import logging from esphome import core from esphome.components import display, font import esphome.components.image as espImage import esphome.config_validation as cv import esphome.codegen as cg from esphome.const import CONF_FILE, CONF_ID, CONF_RAW_DATA_ID, CONF_RESIZE, CONF_TYPE from esphome.core import CORE, HexInt _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEPENDENCIES = ["display"] MULTI_CONF = True Animation_ = display.display_ns.class_("Animation", espImage.Image_) ANIMATION_SCHEMA = cv.Schema( { cv.Required(CONF_ID): cv.declare_id(Animation_), cv.Required(CONF_FILE): cv.file_, cv.Optional(CONF_RESIZE): cv.dimensions, cv.Optional(CONF_TYPE, default="BINARY"): cv.enum( espImage.IMAGE_TYPE, upper=True ), cv.GenerateID(CONF_RAW_DATA_ID): cv.declare_id(cg.uint8), } ) CONFIG_SCHEMA = cv.All(font.validate_pillow_installed, ANIMATION_SCHEMA) CODEOWNERS = ["@syndlex"] async def to_code(config): from PIL import Image path = CORE.relative_config_path(config[CONF_FILE]) try: image = except Exception as e: raise core.EsphomeError(f"Could not load image file {path}: {e}") width, height = image.size frames = image.n_frames if CONF_RESIZE in config: new_width_max, new_height_max = config[CONF_RESIZE] ratio = min(new_width_max / width, new_height_max / height) width, height = int(width * ratio), int(height * ratio) else: if width > 500 or height > 500: _LOGGER.warning( "The image you requested is very big. Please consider using" " the resize parameter." ) if config[CONF_TYPE] == "GRAYSCALE": data = [0 for _ in range(height * width * frames)] pos = 0 for frameIndex in range(frames): frame = image.convert("L", dither=Image.NONE) if CONF_RESIZE in config: frame = frame.resize([width, height]) pixels = list(frame.getdata()) if len(pixels) != height * width: raise core.EsphomeError( f"Unexpected number of pixels in {path} frame {frameIndex}: ({len(pixels)} != {height*width})" ) for pix in pixels: data[pos] = pix pos += 1 elif config[CONF_TYPE] == "RGB24": data = [0 for _ in range(height * width * 3 * frames)] pos = 0 for frameIndex in range(frames): if CONF_RESIZE in config: image.thumbnail(config[CONF_RESIZE]) frame = image.convert("RGB") if CONF_RESIZE in config: frame = frame.resize([width, height]) pixels = list(frame.getdata()) if len(pixels) != height * width: raise core.EsphomeError( f"Unexpected number of pixels in {path} frame {frameIndex}: ({len(pixels)} != {height*width})" ) for pix in pixels: data[pos] = pix[0] pos += 1 data[pos] = pix[1] pos += 1 data[pos] = pix[2] pos += 1 elif config[CONF_TYPE] == "RGB565": data = [0 for _ in range(height * width * 2 * frames)] pos = 0 for frameIndex in range(frames): frame = image.convert("RGB") if CONF_RESIZE in config: frame = frame.resize([width, height]) pixels = list(frame.getdata()) if len(pixels) != height * width: raise core.EsphomeError( f"Unexpected number of pixels in {path} frame {frameIndex}: ({len(pixels)} != {height*width})" ) for pix in pixels: R = pix[0] >> 3 G = pix[1] >> 2 B = pix[2] >> 3 rgb = (R << 11) | (G << 5) | B data[pos] = rgb >> 8 pos += 1 data[pos] = rgb & 255 pos += 1 elif config[CONF_TYPE] == "BINARY": width8 = ((width + 7) // 8) * 8 data = [0 for _ in range((height * width8 // 8) * frames)] for frameIndex in range(frames): frame = image.convert("1", dither=Image.NONE) if CONF_RESIZE in config: frame = frame.resize([width, height]) for y in range(height): for x in range(width): if frame.getpixel((x, y)): continue pos = x + y * width8 + (height * width8 * frameIndex) data[pos // 8] |= 0x80 >> (pos % 8) rhs = [HexInt(x) for x in data] prog_arr = cg.progmem_array(config[CONF_RAW_DATA_ID], rhs) cg.new_Pvariable( config[CONF_ID], prog_arr, width, height, frames, espImage.IMAGE_TYPE[config[CONF_TYPE]], )