from __future__ import print_function import logging import re from collections import OrderedDict, deque from esphomeyaml import core from esphomeyaml.const import CONF_AVAILABILITY, CONF_COMMAND_TOPIC, CONF_DISCOVERY, \ CONF_INVERTED, \ CONF_MODE, CONF_NUMBER, CONF_PAYLOAD_AVAILABLE, CONF_PAYLOAD_NOT_AVAILABLE, CONF_PCF8574, \ CONF_RETAIN, CONF_STATE_TOPIC, CONF_TOPIC from esphomeyaml.core import ESPHomeYAMLError, HexInt, TimePeriodMicroseconds, \ TimePeriodMilliseconds, TimePeriodSeconds _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) def ensure_unique_string(preferred_string, current_strings): test_string = preferred_string current_strings_set = set(current_strings) tries = 1 while test_string in current_strings_set: tries += 1 test_string = u"{}_{}".format(preferred_string, tries) return test_string def indent_all_but_first_and_last(text, padding=u' '): lines = text.splitlines(True) if len(lines) <= 2: return text return lines[0] + u''.join(padding + line for line in lines[1:-1]) + lines[-1] def indent_list(text, padding=u' '): return [padding + line for line in text.splitlines()] def indent(text, padding=u' '): return u'\n'.join(indent_list(text, padding)) class Expression(object): def __init__(self): self.requires = [] self.required = False def __str__(self): raise NotImplementedError def require(self): self.required = True for require in self.requires: if require.required: continue require.require() class RawExpression(Expression): def __init__(self, text): super(RawExpression, self).__init__() self.text = text def __str__(self): return self.text # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin class AssignmentExpression(Expression): def __init__(self, type, modifier, name, rhs, obj): super(AssignmentExpression, self).__init__() self.type = type self.modifier = modifier = name self.rhs = safe_exp(rhs) self.requires.append(self.rhs) self.obj = obj def __str__(self): type_ = self.type if core.SIMPLIFY: type_ = u'auto' return u"{} {}{} = {}".format(type_, self.modifier,, self.rhs) class ExpressionList(Expression): def __init__(self, *args): super(ExpressionList, self).__init__() # Remove every None on end args = list(args) while args and args[-1] is None: args.pop() self.args = [] for arg in args: exp = safe_exp(arg) self.requires.append(exp) self.args.append(exp) def __str__(self): text = u", ".join(unicode(x) for x in self.args) return indent_all_but_first_and_last(text) class TemplateArguments(Expression): def __init__(self, *args): super(TemplateArguments, self).__init__() self.args = ExpressionList(*args) self.requires.append(self.args) def __str__(self): return u'<{}>'.format(self.args) class CallExpression(Expression): def __init__(self, base, *args): super(CallExpression, self).__init__() self.base = base if args and isinstance(args[0], TemplateArguments): self.template_args = args[0] self.requires.append(self.template_args) args = args[1:] else: self.template_args = None self.args = ExpressionList(*args) self.requires.append(self.args) def __str__(self): if self.template_args is not None: return u'{}{}({})'.format(self.base, self.template_args, self.args) return u'{}({})'.format(self.base, self.args) class StructInitializer(Expression): def __init__(self, base, *args): super(StructInitializer, self).__init__() self.base = base if not isinstance(args, OrderedDict): args = OrderedDict(args) self.args = OrderedDict() for key, value in args.iteritems(): if value is None: continue exp = safe_exp(value) self.args[key] = exp self.requires.append(exp) def __str__(self): cpp = u'{}{{\n'.format(self.base) for key, value in self.args.iteritems(): cpp += u' .{} = {},\n'.format(key, value) cpp += u'}' return cpp class ArrayInitializer(Expression): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ArrayInitializer, self).__init__() self.multiline = kwargs.get('multiline', True) self.args = [] for arg in args: if arg is None: continue exp = safe_exp(arg) self.args.append(exp) self.requires.append(exp) def __str__(self): if not self.args: return u'{}' if self.multiline: cpp = u'{\n' for arg in self.args: cpp += u' {},\n'.format(arg) cpp += u'}' else: cpp = u'{' + u', '.join(str(arg) for arg in self.args) + u'}' return cpp class Literal(Expression): def __str__(self): raise NotImplementedError # From def cpp_string_escape(string, encoding='utf-8'): if isinstance(string, unicode): string = string.encode(encoding) result = '' for character in string: if not (32 <= ord(character) < 127) or character in ('\\', '"'): result += '\\%03o' % ord(character) else: result += character return '"' + result + '"' class StringLiteral(Literal): def __init__(self, string): super(StringLiteral, self).__init__() self.string = string def __str__(self): return u'{}'.format(cpp_string_escape(self.string)) class IntLiteral(Literal): def __init__(self, i): super(IntLiteral, self).__init__() self.i = i def __str__(self): return unicode(self.i) class BoolLiteral(Literal): def __init__(self, binary): super(BoolLiteral, self).__init__() self.binary = binary def __str__(self): return u"true" if self.binary else u"false" class HexIntLiteral(Literal): def __init__(self, i): super(HexIntLiteral, self).__init__() self.i = HexInt(i) def __str__(self): return str(self.i) class FloatLiteral(Literal): def __init__(self, float_): super(FloatLiteral, self).__init__() self.float_ = float_ def __str__(self): return u"{:f}f".format(self.float_) def safe_exp(obj): if isinstance(obj, Expression): return obj elif isinstance(obj, bool): return BoolLiteral(obj) elif isinstance(obj, (str, unicode)): return StringLiteral(obj) elif isinstance(obj, HexInt): return HexIntLiteral(obj) elif isinstance(obj, (int, long)): return IntLiteral(obj) elif isinstance(obj, float): return FloatLiteral(obj) elif isinstance(obj, TimePeriodMicroseconds): return IntLiteral(int(obj.total_microseconds)) elif isinstance(obj, TimePeriodMilliseconds): return IntLiteral(int(obj.total_milliseconds)) elif isinstance(obj, TimePeriodSeconds): return IntLiteral(int(obj.total_seconds)) raise ValueError(u"Object is not an expression", obj) class Statement(object): def __init__(self): pass def __str__(self): raise NotImplementedError class RawStatement(Statement): def __init__(self, text): super(RawStatement, self).__init__() self.text = text def __str__(self): return self.text class ExpressionStatement(Statement): def __init__(self, expression): super(ExpressionStatement, self).__init__() self.expression = safe_exp(expression) def __str__(self): return u"{};".format(self.expression) def statement(expression): if isinstance(expression, Statement): return expression return ExpressionStatement(expression) # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin, invalid-name def variable(type, id, rhs): rhs = safe_exp(rhs) obj = MockObj(id, u'.') assignment = AssignmentExpression(type, '', id, rhs, obj) add(assignment) _VARIABLES[id] = obj, type obj.requires.append(assignment) return obj def Pvariable(type, id, rhs): rhs = safe_exp(rhs) obj = MockObj(id, u'->') assignment = AssignmentExpression(type, '*', id, rhs, obj) add(assignment) _VARIABLES[id] = obj, type obj.requires.append(assignment) return obj _QUEUE = deque() _VARIABLES = {} _EXPRESSIONS = [] def get_variable(id, type=None): result = None while _QUEUE: if id is not None: if id in _VARIABLES: result = _VARIABLES[id][0] break elif type is not None: result = next((x[0] for x in _VARIABLES.itervalues() if x[1] == type), None) if result is not None: break func, config = _QUEUE.popleft() func(config) if id is None and type is None: return None if result is None: if id is not None: if id in _VARIABLES: result = _VARIABLES[id][0] elif type is not None: result = next((x[0] for x in _VARIABLES.itervalues() if x[1] == type), None) if result is None: raise ESPHomeYAMLError(u"Couldn't find ID '{}' with type {}".format(id, type)) return result def add_task(func, config): _QUEUE.append((func, config)) def add(expression, require=True): if require and isinstance(expression, Expression): expression.require() _EXPRESSIONS.append(expression) return expression class MockObj(Expression): def __init__(self, base, op=u'.'): self.base = base self.op = op super(MockObj, self).__init__() def __getattr__(self, attr): next_op = u'.' if attr.startswith(u'P'): attr = attr[1:] next_op = u'->' op = self.op obj = MockObj(u'{}{}{}'.format(self.base, op, attr), next_op) obj.requires.append(self) return obj def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): call = CallExpression(self.base, *args) obj = MockObj(call, self.op) obj.requires.append(self) obj.requires.append(call) return obj def __str__(self): return unicode(self.base) def require(self): self.required = True for require in self.requires: if require.required: continue require.require() App = MockObj(u'App') GPIOPin = MockObj(u'GPIOPin') GPIOOutputPin = MockObj(u'GPIOOutputPin') GPIOInputPin = MockObj(u'GPIOInputPin') def get_gpio_pin_number(conf): if isinstance(conf, int): return conf return conf[CONF_NUMBER] def generic_gpio_pin_expression_(conf, mock_obj, default_mode): if conf is None: return None number = conf[CONF_NUMBER] inverted = conf.get(CONF_INVERTED) if CONF_PCF8574 in conf: hub = get_variable(conf[CONF_PCF8574], 'io::PCF8574Component') if default_mode == u'INPUT': mode = conf.get(CONF_MODE, u'INPUT') return hub.make_input_pin(number, RawExpression('PCF8574_' + mode), inverted) elif default_mode == u'OUTPUT': return hub.make_output_pin(number, inverted) else: raise ESPHomeYAMLError(u"Unknown default mode {}".format(default_mode)) if len(conf) == 1: return IntLiteral(number) mode = RawExpression(conf.get(CONF_MODE, default_mode)) return mock_obj(number, mode, inverted) def gpio_output_pin_expression(conf): return generic_gpio_pin_expression_(conf, GPIOOutputPin, 'OUTPUT') def gpio_input_pin_expression(conf): return generic_gpio_pin_expression_(conf, GPIOInputPin, 'INPUT') def setup_mqtt_component(obj, config): if CONF_RETAIN in config: add(obj.set_retain(config[CONF_RETAIN])) if not config.get(CONF_DISCOVERY, True): add(obj.disable_discovery()) if CONF_STATE_TOPIC in config: add(obj.set_custom_state_topic(config[CONF_STATE_TOPIC])) if CONF_COMMAND_TOPIC in config: add(obj.set_custom_command_topic(config[CONF_COMMAND_TOPIC])) if CONF_AVAILABILITY in config: availability = config[CONF_AVAILABILITY] add(obj.set_availability(availability[CONF_TOPIC], availability[CONF_PAYLOAD_AVAILABLE], availability[CONF_PAYLOAD_NOT_AVAILABLE])) def exp_empty_optional(type): return RawExpression(u'Optional<{}>()'.format(type)) def exp_optional(type, value): if value is None: return exp_empty_optional(type) return value # shlex's quote for Python 2.7 _find_unsafe = re.compile(r'[^\w@%+=:,./-]').search def quote(s): """Return a shell-escaped version of the string *s*.""" if not s: return u"''" if _find_unsafe(s) is None: return s # use single quotes, and put single quotes into double quotes # the string $'b is then quoted as '$'"'"'b' return u"'" + s.replace(u"'", u"'\"'\"'") + u"'" def color(the_color, message='', reset=None): """Color helper.""" from colorlog.escape_codes import escape_codes, parse_colors if not message: return parse_colors(the_color) return parse_colors(the_color) + message + escape_codes[reset or 'reset']