import pytest

from hypothesis import given
from hypothesis.provisional import ip_addresses
from strategies import mac_addr_strings

from esphome import core, const

class TestHexInt:
        "value, expected",
            (1, "0x01"),
            (255, "0xFF"),
            (128, "0x80"),
            (256, "0x100"),
            (-1, "-0x01"),  # TODO: this currently fails
    def test_str(self, value, expected):
        target = core.HexInt(value)

        actual = str(target)

        assert actual == expected

class TestIPAddress:
    def test_init__valid(self, value):

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("value", ("127.0.0", "localhost", ""))
    def test_init__invalid(self, value):
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="IPAddress must consist of 4 items"):

    def test_str(self, value):
        target = core.IPAddress(*value.split("."))

        actual = str(target)

        assert actual == value

class TestMACAddress:
    def test_init__valid(self, value):

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("value", ("1:2:3:4:5", "localhost", ""))
    def test_init__invalid(self, value):
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="MAC Address must consist of 6 items"):

    def test_str(self, value):
        target = core.MACAddress(*(int(v, 16) for v in value.split(":")))

        actual = str(target)

        assert actual == value

    def test_as_hex(self):
        target = core.MACAddress(0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0x00, 0xFF)

        actual = target.as_hex

        assert actual.text == "0xDEADBEEF00FFULL"

@pytest.mark.parametrize("value", (1, 2, -1, 0, 1.0, -1.0, 42.0009, -42.0009))
def test_is_approximately_integer__in_range(value):
    actual = core.is_approximately_integer(value)

    assert actual is True

@pytest.mark.parametrize("value", (42.01, -42.01, 1.5))
def test_is_approximately_integer__not_in_range(value):
    actual = core.is_approximately_integer(value)

    assert actual is False

class TestTimePeriod:
        "kwargs, expected",
            ({}, {}),
            ({"microseconds": 1}, {"microseconds": 1}),
            ({"microseconds": 1.0001}, {"microseconds": 1}),
            ({"milliseconds": 2}, {"milliseconds": 2}),
            ({"milliseconds": 2.0001}, {"milliseconds": 2}),
            ({"milliseconds": 2.01}, {"milliseconds": 2, "microseconds": 10}),
            ({"seconds": 3}, {"seconds": 3}),
            ({"seconds": 3.0001}, {"seconds": 3}),
            ({"seconds": 3.01}, {"seconds": 3, "milliseconds": 10}),
            ({"minutes": 4}, {"minutes": 4}),
            ({"minutes": 4.0001}, {"minutes": 4}),
            ({"minutes": 4.1}, {"minutes": 4, "seconds": 6}),
            ({"hours": 5}, {"hours": 5}),
            ({"hours": 5.0001}, {"hours": 5}),
            ({"hours": 5.1}, {"hours": 5, "minutes": 6}),
            ({"days": 6}, {"days": 6}),
            ({"days": 6.0001}, {"days": 6}),
            ({"days": 6.1}, {"days": 6, "hours": 2, "minutes": 24}),
    def test_init(self, kwargs, expected):
        target = core.TimePeriod(**kwargs)

        actual = target.as_dict()

        assert actual == expected

    def test_init__microseconds_with_fraction(self):
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Maximum precision is microseconds"):

        "kwargs, expected",
            ({}, "0s"),
            ({"microseconds": 1}, "1us"),
            ({"microseconds": 1.0001}, "1us"),
            ({"milliseconds": 2}, "2ms"),
            ({"milliseconds": 2.0001}, "2ms"),
            ({"milliseconds": 2.01}, "2010us"),
            ({"seconds": 3}, "3s"),
            ({"seconds": 3.0001}, "3s"),
            ({"seconds": 3.01}, "3010ms"),
            ({"minutes": 4}, "4min"),
            ({"minutes": 4.0001}, "4min"),
            ({"minutes": 4.1}, "246s"),
            ({"hours": 5}, "5h"),
            ({"hours": 5.0001}, "5h"),
            ({"hours": 5.1}, "306min"),
            ({"days": 6}, "6d"),
            ({"days": 6.0001}, "6d"),
            ({"days": 6.1}, "8784min"),
    def test_str(self, kwargs, expected):
        target = core.TimePeriod(**kwargs)

        actual = str(target)

        assert actual == expected

        "comparison, other, expected",
            ("__eq__", core.TimePeriod(microseconds=900), False),
            ("__eq__", core.TimePeriod(milliseconds=1), True),
            ("__eq__", core.TimePeriod(microseconds=1100), False),
            ("__eq__", 1000, NotImplemented),
            ("__eq__", "1000", NotImplemented),
            ("__eq__", True, NotImplemented),
            ("__eq__", object(), NotImplemented),
            ("__eq__", None, NotImplemented),
            ("__ne__", core.TimePeriod(microseconds=900), True),
            ("__ne__", core.TimePeriod(milliseconds=1), False),
            ("__ne__", core.TimePeriod(microseconds=1100), True),
            ("__ne__", 1000, NotImplemented),
            ("__ne__", "1000", NotImplemented),
            ("__ne__", True, NotImplemented),
            ("__ne__", object(), NotImplemented),
            ("__ne__", None, NotImplemented),
            ("__lt__", core.TimePeriod(microseconds=900), False),
            ("__lt__", core.TimePeriod(milliseconds=1), False),
            ("__lt__", core.TimePeriod(microseconds=1100), True),
            ("__lt__", 1000, NotImplemented),
            ("__lt__", "1000", NotImplemented),
            ("__lt__", True, NotImplemented),
            ("__lt__", object(), NotImplemented),
            ("__lt__", None, NotImplemented),
            ("__gt__", core.TimePeriod(microseconds=900), True),
            ("__gt__", core.TimePeriod(milliseconds=1), False),
            ("__gt__", core.TimePeriod(microseconds=1100), False),
            ("__gt__", 1000, NotImplemented),
            ("__gt__", "1000", NotImplemented),
            ("__gt__", True, NotImplemented),
            ("__gt__", object(), NotImplemented),
            ("__gt__", None, NotImplemented),
            ("__le__", core.TimePeriod(microseconds=900), False),
            ("__le__", core.TimePeriod(milliseconds=1), True),
            ("__le__", core.TimePeriod(microseconds=1100), True),
            ("__le__", 1000, NotImplemented),
            ("__le__", "1000", NotImplemented),
            ("__le__", True, NotImplemented),
            ("__le__", object(), NotImplemented),
            ("__le__", None, NotImplemented),
            ("__ge__", core.TimePeriod(microseconds=900), True),
            ("__ge__", core.TimePeriod(milliseconds=1), True),
            ("__ge__", core.TimePeriod(microseconds=1100), False),
            ("__ge__", 1000, NotImplemented),
            ("__ge__", "1000", NotImplemented),
            ("__ge__", True, NotImplemented),
            ("__ge__", object(), NotImplemented),
            ("__ge__", None, NotImplemented),
    def test_comparison(self, comparison, other, expected):
        target = core.TimePeriod(microseconds=1000)

        actual = getattr(target, comparison)(other)

        assert actual == expected

it.strftime(64, 0, id(my_font), TextAlign::TOP_CENTER, "%H:%M:%S", id(esptime).now());
it.printf(64, 16, id(my_font2), TextAlign::TOP_CENTER, "%.1f°C (%.1f%%)", id( office_tmp ).state, id(office_hmd).state);
int x = 4;/* id(my_commented_id2)

class TestLambda:
    def test_init__copy_initializer(self):
        value = core.Lambda("foo")
        target = core.Lambda(value)

        assert str(target) is value.value

    def test_parts(self):
        target = core.Lambda(SAMPLE_LAMBDA.strip())

        # Check cache
        assert target._parts is None
        actual =
        assert target._parts is actual
        assert is actual

        assert actual == [
            "it.strftime(64, 0, ",
            ', TextAlign::TOP_CENTER, "%H:%M:%S", ',
            "now());\nit.printf(64, 16, ",
            ', TextAlign::TOP_CENTER, "%.1f°C (%.1f%%)", ',
            "state, ",
            "state);\n \nint x = 4; ",

    def test_requires_ids(self):
        target = core.Lambda(SAMPLE_LAMBDA.strip())

        # Check cache
        assert target._requires_ids is None
        actual = target.requires_ids
        assert target._requires_ids is actual
        assert target.requires_ids is actual

        assert actual == [

    def test_value_setter(self):
        target = core.Lambda("")

        # Populate cache
        _ =
        _ = target.requires_ids

        target.value = SAMPLE_LAMBDA

        # Check cache has been cleared
        assert target._parts is None
        assert target._requires_ids is None

        assert target.value == SAMPLE_LAMBDA

    def test_repr(self):
        target = core.Lambda("id(var).value == 1")

        assert repr(target) == "Lambda<id(var).value == 1>"

class TestID:
    def target(self):
        return core.ID(None, is_declaration=True, type="binary_sensor::Example")

        "id, is_manual, expected",
            ("foo", None, True),
            (None, None, False),
            ("foo", True, True),
            ("foo", False, False),
            (None, True, True),
    def test_init__resolve_is_manual(self, id, is_manual, expected):
        target = core.ID(id, is_manual=is_manual)

        assert target.is_manual == expected

        "registered_ids, expected",
            ([], "binary_sensor_example"),
            (["binary_sensor_example"], "binary_sensor_example_2"),
            (["foo"], "binary_sensor_example"),
                ["binary_sensor_example", "foo", "binary_sensor_example_2"],
    def test_resolve(self, target, registered_ids, expected):
        actual = target.resolve(registered_ids)

        assert actual == expected
        assert str(target) == expected

    def test_copy(self, target):

        actual = target.copy()

        assert actual is not target
        assert all(
            getattr(actual, n) == getattr(target, n)
            for n in ("id", "is_declaration", "type", "is_manual")

        "comparison, other, expected",
            ("__eq__", core.ID(id="foo"), True),
            ("__eq__", core.ID(id="bar"), False),
            ("__eq__", 1000, NotImplemented),
            ("__eq__", "1000", NotImplemented),
            ("__eq__", True, NotImplemented),
            ("__eq__", object(), NotImplemented),
            ("__eq__", None, NotImplemented),
    def test_comparison(self, comparison, other, expected):
        target = core.ID(id="foo")

        actual = getattr(target, comparison)(other)

        assert actual == expected

class TestDocumentLocation:
    def target(self):
        return core.DocumentLocation(

    def test_str(self, target):
        actual = str(target)

        assert actual == "foo.txt 10:20"

class TestDocumentRange:
    def target(self):
        return core.DocumentRange(

    def test_str(self, target):
        actual = str(target)

        assert actual == "[foo.txt 10:20 - foo.txt 15:12]"

class TestDefine:
        "name, value, prop, expected",
            ("ANSWER", None, "as_build_flag", "-DANSWER"),
            ("ANSWER", None, "as_macro", "#define ANSWER"),
            ("ANSWER", None, "as_tuple", ("ANSWER", None)),
            ("ANSWER", 42, "as_build_flag", "-DANSWER=42"),
            ("ANSWER", 42, "as_macro", "#define ANSWER 42"),
            ("ANSWER", 42, "as_tuple", ("ANSWER", 42)),
    def test_properties(self, name, value, prop, expected):
        target = core.Define(name, value)

        actual = getattr(target, prop)

        assert actual == expected

        "comparison, other, expected",
            ("__eq__", core.Define(name="FOO", value=42), True),
            ("__eq__", core.Define(name="FOO", value=13), False),
            ("__eq__", core.Define(name="FOO"), False),
            ("__eq__", core.Define(name="BAR", value=42), False),
            ("__eq__", core.Define(name="BAR"), False),
            ("__eq__", 1000, NotImplemented),
            ("__eq__", "1000", NotImplemented),
            ("__eq__", True, NotImplemented),
            ("__eq__", object(), NotImplemented),
            ("__eq__", None, NotImplemented),
    def test_comparison(self, comparison, other, expected):
        target = core.Define(name="FOO", value=42)

        actual = getattr(target, comparison)(other)

        assert actual == expected

class TestLibrary:
        "name, value, prop, expected",
            ("mylib", None, "as_lib_dep", "mylib"),
            ("mylib", None, "as_tuple", ("mylib", None)),
            ("mylib", "1.2.3", "as_lib_dep", "mylib@1.2.3"),
            ("mylib", "1.2.3", "as_tuple", ("mylib", "1.2.3")),
    def test_properties(self, name, value, prop, expected):
        target = core.Library(name, value)

        actual = getattr(target, prop)

        assert actual == expected

        "comparison, other, expected",
            ("__eq__", core.Library(name="libfoo", version="1.2.3"), True),
            ("__eq__", core.Library(name="libfoo", version="1.2.4"), False),
            ("__eq__", core.Library(name="libbar", version="1.2.3"), False),
            ("__eq__", 1000, NotImplemented),
            ("__eq__", "1000", NotImplemented),
            ("__eq__", True, NotImplemented),
            ("__eq__", object(), NotImplemented),
            ("__eq__", None, NotImplemented),
    def test_comparison(self, comparison, other, expected):
        target = core.Library(name="libfoo", version="1.2.3")

        actual = getattr(target, comparison)(other)

        assert actual == expected

class TestEsphomeCore:
    def target(self, fixture_path):
        target = core.EsphomeCore()
        target.build_path = "foo/build"
        target.config_path = "foo/config"
        return target

    def test_reset(self, target):
        """Call reset on target and compare to new instance"""
        other = core.EsphomeCore()


        assert target.__dict__ == other.__dict__

    def test_address__none(self, target):
        target.config = {}
        assert target.address is None

    def test_address__wifi(self, target):
        target.config = {}
        target.config[const.CONF_WIFI] = {const.CONF_USE_ADDRESS: ""}
        target.config[const.CONF_ETHERNET] = {const.CONF_USE_ADDRESS: ""}

        assert target.address == ""

    def test_address__ethernet(self, target):
        target.config = {}
        target.config[const.CONF_ETHERNET] = {const.CONF_USE_ADDRESS: ""}

        assert target.address == ""

    def test_is_esp32(self, target):
        target.esp_platform = "ESP32"

        assert target.is_esp32 is True
        assert target.is_esp8266 is False

    def test_is_esp8266(self, target):
        target.esp_platform = "ESP8266"

        assert target.is_esp32 is False
        assert target.is_esp8266 is True