- Extracted responsivty curves for red, green, blue and clear channel from the specs
- Simulated three lights, specified in the spec sheet, emitting light onto clear responsivity curve, to get a median conversion factor for responsivity (in the graph) to counts/irradiance.
- Determine red, green, blue, clear channel range by FWHM
- Get the average responsivity for red, green, blue channels from the spec sheet curves and convert the units by the conversion factor determined ealier to counts/irradiance.
- Use channel range by FWHM to scale the responses accordingly
- Implement conversion from counts by the sensor to irradiance
- Removes the clear channel and introduces sensor saturation as precentage value.
- Ensures values stays within 0-100% range - fixes a rare bug where values would massively exceed 0-100% range, likely due to floating point matching of the exposure time failing.
- Export R, G, B values as 0.0, until next PR adds calibrated irradiance values.