mirror of
synced 2024-11-10 01:17:42 +01:00
- Added path parameter in config.json for settings - If empty, 'upload' will be used per default as api path - If something is entered, a different api path will be used for the creation of recipes. -> this allows the standard usage of the recipe upload and selection via cbpi4, but adds the possibility that custom plugins can be written to create cbpi recipe flows from the uploaded files ********************* + some prep work to create the http endpoints
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285 lines
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import asyncio
import json
from voluptuous.schema_builder import message
from cbpi.api.dataclasses import NotificationType
from cbpi.controller.notification_controller import NotificationController
import logging
from os import urandom
import os
from cbpi import __version__
from aiohttp import web
from aiohttp_auth import auth
from aiohttp_session import session_middleware
from aiohttp_session.cookie_storage import EncryptedCookieStorage
from aiohttp_swagger import setup_swagger
from cbpi.api.exceptions import CBPiException
from voluptuous import MultipleInvalid
from cbpi.controller.dashboard_controller import DashboardController
from cbpi.controller.job_controller import JobController
from cbpi.controller.actor_controller import ActorController
from cbpi.controller.config_controller import ConfigController
from cbpi.controller.kettle_controller import KettleController
from cbpi.controller.plugin_controller import PluginController
from cbpi.controller.sensor_controller import SensorController
from cbpi.controller.step_controller import StepController
from cbpi.controller.recipe_controller import RecipeController
from cbpi.controller.system_controller import SystemController
from cbpi.controller.satellite_controller import SatelliteController
from cbpi.controller.log_file_controller import LogController
from cbpi.eventbus import CBPiEventBus
from cbpi.http_endpoints.http_login import Login
from cbpi.utils import *
from cbpi.websocket import CBPiWebSocket
from cbpi.http_endpoints.http_actor import ActorHttpEndpoints
from cbpi.http_endpoints.http_config import ConfigHttpEndpoints
from cbpi.http_endpoints.http_dashboard import DashBoardHttpEndpoints
from cbpi.http_endpoints.http_kettle import KettleHttpEndpoints
from cbpi.http_endpoints.http_sensor import SensorHttpEndpoints
from cbpi.http_endpoints.http_step import StepHttpEndpoints
from cbpi.http_endpoints.http_recipe import RecipeHttpEndpoints
from cbpi.http_endpoints.http_plugin import PluginHttpEndpoints
from cbpi.http_endpoints.http_system import SystemHttpEndpoints
from cbpi.http_endpoints.http_log import LogHttpEndpoints
from cbpi.http_endpoints.http_notification import NotificationHttpEndpoints
from cbpi.http_endpoints.http_upload import UploadHttpEndpoints
import shortuuid
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
async def error_middleware(request, handler):
response = await handler(request)
if response.status != 404:
return response
message = response.message
except web.HTTPException as ex:
if ex.status != 404:
message = ex.reason
except CBPiException as ex:
message = str(ex)
return web.json_response(status=500, data={'error': message})
except MultipleInvalid as ex:
return web.json_response(status=500, data={'error': str(ex)})
except Exception as ex:
return web.json_response(status=500, data={'error': str(ex)})
return web.json_response(status=500, data={'error': message})
class CraftBeerPi:
def __init__(self):
self.path = os.sep.join(os.path.abspath(__file__).split(os.sep)[:-1]) # The path to the package dir
self.version = __version__
self.static_config = load_config(os.path.join(".", 'config', "config.yaml"))
self.database_file = os.path.join(".", 'config', "craftbeerpi.db")
logger.info("Init CraftBeerPI")
policy = auth.SessionTktAuthentication(urandom(32), 60, include_ip=True)
middlewares = [web.normalize_path_middleware(), session_middleware(EncryptedCookieStorage(urandom(32))),
auth.auth_middleware(policy), error_middleware]
self.app = web.Application(middlewares=middlewares)
self.app["cbpi"] = self
self.initializer = []
self.bus = CBPiEventBus(self.app.loop, self)
self.job = JobController(self)
self.config = ConfigController(self)
self.ws = CBPiWebSocket(self)
self.actor = ActorController(self)
self.sensor = SensorController(self)
self.plugin = PluginController(self)
self.log = LogController(self)
self.system = SystemController(self)
self.kettle = KettleController(self)
self.step : StepController = StepController(self)
self.recipe : RecipeController = RecipeController(self)
self.notification : NotificationController = NotificationController(self)
self.satellite = None
if self.static_config.get("mqtt", False) is True:
self.satellite: SatelliteController = SatelliteController(self)
self.dashboard = DashboardController(self)
self.http_step = StepHttpEndpoints(self)
self.http_recipe = RecipeHttpEndpoints(self)
self.http_sensor = SensorHttpEndpoints(self)
self.http_config = ConfigHttpEndpoints(self)
self.http_actor = ActorHttpEndpoints(self)
self.http_kettle = KettleHttpEndpoints(self)
self.http_dashboard = DashBoardHttpEndpoints(self)
self.http_plugin = PluginHttpEndpoints(self)
self.http_system = SystemHttpEndpoints(self)
self.http_log = LogHttpEndpoints(self)
self.http_notification = NotificationHttpEndpoints(self)
self.http_upload = UploadHttpEndpoints(self)
self.login = Login(self)
def _setup_shutdownhook(self):
self.shutdown = False
async def on_cleanup(app):
self.shutdown = True
def register_on_startup(self, obj):
for method in [getattr(obj, f) for f in dir(obj) if
callable(getattr(obj, f)) and hasattr(getattr(obj, f), "on_startup")]:
name = method.__getattribute__("name")
order = method.__getattribute__("order")
self.initializer.append(dict(name=name, method=method, order=order))
def register(self, obj, url_prefix=None, static=None):
This method parses the provided object
:param obj: the object wich will be parsed for registration
:param url_prefix: that prefix for HTTP Endpoints
:return: None
self.register_http_endpoints(obj, url_prefix, static)
# self.ws.register_object(obj)
def register_http_endpoints(self, obj, url_prefix=None, static=None):
if url_prefix is None:
"URL Prefix is None for %s. No endpoints will be registered. Please set / explicit if you want to add it to the root path" % obj)
routes = []
for method in [getattr(obj, f) for f in dir(obj) if
callable(getattr(obj, f)) and hasattr(getattr(obj, f), "route")]:
http_method = method.__getattribute__("method")
path = method.__getattribute__("path")
class_name = method.__self__.__class__.__name__
"Register Endpoint : %s.%s %s %s%s " % (class_name, method.__name__, http_method, url_prefix, path))
def add_post():
routes.append(web.post(method.__getattribute__("path"), method))
def add_get():
routes.append(web.get(method.__getattribute__("path"), method, allow_head=False))
def add_delete():
routes.append(web.delete(path, method))
def add_put():
routes.append(web.put(path, method))
switcher = {
"POST": add_post,
"GET": add_get,
"DELETE": add_delete,
"PUT": add_put
if url_prefix != "/":
logger.debug("URL Prefix: %s " % (url_prefix,))
sub = web.Application()
if static is not None:
sub.add_routes([web.static('/static', static, show_index=True)])
self.app.add_subapp(url_prefix, sub)
def _swagger_setup(self):
Internal method to expose REST API documentation by swagger
long_description = """
This is the api for CraftBeerPi
def notify(self, title: str, message: str, type: NotificationType = NotificationType.INFO, action=[]) -> None:
self.notification.notify(title, message, type, action)
def push_update(self, topic, data, retain=False) -> None:
if self.satellite is not None:
asyncio.create_task(self.satellite.publish(topic=topic, message=json.dumps(data), retain=retain))
async def call_initializer(self, app):
self.initializer = sorted(self.initializer, key=lambda k: k['order'])
for i in self.initializer:
logger.info("CALL INITIALIZER %s - %s " % (i["name"], i["method"].__name__))
await i["method"]()
def _print_logo(self):
from pyfiglet import Figlet
f = Figlet(font='big')
logger.info("\n%s" % f.renderText("CraftBeerPi %s " % self.version))
logger.info("(c) 2021 Manuel Fritsch")
def _setup_http_index(self):
async def http_index(request):
url = self.config.static.get("index_url")
if url is not None:
raise web.HTTPFound(url)
return web.Response(text="Hello from CraftbeerPi!")
self.app.add_routes([web.get('/', http_index),
web.static('/static', os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "static"), show_index=True)])
async def init_serivces(self):
await self.job.init()
await self.config.init()
if self.satellite is not None:
await self.satellite.init()
await self.sensor.init()
await self.step.init()
await self.actor.init()
await self.kettle.init()
await self.call_initializer(self.app)
await self.dashboard.init()
return self.app
def start(self):
web.run_app(self.init_serivces(), port=self.static_config.get("port", 2202))