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synced 2025-03-02 06:52:27 +01:00
344 lines
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344 lines
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#pragma once
#include "esphome/core/component.h"
#include "esphome/components/light/light_state.h"
#include "esphome/components/light/addressable_light.h"
namespace esphome {
namespace light {
inline static int16_t sin16_c(uint16_t theta) {
static const uint16_t BASE[] = {0, 6393, 12539, 18204, 23170, 27245, 30273, 32137};
static const uint8_t SLOPE[] = {49, 48, 44, 38, 31, 23, 14, 4};
uint16_t offset = (theta & 0x3FFF) >> 3; // 0..2047
if (theta & 0x4000)
offset = 2047 - offset;
uint8_t section = offset / 256; // 0..7
uint16_t b = BASE[section];
uint8_t m = SLOPE[section];
uint8_t secoffset8 = uint8_t(offset) / 2;
uint16_t mx = m * secoffset8;
int16_t y = mx + b;
if (theta & 0x8000)
return -y;
return y;
inline static uint8_t half_sin8(uint8_t v) { return sin16_c(uint16_t(v) * 128u) >> 8; }
class AddressableLightEffect : public LightEffect {
explicit AddressableLightEffect(const std::string &name) : LightEffect(name) {}
void start_internal() override {
void stop() override { this->get_addressable_()->set_effect_active(false); }
virtual void apply(AddressableLight &it, const ESPColor ¤t_color) = 0;
void apply() override {
LightColorValues color = this->state_->remote_values;
// not using any color correction etc. that will be handled by the addressable layer
ESPColor current_color =
ESPColor(static_cast<uint8_t>(color.get_red() * 255), static_cast<uint8_t>(color.get_green() * 255),
static_cast<uint8_t>(color.get_blue() * 255), static_cast<uint8_t>(color.get_white() * 255));
this->apply(*this->get_addressable_(), current_color);
AddressableLight *get_addressable_() const { return (AddressableLight *) this->state_->get_output(); }
class AddressableLambdaLightEffect : public AddressableLightEffect {
AddressableLambdaLightEffect(const std::string &name, const std::function<void(AddressableLight &)> &f,
uint32_t update_interval)
: AddressableLightEffect(name), f_(f), update_interval_(update_interval) {}
void apply(AddressableLight &it, const ESPColor ¤t_color) override {
const uint32_t now = millis();
if (now - this->last_run_ >= this->update_interval_) {
this->last_run_ = now;
std::function<void(AddressableLight &)> f_;
uint32_t update_interval_;
uint32_t last_run_{0};
class AddressableRainbowLightEffect : public AddressableLightEffect {
explicit AddressableRainbowLightEffect(const std::string &name) : AddressableLightEffect(name) {}
void apply(AddressableLight &it, const ESPColor ¤t_color) override {
ESPHSVColor hsv;
hsv.value = 255;
hsv.saturation = 240;
uint16_t hue = (millis() * this->speed_) % 0xFFFF;
const uint16_t add = 0xFFFF / this->width_;
for (int i = 0; i < it.size(); i++) {
hsv.hue = hue >> 8;
it[i] = hsv;
hue += add;
void set_speed(uint32_t speed) { this->speed_ = speed; }
void set_width(uint16_t width) { this->width_ = width; }
uint32_t speed_{10};
uint16_t width_{50};
struct AddressableColorWipeEffectColor {
uint8_t r, g, b, w;
bool random;
size_t num_leds;
class AddressableColorWipeEffect : public AddressableLightEffect {
explicit AddressableColorWipeEffect(const std::string &name) : AddressableLightEffect(name) {}
void set_colors(const std::vector<AddressableColorWipeEffectColor> &colors) { this->colors_ = colors; }
void set_add_led_interval(uint32_t add_led_interval) { this->add_led_interval_ = add_led_interval; }
void set_reverse(bool reverse) { this->reverse_ = reverse; }
void apply(AddressableLight &it, const ESPColor ¤t_color) override {
const uint32_t now = millis();
if (now - this->last_add_ < this->add_led_interval_)
this->last_add_ = now;
if (!this->reverse_) {
for (int i = 0; i < it.size() - 1; i++) {
it[i] = it[i + 1].get();
} else {
for (int i = it.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) {
it[i] = it[i - 1].get();
const AddressableColorWipeEffectColor color = this->colors_[this->at_color_];
const ESPColor esp_color = ESPColor(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.w);
if (!this->reverse_) {
it[it.size() - 1] = esp_color;
} else {
it[0] = esp_color;
if (++this->leds_added_ >= color.num_leds) {
this->leds_added_ = 0;
this->at_color_ = (this->at_color_ + 1) % this->colors_.size();
AddressableColorWipeEffectColor &new_color = this->colors_[this->at_color_];
if (new_color.random) {
ESPColor c = ESPColor::random_color();
new_color.r = c.r;
new_color.g = c.g;
new_color.b = c.b;
std::vector<AddressableColorWipeEffectColor> colors_;
size_t at_color_{0};
uint32_t last_add_{0};
uint32_t add_led_interval_{};
size_t leds_added_{0};
bool reverse_{};
class AddressableScanEffect : public AddressableLightEffect {
explicit AddressableScanEffect(const std::string &name) : AddressableLightEffect(name) {}
void set_move_interval(uint32_t move_interval) { this->move_interval_ = move_interval; }
void apply(AddressableLight &addressable, const ESPColor ¤t_color) override {
for (int i = 0; i < addressable.size(); i++) {
if (i == this->at_led_)
addressable[i] = current_color;
addressable[i] = ESPColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
const uint32_t now = millis();
if (now - this->last_move_ > this->move_interval_) {
if (direction_) {
if (this->at_led_ == addressable.size() - 1)
this->direction_ = false;
} else {
if (this->at_led_ == 0)
this->direction_ = true;
this->last_move_ = now;
uint32_t move_interval_{};
uint32_t last_move_{0};
int at_led_{0};
bool direction_{true};
class AddressableTwinkleEffect : public AddressableLightEffect {
explicit AddressableTwinkleEffect(const std::string &name) : AddressableLightEffect(name) {}
void apply(AddressableLight &addressable, const ESPColor ¤t_color) override {
const uint32_t now = millis();
uint8_t pos_add = 0;
if (now - this->last_progress_ > this->progress_interval_) {
const uint32_t pos_add32 = (now - this->last_progress_) / this->progress_interval_;
pos_add = pos_add32;
this->last_progress_ += pos_add32 * this->progress_interval_;
for (int i = 0; i < addressable.size(); i++) {
ESPColorView view = addressable[i];
if (view.get_effect_data() != 0) {
const uint8_t sine = half_sin8(view.get_effect_data());
view = current_color * sine;
const uint8_t new_pos = view.get_effect_data() + pos_add;
if (new_pos < view.get_effect_data())
} else {
view = ESPColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
while (random_float() < this->twinkle_probability_) {
const size_t pos = random_uint32() % addressable.size();
if (addressable[pos].get_effect_data() != 0)
void set_twinkle_probability(float twinkle_probability) { this->twinkle_probability_ = twinkle_probability; }
void set_progress_interval(uint32_t progress_interval) { this->progress_interval_ = progress_interval; }
float twinkle_probability_{0.05f};
uint32_t progress_interval_{4};
uint32_t last_progress_{0};
class AddressableRandomTwinkleEffect : public AddressableLightEffect {
explicit AddressableRandomTwinkleEffect(const std::string &name) : AddressableLightEffect(name) {}
void apply(AddressableLight &it, const ESPColor ¤t_color) override {
const uint32_t now = millis();
uint8_t pos_add = 0;
if (now - this->last_progress_ > this->progress_interval_) {
pos_add = (now - this->last_progress_) / this->progress_interval_;
this->last_progress_ = now;
uint8_t subsine = ((8 * (now - this->last_progress_)) / this->progress_interval_) & 0b111;
for (int i = 0; i < it.size(); i++) {
ESPColorView view = it[i];
if (view.get_effect_data() != 0) {
const uint8_t x = (view.get_effect_data() >> 3) & 0b11111;
const uint8_t color = view.get_effect_data() & 0b111;
const uint16_t sine = half_sin8((x << 3) | subsine);
if (color == 0) {
view = current_color * sine;
} else {
view = ESPColor(((color >> 2) & 1) * sine, ((color >> 1) & 1) * sine, ((color >> 0) & 1) * sine);
const uint8_t new_x = x + pos_add;
if (new_x > 0b11111)
view.set_effect_data((new_x << 3) | color);
} else {
view = ESPColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
while (random_float() < this->twinkle_probability_) {
const size_t pos = random_uint32() % it.size();
if (it[pos].get_effect_data() != 0)
const uint8_t color = random_uint32() & 0b111;
it[pos].set_effect_data(0b1000 | color);
void set_twinkle_probability(float twinkle_probability) { this->twinkle_probability_ = twinkle_probability; }
void set_progress_interval(uint32_t progress_interval) { this->progress_interval_ = progress_interval; }
float twinkle_probability_{};
uint32_t progress_interval_{};
uint32_t last_progress_{0};
class AddressableFireworksEffect : public AddressableLightEffect {
explicit AddressableFireworksEffect(const std::string &name) : AddressableLightEffect(name) {}
void start() override {
const auto &it = *this->get_addressable_();
for (int i = 0; i < it.size(); i++)
it[i] = ESPColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
void apply(AddressableLight &it, const ESPColor ¤t_color) override {
const uint32_t now = millis();
if (now - this->last_update_ < this->update_interval_)
this->last_update_ = now;
// "invert" the fade out parameter so that higher values make fade out faster
const uint8_t fade_out_mult = 255u - this->fade_out_rate_;
for (int i = 0; i < it.size(); i++) {
ESPColor target = it[i].get() * fade_out_mult;
if (target.r < 64)
target *= 170;
it[i] = target;
int last = it.size() - 1;
it[0].set(it[0].get() + (it[1].get() * 128));
for (int i = 1; i < last; i++) {
it[i] = (it[i - 1].get() * 64) + it[i].get() + (it[i + 1].get() * 64);
it[last] = it[last].get() + (it[last - 1].get() * 128);
if (random_float() < this->spark_probability_) {
const size_t pos = random_uint32() % it.size();
if (this->use_random_color_) {
it[pos] = ESPColor::random_color();
} else {
it[pos] = current_color;
void set_update_interval(uint32_t update_interval) { this->update_interval_ = update_interval; }
void set_spark_probability(float spark_probability) { this->spark_probability_ = spark_probability; }
void set_use_random_color(bool random_color) { this->use_random_color_ = random_color; }
void set_fade_out_rate(uint8_t fade_out_rate) { this->fade_out_rate_ = fade_out_rate; }
uint8_t fade_out_rate_{};
uint32_t update_interval_{};
uint32_t last_update_{0};
float spark_probability_{};
bool use_random_color_{};
class AddressableFlickerEffect : public AddressableLightEffect {
explicit AddressableFlickerEffect(const std::string &name) : AddressableLightEffect(name) {}
void apply(AddressableLight &it, const ESPColor ¤t_color) override {
const uint32_t now = millis();
const uint8_t delta_intensity = 255 - this->intensity_;
if (now - this->last_update_ < this->update_interval_)
this->last_update_ = now;
for (int i = 0; i < it.size(); i++) {
const uint8_t flicker = fast_random_8() % this->intensity_;
it[i] = (it[i].get() * delta_intensity) + (current_color * flicker);
void set_update_interval(uint32_t update_interval) { this->update_interval_ = update_interval; }
void set_intensity(float intensity) { this->intensity_ = static_cast<uint8_t>(roundf(intensity * 255.0f)); }
uint32_t update_interval_{16};
uint32_t last_update_{0};
uint8_t intensity_{13};
} // namespace light
} // namespace esphome