#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Python 3 script to automatically generate C++ classes for ESPHome's native API.

It's pretty crappy spaghetti code, but it works.

you need to install protobuf-compiler:
running protoc --version should return
libprotoc 3.6.1

then run this script with python3 and the files


will be generated, they still need to be formatted

import os
import re
import sys
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from pathlib import Path
from subprocess import call
from textwrap import dedent

# Generate with
# protoc --python_out=script/api_protobuf -I esphome/components/api/ api_options.proto
import aioesphomeapi.api_options_pb2 as pb
import google.protobuf.descriptor_pb2 as descriptor

FILE_HEADER = """// This file was automatically generated with a tool.
// See scripts/api_protobuf/api_protobuf.py

def indent_list(text, padding="  "):
    lines = []
    for line in text.splitlines():
        if line == "":
            p = ""
        elif line.startswith("#ifdef") or line.startswith("#endif"):
            p = ""
            p = padding
        lines.append(p + line)
    return lines

def indent(text, padding="  "):
    return "\n".join(indent_list(text, padding))

def camel_to_snake(name):
    # https://stackoverflow.com/a/1176023
    s1 = re.sub("(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)", r"\1_\2", name)
    return re.sub("([a-z0-9])([A-Z])", r"\1_\2", s1).lower()

class TypeInfo(ABC):
    def __init__(self, field):
        self._field = field

    def default_value(self):
        return ""

    def name(self):
        return self._field.name

    def arg_name(self):
        return self.name

    def field_name(self):
        return self.name

    def number(self):
        return self._field.number

    def repeated(self):
        return self._field.label == 3

    def cpp_type(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def reference_type(self):
        return f"{self.cpp_type} "

    def const_reference_type(self):
        return f"{self.cpp_type} "

    def public_content(self) -> str:
        return [self.class_member]

    def protected_content(self) -> str:
        return []

    def class_member(self) -> str:
        return f"{self.cpp_type} {self.field_name}{{{self.default_value}}};"

    def decode_varint_content(self) -> str:
        content = self.decode_varint
        if content is None:
            return None
        return dedent(
        case {self.number}: {{
          this->{self.field_name} = {content};
          return true;

    decode_varint = None

    def decode_length_content(self) -> str:
        content = self.decode_length
        if content is None:
            return None
        return dedent(
        case {self.number}: {{
          this->{self.field_name} = {content};
          return true;

    decode_length = None

    def decode_32bit_content(self) -> str:
        content = self.decode_32bit
        if content is None:
            return None
        return dedent(
        case {self.number}: {{
          this->{self.field_name} = {content};
          return true;

    decode_32bit = None

    def decode_64bit_content(self) -> str:
        content = self.decode_64bit
        if content is None:
            return None
        return dedent(
        case {self.number}: {{
          this->{self.field_name} = {content};
          return true;

    decode_64bit = None

    def encode_content(self):
        return f"buffer.{self.encode_func}({self.number}, this->{self.field_name});"

    encode_func = None

    def dump_content(self):
        o = f'out.append("  {self.name}: ");\n'
        o += self.dump(f"this->{self.field_name}") + "\n"
        o += 'out.append("\\n");\n'
        return o

    def dump(self, name: str):


def register_type(name):
    def func(value):
        TYPE_INFO[name] = value
        return value

    return func

class DoubleType(TypeInfo):
    cpp_type = "double"
    default_value = "0.0"
    decode_64bit = "value.as_double()"
    encode_func = "encode_double"

    def dump(self, name):
        o = f'sprintf(buffer, "%g", {name});\n'
        o += "out.append(buffer);"
        return o

class FloatType(TypeInfo):
    cpp_type = "float"
    default_value = "0.0f"
    decode_32bit = "value.as_float()"
    encode_func = "encode_float"

    def dump(self, name):
        o = f'sprintf(buffer, "%g", {name});\n'
        o += "out.append(buffer);"
        return o

class Int64Type(TypeInfo):
    cpp_type = "int64_t"
    default_value = "0"
    decode_varint = "value.as_int64()"
    encode_func = "encode_int64"

    def dump(self, name):
        o = f'sprintf(buffer, "%lld", {name});\n'
        o += "out.append(buffer);"
        return o

class UInt64Type(TypeInfo):
    cpp_type = "uint64_t"
    default_value = "0"
    decode_varint = "value.as_uint64()"
    encode_func = "encode_uint64"

    def dump(self, name):
        o = f'sprintf(buffer, "%llu", {name});\n'
        o += "out.append(buffer);"
        return o

class Int32Type(TypeInfo):
    cpp_type = "int32_t"
    default_value = "0"
    decode_varint = "value.as_int32()"
    encode_func = "encode_int32"

    def dump(self, name):
        o = f'sprintf(buffer, "%" PRId32, {name});\n'
        o += "out.append(buffer);"
        return o

class Fixed64Type(TypeInfo):
    cpp_type = "uint64_t"
    default_value = "0"
    decode_64bit = "value.as_fixed64()"
    encode_func = "encode_fixed64"

    def dump(self, name):
        o = f'sprintf(buffer, "%llu", {name});\n'
        o += "out.append(buffer);"
        return o

class Fixed32Type(TypeInfo):
    cpp_type = "uint32_t"
    default_value = "0"
    decode_32bit = "value.as_fixed32()"
    encode_func = "encode_fixed32"

    def dump(self, name):
        o = f'sprintf(buffer, "%" PRIu32, {name});\n'
        o += "out.append(buffer);"
        return o

class BoolType(TypeInfo):
    cpp_type = "bool"
    default_value = "false"
    decode_varint = "value.as_bool()"
    encode_func = "encode_bool"

    def dump(self, name):
        o = f"out.append(YESNO({name}));"
        return o

class StringType(TypeInfo):
    cpp_type = "std::string"
    default_value = ""
    reference_type = "std::string &"
    const_reference_type = "const std::string &"
    decode_length = "value.as_string()"
    encode_func = "encode_string"

    def dump(self, name):
        o = f'out.append("\'").append({name}).append("\'");'
        return o

class MessageType(TypeInfo):
    def cpp_type(self):
        return self._field.type_name[1:]

    default_value = ""

    def reference_type(self):
        return f"{self.cpp_type} &"

    def const_reference_type(self):
        return f"const {self.cpp_type} &"

    def encode_func(self):
        return f"encode_message<{self.cpp_type}>"

    def decode_length(self):
        return f"value.as_message<{self.cpp_type}>()"

    def dump(self, name):
        o = f"{name}.dump_to(out);"
        return o

class BytesType(TypeInfo):
    cpp_type = "std::string"
    default_value = ""
    reference_type = "std::string &"
    const_reference_type = "const std::string &"
    decode_length = "value.as_string()"
    encode_func = "encode_string"

    def dump(self, name):
        o = f'out.append("\'").append({name}).append("\'");'
        return o

class UInt32Type(TypeInfo):
    cpp_type = "uint32_t"
    default_value = "0"
    decode_varint = "value.as_uint32()"
    encode_func = "encode_uint32"

    def dump(self, name):
        o = f'sprintf(buffer, "%" PRIu32, {name});\n'
        o += "out.append(buffer);"
        return o

class EnumType(TypeInfo):
    def cpp_type(self):
        return f"enums::{self._field.type_name[1:]}"

    def decode_varint(self):
        return f"value.as_enum<{self.cpp_type}>()"

    default_value = ""

    def encode_func(self):
        return f"encode_enum<{self.cpp_type}>"

    def dump(self, name):
        o = f"out.append(proto_enum_to_string<{self.cpp_type}>({name}));"
        return o

class SFixed32Type(TypeInfo):
    cpp_type = "int32_t"
    default_value = "0"
    decode_32bit = "value.as_sfixed32()"
    encode_func = "encode_sfixed32"

    def dump(self, name):
        o = f'sprintf(buffer, "%" PRId32, {name});\n'
        o += "out.append(buffer);"
        return o

class SFixed64Type(TypeInfo):
    cpp_type = "int64_t"
    default_value = "0"
    decode_64bit = "value.as_sfixed64()"
    encode_func = "encode_sfixed64"

    def dump(self, name):
        o = f'sprintf(buffer, "%lld", {name});\n'
        o += "out.append(buffer);"
        return o

class SInt32Type(TypeInfo):
    cpp_type = "int32_t"
    default_value = "0"
    decode_varint = "value.as_sint32()"
    encode_func = "encode_sint32"

    def dump(self, name):
        o = f'sprintf(buffer, "%" PRId32, {name});\n'
        o += "out.append(buffer);"
        return o

class SInt64Type(TypeInfo):
    cpp_type = "int64_t"
    default_value = "0"
    decode_varint = "value.as_sint64()"
    encode_func = "encode_sint64"

    def dump(self, name):
        o = f'sprintf(buffer, "%lld", {name});\n'
        o += "out.append(buffer);"
        return o

class RepeatedTypeInfo(TypeInfo):
    def __init__(self, field):
        self._ti = TYPE_INFO[field.type](field)

    def cpp_type(self):
        return f"std::vector<{self._ti.cpp_type}>"

    def reference_type(self):
        return f"{self.cpp_type} &"

    def const_reference_type(self):
        return f"const {self.cpp_type} &"

    def decode_varint_content(self) -> str:
        content = self._ti.decode_varint
        if content is None:
            return None
        return dedent(
        case {self.number}: {{
          return true;

    def decode_length_content(self) -> str:
        content = self._ti.decode_length
        if content is None:
            return None
        return dedent(
        case {self.number}: {{
          return true;

    def decode_32bit_content(self) -> str:
        content = self._ti.decode_32bit
        if content is None:
            return None
        return dedent(
        case {self.number}: {{
          return true;

    def decode_64bit_content(self) -> str:
        content = self._ti.decode_64bit
        if content is None:
            return None
        return dedent(
        case {self.number}: {{
          return true;

    def _ti_is_bool(self):
        # std::vector is specialized for bool, reference does not work
        return isinstance(self._ti, BoolType)

    def encode_content(self):
        o = f"for (auto {'' if self._ti_is_bool else '&'}it : this->{self.field_name}) {{\n"
        o += f"  buffer.{self._ti.encode_func}({self.number}, it, true);\n"
        o += "}"
        return o

    def dump_content(self):
        o = f'for (const auto {"" if self._ti_is_bool else "&"}it : this->{self.field_name}) {{\n'
        o += f'  out.append("  {self.name}: ");\n'
        o += indent(self._ti.dump("it")) + "\n"
        o += '  out.append("\\n");\n'
        o += "}\n"
        return o

    def dump(self, _: str):

def build_enum_type(desc):
    name = desc.name
    out = f"enum {name} : uint32_t {{\n"
    for v in desc.value:
        out += f"  {v.name} = {v.number},\n"
    out += "};\n"

    cpp = "#ifdef HAS_PROTO_MESSAGE_DUMP\n"
    cpp += f"template<> const char *proto_enum_to_string<enums::{name}>(enums::{name} value) {{\n"
    cpp += "  switch (value) {\n"
    for v in desc.value:
        cpp += f"    case enums::{v.name}:\n"
        cpp += f'      return "{v.name}";\n'
    cpp += "    default:\n"
    cpp += '      return "UNKNOWN";\n'
    cpp += "  }\n"
    cpp += "}\n"
    cpp += "#endif\n"

    return out, cpp

def build_message_type(desc):
    public_content = []
    protected_content = []
    decode_varint = []
    decode_length = []
    decode_32bit = []
    decode_64bit = []
    encode = []
    dump = []

    for field in desc.field:
        if field.label == 3:
            ti = RepeatedTypeInfo(field)
            ti = TYPE_INFO[field.type](field)

        if ti.decode_varint_content:
        if ti.decode_length_content:
        if ti.decode_32bit_content:
        if ti.decode_64bit_content:
        if ti.dump_content:

    cpp = ""
    if decode_varint:
        decode_varint.append("default:\n  return false;")
        o = f"bool {desc.name}::decode_varint(uint32_t field_id, ProtoVarInt value) {{\n"
        o += "  switch (field_id) {\n"
        o += indent("\n".join(decode_varint), "    ") + "\n"
        o += "  }\n"
        o += "}\n"
        cpp += o
        prot = "bool decode_varint(uint32_t field_id, ProtoVarInt value) override;"
        protected_content.insert(0, prot)
    if decode_length:
        decode_length.append("default:\n  return false;")
        o = f"bool {desc.name}::decode_length(uint32_t field_id, ProtoLengthDelimited value) {{\n"
        o += "  switch (field_id) {\n"
        o += indent("\n".join(decode_length), "    ") + "\n"
        o += "  }\n"
        o += "}\n"
        cpp += o
        prot = "bool decode_length(uint32_t field_id, ProtoLengthDelimited value) override;"
        protected_content.insert(0, prot)
    if decode_32bit:
        decode_32bit.append("default:\n  return false;")
        o = f"bool {desc.name}::decode_32bit(uint32_t field_id, Proto32Bit value) {{\n"
        o += "  switch (field_id) {\n"
        o += indent("\n".join(decode_32bit), "    ") + "\n"
        o += "  }\n"
        o += "}\n"
        cpp += o
        prot = "bool decode_32bit(uint32_t field_id, Proto32Bit value) override;"
        protected_content.insert(0, prot)
    if decode_64bit:
        decode_64bit.append("default:\n  return false;")
        o = f"bool {desc.name}::decode_64bit(uint32_t field_id, Proto64Bit value) {{\n"
        o += "  switch (field_id) {\n"
        o += indent("\n".join(decode_64bit), "    ") + "\n"
        o += "  }\n"
        o += "}\n"
        cpp += o
        prot = "bool decode_64bit(uint32_t field_id, Proto64Bit value) override;"
        protected_content.insert(0, prot)

    o = f"void {desc.name}::encode(ProtoWriteBuffer buffer) const {{"
    if encode:
        if len(encode) == 1 and len(encode[0]) + len(o) + 3 < 120:
            o += f" {encode[0]} "
            o += "\n"
            o += indent("\n".join(encode)) + "\n"
    o += "}\n"
    cpp += o
    prot = "void encode(ProtoWriteBuffer buffer) const override;"

    o = f"void {desc.name}::dump_to(std::string &out) const {{"
    if dump:
        if len(dump) == 1 and len(dump[0]) + len(o) + 3 < 120:
            o += f" {dump[0]} "
            o += "\n"
            o += "  __attribute__((unused)) char buffer[64];\n"
            o += f'  out.append("{desc.name} {{\\n");\n'
            o += indent("\n".join(dump)) + "\n"
            o += '  out.append("}");\n'
        o2 = f'out.append("{desc.name} {{}}");'
        if len(o) + len(o2) + 3 < 120:
            o += f" {o2} "
            o += "\n"
            o += f"  {o2}\n"
    o += "}\n"
    cpp += "#ifdef HAS_PROTO_MESSAGE_DUMP\n"
    cpp += o
    cpp += "#endif\n"
    prot = "#ifdef HAS_PROTO_MESSAGE_DUMP\n"
    prot += "void dump_to(std::string &out) const override;\n"
    prot += "#endif\n"

    out = f"class {desc.name} : public ProtoMessage {{\n"
    out += " public:\n"
    out += indent("\n".join(public_content)) + "\n"
    out += "\n"
    out += " protected:\n"
    out += indent("\n".join(protected_content))
    if len(protected_content) > 0:
        out += "\n"
    out += "};\n"
    return out, cpp



ifdefs = {}

def get_opt(desc, opt, default=None):
    if not desc.options.HasExtension(opt):
        return default
    return desc.options.Extensions[opt]

def build_service_message_type(mt):
    snake = camel_to_snake(mt.name)
    id_ = get_opt(mt, pb.id)
    if id_ is None:
        return None

    source = get_opt(mt, pb.source, 0)

    ifdef = get_opt(mt, pb.ifdef)
    log = get_opt(mt, pb.log, True)
    hout = ""
    cout = ""

    if ifdef is not None:
        ifdefs[str(mt.name)] = ifdef
        hout += f"#ifdef {ifdef}\n"
        cout += f"#ifdef {ifdef}\n"

    if source in (SOURCE_BOTH, SOURCE_SERVER):
        # Generate send
        func = f"send_{snake}"
        hout += f"bool {func}(const {mt.name} &msg);\n"
        cout += f"bool APIServerConnectionBase::{func}(const {mt.name} &msg) {{\n"
        if log:
            cout += "#ifdef HAS_PROTO_MESSAGE_DUMP\n"
            cout += f'  ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "{func}: %s", msg.dump().c_str());\n'
            cout += "#endif\n"
        # cout += f'  this->set_nodelay({str(nodelay).lower()});\n'
        cout += f"  return this->send_message_<{mt.name}>(msg, {id_});\n"
        cout += "}\n"
    if source in (SOURCE_BOTH, SOURCE_CLIENT):
        # Generate receive
        func = f"on_{snake}"
        hout += f"virtual void {func}(const {mt.name} &value){{}};\n"
        case = ""
        if ifdef is not None:
            case += f"#ifdef {ifdef}\n"
        case += f"{mt.name} msg;\n"
        case += "msg.decode(msg_data, msg_size);\n"
        if log:
            case += "#ifdef HAS_PROTO_MESSAGE_DUMP\n"
            case += f'ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "{func}: %s", msg.dump().c_str());\n'
            case += "#endif\n"
        case += f"this->{func}(msg);\n"
        if ifdef is not None:
            case += "#endif\n"
        case += "break;"
        RECEIVE_CASES[id_] = case

    if ifdef is not None:
        hout += "#endif\n"
        cout += "#endif\n"

    return hout, cout

def main():
    cwd = Path(__file__).resolve().parent
    root = cwd.parent.parent / "esphome" / "components" / "api"
    prot_file = root / "api.protoc"
    call(["protoc", "-o", str(prot_file), "-I", str(root), "api.proto"])
    proto_content = prot_file.read_bytes()

    # pylint: disable-next=no-member
    d = descriptor.FileDescriptorSet.FromString(proto_content)

    file = d.file[0]
    content = FILE_HEADER
    content += """\
    #pragma once

    #include "proto.h"

    namespace esphome {
    namespace api {


    cpp = FILE_HEADER
    cpp += """\
    #include "api_pb2.h"
    #include "esphome/core/log.h"

    #include <cinttypes>

    namespace esphome {
    namespace api {


    content += "namespace enums {\n\n"

    for enum in file.enum_type:
        s, c = build_enum_type(enum)
        content += s
        cpp += c

    content += "\n}  // namespace enums\n\n"

    mt = file.message_type

    for m in mt:
        s, c = build_message_type(m)
        content += s
        cpp += c

    content += """\

    }  // namespace api
    }  // namespace esphome
    cpp += """\

    }  // namespace api
    }  // namespace esphome

    with open(root / "api_pb2.h", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:

    with open(root / "api_pb2.cpp", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:

    hpp = FILE_HEADER
    hpp += """\
    #pragma once

    #include "api_pb2.h"
    #include "esphome/core/defines.h"

    namespace esphome {
    namespace api {


    cpp = FILE_HEADER
    cpp += """\
    #include "api_pb2_service.h"
    #include "esphome/core/log.h"

    namespace esphome {
    namespace api {

    static const char *const TAG = "api.service";


    class_name = "APIServerConnectionBase"

    hpp += f"class {class_name} : public ProtoService {{\n"
    hpp += " public:\n"

    for mt in file.message_type:
        obj = build_service_message_type(mt)
        if obj is None:
        hout, cout = obj
        hpp += indent(hout) + "\n"
        cpp += cout

    cases = list(RECEIVE_CASES.items())
    hpp += " protected:\n"
    hpp += "  bool read_message(uint32_t msg_size, uint32_t msg_type, uint8_t *msg_data) override;\n"
    out = f"bool {class_name}::read_message(uint32_t msg_size, uint32_t msg_type, uint8_t *msg_data) {{\n"
    out += "  switch (msg_type) {\n"
    for i, case in cases:
        c = f"case {i}: {{\n"
        c += indent(case) + "\n"
        c += "}"
        out += indent(c, "    ") + "\n"
    out += "    default:\n"
    out += "      return false;\n"
    out += "  }\n"
    out += "  return true;\n"
    out += "}\n"
    cpp += out
    hpp += "};\n"

    serv = file.service[0]
    class_name = "APIServerConnection"
    hpp += "\n"
    hpp += f"class {class_name} : public {class_name}Base {{\n"
    hpp += " public:\n"
    hpp_protected = ""
    cpp += "\n"

    m = serv.method[0]
    for m in serv.method:
        func = m.name
        inp = m.input_type[1:]
        ret = m.output_type[1:]
        is_void = ret == "void"
        snake = camel_to_snake(inp)
        on_func = f"on_{snake}"
        needs_conn = get_opt(m, pb.needs_setup_connection, True)
        needs_auth = get_opt(m, pb.needs_authentication, True)

        ifdef = ifdefs.get(inp, None)

        if ifdef is not None:
            hpp += f"#ifdef {ifdef}\n"
            hpp_protected += f"#ifdef {ifdef}\n"
            cpp += f"#ifdef {ifdef}\n"

        hpp_protected += f"  void {on_func}(const {inp} &msg) override;\n"
        hpp += f"  virtual {ret} {func}(const {inp} &msg) = 0;\n"
        cpp += f"void {class_name}::{on_func}(const {inp} &msg) {{\n"
        body = ""
        if needs_conn:
            body += "if (!this->is_connection_setup()) {\n"
            body += "  this->on_no_setup_connection();\n"
            body += "  return;\n"
            body += "}\n"
        if needs_auth:
            body += "if (!this->is_authenticated()) {\n"
            body += "  this->on_unauthenticated_access();\n"
            body += "  return;\n"
            body += "}\n"

        if is_void:
            body += f"this->{func}(msg);\n"
            body += f"{ret} ret = this->{func}(msg);\n"
            ret_snake = camel_to_snake(ret)
            body += f"if (!this->send_{ret_snake}(ret)) {{\n"
            body += "  this->on_fatal_error();\n"
            body += "}\n"
        cpp += indent(body) + "\n" + "}\n"

        if ifdef is not None:
            hpp += "#endif\n"
            hpp_protected += "#endif\n"
            cpp += "#endif\n"

    hpp += " protected:\n"
    hpp += hpp_protected
    hpp += "};\n"

    hpp += """\

    }  // namespace api
    }  // namespace esphome
    cpp += """\

    }  // namespace api
    }  // namespace esphome

    with open(root / "api_pb2_service.h", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:

    with open(root / "api_pb2_service.cpp", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:


        import clang_format

        def exec_clang_format(path):
            clang_format_path = os.path.join(
                os.path.dirname(clang_format.__file__), "data", "bin", "clang-format"
            call([clang_format_path, "-i", path])

        exec_clang_format(root / "api_pb2_service.h")
        exec_clang_format(root / "api_pb2_service.cpp")
        exec_clang_format(root / "api_pb2.h")
        exec_clang_format(root / "api_pb2.cpp")
    except ImportError:

if __name__ == "__main__":