buxtronix dd4fb85170
Ble client fixes (#1739)
Co-authored-by: Ben Buxton <>
2021-05-04 08:51:03 +12:00

140 lines
3.8 KiB

#pragma once
#include "esphome/core/component.h"
#include "esphome/core/helpers.h"
#include "esphome/components/esp32_ble_tracker/esp32_ble_tracker.h"
#include <string>
#include <array>
#include <esp_gap_ble_api.h>
#include <esp_gattc_api.h>
#include <esp_bt_defs.h>
namespace esphome {
namespace ble_client {
namespace espbt = esphome::esp32_ble_tracker;
class BLEClient;
class BLEService;
class BLECharacteristic;
class BLEClientNode {
virtual void gattc_event_handler(esp_gattc_cb_event_t event, esp_gatt_if_t gattc_if,
esp_ble_gattc_cb_param_t *param) = 0;
virtual void loop() = 0;
void set_address(uint64_t address) { address_ = address; }
espbt::ESPBTClient *client;
// This should be transitioned to Established once the node no longer needs
// the services/descriptors/characteristics of the parent client. This will
// allow some memory to be freed.
espbt::ClientState node_state;
BLEClient *parent() { return this->parent_; }
void set_ble_client_parent(BLEClient *parent) { this->parent_ = parent; }
BLEClient *parent_;
uint64_t address_;
class BLEDescriptor {
espbt::ESPBTUUID uuid;
uint16_t handle;
BLECharacteristic *characteristic;
class BLECharacteristic {
espbt::ESPBTUUID uuid;
uint16_t handle;
esp_gatt_char_prop_t properties;
std::vector<BLEDescriptor *> descriptors;
void parse_descriptors();
BLEDescriptor *get_descriptor(espbt::ESPBTUUID uuid);
BLEDescriptor *get_descriptor(uint16_t uuid);
BLEService *service;
class BLEService {
espbt::ESPBTUUID uuid;
uint16_t start_handle;
uint16_t end_handle;
std::vector<BLECharacteristic *> characteristics;
BLEClient *client;
void parse_characteristics();
BLECharacteristic *get_characteristic(espbt::ESPBTUUID uuid);
BLECharacteristic *get_characteristic(uint16_t uuid);
class BLEClient : public espbt::ESPBTClient, public Component {
void setup() override;
void dump_config() override;
void loop() override;
void gattc_event_handler(esp_gattc_cb_event_t event, esp_gatt_if_t gattc_if, esp_ble_gattc_cb_param_t *param);
bool parse_device(const espbt::ESPBTDevice &device) override;
void on_scan_end() override {}
void connect();
void set_address(uint64_t address) { this->address = address; }
void set_enabled(bool enabled);
void register_ble_node(BLEClientNode *node) {
node->client = this;
BLEService *get_service(espbt::ESPBTUUID uuid);
BLEService *get_service(uint16_t uuid);
BLECharacteristic *get_characteristic(espbt::ESPBTUUID service, espbt::ESPBTUUID chr);
BLECharacteristic *get_characteristic(uint16_t service, uint16_t chr);
BLEDescriptor *get_descriptor(espbt::ESPBTUUID service, espbt::ESPBTUUID chr, espbt::ESPBTUUID descr);
BLEDescriptor *get_descriptor(uint16_t service, uint16_t chr, uint16_t descr);
// Get the configuration descriptor for the given characteristic handle.
BLEDescriptor *get_config_descriptor(uint16_t handle);
float parse_char_value(uint8_t *value, uint16_t length);
int gattc_if;
esp_bd_addr_t remote_bda;
uint16_t conn_id;
uint64_t address;
bool enabled;
std::string address_str() const;
void set_states(espbt::ClientState st) {
for (auto &node : nodes_)
node->node_state = st;
bool all_nodes_established() {
if (this->state() != espbt::ClientState::Established)
return false;
for (auto &node : nodes_)
if (node->node_state != espbt::ClientState::Established)
return false;
return true;
std::vector<BLEClientNode *> nodes_;
std::vector<BLEService *> services_;
} // namespace ble_client
} // namespace esphome