#include "xpt2046.h" #include "esphome/core/log.h" #include "esphome/core/helpers.h" #include namespace esphome { namespace xpt2046 { static const char *const TAG = "xpt2046"; void XPT2046Component::setup() { if (this->irq_pin_ != nullptr) { // The pin reports a touch with a falling edge. Unfortunately the pin goes also changes state // while the channels are read and wiring it as an interrupt is not straightforward and would // need careful masking. A GPIO poll is cheap so we'll just use that. this->irq_pin_->setup(); // INPUT } spi_setup(); read_adc_(0xD0); // ADC powerdown, enable PENIRQ pin } void XPT2046Component::loop() { if (this->irq_pin_ != nullptr) { // Force immediate update if a falling edge (= touched is seen) Ignore if still active // (that would mean that we missed the release because of a too long update interval) bool val = this->irq_pin_->digital_read(); if (!val && this->last_irq_ && !this->touched) { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Falling penirq edge, forcing update"); update(); } this->last_irq_ = val; } } void XPT2046Component::update() { int16_t data[6]; bool touch = false; uint32_t now = millis(); this->z_raw = 0; // In case the penirq pin is present only do the SPI transaction if it reports a touch (is low). // The touch has to be also confirmed with checking the pressure over threshold if (this->irq_pin_ == nullptr || !this->irq_pin_->digital_read()) { enable(); int16_t z1 = read_adc_(0xB1 /* Z1 */); int16_t z2 = read_adc_(0xC1 /* Z2 */); this->z_raw = z1 + 4095 - z2; touch = (this->z_raw >= this->threshold_); if (touch) { read_adc_(0x91 /* Y */); // dummy Y measure, 1st is always noisy data[0] = read_adc_(0xD1 /* X */); data[1] = read_adc_(0x91 /* Y */); // make 3 x-y measurements data[2] = read_adc_(0xD1 /* X */); data[3] = read_adc_(0x91 /* Y */); data[4] = read_adc_(0xD1 /* X */); } data[5] = read_adc_(0x90 /* Y */); // Last Y touch power down disable(); } if (touch) { this->x_raw = best_two_avg(data[0], data[2], data[4]); this->y_raw = best_two_avg(data[1], data[3], data[5]); } else { this->x_raw = this->y_raw = 0; } ESP_LOGV(TAG, "Update [x, y] = [%d, %d], z = %d%s", this->x_raw, this->y_raw, this->z_raw, (touch ? " touched" : "")); if (touch) { // Normalize raw data according to calibration min and max int16_t x_val = normalize(this->x_raw, this->x_raw_min_, this->x_raw_max_); int16_t y_val = normalize(this->y_raw, this->y_raw_min_, this->y_raw_max_); if (this->swap_x_y_) { std::swap(x_val, y_val); } if (this->invert_x_) { x_val = 0x7fff - x_val; } if (this->invert_y_) { y_val = 0x7fff - y_val; } x_val = (int16_t)((int) x_val * this->x_dim_ / 0x7fff); y_val = (int16_t)((int) y_val * this->y_dim_ / 0x7fff); if (!this->touched || (now - this->last_pos_ms_) >= this->report_millis_) { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Raw [x, y] = [%d, %d], transformed = [%d, %d]", this->x_raw, this->y_raw, x_val, y_val); this->x = x_val; this->y = y_val; this->touched = true; this->last_pos_ms_ = now; this->on_state_trigger_->process(this->x, this->y, true); for (auto *button : this->buttons_) button->touch(this->x, this->y); } } else { if (this->touched) { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Released [%d, %d]", this->x, this->y); this->touched = false; this->on_state_trigger_->process(this->x, this->y, false); for (auto *button : this->buttons_) button->release(); } } } void XPT2046Component::set_calibration(int16_t x_min, int16_t x_max, int16_t y_min, int16_t y_max) { this->x_raw_min_ = std::min(x_min, x_max); this->x_raw_max_ = std::max(x_min, x_max); this->y_raw_min_ = std::min(y_min, y_max); this->y_raw_max_ = std::max(y_min, y_max); this->invert_x_ = (x_min > x_max); this->invert_y_ = (y_min > y_max); } void XPT2046Component::dump_config() { ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, "XPT2046:"); LOG_PIN(" IRQ Pin: ", this->irq_pin_); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " X min: %d", this->x_raw_min_); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " X max: %d", this->x_raw_max_); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Y min: %d", this->y_raw_min_); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Y max: %d", this->y_raw_max_); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " X dim: %d", this->x_dim_); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Y dim: %d", this->y_dim_); if (this->swap_x_y_) { ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Swap X/Y"); } ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " threshold: %d", this->threshold_); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Report interval: %u", this->report_millis_); LOG_UPDATE_INTERVAL(this); } float XPT2046Component::get_setup_priority() const { return setup_priority::DATA; } int16_t XPT2046Component::best_two_avg(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t z) { int16_t da, db, dc; int16_t reta = 0; da = (x > y) ? x - y : y - x; db = (x > z) ? x - z : z - x; dc = (z > y) ? z - y : y - z; if (da <= db && da <= dc) { reta = (x + y) >> 1; } else if (db <= da && db <= dc) { reta = (x + z) >> 1; } else { reta = (y + z) >> 1; } return reta; } int16_t XPT2046Component::normalize(int16_t val, int16_t min_val, int16_t max_val) { int16_t ret; if (val <= min_val) { ret = 0; } else if (val >= max_val) { ret = 0x7fff; } else { ret = (int16_t)((int) 0x7fff * (val - min_val) / (max_val - min_val)); } return ret; } int16_t XPT2046Component::read_adc_(uint8_t ctrl) { uint8_t data[2]; write_byte(ctrl); data[0] = read_byte(); data[1] = read_byte(); return ((data[0] << 8) | data[1]) >> 3; } void XPT2046OnStateTrigger::process(int x, int y, bool touched) { this->trigger(x, y, touched); } void XPT2046Button::touch(int16_t x, int16_t y) { bool touched = (x >= this->x_min_ && x <= this->x_max_ && y >= this->y_min_ && y <= this->y_max_); if (touched) { this->publish_state(true); this->state_ = true; } else { release(); } } void XPT2046Button::release() { if (this->state_) { this->publish_state(false); this->state_ = false; } } } // namespace xpt2046 } // namespace esphome