Otto Winter ac0d921413
ESP-IDF support and generic target platforms (#2303)
* Socket refactor and SSL

* esp-idf temp

* Fixes

* Echo component and noise

* Add noise API transport support

* Updates


* Complete

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Versions update

* New i2c APIs

* Complete i2c refactor

* SPI migration

* Revert ESP Preferences migration, too complex for now

* OTA support

* Remove echo again

* Remove ssl again

* GPIOFlags updates

* Rename esphal and ICACHE_RAM_ATTR

* Make ESP32 arduino compilable again

* Fix GPIO flags

* Complete pin registry refactor and fixes

* Fixes to make test1 compile

* Remove sdkconfig file

* Ignore sdkconfig file

* Fixes in reviewing

* Make test2 compile

* Make test4 compile

* Make test5 compile

* Run clang-format

* Fix lint errors

* Use esp-idf APIs instead of btStart

* Another round of fixes

* Start implementing ESP8266

* Make test3 compile

* Guard esp8266 code

* Lint

* Reformat

* Fixes

* Fixes v2

* more fixes

* ESP-IDF tidy target


* Update WiFiSignalSensor

* Update time ifdefs

* OTA needs millis from hal

* RestartSwitch needs delay from hal

* ESP-IDF Uart

* Fix OTA blank password

* Allow setting sdkconfig

* Fix idf partitions and allow setting sdkconfig from yaml

* Re-add read/write compat APIs and fix esp8266 uart

* Fix esp8266 store log strings in flash

* Fix ESP32 arduino preferences not initialized

* Update ifdefs

* Change how sdkconfig change is detected

* Add checks to ci-custom and fix them

* Run clang-format

* Add esp-idf clang-tidy target and fix errors

* Fixes from clang-tidy idf round 2

* Fixes from compiling tests with esp-idf

* Run clang-format

* Switch test5.yaml to esp-idf

* Implement ESP8266 Preferences

* Lint

* Re-do PIO package version selection a bit

* Fix arduinoespressif32 package version

* Fix unit tests

* Lint

* Lint fixes

* Fix readv/writev not defined

* Fix graphing component

* Re-add all old options from core/

Co-authored-by: Jesse Hills <>
2021-09-20 11:47:51 +02:00

222 lines
7.4 KiB

#pragma once
#include "esphome/core/defines.h"
#ifdef USE_MQTT
#include "esphome/core/component.h"
#include "mqtt_client.h"
namespace esphome {
namespace mqtt {
/** This class is a helper class for custom components that communicate using
* MQTT. It has 5 helper functions that you can use (square brackets indicate optional):
* - `subscribe(topic, function_pointer, [qos])`
* - `subscribe_json(topic, function_pointer, [qos])`
* - `publish(topic, payload, [qos], [retain])`
* - `publish_json(topic, payload_builder, [qos], [retain])`
* - `is_connected()`
class CustomMQTTDevice {
/** Subscribe to an MQTT topic with the given Quality of Service.
* Example:
* ```cpp
* class MyCustomMQTTDevice : public Component, public mqtt:CustomMQTTDevice {
* public:
* void setup() override {
* subscribe("the/topic", &MyCustomMQTTDevice::on_message);
* pinMode(5, OUTPUT);
* }
* // topic and payload parameters can be removed if not needed
* // e.g: void on_message() {
* void on_message(const std::string &topic, const std::string &payload) {
* // do something with topic and payload
* if (payload == "ON") {
* digitalWrite(5, HIGH);
* } else {
* digitalWrite(5, LOW);
* }
* }
* };
* ```
* @tparam T A C++ template argument for determining the type of the callback.
* @param topic The topic to subscribe to. Re-subscription on re-connects is automatically handled.
* @param callback The callback (must be a class member) to subscribe with.
* @param qos The Quality of Service to subscribe with. Defaults to 0.
template<typename T>
void subscribe(const std::string &topic, void (T::*callback)(const std::string &, const std::string &),
uint8_t qos = 0);
template<typename T>
void subscribe(const std::string &topic, void (T::*callback)(const std::string &), uint8_t qos = 0);
template<typename T> void subscribe(const std::string &topic, void (T::*callback)(), uint8_t qos = 0);
/** Subscribe to an MQTT topic and call the callback if the payload can be decoded
* as JSON with the given Quality of Service.
* Example:
* ```cpp
* class MyCustomMQTTDevice : public Component, public mqtt:CustomMQTTDevice {
* public:
* void setup() override {
* subscribe_json("the/topic", &MyCustomMQTTDevice::on_json_message);
* pinMode(5, OUTPUT);
* }
* // topic parameter can be remove if not needed:
* // e.g.: void on_json_message(JsonObject &payload) {
* void on_json_message(const std::string &topic, JsonObject &payload) {
* // do something with topic and payload
* if (payload["number"] == 1) {
* digitalWrite(5, HIGH);
* } else {
* digitalWrite(5, LOW);
* }
* }
* };
* ```
* @tparam T A C++ template argument for determining the type of the callback.
* @param topic The topic to subscribe to. Re-subscription on re-connects is automatically handled.
* @param callback The callback (must be a class member) to subscribe with.
* @param qos The Quality of Service to subscribe with. Defaults to 0.
template<typename T>
void subscribe_json(const std::string &topic, void (T::*callback)(const std::string &, JsonObject &),
uint8_t qos = 0);
template<typename T>
void subscribe_json(const std::string &topic, void (T::*callback)(JsonObject &), uint8_t qos = 0);
/** Publish an MQTT message with the given payload and QoS and retain settings.
* Example:
* ```cpp
* void in_some_method() {
* publish("the/topic", "The Payload", 0, true);
* }
* ```
* @param topic The topic to publish to.
* @param payload The payload to publish.
* @param qos The Quality of Service to publish with. Defaults to 0
* @param retain Whether to retain the message. Defaults to false.
bool publish(const std::string &topic, const std::string &payload, uint8_t qos = 0, bool retain = false);
/** Publish an MQTT message with the given floating point number and number of decimals.
* Example:
* ```cpp
* void in_some_method() {
* publish("the/topic", 1.0);
* // with two digits after the decimal point
* publish("the/topic", 1.0, 2);
* }
* ```
* @param topic The topic to publish to.
* @param payload The payload to publish.
* @param number_decimals The number of digits after the decimal point to round to, defaults to 3 digits.
bool publish(const std::string &topic, float value, int8_t number_decimals = 3);
/** Publish an MQTT message with the given integer as payload.
* Example:
* ```cpp
* void in_some_method() {
* publish("the/topic", 42);
* }
* ```
* @param topic The topic to publish to.
* @param payload The payload to publish.
bool publish(const std::string &topic, int value);
/** Publish a JSON-encoded MQTT message with the given Quality of Service and retain settings.
* Example:
* ```cpp
* void in_some_method() {
* publish("the/topic", [=](JsonObject &root) {
* root["the_key"] = "Hello World!";
* }, 0, false);
* }
* ```
* @param topic The topic to publish to.
* @param payload The payload to publish.
* @param qos The Quality of Service to publish with.
* @param retain Whether to retain the message.
bool publish_json(const std::string &topic, const json::json_build_t &f, uint8_t qos, bool retain);
/** Publish a JSON-encoded MQTT message.
* Example:
* ```cpp
* void in_some_method() {
* publish("the/topic", [=](JsonObject &root) {
* root["the_key"] = "Hello World!";
* });
* }
* ```
* @param topic The topic to publish to.
* @param payload The payload to publish.
bool publish_json(const std::string &topic, const json::json_build_t &f);
/// Check whether the MQTT client is currently connected and messages can be published.
bool is_connected();
template<typename T>
void CustomMQTTDevice::subscribe(const std::string &topic,
void (T::*callback)(const std::string &, const std::string &), uint8_t qos) {
auto f = std::bind(callback, (T *) this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2);
global_mqtt_client->subscribe(topic, f, qos);
template<typename T>
void CustomMQTTDevice::subscribe(const std::string &topic, void (T::*callback)(const std::string &), uint8_t qos) {
auto f = std::bind(callback, (T *) this, std::placeholders::_2);
global_mqtt_client->subscribe(topic, f, qos);
template<typename T> void CustomMQTTDevice::subscribe(const std::string &topic, void (T::*callback)(), uint8_t qos) {
auto f = std::bind(callback, (T *) this);
global_mqtt_client->subscribe(topic, f, qos);
template<typename T>
void CustomMQTTDevice::subscribe_json(const std::string &topic, void (T::*callback)(const std::string &, JsonObject &),
uint8_t qos) {
auto f = std::bind(callback, (T *) this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2);
global_mqtt_client->subscribe_json(topic, f, qos);
template<typename T>
void CustomMQTTDevice::subscribe_json(const std::string &topic, void (T::*callback)(JsonObject &), uint8_t qos) {
auto f = std::bind(callback, (T *) this, std::placeholders::_2);
global_mqtt_client->subscribe_json(topic, f, qos);
} // namespace mqtt
} // namespace esphome
#endif // USE_MQTT