import pytest from hypothesis import given from hypothesis.provisional import ip_addresses from esphome import helpers @pytest.mark.parametrize( "preferred_string, current_strings, expected", ( ("foo", [], "foo"), # TODO: Should this actually start at 1? ("foo", ["foo"], "foo_2"), ("foo", ("foo",), "foo_2"), ("foo", ("foo", "foo_2"), "foo_3"), ("foo", ("foo", "foo_2", "foo_2"), "foo_3"), ), ) def test_ensure_unique_string(preferred_string, current_strings, expected): actual = helpers.ensure_unique_string(preferred_string, current_strings) assert actual == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "text, expected", ( ("foo", "foo"), ("foo\nbar", "foo\nbar"), ("foo\nbar\neek", "foo\n bar\neek"), ), ) def test_indent_all_but_first_and_last(text, expected): actual = helpers.indent_all_but_first_and_last(text) assert actual == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "text, expected", ( ("foo", [" foo"]), ("foo\nbar", [" foo", " bar"]), ("foo\nbar\neek", [" foo", " bar", " eek"]), ), ) def test_indent_list(text, expected): actual = helpers.indent_list(text) assert actual == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "text, expected", ( ("foo", " foo"), ("foo\nbar", " foo\n bar"), ("foo\nbar\neek", " foo\n bar\n eek"), ), ) def test_indent(text, expected): actual = helpers.indent(text) assert actual == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "string, expected", ( ("foo", '"foo"'), ("foo\nbar", '"foo\\012bar"'), ("foo\\bar", '"foo\\134bar"'), ('foo "bar"', '"foo \\042bar\\042"'), ("foo ๐", '"foo \\360\\237\\220\\215"'), ), ) def test_cpp_string_escape(string, expected): actual = helpers.cpp_string_escape(string) assert actual == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "host", ( "127.0.0", "localhost", "127.0.0.b", ), ) def test_is_ip_address__invalid(host): actual = helpers.is_ip_address(host) assert actual is False @given(value=ip_addresses(v=4).map(str)) def test_is_ip_address__valid(value): actual = helpers.is_ip_address(value) assert actual is True @pytest.mark.parametrize( "var, value, default, expected", ( ("FOO", None, False, False), ("FOO", None, True, True), ("FOO", "", False, False), ("FOO", "False", False, False), ("FOO", "True", False, True), ("FOO", "FALSE", True, False), ("FOO", "fAlSe", True, False), ("FOO", "Yes", False, True), ("FOO", "123", False, True), ), ) def test_get_bool_env(monkeypatch, var, value, default, expected): if value is None: monkeypatch.delenv(var, raising=False) else: monkeypatch.setenv(var, value) actual = helpers.get_bool_env(var, default) assert actual == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize("value, expected", ((None, False), ("Yes", True))) def test_is_ha_addon(monkeypatch, value, expected): if value is None: monkeypatch.delenv("ESPHOME_IS_HA_ADDON", raising=False) else: monkeypatch.setenv("ESPHOME_IS_HA_ADDON", value) actual = helpers.is_ha_addon() assert actual == expected def test_walk_files(fixture_path): path = fixture_path / "helpers" actual = list(helpers.walk_files(path)) # Ensure paths start with the root assert all(p.startswith(str(path)) for p in actual) class Test_write_file_if_changed: def test_src_and_dst_match(self, tmp_path): text = "A files are unique.\n" initial = text dst = tmp_path / "file-a.txt" dst.write_text(initial) helpers.write_file_if_changed(dst, text) assert dst.read_text() == text def test_src_and_dst_do_not_match(self, tmp_path): text = "A files are unique.\n" initial = "B files are unique.\n" dst = tmp_path / "file-a.txt" dst.write_text(initial) helpers.write_file_if_changed(dst, text) assert dst.read_text() == text def test_dst_does_not_exist(self, tmp_path): text = "A files are unique.\n" dst = tmp_path / "file-a.txt" helpers.write_file_if_changed(dst, text) assert dst.read_text() == text class Test_copy_file_if_changed: def test_src_and_dst_match(self, tmp_path, fixture_path): src = fixture_path / "helpers" / "file-a.txt" initial = fixture_path / "helpers" / "file-a.txt" dst = tmp_path / "file-a.txt" dst.write_text(initial.read_text()) helpers.copy_file_if_changed(src, dst) def test_src_and_dst_do_not_match(self, tmp_path, fixture_path): src = fixture_path / "helpers" / "file-a.txt" initial = fixture_path / "helpers" / "file-c.txt" dst = tmp_path / "file-a.txt" dst.write_text(initial.read_text()) helpers.copy_file_if_changed(src, dst) assert src.read_text() == dst.read_text() def test_dst_does_not_exist(self, tmp_path, fixture_path): src = fixture_path / "helpers" / "file-a.txt" dst = tmp_path / "file-a.txt" helpers.copy_file_if_changed(src, dst) assert dst.exists() assert src.read_text() == dst.read_text() @pytest.mark.parametrize( "file1, file2, expected", ( # Same file ("file-a.txt", "file-a.txt", True), # Different files, different size ("file-a.txt", "file-b_1.txt", False), # Different files, same size ("file-a.txt", "file-c.txt", False), # Same files ("file-b_1.txt", "file-b_2.txt", True), # Not a file ("file-a.txt", "", False), # File doesn't exist ("file-a.txt", "file-d.txt", False), ), ) def test_file_compare(fixture_path, file1, file2, expected): path1 = fixture_path / "helpers" / file1 path2 = fixture_path / "helpers" / file2 actual = helpers.file_compare(path1, path2) assert actual == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "text, expected", ( ("foo", "foo"), ("foo bar", "foo_bar"), ("foo Bar", "foo_bar"), ("foo BAR", "foo_bar"), ("", ""), ("fooBAR", "foobar"), ("Foo-bar_EEK", "foo-bar_eek"), (" foo", "__foo"), ), ) def test_snake_case(text, expected): actual = helpers.snake_case(text) assert actual == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "text, expected", ( ("foo_bar", "foo_bar"), ('!"ยง$%&/()=?foo_bar', "___________foo_bar"), ('foo_!"ยง$%&/()=?bar', "foo____________bar"), ('foo_bar!"ยง$%&/()=?', "foo_bar___________"), ('foo-bar!"ยง$%&/()=?', "foo-bar___________"), ), ) def test_sanitize(text, expected): actual = helpers.sanitize(text) assert actual == expected