mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 03:25:15 +01:00
notmuch: refactor stuff into a Notmuch class
This commit contains many minor and bigger changes, such as the removal of the logging import too.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 336 additions and 193 deletions
@ -10,35 +10,337 @@ notmuch configuration (e.g. the database path).
This code is licensed under the GNU GPL v3+.
from __future__ import with_statement # This isn't required in Python 2.6
import sys, os, re, logging
from subprocess import call
from cnotmuch.notmuch import Database, Query
import sys, os, re, stat
from cnotmuch.notmuch import Database, Query, NotmuchError, STATUS
#TODO Handle variable: NOTMUCH-CONFIG
def quote_query_line(argv):
#mangle arguments wrapping terms with spaces in quotes
for i in xrange(0,len(argv)):
if argv[i].find(' ') >= 0:
#if we use prefix:termWithSpaces, put quotes around term
m = PREFIX.match(argv[i])
if m:
argv[i] = '%s:"%s"' % (m.group(1), m.group(2))
argv[i] = '"'+argv[i]+'"'
return ' '.join(argv)
def get_user_email_addresses():
""" Reads a user's notmuch config and returns his email addresses as list (name, primary_address, other_address1,...)"""
class Notmuch:
def __init__(self):
self._config = None
def cmd_usage(self):
"""Print the usage text and exits"""
names = self.get_user_email_addresses()
data['fullname'] =names[0] if names[0] else 'My Name'
data['mailaddress']=names[1] if names[1] else 'My@email.address'
print (Notmuch.USAGE % data)
def cmd_new(self):
"""Run 'notmuch new'"""
#get the database directory
db = Database(mode=Database.MODE.READ_WRITE)
path = db.get_path()
(added, moved, removed) = self._add_new_files_recursively(path, db)
print (added, moved, removed)
def cmd_help(self, subcmd=None):
"""Print help text for 'notmuch help'"""
if len(subcmd) > 1:
print "Help for specific commands not implemented"
print (Notmuch.HELPTEXT)
def _get_user_notmuch_config(self):
"""Returns the ConfigParser of the user's notmuch-config"""
# return the cached config parser if we read it already
if self._config is not None:
return self._config
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
config = SafeConfigParser()
conf_f = os.getenv('NOTMUCH_CONFIG',
self._config = config
return config
def _add_new_files_recursively(self, path, db):
""":returns: (added, moved, removed)"""
print "Enter add new files with path %s" % path
(added, moved, removed) = (0,)*3
#get the Directory() object for this path
db_dir = db.get_directory(path)
except NotmuchError:
#Occurs if we have wrong absolute paths in the db, for example
return (0,0,0)
#for folder in subdirs:
# (new_added, new_moved, new_removed) = \
# self._add_new_files_recursively(
# os.path.join(db_dir.path, folder), db)
# added += new_added
# moved += new_moved
# removed += new_removed
#TODO, retrieve dir mtime here and store it later
#as long as Filenames() does not allow multiple iteration, we need to
#use this kludgy way to get a sorted list of filenames
#db_files is a list of subdirectories and filenames in this folder
db_files = set()
db_folders = set()
for subdir in db_dir.get_child_directories():
for file in db_dir.get_child_files():
fs_files = set(os.listdir(db_dir.path))
#list of folders in both db and fs. Just descend into dirs
for fs_file in (fs_files | db_folders):
absfile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(db_dir.path, fs_file))
if os.path.isdir(absfile):
#This is a directory
if fs_file in ['.notmuch','tmp','.']:
self._add_new_files_recursively(absfile, db)
# we are not interested in anything but directories here
#list of files and folders in the fs, but not the db
for fs_file in (fs_files - db_files):
absfile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(db_dir.path, fs_file))
statinfo = os.stat(absfile)
if stat.S_ISDIR(statinfo.st_mode):
#This is a directory
if fs_file in ['.notmuch','.']:
print "descending into %s" % absfile
#self._add_new_files_recursively(absfile, db)
elif stat.S_ISLNK(statinfo.st_mode):
print ("%s is a symbolic link (%d)" % (absfile, statinfo.st_mode))
print "This file needs to be added %s" % (absfile)
#(msg, status) = db.add_message(os.path.join(db_dir.path, db_file))
# #This message was already in the database, continue with next one
# continue
#list of files and folders in the database, but not the filesystem
for db_file in (db_files - fs_files):
absfile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(db_dir.path, db_file))
statinfo = os.stat(absfile)
if stat.S_ISDIR(statinfo.st_mode):
#This is a directory
if db_file in ['.notmuch', '.']:
print "descending into %s" % absfile
self._add_new_files_recursively(absfile, db)
#TODO, is there no way to REMOVE a directory entry from the db?
#remove a mail message from the db
print ("%s is not on the fs anymore. Delete" % absfile)
status = db.remove_message(absfile)
if status == STATUS.SUCCESS:
# we just deleted the last reference, so this was a remove
removed += 1
# The filename exists already somewhere else, so this is a move
moved += 1
print "This must not happen. %s " % (absfile)
return (added, moved, removed)
#Read the mtime of a directory from the filesystem
#* Call :meth:`Database.add_message` for all mail files in
# the directory
#* Call notmuch_directory_set_mtime with the mtime read from the
# filesystem. Then, when wanting to check for updates to the
# directory in the future, the client can call :meth:`get_mtime`
# and know that it only needs to add files if the mtime of the
# directory and files are newer than the stored timestamp.
def get_user_email_addresses(self):
""" Reads a user's notmuch config and returns his email addresses as
list (name, primary_address, other_address1,...)"""
import email.utils
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
config = SafeConfigParser()
conf_f = os.getenv('NOTMUCH_CONFIG',
if not config.has_option('user','name'): name = ""
else:name = config.get('user','name')
if not config.has_option('user','primary_email'): mail = ""
else:mail = config.get('user','primary_email')
#read the config file
config = self._get_user_notmuch_config()
if not config.has_option('user','other_email'): other = []
else:other = config.get('user','other_email').rstrip(';').split(';')
if not config.has_option('user','name'): name = ""
else:name = config.get('user','name')
other.insert(0, mail)
other.insert(0, name)
return other
HELPTEXT="""The notmuch mail system.
if not config.has_option('user','primary_email'): mail = ""
else:mail = config.get('user','primary_email')
if not config.has_option('user','other_email'): other = []
else:other = config.get('user','other_email').rstrip(';').split(';')
other.insert(0, mail)
other.insert(0, name)
return other
def quote_msg_body(self, oldbody ,date, from_address):
"""Transform a mail body into a quoted text,
starting with On blah, x wrote:
:param body: a str with a mail body
:returns: The new payload of the email.message()
from cStringIO import StringIO
#we get handed a string, wrap it in a file-like object
oldbody = StringIO(oldbody)
newbody = StringIO()
newbody.write("On %s, %s wrote:\n" % (date, from_address))
for line in oldbody:
newbody.write("> " + line)
return newbody.getvalue()
def format_reply(self, msgs):
"""Gets handed Messages() and displays the reply to them
This is pretty ugly and hacky. It tries to mimic the "real"
notmuch output as much as it can to pass the test suite. It
could deserve a healthy bit of love. It is also buggy because
it returns after the first message it has handled."""
import email
for msg in msgs:
f = open(msg.get_filename(),"r")
reply = email.message_from_file(f)
#handle the easy non-multipart case:
if not reply.is_multipart():
#handle the tricky multipart case
deleted = ""
"""A string describing which nontext attachements that
have been deleted"""
delpayloads = []
"""A list of payload indices to be deleted"""
payloads = reply.get_payload()
for i, part in enumerate(payloads):
mime_main = part.get_content_maintype()
if mime_main not in ['multipart', 'message', 'text']:
deleted += "Non-text part: %s\n" % (part.get_content_type())
payloads[i].set_payload("Non-text part: %s" % (part.get_content_type()))
elif mime_main == 'text':
#TODO handle deeply nested multipart messages
sys.stderr.write ("FIXME: Ignoring multipart part. Handle me\n")
# Delete those payloads that we don't need anymore
for i in reversed(sorted(delpayloads)):
del payloads[i]
#Back to single- and multipart handling
my_addresses = self.get_user_email_addresses()
used_address = None
# filter our email addresses from all to: cc: and bcc: fields
# if we find one of "my" addresses being used,
# it is stored in used_address
for header in ['To', 'CC', 'Bcc']:
if not header in reply:
#only handle fields that exist
addresses = email.utils.getaddresses(reply.get_all(header,[]))
purged_addr = []
for name, mail in addresses:
if mail in my_addresses[1:]:
used_address = email.utils.formataddr((my_addresses[0],mail))
if len(purged_addr):
reply.replace_header(header, ", ".join(purged_addr))
#we deleted all addresses, delete the header
del reply[header]
# Use our primary email address to the From
# (save original from line, we still need it)
orig_from = reply['From']
del reply['From']
reply['From'] = used_address if used_address \
else email.utils.formataddr((my_addresses[0],my_addresses[1]))
#reinsert the Subject after the From
orig_subject = reply['Subject']
del reply['Subject']
reply['Subject'] = 'Re: ' + orig_subject
# Calculate our new To: field
new_to = orig_from
# add all remaining original 'To' addresses
if 'To' in reply:
new_to += ", " + reply['To']
del reply['To']
reply.add_header('To', new_to)
# Add our primary email address to the BCC
new_bcc = my_addresses[1]
if reply.has_key('Bcc'):
new_bcc += ', ' + reply['Bcc']
del reply['Bcc']
reply['Bcc'] = new_bcc
# Set replies 'In-Reply-To' header to original's Message-ID
if reply.has_key('Message-ID') :
del reply['In-Reply-To']
reply['In-Reply-To'] = reply['Message-ID']
#Add original's Message-ID to replies 'References' header.
if reply.has_key('References'):
ref = reply['References'] + ' ' +reply['Message-ID']
ref = reply['Message-ID']
del reply['References']
reply['References'] = ref
# Delete the original Message-ID.
# filter all existing headers but a few and delete them from 'reply'
delheaders = filter(lambda x: x not in ['From','To','Subject','CC',
map(reply.__delitem__, delheaders)
# TODO: OUCH, we return after the first msg we have handled rather than
# handle all of them
#return resulting message without Unixfrom
return reply.as_string(False)
HELPTEXT="""The notmuch mail system.
Usage: notmuch <command> [args...]
@ -89,18 +391,17 @@ Where <command> and [args...] are as follows:
Use "notmuch help <command>" for more details on each command.
And "notmuch help search-terms" for the common search-terms syntax.
#TODO: replace the dynamic pieces
USAGE="""Notmuch is configured and appears to have a database. Excellent!
USAGE="""Notmuch is configured and appears to have a database. Excellent!
At this point you can start exploring the functionality of notmuch by
using commands such as:
notmuch search tag:inbox
notmuch search to:"Sebastian Spaeth"
notmuch search to:"%(fullname)s"
notmuch search from:"Sebastian@SSpaeth.de"
notmuch search from:"%(mailaddress)s"
notmuch search subject:"my favorite things"
@ -115,178 +416,28 @@ And don't forget to run "notmuch new" whenever new mail arrives.
Have fun, and may your inbox never have much mail.
def quote_reply(oldbody ,date, from_address):
"""Transform a mail body into a quote text starting with On blah, x wrote:
:param body: a str with a mail body
:returns: The new payload of the email.message()
from cStringIO import StringIO
#we get handed a string, wrap it in a file-like object
oldbody = StringIO(oldbody)
newbody = StringIO()
newbody.write("On %s, %s wrote:\n" % (date, from_address))
for line in oldbody:
newbody.write("> " + line)
return newbody.getvalue()
def format_reply(msgs):
"""Gets handed Messages() and displays the reply to them"""
import email
for msg in msgs:
f = open(msg.get_filename(),"r")
reply = email.message_from_file(f)
#handle the easy non-multipart case:
if not reply.is_multipart():
#handle the tricky multipart case
deleted = ""
"""A string describing which nontext attachements have been deleted"""
delpayloads = []
"""A list of payload indices to be deleted"""
payloads = reply.get_payload()
for i, part in enumerate(payloads):
mime_main = part.get_content_maintype()
if mime_main not in ['multipart', 'message', 'text']:
deleted += "Non-text part: %s\n" % (part.get_content_type())
payloads[i].set_payload("Non-text part: %s" % (part.get_content_type()))
# payloads[i].set_payload("Text part: %s" % (part.get_content_type()))
# Delete those payloads that we don't need anymore
for i in reversed(sorted(delpayloads)):
del payloads[i]
#Back to single- and multipart handling
my_addresses = get_user_email_addresses()
used_address = None
# filter our email addresses from all to: cc: and bcc: fields
# if we find one of "my" addresses being used,
# it is stored in used_address
for header in ['To', 'CC', 'Bcc']:
if not header in reply:
#only handle fields that exist
addresses = email.utils.getaddresses(reply.get_all(header,[]))
purged_addr = []
for name, mail in addresses:
if mail in my_addresses[1:]:
used_address = email.utils.formataddr((my_addresses[0],mail))
if len(purged_addr):
reply.replace_header(header, ", ".join(purged_addr))
#we deleted all addresses, delete the header
del reply[header]
# Use our primary email address to the From
# (save original from line, we still need it)
orig_from = reply['From']
del reply['From']
reply['From'] = used_address if used_address \
else email.utils.formataddr((my_addresses[0],my_addresses[1]))
#reinsert the Subject after the From
orig_subject = reply['Subject']
del reply['Subject']
reply['Subject'] = 'Re: ' + orig_subject
# Calculate our new To: field
new_to = orig_from
# add all remaining original 'To' addresses
if 'To' in reply:
new_to += ", " + reply['To']
del reply['To']
reply.add_header('To', new_to)
# Add our primary email address to the BCC
new_bcc = my_addresses[1]
if reply.has_key('Bcc'):
new_bcc += ', ' + reply['Bcc']
del reply['Bcc']
reply['Bcc'] = new_bcc
# Set replies 'In-Reply-To' header to original's Message-ID
if reply.has_key('Message-ID') :
del reply['In-Reply-To']
reply['In-Reply-To'] = reply['Message-ID']
#Add original's Message-ID to replies 'References' header.
if reply.has_key('References'):
ref = reply['References'] + ' ' +reply['Message-ID']
ref = reply['Message-ID']
del reply['References']
reply['References'] = ref
# Delete the original Message-ID.
# filter all existing headers but a few and delete them from 'reply'
delheaders = filter(lambda x: x not in ['From','To','Subject','CC','Bcc',
'In-Reply-To', 'References',
map(reply.__delitem__, delheaders)
From: Sebastian Spaeth <Sebastian@SSpaeth.de>
Subject: Re: Template =?iso-8859-1?b?Zvxy?= das Kochrezept
In-Reply-To: <4A6D55F9.6040405@SSpaeth.de>
References: <4A6D55F9.6040405@SSpaeth.de>
#return without Unixfrom
return reply.as_string(False)
def quote_query_line(argv):
#mangle arguments wrapping terms with spaces in quotes
for i in xrange(0,len(argv)):
if argv[i].find(' ') >= 0:
#if we use prefix:termWithSpaces, put quotes around term
m = PREFIX.match(argv[i])
if m:
argv[i] = '%s:"%s"' % (m.group(1), m.group(2))
argv[i] = '"'+argv[i]+'"'
return ' '.join(argv)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Handle command line options
# No option given, print USAGE and exit
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
print USAGE
elif sys.argv[1] == 'setup':
"""Interactively setup notmuch for first use."""
print "Not implemented."
elif sys.argv[1] == 'new':
""" Interactively setup notmuch for first use. """
#print "Not implemented. We cheat by calling the proper notmuch"
call(['notmuch new'],shell=True)
"""Check for new and removed messages."""
elif sys.argv[1] == 'help':
if len(sys.argv) == 2: print HELPTEXT
else: print "Not implemented"
"""Print the help text"""
elif sys.argv[1] == 'part':
db = Database()
@ -308,9 +459,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
if first_search_term:
#mangle arguments wrapping terms with spaces in quotes
querystr = quote_query_line(sys.argv[first_search_term:])
logging.debug("part "+querystr)
qry = Query(db,querystr)
msgs = qry.search_messages()
msg_list = []
@ -343,8 +492,6 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
#mangle arguments wrapping terms with spaces in quotes
querystr = quote_query_line(sys.argv[first_search_term:])
logging.debug("search "+querystr)
qry = Query(db,querystr)
if sort_order == "oldest-first":
@ -383,7 +530,6 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
#mangle arguments wrapping terms with spaces in quotes
querystr = quote_query_line(sys.argv[first_search_term:])
logging.debug("show "+querystr)
t = Query(db,querystr).search_threads()
@ -415,9 +561,8 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
#mangle arguments wrapping terms with spaces in quotes
querystr = quote_query_line(sys.argv[2:])
logging.debug("reply "+querystr)
msgs = Query(db,querystr).search_messages()
print (format_reply(msgs))
print (Notmuch().format_reply(msgs))
elif sys.argv[1] == 'count':
@ -445,7 +590,6 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
if sys.argv[2]=='--': sys.argv.pop(2)
#the rest is search terms
querystr = quote_query_line(sys.argv[2:])
logging.debug("tag search-term "+querystr)
db = Database(mode=Database.MODE.READ_WRITE)
m = Query(db,querystr).search_messages()
for msg in m:
@ -460,7 +604,6 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
#mangle arguments wrapping terms with spaces in quotes
querystr = quote_query_line(sys.argv[2:])
logging.debug("search-term "+querystr)
db = Database()
m = Query(db,querystr).search_messages()
print("\n".join([t for t in m.collect_tags()]))
Add table
Reference in a new issue