import logging from importlib import resources from typing import Optional import tzlocal import esphome.codegen as cg import esphome.config_validation as cv from esphome import automation from esphome.const import ( CONF_ID, CONF_CRON, CONF_DAYS_OF_MONTH, CONF_DAYS_OF_WEEK, CONF_HOURS, CONF_MINUTES, CONF_MONTHS, CONF_ON_TIME, CONF_ON_TIME_SYNC, CONF_SECONDS, CONF_TIMEZONE, CONF_TRIGGER_ID, CONF_AT, CONF_SECOND, CONF_HOUR, CONF_MINUTE, ) from esphome.core import coroutine_with_priority from esphome.automation import Condition _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) CODEOWNERS = ["@OttoWinter"] IS_PLATFORM_COMPONENT = True time_ns = cg.esphome_ns.namespace("time") RealTimeClock = time_ns.class_("RealTimeClock", cg.PollingComponent) CronTrigger = time_ns.class_("CronTrigger", automation.Trigger.template(), cg.Component) SyncTrigger = time_ns.class_("SyncTrigger", automation.Trigger.template(), cg.Component) ESPTime = time_ns.struct("ESPTime") TimeHasTimeCondition = time_ns.class_("TimeHasTimeCondition", Condition) def _load_tzdata(iana_key: str) -> Optional[bytes]: # From try: package_loc, resource = iana_key.rsplit("/", 1) except ValueError: return None package = "tzdata.zoneinfo." + package_loc.replace("/", ".") try: return resources.read_binary(package, resource) except (FileNotFoundError, ModuleNotFoundError): return None def _extract_tz_string(tzfile: bytes) -> str: try: return tzfile.split(b"\n")[-2].decode() except (IndexError, UnicodeDecodeError): _LOGGER.error("Could not determine TZ string. Please report this issue.") _LOGGER.error("tzfile contents: %s", tzfile, exc_info=True) raise def detect_tz() -> str: iana_key = tzlocal.get_localzone_name() if iana_key is None: raise cv.Invalid( "Could not automatically determine timezone, please set timezone manually." )"Detected timezone '%s'", iana_key) tzfile = _load_tzdata(iana_key) if tzfile is None: raise cv.Invalid( "Could not automatically determine timezone, please set timezone manually." ) ret = _extract_tz_string(tzfile) _LOGGER.debug(" -> TZ string %s", ret) return ret def _parse_cron_int(value, special_mapping, message): special_mapping = special_mapping or {} if isinstance(value, str) and value in special_mapping: return special_mapping[value] try: return int(value) except ValueError: # pylint: disable=raise-missing-from raise cv.Invalid(message.format(value)) def _parse_cron_part(part, min_value, max_value, special_mapping): if part in ("*", "?"): return set(range(min_value, max_value + 1)) if "/" in part: data = part.split("/") if len(data) > 2: raise cv.Invalid( f"Can't have more than two '/' in one time expression, got {part}" ) offset, repeat = data offset_n = 0 if offset: offset_n = _parse_cron_int( offset, special_mapping, "Offset for '/' time expression must be an integer, got {}", ) try: repeat_n = int(repeat) except ValueError: # pylint: disable=raise-missing-from raise cv.Invalid( f"Repeat for '/' time expression must be an integer, got {repeat}" ) return set(range(offset_n, max_value + 1, repeat_n)) if "-" in part: data = part.split("-") if len(data) > 2: raise cv.Invalid( f"Can't have more than two '-' in range time expression '{part}'" ) begin, end = data begin_n = _parse_cron_int( begin, special_mapping, "Number for time range must be integer, " "got {}" ) end_n = _parse_cron_int( end, special_mapping, "Number for time range must be integer, " "got {}" ) if end_n < begin_n: return set(range(end_n, max_value + 1)) | set(range(min_value, begin_n + 1)) return set(range(begin_n, end_n + 1)) return { _parse_cron_int( part, special_mapping, "Number for time expression must be an " "integer, got {}", ) } def cron_expression_validator(name, min_value, max_value, special_mapping=None): def validator(value): if isinstance(value, list): for v in value: if not isinstance(v, int): raise cv.Invalid( f"Expected integer for {v} '{name}', got {type(v)}" ) if v < min_value or v > max_value: raise cv.Invalid( f"{name} {v} is out of range (min={min_value} max={max_value})." ) return list(sorted(value)) value = cv.string(value) values = set() for part in value.split(","): values |= _parse_cron_part(part, min_value, max_value, special_mapping) return validator(list(values)) return validator validate_cron_seconds = cron_expression_validator("seconds", 0, 60) validate_cron_minutes = cron_expression_validator("minutes", 0, 59) validate_cron_hours = cron_expression_validator("hours", 0, 23) validate_cron_days_of_month = cron_expression_validator("days of month", 1, 31) validate_cron_months = cron_expression_validator( "months", 1, 12, { "JAN": 1, "FEB": 2, "MAR": 3, "APR": 4, "MAY": 5, "JUN": 6, "JUL": 7, "AUG": 8, "SEP": 9, "OCT": 10, "NOV": 11, "DEC": 12, }, ) validate_cron_days_of_week = cron_expression_validator( "days of week", 1, 7, {"SUN": 1, "MON": 2, "TUE": 3, "WED": 4, "THU": 5, "FRI": 6, "SAT": 7}, ) CRON_KEYS = [ CONF_SECONDS, CONF_MINUTES, CONF_HOURS, CONF_DAYS_OF_MONTH, CONF_MONTHS, CONF_DAYS_OF_WEEK, ] def validate_cron_raw(value): value = cv.string(value) value = value.split(" ") if len(value) != 6: raise cv.Invalid( f"Cron expression must consist of exactly 6 space-separated parts, not {len(value)}" ) seconds, minutes, hours, days_of_month, months, days_of_week = value return { CONF_SECONDS: validate_cron_seconds(seconds), CONF_MINUTES: validate_cron_minutes(minutes), CONF_HOURS: validate_cron_hours(hours), CONF_DAYS_OF_MONTH: validate_cron_days_of_month(days_of_month), CONF_MONTHS: validate_cron_months(months), CONF_DAYS_OF_WEEK: validate_cron_days_of_week(days_of_week), } def validate_time_at(value): value = cv.time_of_day(value) return { CONF_HOURS: [value[CONF_HOUR]], CONF_MINUTES: [value[CONF_MINUTE]], CONF_SECONDS: [value[CONF_SECOND]], CONF_DAYS_OF_MONTH: validate_cron_days_of_month("*"), CONF_MONTHS: validate_cron_months("*"), CONF_DAYS_OF_WEEK: validate_cron_days_of_week("*"), } def validate_cron_keys(value): if CONF_CRON in value: for key in value.keys(): if key in CRON_KEYS: raise cv.Invalid(f"Cannot use option {key} when cron: is specified.") if CONF_AT in value: raise cv.Invalid("Cannot use option at with cron!") cron_ = value[CONF_CRON] value = {x: value[x] for x in value if x != CONF_CRON} value.update(cron_) return value if CONF_AT in value: for key in value.keys(): if key in CRON_KEYS: raise cv.Invalid(f"Cannot use option {key} when at: is specified.") at_ = value[CONF_AT] value = {x: value[x] for x in value if x != CONF_AT} value.update(at_) return value return cv.has_at_least_one_key(*CRON_KEYS)(value) def validate_tz(value: str) -> str: value = cv.string_strict(value) tzfile = _load_tzdata(value) if tzfile is None: # Not a IANA key, probably a TZ string return value return _extract_tz_string(tzfile) TIME_SCHEMA = cv.Schema( { cv.Optional(CONF_TIMEZONE, default=detect_tz): validate_tz, cv.Optional(CONF_ON_TIME): automation.validate_automation( { cv.GenerateID(CONF_TRIGGER_ID): cv.declare_id(CronTrigger), cv.Optional(CONF_SECONDS): validate_cron_seconds, cv.Optional(CONF_MINUTES): validate_cron_minutes, cv.Optional(CONF_HOURS): validate_cron_hours, cv.Optional(CONF_DAYS_OF_MONTH): validate_cron_days_of_month, cv.Optional(CONF_MONTHS): validate_cron_months, cv.Optional(CONF_DAYS_OF_WEEK): validate_cron_days_of_week, cv.Optional(CONF_CRON): validate_cron_raw, cv.Optional(CONF_AT): validate_time_at, }, validate_cron_keys, ), cv.Optional(CONF_ON_TIME_SYNC): automation.validate_automation( { cv.GenerateID(CONF_TRIGGER_ID): cv.declare_id(SyncTrigger), } ), } ).extend(cv.polling_component_schema("15min")) async def setup_time_core_(time_var, config): cg.add(time_var.set_timezone(config[CONF_TIMEZONE])) for conf in config.get(CONF_ON_TIME, []): trigger = cg.new_Pvariable(conf[CONF_TRIGGER_ID], time_var) seconds = conf.get(CONF_SECONDS, list(range(0, 61))) cg.add(trigger.add_seconds(seconds)) minutes = conf.get(CONF_MINUTES, list(range(0, 60))) cg.add(trigger.add_minutes(minutes)) hours = conf.get(CONF_HOURS, list(range(0, 24))) cg.add(trigger.add_hours(hours)) days_of_month = conf.get(CONF_DAYS_OF_MONTH, list(range(1, 32))) cg.add(trigger.add_days_of_month(days_of_month)) months = conf.get(CONF_MONTHS, list(range(1, 13))) cg.add(trigger.add_months(months)) days_of_week = conf.get(CONF_DAYS_OF_WEEK, list(range(1, 8))) cg.add(trigger.add_days_of_week(days_of_week)) await cg.register_component(trigger, conf) await automation.build_automation(trigger, [], conf) for conf in config.get(CONF_ON_TIME_SYNC, []): trigger = cg.new_Pvariable(conf[CONF_TRIGGER_ID], time_var) await cg.register_component(trigger, conf) await automation.build_automation(trigger, [], conf) async def register_time(time_var, config): await setup_time_core_(time_var, config) @coroutine_with_priority(100.0) async def to_code(config): cg.add_define("USE_TIME") cg.add_global(time_ns.using) @automation.register_condition( "time.has_time", TimeHasTimeCondition, cv.Schema( { cv.GenerateID(): cv.use_id(RealTimeClock), } ), ) async def time_has_time_to_code(config, condition_id, template_arg, args): paren = await cg.get_variable(config[CONF_ID]) return cg.new_Pvariable(condition_id, template_arg, paren)