#include "fingerprint_grow.h" #include "esphome/core/log.h" namespace esphome { namespace fingerprint_grow { static const char *const TAG = "fingerprint_grow"; // Based on Adafruit's library: https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit-Fingerprint-Sensor-Library void FingerprintGrowComponent::update() { if (this->enrollment_image_ > this->enrollment_buffers_) { this->finish_enrollment(this->save_fingerprint_()); return; } if (this->sensing_pin_ != nullptr) { if (this->sensing_pin_->digital_read()) { ESP_LOGV(TAG, "No touch sensing"); this->waiting_removal_ = false; return; } } if (this->waiting_removal_) { if (this->scan_image_(1) == NO_FINGER) { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Finger removed"); this->waiting_removal_ = false; } return; } if (this->enrollment_image_ == 0) { this->scan_and_match_(); return; } uint8_t result = this->scan_image_(this->enrollment_image_); if (result == NO_FINGER) { return; } this->waiting_removal_ = true; if (result != OK) { this->finish_enrollment(result); return; } this->enrollment_scan_callback_.call(this->enrollment_image_, this->enrollment_slot_); ++this->enrollment_image_; } void FingerprintGrowComponent::setup() { ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, "Setting up Grow Fingerprint Reader..."); if (this->check_password_()) { if (this->new_password_ != nullptr) { if (this->set_password_()) return; } else { if (this->get_parameters_()) return; } } this->mark_failed(); } void FingerprintGrowComponent::enroll_fingerprint(uint16_t finger_id, uint8_t num_buffers) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Starting enrollment in slot %d", finger_id); if (this->enrolling_binary_sensor_ != nullptr) { this->enrolling_binary_sensor_->publish_state(true); } this->enrollment_slot_ = finger_id; this->enrollment_buffers_ = num_buffers; this->enrollment_image_ = 1; } void FingerprintGrowComponent::finish_enrollment(uint8_t result) { if (result == OK) { this->enrollment_done_callback_.call(this->enrollment_slot_); this->get_fingerprint_count_(); } else { this->enrollment_failed_callback_.call(this->enrollment_slot_); } this->enrollment_image_ = 0; this->enrollment_slot_ = 0; if (this->enrolling_binary_sensor_ != nullptr) { this->enrolling_binary_sensor_->publish_state(false); } ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Finished enrollment"); } void FingerprintGrowComponent::scan_and_match_() { if (this->sensing_pin_ != nullptr) { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Scan and match"); } else { ESP_LOGV(TAG, "Scan and match"); } if (this->scan_image_(1) == OK) { this->waiting_removal_ = true; this->data_ = {SEARCH, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, (uint8_t)(this->capacity_ >> 8), (uint8_t)(this->capacity_ & 0xFF)}; switch (this->send_command_()) { case OK: { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Fingerprint matched"); uint16_t finger_id = ((uint16_t) this->data_[1] << 8) | this->data_[2]; uint16_t confidence = ((uint16_t) this->data_[3] << 8) | this->data_[4]; if (this->last_finger_id_sensor_ != nullptr) { this->last_finger_id_sensor_->publish_state(finger_id); } if (this->last_confidence_sensor_ != nullptr) { this->last_confidence_sensor_->publish_state(confidence); } this->finger_scan_matched_callback_.call(finger_id, confidence); break; } case NOT_FOUND: ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Fingerprint not matched to any saved slots"); this->finger_scan_unmatched_callback_.call(); break; } } } uint8_t FingerprintGrowComponent::scan_image_(uint8_t buffer) { if (this->sensing_pin_ != nullptr) { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Getting image %d", buffer); } else { ESP_LOGV(TAG, "Getting image %d", buffer); } this->data_ = {GET_IMAGE}; switch (this->send_command_()) { case OK: break; case NO_FINGER: if (this->sensing_pin_ != nullptr) { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "No finger"); } else { ESP_LOGV(TAG, "No finger"); } return this->data_[0]; case IMAGE_FAIL: ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Imaging error"); default: return this->data_[0]; } ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Processing image %d", buffer); this->data_ = {IMAGE_2_TZ, buffer}; switch (this->send_command_()) { case OK: ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Processed image %d", buffer); break; case IMAGE_MESS: ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Image too messy"); break; case FEATURE_FAIL: case INVALID_IMAGE: ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Could not find fingerprint features"); break; } return this->data_[0]; } uint8_t FingerprintGrowComponent::save_fingerprint_() { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Creating model"); this->data_ = {REG_MODEL}; switch (this->send_command_()) { case OK: break; case ENROLL_MISMATCH: ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Scans do not match"); default: return this->data_[0]; } ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Storing model"); this->data_ = {STORE, 0x01, (uint8_t)(this->enrollment_slot_ >> 8), (uint8_t)(this->enrollment_slot_ & 0xFF)}; switch (this->send_command_()) { case OK: ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Stored model"); break; case BAD_LOCATION: ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Invalid slot"); break; case FLASH_ERR: ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Error writing to flash"); break; } return this->data_[0]; } bool FingerprintGrowComponent::check_password_() { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Checking password"); this->data_ = {VERIFY_PASSWORD, (uint8_t)(this->password_ >> 24), (uint8_t)(this->password_ >> 16), (uint8_t)(this->password_ >> 8), (uint8_t)(this->password_ & 0xFF)}; switch (this->send_command_()) { case OK: ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Password verified"); return true; case PASSWORD_FAIL: ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Wrong password"); break; } return false; } bool FingerprintGrowComponent::set_password_() { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Setting new password: %d", *this->new_password_); this->data_ = {SET_PASSWORD, (uint8_t)(*this->new_password_ >> 24), (uint8_t)(*this->new_password_ >> 16), (uint8_t)(*this->new_password_ >> 8), (uint8_t)(*this->new_password_ & 0xFF)}; if (this->send_command_() == OK) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "New password successfully set"); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Define the new password in your configuration and reflash now"); ESP_LOGW(TAG, "!!!Forgetting the password will render your device unusable!!!"); return true; } return false; } bool FingerprintGrowComponent::get_parameters_() { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Getting parameters"); this->data_ = {READ_SYS_PARAM}; if (this->send_command_() == OK) { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Got parameters"); if (this->status_sensor_ != nullptr) { this->status_sensor_->publish_state(((uint16_t) this->data_[1] << 8) | this->data_[2]); } this->capacity_ = ((uint16_t) this->data_[5] << 8) | this->data_[6]; if (this->capacity_sensor_ != nullptr) { this->capacity_sensor_->publish_state(this->capacity_); } if (this->security_level_sensor_ != nullptr) { this->security_level_sensor_->publish_state(((uint16_t) this->data_[7] << 8) | this->data_[8]); } if (this->enrolling_binary_sensor_ != nullptr) { this->enrolling_binary_sensor_->publish_state(false); } this->get_fingerprint_count_(); return true; } return false; } void FingerprintGrowComponent::get_fingerprint_count_() { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Getting fingerprint count"); this->data_ = {TEMPLATE_COUNT}; if (this->send_command_() == OK) { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Got fingerprint count"); if (this->fingerprint_count_sensor_ != nullptr) this->fingerprint_count_sensor_->publish_state(((uint16_t) this->data_[1] << 8) | this->data_[2]); } } void FingerprintGrowComponent::delete_fingerprint(uint16_t finger_id) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Deleting fingerprint in slot %d", finger_id); this->data_ = {DELETE, (uint8_t)(finger_id >> 8), (uint8_t)(finger_id & 0xFF), 0x00, 0x01}; switch (this->send_command_()) { case OK: ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Deleted fingerprint"); this->get_fingerprint_count_(); break; case DELETE_FAIL: ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Reader failed to delete fingerprint"); break; } } void FingerprintGrowComponent::delete_all_fingerprints() { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Deleting all stored fingerprints"); this->data_ = {EMPTY}; switch (this->send_command_()) { case OK: ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Deleted all fingerprints"); this->get_fingerprint_count_(); break; case DB_CLEAR_FAIL: ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Reader failed to clear fingerprint library"); break; } } void FingerprintGrowComponent::led_control(bool state) { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Setting LED"); if (state) { this->data_ = {LED_ON}; } else { this->data_ = {LED_OFF}; } switch (this->send_command_()) { case OK: ESP_LOGD(TAG, "LED set"); break; case PACKET_RCV_ERR: case TIMEOUT: break; default: ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Try aura_led_control instead"); break; } } void FingerprintGrowComponent::aura_led_control(uint8_t state, uint8_t speed, uint8_t color, uint8_t count) { const uint32_t now = millis(); const uint32_t elapsed = now - this->last_aura_led_control_; if (elapsed < this->last_aura_led_duration_) { delay(this->last_aura_led_duration_ - elapsed); } ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Setting Aura LED"); this->data_ = {AURA_CONFIG, state, speed, color, count}; switch (this->send_command_()) { case OK: ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Aura LED set"); this->last_aura_led_control_ = millis(); this->last_aura_led_duration_ = 10 * speed * count; break; case PACKET_RCV_ERR: case TIMEOUT: break; default: ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Try led_control instead"); break; } } uint8_t FingerprintGrowComponent::send_command_() { this->write((uint8_t)(START_CODE >> 8)); this->write((uint8_t)(START_CODE & 0xFF)); this->write(this->address_[0]); this->write(this->address_[1]); this->write(this->address_[2]); this->write(this->address_[3]); this->write(COMMAND); uint16_t wire_length = this->data_.size() + 2; this->write((uint8_t)(wire_length >> 8)); this->write((uint8_t)(wire_length & 0xFF)); uint16_t sum = ((wire_length) >> 8) + ((wire_length) &0xFF) + COMMAND; for (auto data : this->data_) { this->write(data); sum += data; } this->write((uint8_t)(sum >> 8)); this->write((uint8_t)(sum & 0xFF)); this->data_.clear(); uint8_t byte; uint16_t idx = 0, length = 0; for (uint16_t timer = 0; timer < 1000; timer++) { if (this->available() == 0) { delay(1); continue; } byte = this->read(); switch (idx) { case 0: if (byte != (uint8_t)(START_CODE >> 8)) continue; break; case 1: if (byte != (uint8_t)(START_CODE & 0xFF)) { idx = 0; continue; } break; case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: if (byte != this->address_[idx - 2]) { idx = 0; continue; } break; case 6: if (byte != ACK) { idx = 0; continue; } break; case 7: length = (uint16_t) byte << 8; break; case 8: length |= byte; break; default: this->data_.push_back(byte); if ((idx - 8) == length) { switch (this->data_[0]) { case OK: case NO_FINGER: case IMAGE_FAIL: case IMAGE_MESS: case FEATURE_FAIL: case NO_MATCH: case NOT_FOUND: case ENROLL_MISMATCH: case BAD_LOCATION: case DELETE_FAIL: case DB_CLEAR_FAIL: case PASSWORD_FAIL: case INVALID_IMAGE: case FLASH_ERR: break; case PACKET_RCV_ERR: ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Reader failed to process request"); break; default: ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Unknown response received from reader: %d", this->data_[0]); break; } return this->data_[0]; } break; } idx++; } ESP_LOGE(TAG, "No response received from reader"); this->data_[0] = TIMEOUT; return TIMEOUT; } void FingerprintGrowComponent::dump_config() { ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, "GROW_FINGERPRINT_READER:"); LOG_UPDATE_INTERVAL(this); LOG_SENSOR(" ", "Fingerprint Count", this->fingerprint_count_sensor_); LOG_SENSOR(" ", "Status", this->status_sensor_); LOG_SENSOR(" ", "Capacity", this->capacity_sensor_); LOG_SENSOR(" ", "Security Level", this->security_level_sensor_); LOG_SENSOR(" ", "Last Finger ID", this->last_finger_id_sensor_); LOG_SENSOR(" ", "Last Confidence", this->last_confidence_sensor_); } } // namespace fingerprint_grow } // namespace esphome