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From: Ingo Molnar <mingo@elte.hu>
Subject: Re: [PATCH 1/6] x86: move ioapic_irq_destination_types
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2011 12:05:28 +0100
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To: Henrik Kretzschmar <henne@nachtwindheim.de>
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* Henrik Kretzschmar <henne@nachtwindheim.de> wrote:
> +++ b/arch/x86/include/asm/apicdef.h
> @@ -426,4 +426,16 @@ struct local_apic {
> #else
> #define BAD_APICID 0xFFFFu
> #endif
> +
> +enum ioapic_irq_destination_types {
> + dest_Fixed = 0,
> + dest_LowestPrio = 1,
> + dest_SMI = 2,
> + dest__reserved_1 = 3,
> + dest_NMI = 4,
> + dest_INIT = 5,
> + dest__reserved_2 = 6,
> + dest_ExtINT = 7
> +};
one very small request, while we are moving it could you please align the value
enumeration vertically? Something like:
enum ioapic_irq_destination_types {
dest_Fixed = 0,
dest_LowestPrio = 1,
dest_SMI = 2,
dest__reserved_1 = 3,
dest_NMI = 4,
dest_INIT = 5,
dest__reserved_2 = 6,
dest_ExtINT = 7
... would be much more readable, right?