esphome: name: test5 build_path: build/test5 project: name: esphome.test5_project version: "1.0.0" esp32: board: nodemcu-32s framework: type: esp-idf advanced: ignore_efuse_mac_crc: true wifi: networks: - ssid: "MySSID" password: "password1" manual_ip: static_ip: gateway: subnet: api: ota: logger: uart: - id: uart1 tx_pin: 1 rx_pin: 3 baud_rate: 9600 - id: uart2 tx_pin: 17 rx_pin: 16 baud_rate: 19200 i2c: modbus: uart_id: uart1 flow_control_pin: 5 id: mod_bus1 modbus_controller: - id: modbus_controller_test address: 0x2 modbus_id: mod_bus1 binary_sensor: - platform: gpio pin: GPIO0 id: io0_button icon: mdi:gesture-tap-button - platform: modbus_controller modbus_controller_id: modbus_controller_test id: modbus_binsensortest register_type: read address: 0x3200 bitmask: 0x80 #(bit 8) lambda: !lambda "{ return x ;}" tlc5947: data_pin: GPIO12 clock_pin: GPIO14 lat_pin: GPIO15 output: - platform: gpio pin: GPIO2 id: built_in_led - platform: tlc5947 id: output_red channel: 0 max_power: 0.8 - platform: mcp47a1 id: output_mcp47a1 - platform: modbus_controller modbus_controller_id: modbus_controller_test id: modbus_output_test lambda: |- return x * 1.0 ; address: 0x9001 value_type: U_WORD demo: esp32_ble: esp32_ble_server: manufacturer: "ESPHome" model: "Test5" esp32_improv: authorizer: io0_button authorized_duration: 1min status_indicator: built_in_led number: - platform: template name: My template number id: template_number_id optimistic: true on_value: - logger.log: format: "Number changed to %f" args: ["x"] set_action: - logger.log: format: "Template Number set to %f" args: ["x"] max_value: 100 min_value: 0 step: 5 unit_of_measurement: "%" mode: slider - id: modbus_numbertest platform: modbus_controller modbus_controller_id: modbus_controller_test name: "ModbusNumber" address: 0x9002 value_type: U_WORD lambda: "return x * 1.0; " write_lambda: |- return x * 1.0 ; multiply: 1.0 select: - platform: template name: My template select id: template_select_id optimistic: true initial_option: two restore_value: true on_value: - logger.log: format: "Select changed to %s" args: ["x.c_str()"] set_action: - logger.log: format: "Template Select set to %s" args: ["x.c_str()"] - select.set: id: template_select_id option: two options: - one - two - three sensor: - platform: selec_meter total_active_energy: name: "SelecEM2M Total Active Energy" import_active_energy: name: "SelecEM2M Import Active Energy" export_active_energy: name: "SelecEM2M Export Active Energy" total_reactive_energy: name: "SelecEM2M Total Reactive Energy" import_reactive_energy: name: "SelecEM2M Import Reactive Energy" export_reactive_energy: name: "SelecEM2M Export Reactive Energy" apparent_energy: name: "SelecEM2M Apparent Energy" active_power: name: "SelecEM2M Active Power" reactive_power: name: "SelecEM2M Reactive Power" apparent_power: name: "SelecEM2M Apparent Power" voltage: name: "SelecEM2M Voltage" current: name: "SelecEM2M Current" power_factor: name: "SelecEM2M Power Factor" frequency: name: "SelecEM2M Frequency" maximum_demand_active_power: name: "SelecEM2M Maximum Demand Active Power" disabled_by_default: true maximum_demand_reactive_power: name: "SelecEM2M Maximum Demand Reactive Power" disabled_by_default: true maximum_demand_apparent_power: name: "SelecEM2M Maximum Demand Apparent Power" disabled_by_default: true - id: modbus_sensortest platform: modbus_controller modbus_controller_id: modbus_controller_test address: 0x331A register_type: read value_type: U_WORD - platform: t6615 uart_id: uart2 co2: name: CO2 Sensor - platform: bmp3xx temperature: name: "BMP Temperature" oversampling: 16x pressure: name: "BMP Pressure" address: 0x77 iir_filter: 2X script: - id: automation_test then: - repeat: count: 5 then: - logger.log: "looping!" switch: - platform: modbus_controller modbus_controller_id: modbus_controller_test id: modbus_switch_test register_type: coil address: 2 bitmask: 1 ektf2232: interrupt_pin: GPIO36 rts_pin: GPIO5 rotation: 90 on_touch: - logger.log: format: Touch at (%d, %d) args: ["touch.x", "touch.y"]