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synced 2025-03-28 02:08:58 +01:00
emacs: Improve the display of truncated authors.
Incremental search does not match strings that span a visible/invisible boundary. This results in failure to correctly isearch for authors in `notmuch-search' mode if the name of the author is split between the visible and invisible components of the authors string. To avoid this, attempt to truncate the visible component of the authors string on a boundary between authors, such that the entirety of an author's name is either visible or invisible.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 105 additions and 67 deletions
@ -629,49 +629,87 @@ foreground and blue background."
(defun notmuch-search-isearch-authors-show (overlay)
(remove-from-invisibility-spec (cons (overlay-get overlay 'invisible) t)))
(defun notmuch-search-author-propertize (authors)
"Split `authors' into matching and non-matching authors and
propertize appropriately. If no boundary between authors and
non-authors is found, assume that all of the authors match."
(if (string-match "\\(.*\\)|\\(.*\\)" authors)
(concat (propertize (concat (match-string 1 authors) ",")
'face 'notmuch-search-matching-authors)
(propertize (match-string 2 authors)
'face 'notmuch-search-non-matching-authors))
(propertize authors 'face 'notmuch-search-matching-authors)))
(defun notmuch-search-insert-authors (format-string authors)
(let* ((propertized-authors
;; Need to save the match data to avoid interfering with
;; `notmuch-search-process-filter'.
;; Authors that don't match the search query are shown in a
;; different font.
(if (string-match "\\(.*\\)|\\(..*\\)" authors)
(concat (propertize (concat (match-string 1 authors) ",")
'face 'notmuch-search-matching-authors)
(propertize (match-string 2 authors)
'face 'notmuch-search-non-matching-authors))
(propertize authors 'face 'notmuch-search-matching-authors))))
;; Save the match data to avoid interfering with
;; `notmuch-search-process-filter'.
(let* ((formatted-authors (format format-string authors))
(formatted-sample (format format-string ""))
(visible-string formatted-authors)
(invisible-string "")
(padding ""))
(formatted-sample (format format-string ""))
(formatted-authors (format format-string propertized-authors))
visible-string invisible-string)
;; Truncate the author string to fit the specification.
(if (> (length formatted-authors)
(length formatted-sample))
(let ((visible-length (- (length formatted-sample)
(length "... "))))
;; Truncate the visible string according to the width of
;; the display string.
(setq visible-string (substring formatted-authors 0 visible-length)
invisible-string (substring formatted-authors visible-length))
;; If possible, truncate the visible string at a natural
;; break (comma or pipe), as incremental search doesn't
;; match across the visible/invisible border.
(when (string-match "\\(.*\\)\\([,|] \\)\\([^,|]*\\)" visible-string)
;; Second clause is destructive on `visible-string', so
;; order is important.
(setq invisible-string (concat (match-string 3 visible-string)
visible-string (concat (match-string 1 visible-string)
(match-string 2 visible-string))))
;; `visible-string' may be shorter than the space allowed
;; by `format-string'. If so we must insert some padding
;; after `invisible-string'.
(setq padding (make-string (- (length formatted-sample)
(length visible-string)
(length "..."))
? ))))
;; Determine the part of the authors that will be visible by
;; default.
(if (> (length formatted-authors)
(length formatted-sample))
;; 4 is `(length "... ")'.
(let ((visible-length (- (length formatted-sample) 4)))
(setq visible-string (substring propertized-authors 0 visible-length)
invisible-string (substring propertized-authors visible-length)))
(setq visible-string formatted-authors
invisible-string nil))
;; Use different faces to show matching and non-matching authors.
(if (string-match "\\(.*\\)|\\(.*\\)" visible-string)
;; The visible string contains both matching and
;; non-matching authors.
(setq visible-string (notmuch-search-author-propertize visible-string)
;; The invisible string must contain only non-matching
;; authors, as the visible-string contains both.
invisible-string (propertize invisible-string
'face 'notmuch-search-non-matching-authors))
;; The visible string contains only matching authors.
(setq visible-string (propertize visible-string
'face 'notmuch-search-matching-authors)
;; The invisible string may contain both matching and
;; non-matching authors.
invisible-string (notmuch-search-author-propertize invisible-string)))
;; Insert both the visible and invisible author strings.
(insert visible-string)
(when invisible-string
(let ((start (point))
(invis-spec (make-symbol "notmuch-search-authors"))
(insert invisible-string)
;; Using a cons-cell here causes an ellipsis to be inserted
;; instead of the invisible text.
(add-to-invisibility-spec (cons invis-spec t))
(setq overlay (make-overlay start (point)))
(overlay-put overlay 'invisible invis-spec)
(overlay-put overlay 'isearch-open-invisible #'notmuch-search-isearch-authors-show)
(insert " ")))))
;; If there is any invisible text, add it as a tooltip to the
;; visible text.
(when (not (string= invisible-string ""))
(setq visible-string (propertize visible-string 'help-echo (concat "..." invisible-string))))
;; Insert the visible and, if present, invisible author strings.
(insert visible-string)
(when (not (string= invisible-string ""))
(let ((start (point))
(invis-spec (make-symbol "notmuch-search-authors"))
(insert invisible-string)
(add-to-invisibility-spec (cons invis-spec t))
(setq overlay (make-overlay start (point)))
(overlay-put overlay 'invisible invis-spec)
(overlay-put overlay 'isearch-open-invisible #'notmuch-search-isearch-authors-show)))
(insert padding))))
(defun notmuch-search-insert-field (field date count authors subject tags)
@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
2009-11-17 [5/5] Carl Worth, Keith Packard, Mikhail Gusarov [notmuch] [PATCH 1/2] Close message file after parsing message headers (inbox unread)
2009-11-17 [7/7] Carl Worth, Lars Kellogg-Stedman, Keith Packard, Mikhail Gusarov [notmuch] Working with Maildir storage? (inbox unread)
2009-11-17 [2/2] Carl Worth, Alex Botero-Lowry [notmuch] preliminary FreeBSD support (attachment inbox unread)
2009-11-17 [5/5] Carl Worth, Keith Packard, Mikhail Gusarov [notmuch] [PATCH 1/2] Close message file after parsing message headers (inbox unread)
2009-11-17 [7/7] Carl Worth, Lars Kellogg-Stedman, Keith Packard, Mikhail Gusarov [notmuch] Working with Maildir storage? (inbox unread)
2009-11-17 [2/2] Carl Worth, Alex Botero-Lowry [notmuch] preliminary FreeBSD support (attachment inbox unread)
2009-11-17 [1/1] Mikhail Gusarov [notmuch] [PATCH] Handle rename of message file (inbox unread)
2009-11-17 [2/2] Carl Worth, Keith Packard [notmuch] [PATCH] Make notmuch-show 'X' (and 'x') commands remove inbox (and unread) tags (inbox unread)
2009-11-17 [2/2] Carl Worth, Jan Janak [notmuch] [PATCH] Older versions of install do not support -C. (inbox unread)
2009-11-17 [3/3] Carl Worth, Jan Janak [notmuch] What a great idea! (inbox unread)
2009-11-17 [3/3] Carl Worth, Keith Packard, Israel Herraiz [notmuch] New to the list (inbox unread)
2009-11-17 [3/3] Carl Worth, Keith Packard, Adrian Perez de Castro [notmuch] Introducing myself (inbox unread)
2009-11-17 [3/3] Carl Worth, Keith Packard, Aron Griffis [notmuch] archive (inbox unread)
2009-11-17 [2/2] Carl Worth, Ingmar Vanhassel [notmuch] [PATCH] Typsos (inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [2/2] Carl Worth, Alex Botero-Lowry [notmuch] [PATCH] Error out if no query is supplied to search instead of going into an infinite loop (attachment inbox unread)
2009-11-17 [2/2] Carl Worth, Keith Packard [notmuch] [PATCH] Make notmuch-show 'X' (and 'x') commands remove inbox (and unread) tags (inbox unread)
2009-11-17 [2/2] Carl Worth, Jan Janak [notmuch] [PATCH] Older versions of install do not support -C. (inbox unread)
2009-11-17 [3/3] Carl Worth, Jan Janak [notmuch] What a great idea! (inbox unread)
2009-11-17 [3/3] Carl Worth, Keith Packard, Israel Herraiz [notmuch] New to the list (inbox unread)
2009-11-17 [3/3] Carl Worth, Keith Packard, Adrian Perez de Castro [notmuch] Introducing myself (inbox unread)
2009-11-17 [3/3] Carl Worth, Keith Packard, Aron Griffis [notmuch] archive (inbox unread)
2009-11-17 [2/2] Carl Worth, Ingmar Vanhassel [notmuch] [PATCH] Typsos (inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [2/2] Carl Worth, Alex Botero-Lowry [notmuch] [PATCH] Error out if no query is supplied to search instead of going into an infinite loop (attachment inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [2/2] Lars Kellogg-Stedman [notmuch] "notmuch help" outputs to stderr? (attachment inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [1/1] Stewart Smith [notmuch] [PATCH] Fix linking with gcc to use g++ to link in C++ libs. (inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [1/1] Stewart Smith [notmuch] [PATCH 2/2] Read mail directory in inode number order (inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [1/1] Stewart Smith [notmuch] [PATCH] count_files: sort directory in inode order before statting (inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [4/4] Alexander Botero-Lowry, Jjgod Jiang [notmuch] Mac OS X/Darwin compatibility issues (inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [4/4] Alexander Botero-Lowry, Jjgod Jiang [notmuch] Mac OS X/Darwin compatibility issues (inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [1/1] Jan Janak [notmuch] [PATCH] notmuch new: Support for conversion of spool subdirectories into tags (inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [1/1] Rolland Santimano [notmuch] Link to mailing list archives ? (inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [1/1] Alexander Botero-Lowry [notmuch] request for pull (inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [2/2] Alexander Botero-Lowry, Keith Packard [notmuch] [PATCH] Create a default notmuch-show-hook that highlights URLs and uses word-wrap (inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [1/1] Alexander Botero-Lowry [notmuch] request for pull (inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [2/2] Alexander Botero-Lowry, Keith Packard [notmuch] [PATCH] Create a default notmuch-show-hook that highlights URLs and uses word-wrap (inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [1/1] Chris Wilson [notmuch] [PATCH 1/2] Makefile: evaluate pkg-config once (inbox unread)
End of search results.
@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
2009-11-18 [1/1] Chris Wilson [notmuch] [PATCH 1/2] Makefile: evaluate pkg-config once (inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [2/2] Carl Worth, Alex Botero-Lowry [notmuch] [PATCH] Error out if no query is supplied to search instead of going into an infinite loop (attachment inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [2/2] Carl Worth, Ingmar Vanhassel [notmuch] [PATCH] Typsos (inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [3/3] Carl Worth, Keith Packard, Adrian Perez de Castro [notmuch] Introducing myself (inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [3/3] Carl Worth, Keith Packard, Israel Herraiz [notmuch] New to the list (inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [3/3] Carl Worth, Jan Janak [notmuch] What a great idea! (inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [2/2] Carl Worth, Jan Janak [notmuch] [PATCH] Older versions of install do not support -C. (inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [3/3] Carl Worth, Keith Packard, Aron Griffis [notmuch] archive (inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [2/2] Carl Worth, Keith Packard [notmuch] [PATCH] Make notmuch-show 'X' (and 'x') commands remove inbox (and unread) tags (inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [7/7] Carl Worth, Lars Kellogg-Stedman, Keith Packard, Mikhail Gusarov [notmuch] Working with Maildir storage? (inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [5/5] Carl Worth, Keith Packard, Mikhail Gusarov [notmuch] [PATCH 1/2] Close message file after parsing message headers (inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [2/2] Alexander Botero-Lowry, Keith Packard [notmuch] [PATCH] Create a default notmuch-show-hook that highlights URLs and uses word-wrap (inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [1/1] Alexander Botero-Lowry [notmuch] request for pull (inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [4/4] Alexander Botero-Lowry, Jjgod Jiang [notmuch] Mac OS X/Darwin compatibility issues (inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [2/2] Carl Worth, Alex Botero-Lowry [notmuch] [PATCH] Error out if no query is supplied to search instead of going into an infinite loop (attachment inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [2/2] Carl Worth, Ingmar Vanhassel [notmuch] [PATCH] Typsos (inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [3/3] Carl Worth, Keith Packard, Adrian Perez de Castro [notmuch] Introducing myself (inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [3/3] Carl Worth, Keith Packard, Israel Herraiz [notmuch] New to the list (inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [3/3] Carl Worth, Jan Janak [notmuch] What a great idea! (inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [2/2] Carl Worth, Jan Janak [notmuch] [PATCH] Older versions of install do not support -C. (inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [3/3] Carl Worth, Keith Packard, Aron Griffis [notmuch] archive (inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [2/2] Carl Worth, Keith Packard [notmuch] [PATCH] Make notmuch-show 'X' (and 'x') commands remove inbox (and unread) tags (inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [7/7] Carl Worth, Lars Kellogg-Stedman, Keith Packard, Mikhail Gusarov [notmuch] Working with Maildir storage? (inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [5/5] Carl Worth, Keith Packard, Mikhail Gusarov [notmuch] [PATCH 1/2] Close message file after parsing message headers (inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [2/2] Alexander Botero-Lowry, Keith Packard [notmuch] [PATCH] Create a default notmuch-show-hook that highlights URLs and uses word-wrap (inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [1/1] Alexander Botero-Lowry [notmuch] request for pull (inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [4/4] Alexander Botero-Lowry, Jjgod Jiang [notmuch] Mac OS X/Darwin compatibility issues (inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [1/1] Rolland Santimano [notmuch] Link to mailing list archives ? (inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [1/1] Jan Janak [notmuch] [PATCH] notmuch new: Support for conversion of spool subdirectories into tags (inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [1/1] Stewart Smith [notmuch] [PATCH] count_files: sort directory in inode order before statting (inbox unread)
@ -19,5 +19,5 @@
2009-11-18 [1/1] Stewart Smith [notmuch] [PATCH] Fix linking with gcc to use g++ to link in C++ libs. (inbox unread)
2009-11-18 [2/2] Lars Kellogg-Stedman [notmuch] "notmuch help" outputs to stderr? (attachment inbox unread)
2009-11-17 [1/1] Mikhail Gusarov [notmuch] [PATCH] Handle rename of message file (inbox unread)
2009-11-17 [2/2] Carl Worth, Alex Botero-Lowry [notmuch] preliminary FreeBSD support (attachment inbox unread)
2009-11-17 [2/2] Carl Worth, Alex Botero-Lowry [notmuch] preliminary FreeBSD support (attachment inbox unread)
End of search results.
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