprehension) or None
self.elt = elt
self.generators = generators
def bool_value(self, context=None):
"""Determine the boolean value of this node.
:returns: The boolean value of this node.
For a :class:`ListComp` this is always :class:`Uninferable`.
:rtype: Uninferable
return util.Uninferable
def get_children(self):
yield self.elt
yield from self.generators
class ListComp(_ListComp, ComprehensionScope):
"""Class representing an :class:`ast.ListComp` node.
>>> node = astroid.extract_node('[thing for thing in things if thing]')
>>> node
<ListComp l.1 at 0x7f23b2e418d0>
_other_other_fields = ("locals",)
def __init__(self, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None):
self.locals = {}
"""A map of the name of a local variable to the node defining it.
:type: dict(str, NodeNG)
super().__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent)
def _infer_decorator_callchain(node):
"""Detect decorator call chaining and see if the end result is a
static or a classmethod.
if not isinstance(node, FunctionDef):
return None
if not node.parent:
return None
result = next(node.infer_call_result(node.parent))
except exceptions.InferenceError:
return None
if isinstance(result, bases.Instance):
result = result._proxied
if isinstance(result, ClassDef):
if result.is_subtype_of("%s.classmethod" % BUILTINS):
return "classmethod"
if result.is_subtype_of("%s.staticmethod" % BUILTINS):
return "staticmethod"
if isinstance(result, FunctionDef):
if not result.decorators:
return None
# Determine if this function is decorated with one of the builtin descriptors we want.
for decorator in result.decorators.nodes:
if isinstance(decorator, node_classes.Name):
if decorator.name in BUILTIN_DESCRIPTORS:
return decorator.name
if (
isinstance(decorator, node_classes.Attribute)
and isinstance(decorator.expr, node_classes.Name)
and decorator.expr.name == BUILTINS
and decorator.attrname in BUILTIN_DESCRIPTORS
return decorator.attrname
return None
class Lambda(mixins.FilterStmtsMixin, LocalsDictNodeNG):
"""Class representing an :class:`ast.Lambda` node.
>>> node = astroid.extract_node('lambda arg: arg + 1')
>>> node
<Lambda.<lambda> l.1 at 0x7f23b2e41518>
_astroid_fields = ("args", "body")
_other_other_fields = ("locals",)
name = "<lambda>"
is_lambda = True
def implicit_parameters(self):
return 0
# function's type, 'function' | 'method' | 'staticmethod' | 'classmethod'
def type(self):
"""Whether this is a method or function.
:returns: 'method' if this is a method, 'function' otherwise.
:rtype: str
# pylint: disable=no-member
if self.args.arguments and self.args.arguments[0].name == "self":
if isinstance(self.parent.scope(), ClassDef):
return "method"
return "function"
def __init__(self, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None):
:param lineno: The line that this node appears on in the source code.
:type lineno: int or None
:param col_offset: The column that this node appears on in the
source code.
:type col_offset: int or None
:param parent: The parent node in the syntax tree.
:type parent: NodeNG or None
self.locals = {}
"""A map of the name of a local variable to the node defining it.
:type: dict(str, NodeNG)
self.args = []
"""The arguments that the function takes.
:type: Arguments or list
self.body = []
"""The contents of the function body.
:type: list(NodeNG)
super().__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent)
def postinit(self, args, body):
"""Do some setup after initialisation.
:param args: The arguments that the function takes.
:type args: Arguments
:param body: The contents of the function body.
:type body: list(NodeNG)
self.args = args
self.body = body
def pytype(self):
"""Get the name of the type that this node represents.
:returns: The name of the type.
:rtype: str
if "method" in self.type:
return "%s.instancemethod" % BUILTINS
return "%s.function" % BUILTINS
def display_type(self):
"""A human readable type of this node.
:returns: The type of this node.
:rtype: str
if "method" in self.type:
return "Method"
return "Function"
def callable(self):
"""Whether this node defines something that is callable.
:returns: True if this defines something that is callable,
False otherwise.
For a :class:`Lambda` this is always ``True``.
:rtype: bool
return True
def argnames(self):
"""Get the names of each of the arguments.
:returns: The names of the arguments.
:rtype: list(str)
# pylint: disable=no-member; github.com/pycqa/astroid/issues/291
# args is in fact redefined later on by postinit. Can't be changed
# to None due to a strong interaction between Lambda and FunctionDef.
if self.args.arguments: # maybe None with builtin functions
names = _rec_get_names(self.args.arguments)
names = []
if self.args.vararg:
if self.args.kwarg:
return names
def infer_call_result(self, caller, context=None):
"""Infer what the function returns when called.
:param caller: Unused
:type caller: object
# pylint: disable=no-member; github.com/pycqa/astroid/issues/291
# args is in fact redefined later on by postinit. Can't be changed
# to None due to a strong interaction between Lambda and FunctionDef.
return self.body.infer(context)
def scope_lookup(self, node, name, offset=0):
"""Lookup where the given names is assigned.
:param node: The node to look for assignments up to.
Any assignments after the given node are ignored.
:type node: NodeNG
:param name: The name to find assignments for.
:type name: str
:param offset: The line offset to filter statements up to.
:type offset: int
:returns: This scope node and the list of assignments associated to the
given name according to the scope where it has been found (locals,
globals or builtin).
:rtype: tuple(str, list(NodeNG))
# pylint: disable=no-member; github.com/pycqa/astroid/issues/291
# args is in fact redefined later on by postinit. Can't be changed
# to None due to a strong interaction between Lambda and FunctionDef.
if node in self.args.defaults or node in self.args.kw_defaults:
frame = self.parent.frame()
# line offset to avoid that def func(f=func) resolve the default
# value to the defined function
offset = -1
# check this is not used in function decorators
frame = self
return frame._scope_lookup(node, name, offset)
def bool_value(self, context=None):
"""Determine the boolean value of this node.
:returns: The boolean value of this node.
For a :class:`Lambda` this is always ``True``.
:rtype: bool
return True
def get_children(self):
yield self.args
yield self.body
class FunctionDef(mixins.MultiLineBlockMixin, node_classes.Statement, Lambda):
"""Class representing an :class:`ast.FunctionDef`.
>>> node = astroid.extract_node('''
... def my_func(arg):
... return arg + 1
... ''')
>>> node
<FunctionDef.my_func l.2 at 0x7f23b2e71e10>
_astroid_fields = ("decorators", "args", "returns", "body")
_multi_line_block_fields = ("body",)
returns = None
decorators = None
"""The decorators that are applied to this method or function.
:type: Decorators or None
special_attributes = objectmodel.FunctionModel()
"""The names of special attributes that this function has.
:type: objectmodel.FunctionModel
is_function = True
"""Whether this node indicates a function.
For a :class:`FunctionDef` this is always ``True``.
:type: bool
type_annotation = None
"""If present, this will contain the type annotation passed by a type comment
:type: NodeNG or None
type_comment_args = None
If present, this will contain the type annotation for arguments
passed by a type comment
type_comment_returns = None
"""If present, this will contain the return type annotation, passed by a type comment"""
# attributes below are set by the builder module or by raw factories
_other_fields = ("name", "doc")
_other_other_fields = (
_type = None
def __init__(self, name=None, doc=None, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None):
:param name: The name of the function.
:type name: str or None
:param doc: The function's docstring.
:type doc: str or None
:param lineno: The line that this node appears on in the source code.
:type lineno: int or None
:param col_offset: The column that this node appears on in the
source code.
:type col_offset: int or None
:param parent: The parent node in the syntax tree.
:type parent: NodeNG or None
self.name = name
"""The name of the function.
:type name: str or None
self.doc = doc
"""The function's docstring.
:type doc: str or None
self.instance_attrs = {}
super().__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent)
if parent:
frame = parent.frame()
frame.set_local(name, self)
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ; different than Lambdas
def postinit(
"""Do some setup after initialisation.
:param args: The arguments that the function takes.
:type args: Arguments or list
:param body: The contents of the function body.
:type body: list(NodeNG)
:param decorators: The decorators that are applied to this
method or function.
:type decorators: Decorators or None
:params type_comment_returns:
The return type annotation passed via a type comment.
:params type_comment_args:
The args type annotation passed via a type comment.
self.args = args
self.body = body
self.decorators = decorators
self.returns = returns
self.type_comment_returns = type_comment_returns
self.type_comment_args = type_comment_args
def extra_decorators(self):
"""The extra decorators that this function can have.
Additional decorators are considered when they are used as
assignments, as in ``method = staticmethod(method)``.
The property will return all the callables that are used for
:type: list(NodeNG)
frame = self.parent.frame()
if not isinstance(frame, ClassDef):
return []
decorators = []
for assign in frame._get_assign_nodes():
if isinstance(assign.value, node_classes.Call) and isinstance(
assign.value.func, node_classes.Name
for assign_node in assign.targets:
if not isinstance(assign_node, node_classes.AssignName):
# Support only `name = callable(name)`
if assign_node.name != self.name:
# Interested only in the assignment nodes that
# decorates the current method.
meth = frame[self.name]
except KeyError:
# Must be a function and in the same frame as the
# original method.
if (
isinstance(meth, FunctionDef)
and assign_node.frame() == frame
return decorators
def type(
): # pylint: disable=invalid-overridden-method,too-many-return-statements
"""The function type for this node.
Possible values are: method, function, staticmethod, classmethod.
:type: str
for decorator in self.extra_decorators:
if decorator.func.name in BUILTIN_DESCRIPTORS:
return decorator.func.name
frame = self.parent.frame()
type_name = "function"
if isinstance(frame, ClassDef):
if self.name == "__new__":
return "classmethod"
if sys.version_info >= (3, 6) and self.name == "__init_subclass__":
return "classmethod"
type_name = "method"
if not self.decorators:
return type_name
for node in self.decorators.nodes:
if isinstance(node, node_classes.Name):
if node.name in BUILTIN_DESCRIPTORS:
return node.name
if (
isinstance(node, node_classes.Attribute)
and isinstance(node.expr, node_classes.Name)
and node.expr.name == BUILTINS
and node.attrname in BUILTIN_DESCRIPTORS
return node.attrname
if isinstance(node, node_classes.Call):
# Handle the following case:
# @some_decorator(arg1, arg2)
# def func(...)
current = next(node.func.infer())
except exceptions.InferenceError:
_type = _infer_decorator_callchain(current)
if _type is not None:
return _type
for inferred in node.infer():
# Check to see if this returns a static or a class method.
_type = _infer_decorator_callchain(inferred)
if _type is not None:
return _type
if not isinstance(inferred, ClassDef):
for ancestor in inferred.ancestors():
if not isinstance(ancestor, ClassDef):
if ancestor.is_subtype_of("%s.classmethod" % BUILTINS):
return "classmethod"
if ancestor.is_subtype_of("%s.staticmethod" % BUILTINS):
return "staticmethod"
except exceptions.InferenceError:
return type_name
def fromlineno(self):
"""The first line that this node appears on in the source code.
:type: int or None
# lineno is the line number of the first decorator, we want the def
# statement lineno
lineno = self.lineno
if self.decorators is not None:
lineno += sum(
node.tolineno - node.lineno + 1 for node in self.decorators.nodes
return lineno
def blockstart_tolineno(self):
"""The line on which the beginning of this block ends.
:type: int
return self.args.tolineno
def block_range(self, lineno):
"""Get a range from the given line number to where this node ends.
:param lineno: Unused.
:type lineno: int
:returns: The range of line numbers that this node belongs to,
:rtype: tuple(int, int)
return self.fromlineno, self.tolineno
def getattr(self, name, context=None):
"""this method doesn't look in the instance_attrs dictionary since it's
done by an Instance proxy at inference time.
if not name:
raise exceptions.AttributeInferenceError(
target=self, attribute=name, context=context
found_attrs = []
if name in self.instance_attrs:
found_attrs = self.instance_attrs[name]
if name in self.special_attributes:
if found_attrs:
return found_attrs
raise exceptions.AttributeInferenceError(target=self, attribute=name)
def igetattr(self, name, context=None):
"""Inferred getattr, which returns an iterator of inferred statements."""
return bases._infer_stmts(self.getattr(name, context), context, frame=self)
except exceptions.AttributeInferenceError as error:
raise exceptions.InferenceError(
error.message, target=self, attribute=name, context=context
) from error
def is_method(self):
"""Check if this function node represents a method.
:returns: True if this is a method, False otherwise.
:rtype: bool
# check we are defined in a ClassDef, because this is usually expected
# (e.g. pylint...) when is_method() return True
return self.type != "function" and isinstance(self.parent.frame(), ClassDef)
def decoratornames(self, context=None):
"""Get the qualified names of each of the decorators on this function.
:param context:
An inference context that can be passed to inference functions
:returns: The names of the decorators.
:rtype: set(str)
result = set()
decoratornodes = []
if self.decorators is not None:
decoratornodes += self.decorators.nodes
decoratornodes += self.extra_decorators
for decnode in decoratornodes:
for infnode in decnode.infer(context=context):
except exceptions.InferenceError:
return result
def is_bound(self):
"""Check if the function is bound to an instance or class.
:returns: True if the function is bound to an instance or class,
False otherwise.
:rtype: bool
return self.type == "classmethod"
def is_abstract(self, pass_is_abstract=True):
"""Check if the method is abstract.
A method is considered abstract if any of the following is true:
* The only statement is 'raise NotImplementedError'
* The only statement is 'pass' and pass_is_abstract is True
* The method is annotated with abc.astractproperty/abc.abstractmethod
:returns: True if the method is abstract, False otherwise.
:rtype: bool
if self.decorators:
for node in self.decorators.nodes:
inferred = next(node.infer())
except exceptions.InferenceError:
if inferred and inferred.qname() in (
return True
for child_node in self.body:
if isinstance(child_node, node_classes.Raise):
if child_node.raises_not_implemented():
return True
return pass_is_abstract and isinstance(child_node, node_classes.Pass)
# empty function is the same as function with a single "pass" statement
if pass_is_abstract:
return True
def is_generator(self):
"""Check if this is a generator function.
:returns: True is this is a generator function, False otherwise.
:rtype: bool
return bool(next(self._get_yield_nodes_skip_lambdas(), False))
def infer_call_result(self, caller=None, context=None):
"""Infer what the function returns when called.
:returns: What the function returns.
:rtype: iterable(NodeNG or Uninferable) or None
if self.is_generator():
if isinstance(self, AsyncFunctionDef):
generator_cls = bases.AsyncGenerator
generator_cls = bases.Generator
result = generator_cls(self)
yield result
# This is really a gigantic hack to work around metaclass generators
# that return transient class-generating functions. Pylint's AST structure
# cannot handle a base class object that is only used for calling __new__,
# but does not contribute to the inheritance structure itself. We inject
# a fake class into the hierarchy here for several well-known metaclass
# generators, and filter it out later.
if (
self.name == "with_metaclass"
and len(self.args.args) == 1
and self.args.vararg is not None
metaclass = next(caller.args[0].infer(context))
if isinstance(metaclass, ClassDef):
class_bases = [next(arg.infer(context)) for arg in caller.args[1:]]
new_class = ClassDef(name="temporary_class")
new_class.hide = True
new_class.parent = self
bases=[base for base in class_bases if base != util.Uninferable],
yield new_class
returns = self._get_return_nodes_skip_functions()
first_return = next(returns, None)
if not first_return:
if self.body and isinstance(self.body[-1], node_classes.Assert):
yield node_classes.Const(None)
raise exceptions.InferenceError(
"The function does not have any return statements"
for returnnode in itertools.chain((first_return,), returns):
if returnnode.value is None:
yield node_classes.Const(None)
yield from returnnode.value.infer(context)
except exceptions.InferenceError:
yield util.Uninferable
def bool_value(self, context=None):
"""Determine the boolean value of this node.
:returns: The boolean value of this node.
For a :class:`FunctionDef` this is always ``True``.
:rtype: bool
return True
def get_children(self):
if self.decorators is not None:
yield self.decorators
yield self.args
if self.returns is not None:
yield self.returns
yield from self.body
def scope_lookup(self, node, name, offset=0):
"""Lookup where the given name is assigned."""
if name == "__class__":
# __class__ is an implicit closure reference created by the compiler
# if any methods in a class body refer to either __class__ or super.
# In our case, we want to be able to look it up in the current scope
# when `__class__` is being used.
frame = self.parent.frame()
if isinstance(frame, ClassDef):
return self, [frame]
return super().scope_lookup(node, name, offset)
class AsyncFunctionDef(FunctionDef):
"""Class representing an :class:`ast.FunctionDef` node.
A :class:`AsyncFunctionDef` is an asynchronous function
created with the `async` keyword.
>>> node = astroid.extract_node('''
async def func(things):
async for thing in things:
>>> node
<AsyncFunctionDef.func l.2 at 0x7f23b2e416d8>
>>> node.body[0]
<AsyncFor l.3 at 0x7f23b2e417b8>
def _rec_get_names(args, names=None):
"""return a list of all argument names"""
if names is None:
names = []
for arg in args:
if isinstance(arg, node_classes.Tuple):
_rec_get_names(arg.elts, names)
return names
def _is_metaclass(klass, seen=None):
""" Return if the given class can be
used as a metaclass.
if klass.name == "type":
return True
if seen is None:
seen = set()
for base in klass.bases:
for baseobj in base.infer():
baseobj_name = baseobj.qname()
if baseobj_name in seen:
if isinstance(baseobj, bases.Instance):
# not abstract
return False
if baseobj is util.Uninferable:
if baseobj is klass:
if not isinstance(baseobj, ClassDef):
if baseobj._type == "metaclass":
return True
if _is_metaclass(baseobj, seen):
return True
except exceptions.InferenceError:
return False
def _class_type(klass, ancestors=None):
"""return a ClassDef node type to differ metaclass and exception
from 'regular' classes
# XXX we have to store ancestors in case we have an ancestor loop
if klass._type is not None:
return klass._type
if _is_metaclass(klass):
klass._type = "metaclass"
elif klass.name.endswith("Exception"):
klass._type = "exception"
if ancestors is None:
ancestors = set()
klass_name = klass.qname()
if klass_name in ancestors:
# XXX we are in loop ancestors, and have found no type
klass._type = "class"
return "class"
for base in klass.ancestors(recurs=False):
name = _class_type(base, ancestors)
if name != "class":
if name == "metaclass" and not _is_metaclass(klass):
# don't propagate it if the current class
# can't be a metaclass
klass._type = base.type
if klass._type is None:
klass._type = "class"
return klass._type
def get_wrapping_class(node):
"""Get the class that wraps the given node.
We consider that a class wraps a node if the class
is a parent for the said node.
:returns: The class that wraps the given node
:rtype: ClassDef or None
klass = node.frame()
while klass is not None and not isinstance(klass, ClassDef):
if klass.parent is None:
klass = None
klass = klass.parent.frame()
return klass
class ClassDef(mixins.FilterStmtsMixin, LocalsDictNodeNG, node_classes.Statement):
"""Class representing an :class:`ast.ClassDef` node.
>>> node = astroid.extract_node('''
class Thing:
def my_meth(self, arg):
return arg + self.offset
>>> node
<ClassDef.Thing l.2 at 0x7f23b2e9e748>
# some of the attributes below are set by the builder module or
# by a raw factories
# a dictionary of class instances attributes
_astroid_fields = ("decorators", "bases", "body") # name
decorators = None
"""The decorators that are applied to this class.
:type: Decorators or None
special_attributes = objectmodel.ClassModel()
"""The names of special attributes that this class has.
:type: objectmodel.ClassModel
_type = None
_metaclass_hack = False
hide = False
type = property(
"The class type for this node.\n\n"
"Possible values are: class, metaclass, exception.\n\n"
":type: str"
_other_fields = ("name", "doc")
_other_other_fields = ("locals", "_newstyle")
_newstyle = None
def __init__(self, name=None, doc=None, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None):
:param name: The name of the class.
:type name: str or None
:param doc: The function's docstring.
:type doc: str or None
:param lineno: The line that this node appears on in the source code.
:type lineno: int or None
:param col_offset: The column that this node appears on in the
source code.
:type col_offset: int or None
:param parent: The parent node in the syntax tree.
:type parent: NodeNG or None
self.instance_attrs = {}
self.locals = {}
"""A map of the name of a local variable to the node defining it.
:type: dict(str, NodeNG)
self.keywords = []
"""The keywords given to the class definition.
This is usually for :pep:`3115` style metaclass declaration.
:type: list(Keyword) or None
self.bases = []
"""What the class inherits from.
:type: list(NodeNG)
self.body = []
"""The contents of the class body.
:type: list(NodeNG)
self.name = name
"""The name of the class.
:type name: str or None
self.doc = doc
"""The class' docstring.
:type doc: str or None
super().__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent)
if parent is not None:
parent.frame().set_local(name, self)
for local_name, node in self.implicit_locals():
self.add_local_node(node, local_name)
def implicit_parameters(self):
return 1
def implicit_locals(self):
"""Get implicitly defined class definition locals.
:returns: the the name and Const pair for each local
:rtype: tuple(tuple(str, node_classes.Const), ...)
locals_ = (("__module__", self.special_attributes.attr___module__),)
# __qualname__ is defined in PEP3155
locals_ += (("__qualname__", self.special_attributes.attr___qualname__),)
return locals_
# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
def postinit(
self, bases, body, decorators, newstyle=None, metaclass=None, keywords=None
"""Do some setup after initialisation.
:param bases: What the class inherits from.
:type bases: list(NodeNG)
:param body: The contents of the class body.
:type body: list(NodeNG)
:param decorators: The decorators that are applied to this class.
:type decorators: Decorators or None
:param newstyle: Whether this is a new style class or not.
:type newstyle: bool or None
:param metaclass: The metaclass of this class.
:type metaclass: NodeNG or None
:param keywords: The keywords given to the class definition.
:type keywords: list(Keyword) or None
self.keywords = keywords
self.bases = bases
self.body = body
self.decorators = decorators
if newstyle is not None:
self._newstyle = newstyle
if metaclass is not None:
self._metaclass = metaclass
def _newstyle_impl(self, context=None):
if context is None:
context = contextmod.InferenceContext()
if self._newstyle is not None:
return self._newstyle
for base in self.ancestors(recurs=False, context=context):
if base._newstyle_impl(context):
self._newstyle = True
klass = self.declared_metaclass()
# could be any callable, we'd need to infer the result of klass(name,
# bases, dict). punt if it's not a class node.
if klass is not None and isinstance(klass, ClassDef):
self._newstyle = klass._newstyle_impl(context)
if self._newstyle is None:
self._newstyle = False
return self._newstyle
_newstyle = None
newstyle = property(
doc=("Whether this is a new style class or not\n\n" ":type: bool or None"),
def blockstart_tolineno(self):
"""The line on which the beginning of this block ends.
:type: int
if self.bases:
return self.bases[-1].tolineno
return self.fromlineno
def block_range(self, lineno):
"""Get a range from the given line number to where this node ends.
:param lineno: Unused.
:type lineno: int
:returns: The range of line numbers that this node belongs to,
:rtype: tuple(int, int)
return self.fromlineno, self.tolineno
def pytype(self):
"""Get the name of the type that this node represents.
:returns: The name of the type.
:rtype: str
if self.newstyle:
return "%s.type" % BUILTINS
return "%s.classobj" % BUILTINS
def display_type(self):
"""A human readable type of this node.
:returns: The type of this node.
:rtype: str
return "Class"
def callable(self):
"""Whether this node defines something that is callable.
:returns: True if this defines something that is callable,
False otherwise.
For a :class:`ClassDef` this is always ``True``.
:rtype: bool
return True
def is_subtype_of(self, type_name, context=None):
"""Whether this class is a subtype of the given type.
:param type_name: The name of the type of check against.
:type type_name: str
:returns: True if this class is a subtype of the given type,
False otherwise.
:rtype: bool
if self.qname() == type_name:
return True
for anc in self.ancestors(context=context):
if anc.qname() == type_name:
return True
return False
def _infer_type_call(self, caller, context):
name_node = next(caller.args[0].infer(context))
if isinstance(name_node, node_classes.Const) and isinstance(
name_node.value, str
name = name_node.value
return util.Uninferable
result = ClassDef(name, None)
# Get the bases of the class.
class_bases = next(caller.args[1].infer(context))
if isinstance(class_bases, (node_classes.Tuple, node_classes.List)):
bases = []
for base in class_bases.itered():
inferred = next(base.infer(context=context))
if inferred:
node_classes.EvaluatedObject(original=base, value=inferred)
result.bases = bases
# There is currently no AST node that can represent an 'unknown'
# node (Uninferable is not an AST node), therefore we simply return Uninferable here
# although we know at least the name of the class.
return util.Uninferable
# Get the members of the class
members = next(caller.args[2].infer(context))
except exceptions.InferenceError:
members = None
if members and isinstance(members, node_classes.Dict):
for attr, value in members.items:
if isinstance(attr, node_classes.Const) and isinstance(attr.value, str):
result.locals[attr.value] = [value]
result.parent = caller.parent
return result
def infer_call_result(self, caller, context=None):
"""infer what a class is returning when called"""
if (
self.is_subtype_of("%s.type" % (BUILTINS,), context)
and len(caller.args) == 3
result = self._infer_type_call(caller, context)
yield result
dunder_call = None
metaclass = self.metaclass(context=context)
if metaclass is not None:
dunder_call = next(metaclass.igetattr("__call__", context))
except exceptions.AttributeInferenceError:
if dunder_call and dunder_call.qname() != "builtins.type.__call__":
# Call type.__call__ if not set metaclass
# (since type is the default metaclass)
context = contextmod.bind_context_to_node(context, self)
yield from dunder_call.infer_call_result(caller, context)
yield self.instantiate_class()
def scope_lookup(self, node, name, offset=0):
"""Lookup where the given name is assigned.
:param node: The node to look for assignments up to.
Any assignments after the given node are ignored.
:type node: NodeNG
:param name: The name to find assignments for.
:type name: str
:param offset: The line offset to filter statements up to.
:type offset: int
:returns: This scope node and the list of assignments associated to the
given name according to the scope where it has been found (locals,
globals or builtin).
:rtype: tuple(str, list(NodeNG))
# If the name looks like a builtin name, just try to look
# into the upper scope of this class. We might have a
# decorator that it's poorly named after a builtin object
# inside this class.
lookup_upper_frame = (
isinstance(node.parent, node_classes.Decorators)
and name in MANAGER.builtins_module
if (
any(node == base or base.parent_of(node) for base in self.bases)
or lookup_upper_frame
# Handle the case where we have either a name
# in the bases of a class, which exists before
# the actual definition or the case where we have
# a Getattr node, with that name.
# name = ...
# class A(name):
# def name(self): ...
# import name
# class A(name.Name):
# def name(self): ...
frame = self.parent.frame()
# line offset to avoid that class A(A) resolve the ancestor to
# the defined class
offset = -1
frame = self
return frame._scope_lookup(node, name, offset)
def basenames(self):
"""The names of the parent classes
Names are given in the order they appear in the class definition.
:type: list(str)
return [bnode.as_string() for bnode in self.bases]
def ancestors(self, recurs=True, context=None):
"""Iterate over the base classes in prefixed depth first order.
:param recurs: Whether to recurse or return direct ancestors only.
:type recurs: bool
:returns: The base classes
:rtype: iterable(NodeNG)
# FIXME: should be possible to choose the resolution order
# FIXME: inference make infinite loops possible here
yielded = {self}
if context is None:
context = contextmod.InferenceContext()
if not self.bases and self.qname() != "builtins.object":
yield builtin_lookup("object")[1][0]
for stmt in self.bases:
with context.restore_path():
for baseobj in stmt.infer(context):
if not isinstance(baseobj, ClassDef):
if isinstance(baseobj, bases.Instance):
baseobj = baseobj._proxied
if not baseobj.hide:
if baseobj in yielded:
yield baseobj
if not recurs:
for grandpa in baseobj.ancestors(recurs=True, context=context):
if grandpa is self:
# This class is the ancestor of itself.
if grandpa in yielded:
yield grandpa
except exceptions.InferenceError:
def local_attr_ancestors(self, name, context=None):
"""Iterate over the parents that define the given name.
:param name: The name to find definitions for.
:type name: str
:returns: The parents that define the given name.
:rtype: iterable(NodeNG)
# Look up in the mro if we can. This will result in the
# attribute being looked up just as Python does it.
ancestors = self.mro(context)[1:]
except exceptions.MroError:
# Fallback to use ancestors, we can't determine
# a sane MRO.
ancestors = self.ancestors(context=context)
for astroid in ancestors:
if name in astroid:
yield astroid
def instance_attr_ancestors(self, name, context=None):
"""Iterate over the parents that define the given name as an attribute.
:param name: The name to find definitions for.
:type name: str
:returns: The parents that define the given name as
an instance attribute.
:rtype: iterable(NodeNG)
for astroid in self.ancestors(context=context):
if name in astroid.instance_attrs:
yield astroid
def has_base(self, node):
"""Whether this class directly inherits from the given node.
:param node: The node to check for.
:type node: NodeNG
:returns: True if this class directly inherits from the given node.
:rtype: bool
return node in self.bases
def local_attr(self, name, context=None):
"""Get the list of assign nodes associated to the given name.
Assignments are looked for in both this class and in parents.
:returns: The list of assignments to the given name.
:rtype: list(NodeNG)
:raises AttributeInferenceError: If no attribute with this name
can be found in this class or parent classes.
result = []
if name in self.locals:
result = self.locals[name]
class_node = next(self.local_attr_ancestors(name, context), None)
if class_node:
result = class_node.locals[name]
result = [n for n in result if not isinstance(n, node_classes.DelAttr)]
if result:
return result
raise exceptions.AttributeInferenceError(
target=self, attribute=name, context=context
def instance_attr(self, name, context=None):
"""Get the list of nodes associated to the given attribute name.
Assignments are looked for in both this class and in parents.
:returns: The list of assignments to the given name.
:rtype: list(NodeNG)
:raises AttributeInferenceError: If no attribute with this name
can be found in this class or parent classes.
# Return a copy, so we don't modify self.instance_attrs,
# which could lead to infinite loop.
values = list(self.instance_attrs.get(name, []))
# get all values from parents
for class_node in self.instance_attr_ancestors(name, context):
values += class_node.instance_attrs[name]
values = [n for n in values if not isinstance(n, node_classes.DelAttr)]
if values:
return values
raise exceptions.AttributeInferenceError(
target=self, attribute=name, context=context
def instantiate_class(self):
"""Get an :class:`Instance` of the :class:`ClassDef` node.
:returns: An :class:`Instance` of the :class:`ClassDef` node,
or self if this is not possible.
:rtype: Instance or ClassDef
if any(cls.name in EXCEPTION_BASE_CLASSES for cls in self.mro()):
# Subclasses of exceptions can be exception instances
return objects.ExceptionInstance(self)
except exceptions.MroError:
return bases.Instance(self)
def getattr(self, name, context=None, class_context=True):
"""Get an attribute from this class, using Python's attribute semantic.
This method doesn't look in the :attr:`instance_attrs` dictionary
since it is done by an :class:`Instance` proxy at inference time.
It may return an :class:`Uninferable` object if
the attribute has not been
found, but a ``__getattr__`` or ``__getattribute__`` method is defined.
If ``class_context`` is given, then it is considered that the
attribute is accessed from a class context,
e.g. ClassDef.attribute, otherwise it might have been accessed
from an instance as well. If ``class_context`` is used in that
case, then a lookup in the implicit metaclass and the explicit
metaclass will be done.
:param name: The attribute to look for.
:type name: str
:param class_context: Whether the attribute can be accessed statically.
:type class_context: bool
:returns: The attribute.
:rtype: list(NodeNG)
:raises AttributeInferenceError: If the attribute cannot be inferred.
if not name:
raise exceptions.AttributeInferenceError(
target=self, attribute=name, context=context
values = self.locals.get(name, [])
if name in self.special_attributes and class_context and not values:
result = [self.special_attributes.lookup(name)]
if name == "__bases__":
# Need special treatment, since they are mutable
# and we need to return all the values.
result += values
return result
# don't modify the list in self.locals!
values = list(values)
for classnode in self.ancestors(recurs=True, context=context):
values += classnode.locals.get(name, [])
if class_context:
values += self._metaclass_lookup_attribute(name, context)
if not values:
raise exceptions.AttributeInferenceError(
target=self, attribute=name, context=context
# Look for AnnAssigns, which are not attributes in the purest sense.
for value in values:
if isinstance(value, node_classes.AssignName):
stmt = value.statement()
if isinstance(stmt, node_classes.AnnAssign) and stmt.value is None:
raise exceptions.AttributeInferenceError(
target=self, attribute=name, context=context
return values
def _metaclass_lookup_attribute(self, name, context):
"""Search the given name in the implicit and the explicit metaclass."""
attrs = set()
implicit_meta = self.implicit_metaclass()
context = contextmod.copy_context(context)
metaclass = self.metaclass(context=context)
for cls in {implicit_meta, metaclass}:
if cls and cls != self and isinstance(cls, ClassDef):
cls_attributes = self._get_attribute_from_metaclass(cls, name, context)
return attrs
def _get_attribute_from_metaclass(self, cls, name, context):
attrs = cls.getattr(name, context=context, class_context=True)
except exceptions.AttributeInferenceError:
for attr in bases._infer_stmts(attrs, context, frame=cls):
if not isinstance(attr, FunctionDef):
yield attr
if isinstance(attr, objects.Property):
yield attr
if attr.type == "classmethod":
# If the method is a classmethod, then it will
# be bound to the metaclass, not to the class
# from where the attribute is retrieved.
# get_wrapping_class could return None, so just
# default to the current class.
frame = get_wrapping_class(attr) or self
yield bases.BoundMethod(attr, frame)
elif attr.type == "staticmethod":
yield attr
yield bases.BoundMethod(attr, self)
def igetattr(self, name, context=None, class_context=True):
"""Infer the possible values of the given variable.
:param name: The name of the variable to infer.
:type name: str
:returns: The inferred possible values.
:rtype: iterable(NodeNG or Uninferable)
# set lookup name since this is necessary to infer on import nodes for
# instance
context = contextmod.copy_context(context)
context.lookupname = name
metaclass = self.declared_metaclass(context=context)
attributes = self.getattr(name, context, class_context=class_context)
# If we have more than one attribute, make sure that those starting from
# the second one are from the same scope. This is to account for modifications
# to the attribute happening *after* the attribute's definition (e.g. AugAssigns on lists)
if len(attributes) > 1:
first_attr, attributes = attributes[0], attributes[1:]
first_scope = first_attr.scope()
attributes = [first_attr] + [
for attr in attributes
if attr.parent and attr.parent.scope() == first_scope
for inferred in bases._infer_stmts(attributes, context, frame=self):
# yield Uninferable object instead of descriptors when necessary
if not isinstance(inferred, node_classes.Const) and isinstance(
inferred, bases.Instance
inferred._proxied.getattr("__get__", context)
except exceptions.AttributeInferenceError:
yield inferred
yield util.Uninferable
elif isinstance(inferred, objects.Property):
function = inferred.function
if not class_context:
# Through an instance so we can solve the property
yield from function.infer_call_result(
caller=self, context=context
# If we have a metaclass, we're accessing this attribute through
# the class itself, which means we can solve the property
elif metaclass:
# Resolve a property as long as it is not accessed through
# the class itself.
yield from function.infer_call_result(
caller=self, context=context
yield inferred
yield function_to_method(inferred, self)
except exceptions.AttributeInferenceError as error:
if not name.startswith("__") and self.has_dynamic_getattr(context):
# class handle some dynamic attributes, return a Uninferable object
yield util.Uninferable
raise exceptions.InferenceError(
error.message, target=self, attribute=name, context=context
def has_dynamic_getattr(self, context=None):
"""Check if the class has a custom __getattr__ or __getattribute__.
If any such method is found and it is not from
builtins, nor from an extension module, then the function
will return True.
:returns: True if the class has a custom
__getattr__ or __getattribute__, False otherwise.
:rtype: bool
def _valid_getattr(node):
root = node.root()
return root.name != BUILTINS and getattr(root, "pure_python", None)
return _valid_getattr(self.getattr("__getattr__", context)[0])
except exceptions.AttributeInferenceError:
# if self.newstyle: XXX cause an infinite recursion error
getattribute = self.getattr("__getattribute__", context)[0]
return _valid_getattr(getattribute)
except exceptions.AttributeInferenceError:
return False
def getitem(self, index, context=None):
"""Return the inference of a subscript.
This is basically looking up the method in the metaclass and calling it.
:returns: The inferred value of a subscript to this class.
:rtype: NodeNG
:raises AstroidTypeError: If this class does not define a
``__getitem__`` method.
methods = dunder_lookup.lookup(self, "__getitem__")
except exceptions.AttributeInferenceError as exc:
raise exceptions.AstroidTypeError(node=self, context=context) from exc
method = methods[0]
# Create a new callcontext for providing index as an argument.
new_context = contextmod.bind_context_to_node(context, self)
new_context.callcontext = contextmod.CallContext(args=[index])
return next(method.infer_call_result(self, new_context))
except exceptions.InferenceError:
return util.Uninferable
def methods(self):
"""Iterate over all of the method defined in this class and its parents.
:returns: The methods defined on the class.
:rtype: iterable(FunctionDef)
done = {}
for astroid in itertools.chain(iter((self,)), self.ancestors()):
for meth in astroid.mymethods():
if meth.name in done:
done[meth.name] = None
yield meth
def mymethods(self):
"""Iterate over all of the method defined in this class only.
:returns: The methods defined on the class.
:rtype: iterable(FunctionDef)
for member in self.values():
if isinstance(member, FunctionDef):
yield member
def implicit_metaclass(self):
"""Get the implicit metaclass of the current class.
For newstyle classes, this will return an instance of builtins.type.
For oldstyle classes, it will simply return None, since there's
no implicit metaclass there.
:returns: The metaclass.
:rtype: builtins.type or None
if self.newstyle:
return builtin_lookup("type")[1][0]
return None
_metaclass = None
def declared_metaclass(self, context=None):
"""Return the explicit declared metaclass for the current class.
An explicit declared metaclass is defined
either by passing the ``metaclass`` keyword argument
in the class definition line (Python 3) or (Python 2) by
having a ``__metaclass__`` class attribute, or if there are
no explicit bases but there is a global ``__metaclass__`` variable.
:returns: The metaclass of this class,
or None if one could not be found.
:rtype: NodeNG or None
for base in self.bases:
for baseobj in base.infer(context=context):
if isinstance(baseobj, ClassDef) and baseobj.hide:
self._metaclass = baseobj._metaclass
self._metaclass_hack = True
except exceptions.InferenceError:
if self._metaclass:
# Expects this from Py3k TreeRebuilder
return next(
for node in self._metaclass.infer(context=context)
if node is not util.Uninferable
except (exceptions.InferenceError, StopIteration):
return None
return None
def _find_metaclass(self, seen=None, context=None):
if seen is None:
seen = set()
klass = self.declared_metaclass(context=context)
if klass is None:
for parent in self.ancestors(context=context):
if parent not in seen:
klass = parent._find_metaclass(seen)
if klass is not None:
return klass
def metaclass(self, context=None):
"""Get the metaclass of this class.
If this class does not define explicitly a metaclass,
then the first defined metaclass in ancestors will be used
:returns: The metaclass of this class.
:rtype: NodeNG or None
return self._find_metaclass(context=context)
def has_metaclass_hack(self):
return self._metaclass_hack
def _islots(self):
""" Return an iterator with the inferred slots. """
if "__slots__" not in self.locals:
return None
for slots in self.igetattr("__slots__"):
# check if __slots__ is a valid type
for meth in ITER_METHODS:
except exceptions.AttributeInferenceError:
if isinstance(slots, node_classes.Const):
# a string. Ignore the following checks,
# but yield the node, only if it has a value
if slots.value:
yield slots
if not hasattr(slots, "itered"):
# we can't obtain the values, maybe a .deque?
if isinstance(slots, node_classes.Dict):
values = [item[0] for item in slots.items]
values = slots.itered()
if values is util.Uninferable:
if not values:
# Stop the iteration, because the class
# has an empty list of slots.
return values
for elt in values:
for inferred in elt.infer():
if inferred is util.Uninferable:
if not isinstance(
inferred, node_classes.Const
) or not isinstance(inferred.value, str):
if not inferred.value:
yield inferred
except exceptions.InferenceError:
return None
def _slots(self):
if not self.newstyle:
raise NotImplementedError(
"The concept of slots is undefined for old-style classes."
slots = self._islots()
first = next(slots)
except StopIteration as exc:
# The class doesn't have a __slots__ definition or empty slots.
if exc.args and exc.args[0] not in ("", None):
return exc.args[0]
return None
return [first] + list(slots)
# Cached, because inferring them all the time is expensive
def slots(self):
"""Get all the slots for this node.
:returns: The names of slots for this class.
If the class doesn't define any slot, through the ``__slots__``
variable, then this function will return a None.
Also, it will return None in the case the slots were not inferred.
:rtype: list(str) or None
def grouped_slots():
# Not interested in object, since it can't have slots.
for cls in self.mro()[:-1]:
cls_slots = cls._slots()
except NotImplementedError:
if cls_slots is not None:
yield from cls_slots
yield None
if not self.newstyle:
raise NotImplementedError(
"The concept of slots is undefined for old-style classes."
slots = list(grouped_slots())
if not all(slot is not None for slot in slots):
return None
return sorted(set(slots), key=lambda item: item.value)
def _inferred_bases(self, context=None):
# Similar with .ancestors, but the difference is when one base is inferred,
# only the first object is wanted. That's because
# we aren't interested in superclasses, as in the following
# example:
# class SomeSuperClass(object): pass
# class SomeClass(SomeSuperClass): pass
# class Test(SomeClass): pass
# Inferring SomeClass from the Test's bases will give
# us both SomeClass and SomeSuperClass, but we are interested
# only in SomeClass.
if context is None:
context = contextmod.InferenceContext()
if not self.bases and self.qname() != "builtins.object":
yield builtin_lookup("object")[1][0]
for stmt in self.bases:
baseobj = next(stmt.infer(context=context))
except exceptions.InferenceError:
if isinstance(baseobj, bases.Instance):
baseobj = baseobj._proxied
if not isinstance(baseobj, ClassDef):
if not baseobj.hide:
yield baseobj
yield from baseobj.bases
def _compute_mro(self, context=None):
inferred_bases = list(self._inferred_bases(context=context))
bases_mro = []
for base in inferred_bases:
if base is self:
mro = base._compute_mro(context=context)
except NotImplementedError:
# Some classes have in their ancestors both newstyle and
# old style classes. For these we can't retrieve the .mro,
# although in Python it's possible, since the class we are
# currently working is in fact new style.
# So, we fallback to ancestors here.
ancestors = list(base.ancestors(context=context))
unmerged_mro = [[self]] + bases_mro + [inferred_bases]
unmerged_mro = list(clean_duplicates_mro(unmerged_mro, self, context))
return _c3_merge(unmerged_mro, self, context)
def mro(self, context=None) -> List["ClassDef"]:
"""Get the method resolution order, using C3 linearization.
:returns: The list of ancestors, sorted by the mro.
:rtype: list(NodeNG)
:raises DuplicateBasesError: Duplicate bases in the same class base
:raises InconsistentMroError: A class' MRO is inconsistent
return self._compute_mro(context=context)
def bool_value(self, context=None):
"""Determine the boolean value of this node.
:returns: The boolean value of this node.
For a :class:`ClassDef` this is always ``True``.
:rtype: bool
return True
def get_children(self):
if self.decorators is not None:
yield self.decorators
yield from self.bases
yield from self.body
def _get_assign_nodes(self):
children_assign_nodes = (
child_node._get_assign_nodes() for child_node in self.body
return list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(children_assign_nodes))