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Subject: Bug#695159: debian-el: Shouldn't put downloaded bugs loose in ~/
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Samuel Bronson <naesten@gmail.com> writes:
> Package: debian-el
> Version: 35.2+nmu1
> Severity: normal
> File: /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/debian-el/debian-bug.el
> Dear Maintainer,
> After being mildly annoyed with this for ages, it finally occurred to me
> to file a bug about it:
> It's rather rude of `getdebian-bug-get-bug-as-email' to default to
> sticking downloaded mbox files loose in ~/, isn't it?
> (And might it not make sense to try and use the same files as the bts(1)
> command from the devscripts package?)
Hi Samuel
There is already a variable "debian-bug-download-directory" which can be
customized. Is there an obviously better default? I guess we could put
things in /tmp by default, with a minor privacy leak on multiuser
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