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synced 2024-12-02 11:44:13 +01:00
There is a race condition where a BedJet unit previously had its BLE "notify" flag enabled, and it continues to broadcast these notify packets even after the ESP32 (and BLEClient) goes away, such as during a crash or unplugging power. BLEClient::setup_priority=AFTER_BLUETOOTH, while BedJetHub::setup_priority=AFTER_WIFI. When the ESP32 starts back up again, BLEClient::setup() happens first and will start receiving the BLE notify packets almost immediately. Since we register the BLEClient child from codegen, BedJetHub is registered as a child already by this point, so BLEClient dispatches the notify status packet (and other gatt events) to the BedJetHub handler, even though BedJetHub::setup() has not been called yet. We initialize BedJetHub::codec_ in setup(), so if BLEClient starts dispatching gatt events before setup() is called, then codec_ will not be initialized yet. This causes BedJetHub's gatt notify handler to call `this->codec_->decode_notify()` on an uninitialized null pointer. Since invoking a method does not have to dereference the pointer, that method invocation is allowed; but later trying to access memory on that instance results in a StoreProhibited panic. Changing the BedJetHub's setup_priority to BLUETOOTH causes it to be setup before BLEClient, so that by the time BLEClient starts to receive BLE packets, BedJetHub is ready to receive them.
177 lines
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177 lines
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#pragma once
#ifdef USE_ESP32
#include "esphome/components/ble_client/ble_client.h"
#include "esphome/components/esp32_ble_tracker/esp32_ble_tracker.h"
#include "esphome/core/component.h"
#include "esphome/core/defines.h"
#include "esphome/core/hal.h"
#include "bedjet_child.h"
#include "bedjet_codec.h"
#include <vector>
#ifdef USE_TIME
#include "esphome/components/time/real_time_clock.h"
#include <esp_gattc_api.h>
namespace esphome {
namespace bedjet {
namespace espbt = esphome::esp32_ble_tracker;
// Forward declare BedJetClient
class BedJetClient;
static const espbt::ESPBTUUID BEDJET_SERVICE_UUID = espbt::ESPBTUUID::from_raw("00001000-bed0-0080-aa55-4265644a6574");
static const espbt::ESPBTUUID BEDJET_STATUS_UUID = espbt::ESPBTUUID::from_raw("00002000-bed0-0080-aa55-4265644a6574");
static const espbt::ESPBTUUID BEDJET_COMMAND_UUID = espbt::ESPBTUUID::from_raw("00002004-bed0-0080-aa55-4265644a6574");
static const espbt::ESPBTUUID BEDJET_NAME_UUID = espbt::ESPBTUUID::from_raw("00002001-bed0-0080-aa55-4265644a6574");
* Hub component connecting to the BedJet device over Bluetooth.
class BedJetHub : public esphome::ble_client::BLEClientNode, public PollingComponent {
/* BedJet functionality exposed to `BedJetClient` children and/or accessible from action lambdas. */
/** Attempts to check for and apply firmware updates. */
void upgrade_firmware();
/** Press the OFF button. */
bool button_off();
/** Press the HEAT button. */
bool button_heat();
/** Press the EXT HT button. */
bool button_ext_heat();
/** Press the TURBO button. */
bool button_turbo();
/** Press the COOL button. */
bool button_cool();
/** Press the DRY button. */
bool button_dry();
/** Press the M1 (memory recall) button. */
bool button_memory1();
/** Press the M2 (memory recall) button. */
bool button_memory2();
/** Press the M3 (memory recall) button. */
bool button_memory3();
/** Send the `button`. */
bool send_button(BedjetButton button);
/** Set the target temperature to `temp_c` in °C. */
bool set_target_temp(float temp_c);
/** Set the fan speed to a stepped index in the range 0-19. */
bool set_fan_index(uint8_t fan_speed_index);
/** Set the fan speed to a percent in the range 5% - 100%, at 5% increments. */
bool set_fan_speed(uint8_t fan_speed_pct) { return this->set_fan_index(bedjet_fan_speed_to_index(fan_speed_pct)); }
/** Return the fan speed index, in the range 0-19. */
uint8_t get_fan_index();
/** Return the fan speed as a percent in the range 5%-100%. */
uint8_t get_fan_speed() { return bedjet_fan_step_to_speed(this->get_fan_index()); }
/** Set the operational runtime remaining.
* The unit establishes and enforces runtime limits for some modes, so this call is not guaranteed to succeed.
bool set_time_remaining(uint8_t hours, uint8_t mins);
/** Return the remaining runtime, in seconds. */
uint16_t get_time_remaining();
/** @return `true` if the `BLEClient::node_state` is `ClientState::ESTABLISHED`. */
bool is_connected() { return this->node_state == espbt::ClientState::ESTABLISHED; }
bool has_status() { return this->codec_->has_status(); }
const BedjetStatusPacket *get_status_packet() const { return this->codec_->get_status_packet(); }
/** Register a `BedJetClient` child component. */
void register_child(BedJetClient *obj);
/** Set the status timeout.
* This is the max time to wait for a status update before the connection is presumed unusable.
void set_status_timeout(uint32_t timeout) { this->timeout_ = timeout; }
#ifdef USE_TIME
/** Set the `time::RealTimeClock` implementation. */
void set_time_id(time::RealTimeClock *time_id) { this->time_id_ = time_id; }
/** Attempts to sync the local time (via `time_id`) to the BedJet device. */
void send_local_time();
/** Attempt to set the BedJet device's clock to the specified time. */
void set_clock(uint8_t hour, uint8_t minute);
/* Component overrides */
void loop() override;
void update() override;
void dump_config() override;
void setup() override { this->codec_ = make_unique<BedjetCodec>(); }
float get_setup_priority() const override { return setup_priority::BLUETOOTH; }
/** @return The BedJet's configured name, or the MAC address if not discovered yet. */
std::string get_name() {
if (this->name_.empty()) {
return this->parent_->address_str();
} else {
return this->name_;
/* BLEClient overrides */
void gattc_event_handler(esp_gattc_cb_event_t event, esp_gatt_if_t gattc_if,
esp_ble_gattc_cb_param_t *param) override;
std::vector<BedJetClient *> children_;
void dispatch_status_();
void dispatch_state_(bool is_ready);
#ifdef USE_TIME
/** Initializes time sync callbacks to support syncing current time to the BedJet. */
void setup_time_();
optional<time::RealTimeClock *> time_id_{};
uint32_t timeout_{DEFAULT_STATUS_TIMEOUT};
static const uint32_t MIN_NOTIFY_THROTTLE = 15000;
static const uint32_t NOTIFY_WARN_THRESHOLD = 300000;
static const uint32_t DEFAULT_STATUS_TIMEOUT = 900000;
uint8_t set_notify_(bool enable);
/** Send the `BedjetPacket` to the device. */
uint8_t write_bedjet_packet_(BedjetPacket *pkt);
void set_name_(const std::string &name) { this->name_ = name; }
std::string name_;
uint32_t last_notify_ = 0;
inline void status_packet_ready_();
bool force_refresh_ = false;
bool processing_ = false;
std::unique_ptr<BedjetCodec> codec_;
bool discover_characteristics_();
uint16_t char_handle_cmd_;
uint16_t char_handle_name_;
uint16_t char_handle_status_;
uint16_t config_descr_status_;
uint8_t write_notify_config_descriptor_(bool enable);
} // namespace bedjet
} // namespace esphome