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synced 2025-03-13 19:15:15 +01:00
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103 lines
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# Author: Tomi Ollila
# License: same as notmuch
# This program is used to split NEWS file to separate (mdwn) files
# for notmuch wiki. Example run:
# $ ./devel/news2wiki.pl NEWS ../notmuch-wiki/news
# In case taken into more generic use, modify these comments and examples.
use strict;
use warnings;
unless (@ARGV == 2) {
warn "\n$0 <source-file> <destination-directory>\n\n";
warn "Example: ./devel/news2wiki.pl NEWS ../notmuch-wiki/news\n\n";
exit 1;
die "'$ARGV[0]': no such file\n" unless -f $ARGV[0];
die "'$ARGV[1]': no such directory\n" unless -d $ARGV[1];
open I, '<', $ARGV[0] or die "Cannot open '$ARGV[0]': $!\n";
open O, '>', '/dev/null' or die $!;
my @emptylines = ();
my $cln;
print "\nWriting to $ARGV[1]:\n";
while (<I>)
warn "$ARGV[0]:$.: tab(s) in line!\n" if /\t/;
warn "$ARGV[0]:$.: trailing whitespace\n" if /\s\s$/;
# The date part in regex recognizes wip version dates like: (201x-xx-xx).
if (/^Notmuch\s+(\S+)\s+\((\w\w\w\w-\w\w-\w\w)\)\s*$/) {
# open O... autocloses previously opened file.
open O, '>', "$ARGV[1]/release-$1.mdwn" or die $!;
print "+ release-$1.mdwn...\n";
print O "[[!meta date=\"$2\"]]\n\n";
@emptylines = ();
last if /^<!--\s*$/; # Local variables block at the end (as of now).
# Buffer "trailing" empty lines -- dropped at end of file.
push(@emptylines, $_), next if s/^\s*$/\n/;
if (@emptylines) {
print O @emptylines;
@emptylines = ();
# Convert '*' to '`*`' and "*" to "`*`" so that * is not considered
# as starting emphasis character there. We're a bit opportunistic
# there -- some single * does not cause problems and, on the other
# hand, this would not regognize already 'secured' *:s.
s/'[*]'/'`*`'/g; s/"[*]"/"`*`"/g;
# Convert nonindented lines that aren't already headers or
# don't contain periods (.) or '!'s to level 4 header.
if ( /^[^\s-]/ ) {
my $tbc = ! /[.!]\s/;
my @l = $_;
$cln = $.;
while (<I>) {
last if /^\s*$/;
#$cln = 0 if /^---/ or /^===/; # used for debugging.
$tbc = 0 if /[.!]\s/ or /^---/ or /^===/;
chomp; s/^\s+//;
push @l, $_;
if ($tbc) {
print O "### ", (join ' ', @l), "\n";
else {
#print "$ARGV[0]:$cln: skip level 4 header conversion\n" if $cln;
print O (join "\n", @l), "\n";
@emptylines = ( "\n" );
# Markdown doc specifies that list item may have paragraphs if those
# are indented by 4 spaces (or a tab) from current list item marker
# indentation (paragraph meaning there is empty line in between).
# If there is empty line and next line is not indented 4 chars then
# that should end the above list. This doesn't happen in all markdown
# implementations.
# In our NEWS case this problem exists in release 0.6 documentation.
# It can be avoided by removing 2 leading spaces in lines that are not
# list items and requiring all that indents are 0, 2, and 4+ (to make
# regexp below work).
# Nested lists are supported but one needs to be more careful with
# markup there (as the hack below works only on first level).
s/^[ ][ ]// unless /^[ ][ ](?:[\s*+-]|\d+\.)\s/;
print O $_;
print "\ndone.\n";
close O;