#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse from pathlib import Path import sys from helpers import changed_files, git_ls_files from esphome.const import ( KEY_CORE, KEY_TARGET_FRAMEWORK, KEY_TARGET_PLATFORM, PLATFORM_ESP32, PLATFORM_ESP8266, ) from esphome.core import CORE from esphome.loader import get_component, get_platform def filter_component_files(str): return str.startswith("esphome/components/") | str.startswith("tests/components/") def extract_component_names_array_from_files_array(files): components = [] for file in files: file_parts = file.split("/") if len(file_parts) >= 4: component_name = file_parts[2] if component_name not in components: components.append(component_name) return components def add_item_to_components_graph(components_graph, parent, child): if not parent.startswith("__") and parent != child: if parent not in components_graph: components_graph[parent] = [] if child not in components_graph[parent]: components_graph[parent].append(child) def create_components_graph(): # The root directory of the repo root = Path(__file__).parent.parent components_dir = root / "esphome" / "components" # Fake some directory so that get_component works CORE.config_path = str(root) # Various configuration to capture different outcomes used by `AUTO_LOAD` function. TARGET_CONFIGURATIONS = [ {KEY_TARGET_FRAMEWORK: None, KEY_TARGET_PLATFORM: None}, {KEY_TARGET_FRAMEWORK: "arduino", KEY_TARGET_PLATFORM: None}, {KEY_TARGET_FRAMEWORK: "esp-idf", KEY_TARGET_PLATFORM: None}, {KEY_TARGET_FRAMEWORK: None, KEY_TARGET_PLATFORM: PLATFORM_ESP32}, {KEY_TARGET_FRAMEWORK: None, KEY_TARGET_PLATFORM: PLATFORM_ESP8266}, ] CORE.data[KEY_CORE] = TARGET_CONFIGURATIONS[0] components_graph = {} for path in components_dir.iterdir(): if not path.is_dir(): continue if not (path / "__init__.py").is_file(): continue name = path.name comp = get_component(name) if comp is None: print( f"Cannot find component {name}. Make sure current path is pip installed ESPHome" ) sys.exit(1) for dependency in comp.dependencies: add_item_to_components_graph( components_graph, dependency.split(".")[0], name ) for target_config in TARGET_CONFIGURATIONS: CORE.data[KEY_CORE] = target_config for auto_load in comp.auto_load: add_item_to_components_graph(components_graph, auto_load, name) # restore config CORE.data[KEY_CORE] = TARGET_CONFIGURATIONS[0] for platform_path in path.iterdir(): platform_name = platform_path.stem platform = get_platform(platform_name, name) if platform is None: continue add_item_to_components_graph(components_graph, platform_name, name) for dependency in platform.dependencies: add_item_to_components_graph( components_graph, dependency.split(".")[0], name ) for target_config in TARGET_CONFIGURATIONS: CORE.data[KEY_CORE] = target_config for auto_load in platform.auto_load: add_item_to_components_graph(components_graph, auto_load, name) # restore config CORE.data[KEY_CORE] = TARGET_CONFIGURATIONS[0] return components_graph def find_children_of_component(components_graph, component_name, depth=0): if component_name not in components_graph: return [] children = [] for child in components_graph[component_name]: children.append(child) if depth < 10: children.extend( find_children_of_component(components_graph, child, depth + 1) ) # Remove duplicate values return list(set(children)) def get_components(files: list[str], get_dependencies: bool = False): components = extract_component_names_array_from_files_array(files) if get_dependencies: components_graph = create_components_graph() all_components = components.copy() for c in components: all_components.extend(find_children_of_component(components_graph, c)) # Remove duplicate values all_changed_components = list(set(all_components)) return sorted(all_changed_components) return sorted(components) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "-c", "--changed", action="store_true", help="List all components required for testing based on changes", ) parser.add_argument( "-b", "--branch", help="Branch to compare changed files against" ) args = parser.parse_args() if args.branch and not args.changed: parser.error("--branch requires --changed") files = git_ls_files() files = filter(filter_component_files, files) if args.changed: if args.branch: changed = changed_files(args.branch) else: changed = changed_files() # If any base test file(s) changed, there's no need to filter out components if not any("tests/test_build_components" in file for file in changed): files = [f for f in files if f in changed] for c in get_components(files, args.changed): print(c) if __name__ == "__main__": main()