import pytest

from hypothesis import given
from hypothesis.provisional import ip_addresses

from esphome import helpers

    "preferred_string, current_strings, expected",
        ("foo", [], "foo"),
        # TODO: Should this actually start at 1?
        ("foo", ["foo"], "foo_2"),
        ("foo", ("foo",), "foo_2"),
        ("foo", ("foo", "foo_2"), "foo_3"),
        ("foo", ("foo", "foo_2", "foo_2"), "foo_3"),
def test_ensure_unique_string(preferred_string, current_strings, expected):
    actual = helpers.ensure_unique_string(preferred_string, current_strings)

    assert actual == expected

    "text, expected",
        ("foo", "foo"),
        ("foo\nbar", "foo\nbar"),
        ("foo\nbar\neek", "foo\n  bar\neek"),
def test_indent_all_but_first_and_last(text, expected):
    actual = helpers.indent_all_but_first_and_last(text)

    assert actual == expected

    "text, expected",
        ("foo", ["  foo"]),
        ("foo\nbar", ["  foo", "  bar"]),
        ("foo\nbar\neek", ["  foo", "  bar", "  eek"]),
def test_indent_list(text, expected):
    actual = helpers.indent_list(text)

    assert actual == expected

    "text, expected",
        ("foo", "  foo"),
        ("foo\nbar", "  foo\n  bar"),
        ("foo\nbar\neek", "  foo\n  bar\n  eek"),
def test_indent(text, expected):
    actual = helpers.indent(text)

    assert actual == expected

    "string, expected",
        ("foo", '"foo"'),
        ("foo\nbar", '"foo\\012bar"'),
        ("foo\\bar", '"foo\\134bar"'),
        ('foo "bar"', '"foo \\042bar\\042"'),
        ("foo ๐Ÿ", '"foo \\360\\237\\220\\215"'),
def test_cpp_string_escape(string, expected):
    actual = helpers.cpp_string_escape(string)

    assert actual == expected

def test_is_ip_address__invalid(host):
    actual = helpers.is_ip_address(host)

    assert actual is False

def test_is_ip_address__valid(value):
    actual = helpers.is_ip_address(value)

    assert actual is True

    "var, value, default, expected",
        ("FOO", None, False, False),
        ("FOO", None, True, True),
        ("FOO", "", False, False),
        ("FOO", "False", False, False),
        ("FOO", "True", False, True),
        ("FOO", "FALSE", True, False),
        ("FOO", "fAlSe", True, False),
        ("FOO", "Yes", False, True),
        ("FOO", "123", False, True),
def test_get_bool_env(monkeypatch, var, value, default, expected):
    if value is None:
        monkeypatch.delenv(var, raising=False)
        monkeypatch.setenv(var, value)

    actual = helpers.get_bool_env(var, default)

    assert actual == expected

@pytest.mark.parametrize("value, expected", ((None, False), ("Yes", True)))
def test_is_ha_addon(monkeypatch, value, expected):
    if value is None:
        monkeypatch.delenv("ESPHOME_IS_HA_ADDON", raising=False)
        monkeypatch.setenv("ESPHOME_IS_HA_ADDON", value)

    actual = helpers.is_ha_addon()

    assert actual == expected

def test_walk_files(fixture_path):
    path = fixture_path / "helpers"

    actual = list(helpers.walk_files(path))

    # Ensure paths start with the root
    assert all(p.startswith(str(path)) for p in actual)

class Test_write_file_if_changed:
    def test_src_and_dst_match(self, tmp_path):
        text = "A files are unique.\n"
        initial = text
        dst = tmp_path / "file-a.txt"

        helpers.write_file_if_changed(dst, text)

        assert dst.read_text() == text

    def test_src_and_dst_do_not_match(self, tmp_path):
        text = "A files are unique.\n"
        initial = "B files are unique.\n"
        dst = tmp_path / "file-a.txt"

        helpers.write_file_if_changed(dst, text)

        assert dst.read_text() == text

    def test_dst_does_not_exist(self, tmp_path):
        text = "A files are unique.\n"
        dst = tmp_path / "file-a.txt"

        helpers.write_file_if_changed(dst, text)

        assert dst.read_text() == text

class Test_copy_file_if_changed:
    def test_src_and_dst_match(self, tmp_path, fixture_path):
        src = fixture_path / "helpers" / "file-a.txt"
        initial = fixture_path / "helpers" / "file-a.txt"
        dst = tmp_path / "file-a.txt"


        helpers.copy_file_if_changed(src, dst)

    def test_src_and_dst_do_not_match(self, tmp_path, fixture_path):
        src = fixture_path / "helpers" / "file-a.txt"
        initial = fixture_path / "helpers" / "file-c.txt"
        dst = tmp_path / "file-a.txt"


        helpers.copy_file_if_changed(src, dst)

        assert src.read_text() == dst.read_text()

    def test_dst_does_not_exist(self, tmp_path, fixture_path):
        src = fixture_path / "helpers" / "file-a.txt"
        dst = tmp_path / "file-a.txt"

        helpers.copy_file_if_changed(src, dst)

        assert dst.exists()
        assert src.read_text() == dst.read_text()

    "file1, file2, expected",
        # Same file
        ("file-a.txt", "file-a.txt", True),
        # Different files, different size
        ("file-a.txt", "file-b_1.txt", False),
        # Different files, same size
        ("file-a.txt", "file-c.txt", False),
        # Same files
        ("file-b_1.txt", "file-b_2.txt", True),
        # Not a file
        ("file-a.txt", "", False),
        # File doesn't exist
        ("file-a.txt", "file-d.txt", False),
def test_file_compare(fixture_path, file1, file2, expected):
    path1 = fixture_path / "helpers" / file1
    path2 = fixture_path / "helpers" / file2

    actual = helpers.file_compare(path1, path2)

    assert actual == expected

    "text, expected",
        ("foo", "foo"),
        ("foo bar", "foo_bar"),
        ("foo Bar", "foo_bar"),
        ("foo BAR", "foo_bar"),
        ("", ""),
        ("fooBAR", "foobar"),
        ("Foo-bar_EEK", "foo-bar_eek"),
        ("  foo", "__foo"),
def test_snake_case(text, expected):
    actual = helpers.snake_case(text)

    assert actual == expected

    "text, expected",
        ("foo_bar", "foo_bar"),
        ('!"ยง$%&/()=?foo_bar', "___________foo_bar"),
        ('foo_!"ยง$%&/()=?bar', "foo____________bar"),
        ('foo_bar!"ยง$%&/()=?', "foo_bar___________"),
        ('foo-bar!"ยง$%&/()=?', "foo-bar___________"),
def test_sanitize(text, expected):
    actual = helpers.sanitize(text)

    assert actual == expected