This is the best way to make the displayed output for
decrypted/verified messages clearer. The special sigstatus and
encstatus buttons are now displayed under the part header button. The
part header button is also tweaked to provide information to user
about how to proces crypto.
A new emacs configuration variable "notmuch-crypto-process-mime"
controls the processing of PGP/MIME signatures and encrypted parts.
When this is set true, notmuch-query will use the notmuch show
--decrypt flag to decrypt encrypted messages and/or calculate the
sigstatus of signed messages. If sigstatus is available, notmuch-show
will place a specially color-coded header at the begining of the
signed message.
Also included is the ability to switch decryption/verification on/off
on the fly, which is bound to M-RET in notmuch-search-mode.