from __future__ import print_function import logging import os import re from esphome.config import iter_components from esphome.const import CONF_BOARD_FLASH_MODE, CONF_ESPHOME, CONF_PLATFORMIO_OPTIONS, \ HEADER_FILE_EXTENSIONS, SOURCE_FILE_EXTENSIONS, __version__ from esphome.core import CORE, EsphomeError from esphome.helpers import mkdir_p, read_file, write_file_if_changed, walk_files from esphome.storage_json import StorageJSON, storage_path _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) CPP_AUTO_GENERATE_BEGIN = u'// ========== AUTO GENERATED CODE BEGIN ===========' CPP_AUTO_GENERATE_END = u'// =========== AUTO GENERATED CODE END ============' CPP_INCLUDE_BEGIN = u'// ========== AUTO GENERATED INCLUDE BLOCK BEGIN ===========' CPP_INCLUDE_END = u'// ========== AUTO GENERATED INCLUDE BLOCK END ===========' INI_AUTO_GENERATE_BEGIN = u'; ========== AUTO GENERATED CODE BEGIN ===========' INI_AUTO_GENERATE_END = u'; =========== AUTO GENERATED CODE END ============' CPP_BASE_FORMAT = (u"""// Auto generated code by esphome """, u"""" void setup() { // ===== DO NOT EDIT ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE ===== """, u""" // ========= YOU CAN EDIT AFTER THIS LINE ========= App.setup(); } void loop() { App.loop(); } """) INI_BASE_FORMAT = (u"""; Auto generated code by esphome [common] lib_deps = build_flags = upload_flags = ; ===== DO NOT EDIT ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE ===== """, u""" ; ========= YOU CAN EDIT AFTER THIS LINE ========= """) UPLOAD_SPEED_OVERRIDE = { 'esp210': 57600, } def get_flags(key): flags = set() for _, component, conf in iter_components(CORE.config): flags |= getattr(component, key)(conf) return flags def get_include_text(): include_text = u'#include "esphome.h"\n' \ u'using namespace esphome;\n' for _, component, conf in iter_components(CORE.config): if not hasattr(component, 'includes'): continue includes = component.includes if callable(includes): includes = includes(conf) if includes is None: continue if isinstance(includes, list): includes = '\n'.join(includes) if not includes: continue include_text += includes + '\n' return include_text def replace_file_content(text, pattern, repl): content_new, count = re.subn(pattern, repl, text, flags=re.M) return content_new, count def migrate_src_version_0_to_1(): main_cpp = CORE.relative_build_path('src', 'main.cpp') if not os.path.isfile(main_cpp): return content = read_file(main_cpp) if CPP_INCLUDE_BEGIN in content: return content, count = replace_file_content(content, r'\s*delay\((?:16|20)\);', '') if count != 0:"Migration: Removed %s occurrence of 'delay(16);' in %s", count, main_cpp) content, count = replace_file_content(content, r'using namespace esphomelib;', '') if count != 0:"Migration: Removed %s occurrence of 'using namespace esphomelib;' " "in %s", count, main_cpp) if CPP_INCLUDE_BEGIN not in content: content, count = replace_file_content(content, r'#include "esphomelib/application.h"', CPP_INCLUDE_BEGIN + u'\n' + CPP_INCLUDE_END) if count == 0: _LOGGER.error("Migration failed. ESPHome 1.10.0 needs to have a new auto-generated " "include section in the %s file. Please remove %s and let it be " "auto-generated again.", main_cpp, main_cpp)"Migration: Added include section to %s", main_cpp) write_file_if_changed(content, main_cpp) def migrate_src_version(old, new): if old == new: return if old > new: _LOGGER.warning("The source version rolled backwards! Ignoring.") return if old == 0: migrate_src_version_0_to_1() def storage_should_clean(old, new): # type: (StorageJSON, StorageJSON) -> bool if old is None: return True if old.src_version != new.src_version: return True if old.arduino_version != new.arduino_version: return True if old.board != new.board: return True if old.build_path != new.build_path: return True return False def update_storage_json(): path = storage_path() old = StorageJSON.load(path) new = StorageJSON.from_esphome_core(CORE, old) if old == new: return old_src_version = old.src_version if old is not None else 0 migrate_src_version(old_src_version, new.src_version) if storage_should_clean(old, new):"Core config or version changed, cleaning build files...") clean_build() def format_ini(data): content = u'' for key, value in sorted(data.items()): if isinstance(value, (list, set, tuple)): content += u'{} =\n'.format(key) for x in value: content += u' {}\n'.format(x) else: content += u'{} = {}\n'.format(key, value) return content def gather_lib_deps(): return [x.as_lib_dep for x in CORE.libraries] def gather_build_flags(): build_flags = CORE.build_flags # avoid changing build flags order return list(sorted(list(build_flags))) def get_ini_content(): lib_deps = gather_lib_deps() build_flags = gather_build_flags() data = { 'platform': CORE.arduino_version, 'board': CORE.board, 'framework': 'arduino', 'lib_deps': lib_deps + ['${common.lib_deps}'], 'build_flags': build_flags + ['${common.build_flags}'], 'upload_speed': UPLOAD_SPEED_OVERRIDE.get(CORE.board, 460800), } if CORE.is_esp32: data['board_build.partitions'] = "partitions.csv" partitions_csv = CORE.relative_build_path('partitions.csv') if not os.path.isfile(partitions_csv): with open(partitions_csv, "w") as f: f.write("nvs, data, nvs, 0x009000, 0x005000,\n") f.write("otadata, data, ota, 0x00e000, 0x002000,\n") f.write("app0, app, ota_0, 0x010000, 0x190000,\n") f.write("app1, app, ota_1, 0x200000, 0x190000,\n") f.write("eeprom, data, 0x99, 0x390000, 0x001000,\n") f.write("spiffs, data, spiffs, 0x391000, 0x00F000\n") if CONF_BOARD_FLASH_MODE in CORE.config[CONF_ESPHOME]: flash_mode = CORE.config[CONF_ESPHOME][CONF_BOARD_FLASH_MODE] data['board_build.flash_mode'] = flash_mode # Ignore libraries that are not explicitly used, but may # be added by LDF # data['lib_ldf_mode'] = 'chain' data.update(CORE.config[CONF_ESPHOME].get(CONF_PLATFORMIO_OPTIONS, {})) content = u'[env:{}]\n'.format( content += format_ini(data) return content def find_begin_end(text, begin_s, end_s): begin_index = text.find(begin_s) if begin_index == -1: raise EsphomeError(u"Could not find auto generated code begin in file, either " u"delete the main sketch file or insert the comment again.") if text.find(begin_s, begin_index + 1) != -1: raise EsphomeError(u"Found multiple auto generate code begins, don't know " u"which to chose, please remove one of them.") end_index = text.find(end_s) if end_index == -1: raise EsphomeError(u"Could not find auto generated code end in file, either " u"delete the main sketch file or insert the comment again.") if text.find(end_s, end_index + 1) != -1: raise EsphomeError(u"Found multiple auto generate code endings, don't know " u"which to chose, please remove one of them.") return text[:begin_index], text[(end_index + len(end_s)):] def write_platformio_ini(content): update_storage_json() path = CORE.relative_build_path('platformio.ini') if os.path.isfile(path): text = read_file(path) content_format = find_begin_end(text, INI_AUTO_GENERATE_BEGIN, INI_AUTO_GENERATE_END) else: content_format = INI_BASE_FORMAT full_file = content_format[0] + INI_AUTO_GENERATE_BEGIN + '\n' + content full_file += INI_AUTO_GENERATE_END + content_format[1] write_file_if_changed(full_file, path) def write_platformio_project(): mkdir_p(CORE.build_path) content = get_ini_content() write_gitignore() write_platformio_ini(content) DEFINES_H_FORMAT = ESPHOME_H_FORMAT = u"""\ #pragma once {} """ VERSION_H_FORMAT = u"""\ #pragma once #define ESPHOME_VERSION "{}" """ DEFINES_H_TARGET = 'esphome/core/defines.h' VERSION_H_TARGET = 'esphome/core/version.h' ESPHOME_README_TXT = u""" THIS DIRECTORY IS AUTO-GENERATED, DO NOT MODIFY ESPHome automatically populates the esphome/ directory, and any changes to this directory will be removed the next time esphome is run. For modifying esphome's core files, please use a development esphome install or use the custom_components folder. """ def copy_src_tree(): import filecmp import shutil source_files = {} for _, component, _ in iter_components(CORE.config): source_files.update(component.source_files) # Convert to list and sort source_files_l = [it for it in source_files.items()] source_files_l.sort() # Build #include list for esphome.h include_l = [] for target, path in source_files_l: if os.path.splitext(path)[1] in HEADER_FILE_EXTENSIONS: include_l.append(u'#include "{}"'.format(target)) include_l.append(u'') include_s = u'\n'.join(include_l) source_files_copy = source_files.copy() source_files_copy.pop(DEFINES_H_TARGET) for path in walk_files(CORE.relative_src_path('esphome')): if os.path.splitext(path)[1] not in SOURCE_FILE_EXTENSIONS: # Not a source file, ignore continue # Transform path to target path name target = os.path.relpath(path, CORE.relative_src_path()).replace(os.path.sep, '/') if target in (DEFINES_H_TARGET, VERSION_H_TARGET): # Ignore defines.h, will be dealt with later continue if target not in source_files_copy: # Source file removed, delete target os.remove(path) else: src_path = source_files_copy.pop(target) if not filecmp.cmp(path, src_path): # Files are not same, copy shutil.copy(src_path, path) # Now copy new files for target, src_path in source_files_copy.items(): dst_path = CORE.relative_src_path(*target.split('/')) mkdir_p(os.path.dirname(dst_path)) shutil.copy(src_path, dst_path) # Finally copy defines write_file_if_changed(generate_defines_h(), CORE.relative_src_path('esphome', 'core', 'defines.h')) write_file_if_changed(ESPHOME_README_TXT, CORE.relative_src_path('esphome', 'README.txt')) write_file_if_changed(ESPHOME_H_FORMAT.format(include_s), CORE.relative_src_path('esphome.h')) write_file_if_changed(VERSION_H_FORMAT.format(__version__), CORE.relative_src_path('esphome', 'core', 'version.h')) def generate_defines_h(): define_content_l = [x.as_macro for x in CORE.defines] define_content_l.sort() return DEFINES_H_FORMAT.format(u'\n'.join(define_content_l)) def write_cpp(code_s): path = CORE.relative_src_path('main.cpp') if os.path.isfile(path): text = read_file(path) code_format = find_begin_end(text, CPP_AUTO_GENERATE_BEGIN, CPP_AUTO_GENERATE_END) code_format_ = find_begin_end(code_format[0], CPP_INCLUDE_BEGIN, CPP_INCLUDE_END) code_format = (code_format_[0], code_format_[1], code_format[1]) else: code_format = CPP_BASE_FORMAT copy_src_tree() global_s = u'#include "esphome.h"\n' global_s += CORE.cpp_global_section full_file = code_format[0] + CPP_INCLUDE_BEGIN + u'\n' + global_s + CPP_INCLUDE_END full_file += code_format[1] + CPP_AUTO_GENERATE_BEGIN + u'\n' + code_s + CPP_AUTO_GENERATE_END full_file += code_format[2] write_file_if_changed(full_file, path) def clean_build(): import shutil pioenvs = CORE.relative_pioenvs_path() if os.path.isdir(pioenvs):"Deleting %s", pioenvs) shutil.rmtree(pioenvs) piolibdeps = CORE.relative_piolibdeps_path() if os.path.isdir(piolibdeps):"Deleting %s", piolibdeps) shutil.rmtree(piolibdeps) GITIGNORE_CONTENT = """# Gitignore settings for ESPHome # This is an example and may include too much for your use-case. # You can modify this file to suit your needs. /.esphome/ **/.pioenvs/ **/.piolibdeps/ **/lib/ **/src/ **/platformio.ini /secrets.yaml """ def write_gitignore(): path = CORE.relative_config_path('.gitignore') if not os.path.isfile(path): with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write(GITIGNORE_CONTENT)