#include "wifi_component.h" #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32 #include #endif #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266 #include #endif #include #include #include "lwip/err.h" #include "lwip/dns.h" #include "esphome/core/helpers.h" #include "esphome/core/log.h" #include "esphome/core/esphal.h" #include "esphome/core/util.h" #include "esphome/core/application.h" #ifdef USE_CAPTIVE_PORTAL #include "esphome/components/captive_portal/captive_portal.h" #endif #ifdef USE_IMPROV #include "esphome/components/esp32_improv/esp32_improv_component.h" #endif namespace esphome { namespace wifi { static const char *const TAG = "wifi"; float WiFiComponent::get_setup_priority() const { return setup_priority::WIFI; } void WiFiComponent::setup() { ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, "Setting up WiFi..."); this->last_connected_ = millis(); this->wifi_pre_setup_(); uint32_t hash = fnv1_hash(App.get_compilation_time()); this->pref_ = global_preferences.make_preference(hash, true); SavedWifiSettings save{}; if (this->pref_.load(&save)) { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Loaded saved wifi settings: %s", save.ssid); WiFiAP sta{}; sta.set_ssid(save.ssid); sta.set_password(save.password); this->set_sta(sta); } if (this->has_sta()) { this->wifi_sta_pre_setup_(); if (this->output_power_.has_value() && !this->wifi_apply_output_power_(*this->output_power_)) { ESP_LOGV(TAG, "Setting Output Power Option failed!"); } if (!this->wifi_apply_power_save_()) { ESP_LOGV(TAG, "Setting Power Save Option failed!"); } if (this->fast_connect_) { this->selected_ap_ = this->sta_[0]; this->start_connecting(this->selected_ap_, false); } else { this->start_scanning(); } } else if (this->has_ap()) { this->setup_ap_config_(); if (this->output_power_.has_value() && !this->wifi_apply_output_power_(*this->output_power_)) { ESP_LOGV(TAG, "Setting Output Power Option failed!"); } #ifdef USE_CAPTIVE_PORTAL if (captive_portal::global_captive_portal != nullptr) captive_portal::global_captive_portal->start(); #endif } #ifdef USE_IMPROV if (esp32_improv::global_improv_component != nullptr) if (this->wifi_mode_(true, {})) esp32_improv::global_improv_component->start(); #endif this->wifi_apply_hostname_(); #if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32) && defined(USE_MDNS) network_setup_mdns(); #endif } void WiFiComponent::loop() { const uint32_t now = millis(); if (this->has_sta()) { switch (this->state_) { case WIFI_COMPONENT_STATE_COOLDOWN: { this->status_set_warning(); if (millis() - this->action_started_ > 5000) { if (this->fast_connect_) { this->start_connecting(this->sta_[0], false); } else { this->start_scanning(); } } break; } case WIFI_COMPONENT_STATE_STA_SCANNING: { this->status_set_warning(); this->check_scanning_finished(); break; } case WIFI_COMPONENT_STATE_STA_CONNECTING: case WIFI_COMPONENT_STATE_STA_CONNECTING_2: { this->status_set_warning(); this->check_connecting_finished(); break; } case WIFI_COMPONENT_STATE_STA_CONNECTED: { if (!this->is_connected()) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "WiFi Connection lost... Reconnecting..."); this->state_ = WIFI_COMPONENT_STATE_STA_CONNECTING; this->retry_connect(); } else { this->status_clear_warning(); this->last_connected_ = now; } break; } case WIFI_COMPONENT_STATE_OFF: case WIFI_COMPONENT_STATE_AP: break; } if (this->has_ap() && !this->ap_setup_) { if (now - this->last_connected_ > this->ap_timeout_) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Starting fallback AP!"); this->setup_ap_config_(); #ifdef USE_CAPTIVE_PORTAL if (captive_portal::global_captive_portal != nullptr) captive_portal::global_captive_portal->start(); #endif } } #ifdef USE_IMPROV if (esp32_improv::global_improv_component != nullptr) if (!this->is_connected()) if (this->wifi_mode_(true, {})) esp32_improv::global_improv_component->start(); #endif if (!this->has_ap() && this->reboot_timeout_ != 0) { if (now - this->last_connected_ > this->reboot_timeout_) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Can't connect to WiFi, rebooting..."); App.reboot(); } } } network_tick_mdns(); } WiFiComponent::WiFiComponent() { global_wifi_component = this; } bool WiFiComponent::has_ap() const { return this->has_ap_; } bool WiFiComponent::has_sta() const { return !this->sta_.empty(); } void WiFiComponent::set_fast_connect(bool fast_connect) { this->fast_connect_ = fast_connect; } IPAddress WiFiComponent::get_ip_address() { if (this->has_sta()) return this->wifi_sta_ip_(); if (this->has_ap()) return this->wifi_soft_ap_ip(); return {}; } std::string WiFiComponent::get_use_address() const { if (this->use_address_.empty()) { return App.get_name() + ".local"; } return this->use_address_; } void WiFiComponent::set_use_address(const std::string &use_address) { this->use_address_ = use_address; } void WiFiComponent::setup_ap_config_() { this->wifi_mode_({}, true); if (this->ap_setup_) return; if (this->ap_.get_ssid().empty()) { std::string name = App.get_name(); if (name.length() > 32) { if (App.is_name_add_mac_suffix_enabled()) { name.erase(name.begin() + 25, name.end() - 7); // Remove characters between 25 and the mac address } else { name = name.substr(0, 32); } } this->ap_.set_ssid(name); } ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, "Setting up AP..."); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " AP SSID: '%s'", this->ap_.get_ssid().c_str()); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " AP Password: '%s'", this->ap_.get_password().c_str()); if (this->ap_.get_manual_ip().has_value()) { auto manual = *this->ap_.get_manual_ip(); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " AP Static IP: '%s'", manual.static_ip.toString().c_str()); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " AP Gateway: '%s'", manual.gateway.toString().c_str()); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " AP Subnet: '%s'", manual.subnet.toString().c_str()); } this->ap_setup_ = this->wifi_start_ap_(this->ap_); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " IP Address: %s", this->wifi_soft_ap_ip().toString().c_str()); #if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266) && defined(USE_MDNS) network_setup_mdns(this->wifi_soft_ap_ip(), 1); #endif if (!this->has_sta()) { this->state_ = WIFI_COMPONENT_STATE_AP; } } float WiFiComponent::get_loop_priority() const { return 10.0f; // before other loop components } void WiFiComponent::set_ap(const WiFiAP &ap) { this->ap_ = ap; this->has_ap_ = true; } void WiFiComponent::add_sta(const WiFiAP &ap) { this->sta_.push_back(ap); } void WiFiComponent::set_sta(const WiFiAP &ap) { this->clear_sta(); this->add_sta(ap); } void WiFiComponent::clear_sta() { this->sta_.clear(); } void WiFiComponent::save_wifi_sta(const std::string &ssid, const std::string &password) { SavedWifiSettings save{}; strncpy(save.ssid, ssid.c_str(), sizeof(save.ssid)); strncpy(save.password, password.c_str(), sizeof(save.password)); this->pref_.save(&save); WiFiAP sta{}; sta.set_ssid(ssid); sta.set_password(password); this->set_sta(sta); } void WiFiComponent::start_connecting(const WiFiAP &ap, bool two) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "WiFi Connecting to '%s'...", ap.get_ssid().c_str()); #ifdef ESPHOME_LOG_HAS_VERBOSE ESP_LOGV(TAG, "Connection Params:"); ESP_LOGV(TAG, " SSID: '%s'", ap.get_ssid().c_str()); if (ap.get_bssid().has_value()) { bssid_t b = *ap.get_bssid(); ESP_LOGV(TAG, " BSSID: %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X", b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3], b[4], b[5]); } else { ESP_LOGV(TAG, " BSSID: Not Set"); } #ifdef USE_WIFI_WPA2_EAP if (ap.get_eap().has_value()) { ESP_LOGV(TAG, " WPA2 Enterprise authentication configured:"); EAPAuth eap_config = ap.get_eap().value(); ESP_LOGV(TAG, " Identity: " LOG_SECRET("'%s'"), eap_config.identity.c_str()); ESP_LOGV(TAG, " Username: " LOG_SECRET("'%s'"), eap_config.username.c_str()); ESP_LOGV(TAG, " Password: " LOG_SECRET("'%s'"), eap_config.password.c_str()); bool ca_cert_present = eap_config.ca_cert != nullptr && strlen(eap_config.ca_cert); bool client_cert_present = eap_config.client_cert != nullptr && strlen(eap_config.client_cert); bool client_key_present = eap_config.client_key != nullptr && strlen(eap_config.client_key); ESP_LOGV(TAG, " CA Cert: %s", ca_cert_present ? "present" : "not present"); ESP_LOGV(TAG, " Client Cert: %s", client_cert_present ? "present" : "not present"); ESP_LOGV(TAG, " Client Key: %s", client_key_present ? "present" : "not present"); } else { #endif ESP_LOGV(TAG, " Password: " LOG_SECRET("'%s'"), ap.get_password().c_str()); #ifdef USE_WIFI_WPA2_EAP } #endif if (ap.get_channel().has_value()) { ESP_LOGV(TAG, " Channel: %u", *ap.get_channel()); } else { ESP_LOGV(TAG, " Channel: Not Set"); } if (ap.get_manual_ip().has_value()) { ManualIP m = *ap.get_manual_ip(); ESP_LOGV(TAG, " Manual IP: Static IP=%s Gateway=%s Subnet=%s DNS1=%s DNS2=%s", m.static_ip.toString().c_str(), m.gateway.toString().c_str(), m.subnet.toString().c_str(), m.dns1.toString().c_str(), m.dns2.toString().c_str()); } else { ESP_LOGV(TAG, " Using DHCP IP"); } ESP_LOGV(TAG, " Hidden: %s", YESNO(ap.get_hidden())); #endif if (!this->wifi_sta_connect_(ap)) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "wifi_sta_connect_ failed!"); this->retry_connect(); return; } if (!two) { this->state_ = WIFI_COMPONENT_STATE_STA_CONNECTING; } else { this->state_ = WIFI_COMPONENT_STATE_STA_CONNECTING_2; } this->action_started_ = millis(); } void print_signal_bars(int8_t rssi, char *buf) { // LOWER ONE QUARTER BLOCK // Unicode: U+2582, UTF-8: E2 96 82 // LOWER HALF BLOCK // Unicode: U+2584, UTF-8: E2 96 84 // LOWER THREE QUARTERS BLOCK // Unicode: U+2586, UTF-8: E2 96 86 // FULL BLOCK // Unicode: U+2588, UTF-8: E2 96 88 if (rssi >= -50) { sprintf(buf, "\033[0;32m" // green "\xe2\x96\x82" "\xe2\x96\x84" "\xe2\x96\x86" "\xe2\x96\x88" "\033[0m"); } else if (rssi >= -65) { sprintf(buf, "\033[0;33m" // yellow "\xe2\x96\x82" "\xe2\x96\x84" "\xe2\x96\x86" "\033[0;37m" "\xe2\x96\x88" "\033[0m"); } else if (rssi >= -85) { sprintf(buf, "\033[0;33m" // yellow "\xe2\x96\x82" "\xe2\x96\x84" "\033[0;37m" "\xe2\x96\x86" "\xe2\x96\x88" "\033[0m"); } else { sprintf(buf, "\033[0;31m" // red "\xe2\x96\x82" "\033[0;37m" "\xe2\x96\x84" "\xe2\x96\x86" "\xe2\x96\x88" "\033[0m"); } } void WiFiComponent::print_connect_params_() { uint8_t bssid[6] = {}; uint8_t *raw_bssid = WiFi.BSSID(); if (raw_bssid != nullptr) memcpy(bssid, raw_bssid, sizeof(bssid)); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " SSID: " LOG_SECRET("'%s'"), WiFi.SSID().c_str()); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " IP Address: %s", WiFi.localIP().toString().c_str()); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " BSSID: " LOG_SECRET("%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X"), bssid[0], bssid[1], bssid[2], bssid[3], bssid[4], bssid[5]); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Hostname: '%s'", App.get_name().c_str()); char signal_bars[50]; int8_t rssi = WiFi.RSSI(); print_signal_bars(rssi, signal_bars); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Signal strength: %d dB %s", rssi, signal_bars); if (this->selected_ap_.get_bssid().has_value()) { ESP_LOGV(TAG, " Priority: %.1f", this->get_sta_priority(*this->selected_ap_.get_bssid())); } ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Channel: %d", WiFi.channel()); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Subnet: %s", WiFi.subnetMask().toString().c_str()); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Gateway: %s", WiFi.gatewayIP().toString().c_str()); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " DNS1: %s", WiFi.dnsIP(0).toString().c_str()); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " DNS2: %s", WiFi.dnsIP(1).toString().c_str()); } void WiFiComponent::start_scanning() { this->action_started_ = millis(); ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Starting scan..."); this->wifi_scan_start_(); this->state_ = WIFI_COMPONENT_STATE_STA_SCANNING; } void WiFiComponent::check_scanning_finished() { if (!this->scan_done_) { if (millis() - this->action_started_ > 30000) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Scan timeout!"); this->retry_connect(); } return; } this->scan_done_ = false; ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Found networks:"); if (this->scan_result_.empty()) { ESP_LOGD(TAG, " No network found!"); this->retry_connect(); return; } for (auto &res : this->scan_result_) { for (auto &ap : this->sta_) { if (res.matches(ap)) { res.set_matches(true); if (!this->has_sta_priority(res.get_bssid())) { this->set_sta_priority(res.get_bssid(), ap.get_priority()); } res.set_priority(this->get_sta_priority(res.get_bssid())); break; } } } std::stable_sort(this->scan_result_.begin(), this->scan_result_.end(), [](const WiFiScanResult &a, const WiFiScanResult &b) { // return true if a is better than b if (a.get_matches() && !b.get_matches()) return true; if (!a.get_matches() && b.get_matches()) return false; if (a.get_matches() && b.get_matches()) { // if both match, check priority if (a.get_priority() != b.get_priority()) return a.get_priority() > b.get_priority(); } return a.get_rssi() > b.get_rssi(); }); for (auto &res : this->scan_result_) { char bssid_s[18]; auto bssid = res.get_bssid(); sprintf(bssid_s, "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X", bssid[0], bssid[1], bssid[2], bssid[3], bssid[4], bssid[5]); char signal_bars[50]; print_signal_bars(res.get_rssi(), signal_bars); if (res.get_matches()) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "- '%s' %s" LOG_SECRET("(%s) ") "%s", res.get_ssid().c_str(), res.get_is_hidden() ? "(HIDDEN) " : "", bssid_s, signal_bars); ESP_LOGD(TAG, " Channel: %u", res.get_channel()); ESP_LOGD(TAG, " RSSI: %d dB", res.get_rssi()); } else { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "- " LOG_SECRET("'%s'") " " LOG_SECRET("(%s) ") "%s", res.get_ssid().c_str(), bssid_s, signal_bars); } } if (!this->scan_result_[0].get_matches()) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "No matching network found!"); this->retry_connect(); return; } WiFiAP connect_params; WiFiScanResult scan_res = this->scan_result_[0]; for (auto &config : this->sta_) { // search for matching STA config, at least one will match (from checks before) if (!scan_res.matches(config)) { continue; } if (config.get_hidden()) { // selected network is hidden, we use the data from the config connect_params.set_hidden(true); connect_params.set_ssid(config.get_ssid()); // don't set BSSID and channel, there might be multiple hidden networks // but we can't know which one is the correct one. Rely on probe-req with just SSID. } else { // selected network is visible, we use the data from the scan // limit the connect params to only connect to exactly this network // (network selection is done during scan phase). connect_params.set_hidden(false); connect_params.set_ssid(scan_res.get_ssid()); connect_params.set_channel(scan_res.get_channel()); connect_params.set_bssid(scan_res.get_bssid()); } // copy manual IP (if set) connect_params.set_manual_ip(config.get_manual_ip()); #ifdef USE_WIFI_WPA2_EAP // copy EAP parameters (if set) connect_params.set_eap(config.get_eap()); #endif // copy password (if set) connect_params.set_password(config.get_password()); break; } yield(); this->selected_ap_ = connect_params; this->start_connecting(connect_params, false); } void WiFiComponent::dump_config() { ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, "WiFi:"); this->print_connect_params_(); } void WiFiComponent::check_connecting_finished() { wl_status_t status = this->wifi_sta_status_(); if (status == WL_CONNECTED) { if (WiFi.SSID().equals("")) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Incomplete connection."); this->retry_connect(); return; } ESP_LOGI(TAG, "WiFi Connected!"); this->print_connect_params_(); if (this->has_ap()) { #ifdef USE_CAPTIVE_PORTAL if (this->is_captive_portal_active_()) { captive_portal::global_captive_portal->end(); } #endif ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Disabling AP..."); this->wifi_mode_({}, false); } #ifdef USE_IMPROV if (this->is_esp32_improv_active_()) { esp32_improv::global_improv_component->stop(); } #endif #if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266) && defined(USE_MDNS) network_setup_mdns(this->wifi_sta_ip_(), 0); #endif this->state_ = WIFI_COMPONENT_STATE_STA_CONNECTED; this->num_retried_ = 0; return; } uint32_t now = millis(); if (now - this->action_started_ > 30000) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Timeout while connecting to WiFi."); this->retry_connect(); return; } if (this->error_from_callback_) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Error while connecting to network."); this->retry_connect(); return; } if (status == WL_IDLE_STATUS || status == WL_DISCONNECTED || status == WL_CONNECTION_LOST) { // WL_DISCONNECTED is set while not connected yet. // WL_IDLE_STATUS is set while we're waiting for the IP address. // WL_CONNECTION_LOST happens on the ESP32 return; } if (status == WL_NO_SSID_AVAIL) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "WiFi network can not be found anymore."); this->retry_connect(); return; } if (status == WL_CONNECT_FAILED) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Connecting to WiFi network failed. Are the credentials wrong?"); this->retry_connect(); return; } ESP_LOGW(TAG, "WiFi Unknown connection status %d", status); } void WiFiComponent::retry_connect() { if (this->selected_ap_.get_bssid()) { auto bssid = *this->selected_ap_.get_bssid(); float priority = this->get_sta_priority(bssid); this->set_sta_priority(bssid, priority - 1.0f); } delay(10); if (!this->is_captive_portal_active_() && !this->is_esp32_improv_active_() && (this->num_retried_ > 5 || this->error_from_callback_)) { // If retry failed for more than 5 times, let's restart STA ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Restarting WiFi adapter..."); this->wifi_mode_(false, {}); delay(100); // NOLINT this->num_retried_ = 0; } else { this->num_retried_++; } this->error_from_callback_ = false; if (this->state_ == WIFI_COMPONENT_STATE_STA_CONNECTING) { yield(); this->state_ = WIFI_COMPONENT_STATE_STA_CONNECTING_2; this->start_connecting(this->selected_ap_, true); return; } this->state_ = WIFI_COMPONENT_STATE_COOLDOWN; this->action_started_ = millis(); } bool WiFiComponent::can_proceed() { if (!this->has_sta()) { return true; } return this->is_connected(); } void WiFiComponent::set_reboot_timeout(uint32_t reboot_timeout) { this->reboot_timeout_ = reboot_timeout; } bool WiFiComponent::is_connected() { return this->state_ == WIFI_COMPONENT_STATE_STA_CONNECTED && this->wifi_sta_status_() == WL_CONNECTED && !this->error_from_callback_; } void WiFiComponent::set_power_save_mode(WiFiPowerSaveMode power_save) { this->power_save_ = power_save; } std::string WiFiComponent::format_mac_addr(const uint8_t *mac) { char buf[20]; sprintf(buf, "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X", mac[0], mac[1], mac[2], mac[3], mac[4], mac[5]); return buf; } bool WiFiComponent::is_captive_portal_active_() { #ifdef USE_CAPTIVE_PORTAL return captive_portal::global_captive_portal != nullptr && captive_portal::global_captive_portal->is_active(); #else return false; #endif } bool WiFiComponent::is_esp32_improv_active_() { #ifdef USE_IMPROV return esp32_improv::global_improv_component != nullptr && esp32_improv::global_improv_component->is_active(); #else return false; #endif } void WiFiAP::set_ssid(const std::string &ssid) { this->ssid_ = ssid; } void WiFiAP::set_bssid(bssid_t bssid) { this->bssid_ = bssid; } void WiFiAP::set_bssid(optional bssid) { this->bssid_ = bssid; } void WiFiAP::set_password(const std::string &password) { this->password_ = password; } #ifdef USE_WIFI_WPA2_EAP void WiFiAP::set_eap(optional eap_auth) { this->eap_ = std::move(eap_auth); } #endif void WiFiAP::set_channel(optional channel) { this->channel_ = channel; } void WiFiAP::set_manual_ip(optional manual_ip) { this->manual_ip_ = std::move(manual_ip); } void WiFiAP::set_hidden(bool hidden) { this->hidden_ = hidden; } const std::string &WiFiAP::get_ssid() const { return this->ssid_; } const optional &WiFiAP::get_bssid() const { return this->bssid_; } const std::string &WiFiAP::get_password() const { return this->password_; } #ifdef USE_WIFI_WPA2_EAP const optional &WiFiAP::get_eap() const { return this->eap_; } #endif const optional &WiFiAP::get_channel() const { return this->channel_; } const optional &WiFiAP::get_manual_ip() const { return this->manual_ip_; } bool WiFiAP::get_hidden() const { return this->hidden_; } WiFiScanResult::WiFiScanResult(const bssid_t &bssid, std::string ssid, uint8_t channel, int8_t rssi, bool with_auth, bool is_hidden) : bssid_(bssid), ssid_(std::move(ssid)), channel_(channel), rssi_(rssi), with_auth_(with_auth), is_hidden_(is_hidden) {} bool WiFiScanResult::matches(const WiFiAP &config) { if (config.get_hidden()) { // User configured a hidden network, only match actually hidden networks // don't match SSID if (!this->is_hidden_) return false; } else if (!config.get_ssid().empty()) { // check if SSID matches if (config.get_ssid() != this->ssid_) return false; } else { // network is configured without SSID - match other settings } // If BSSID configured, only match for correct BSSIDs if (config.get_bssid().has_value() && *config.get_bssid() != this->bssid_) return false; #ifdef USE_WIFI_WPA2_EAP // BSSID requires auth but no PSK or EAP credentials given if (this->with_auth_ && (config.get_password().empty() && !config.get_eap().has_value())) return false; // BSSID does not require auth, but PSK or EAP credentials given if (!this->with_auth_ && (!config.get_password().empty() || config.get_eap().has_value())) return false; #else // If PSK given, only match for networks with auth (and vice versa) if (config.get_password().empty() == this->with_auth_) return false; #endif // If channel configured, only match networks on that channel. if (config.get_channel().has_value() && *config.get_channel() != this->channel_) { return false; } return true; } bool WiFiScanResult::get_matches() const { return this->matches_; } void WiFiScanResult::set_matches(bool matches) { this->matches_ = matches; } const bssid_t &WiFiScanResult::get_bssid() const { return this->bssid_; } const std::string &WiFiScanResult::get_ssid() const { return this->ssid_; } uint8_t WiFiScanResult::get_channel() const { return this->channel_; } int8_t WiFiScanResult::get_rssi() const { return this->rssi_; } bool WiFiScanResult::get_with_auth() const { return this->with_auth_; } bool WiFiScanResult::get_is_hidden() const { return this->is_hidden_; } WiFiComponent *global_wifi_component; // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-avoid-non-const-global-variables) } // namespace wifi } // namespace esphome