#!/usr/bin/env bash
test_description="\"notmuch dump\" and \"notmuch restore\""
. ./test-lib.sh


test_expect_success 'Dumping all tags' \
  'generate_message &&
  notmuch new &&
  notmuch dump > dump.expected'

# The use of from:cworth is rather arbitrary: it matches some of the
# email corpus' messages, but not all of them.

test_expect_success 'Dumping all tags II' \
  'notmuch tag +ABC +DEF -- from:cworth &&
  notmuch dump > dump-ABC_DEF.expected &&
  ! cmp dump.expected dump-ABC_DEF.expected'

test_expect_success 'Clearing all tags' \
  'sed -e "s/(\([^(]*\))$/()/" < dump.expected > clear.expected &&
  notmuch restore --input=clear.expected &&
  notmuch dump > clear.actual &&
  test_cmp clear.expected clear.actual'

test_expect_success 'Accumulate original tags' \
  'notmuch tag +ABC +DEF -- from:cworth &&
  notmuch restore --accumulate < dump.expected &&
  notmuch dump > dump.actual &&
  test_cmp dump-ABC_DEF.expected dump.actual'

test_expect_success 'Restoring original tags' \
  'notmuch restore --input=dump.expected &&
  notmuch dump > dump.actual &&
  test_cmp dump.expected dump.actual'

test_expect_success 'Restore with nothing to do' \
  'notmuch restore < dump.expected &&
  notmuch dump > dump.actual &&
  test_cmp dump.expected dump.actual'

test_expect_success 'Accumulate with existing tags' \
  'notmuch restore --accumulate --input=dump.expected &&
  notmuch dump > dump.actual &&
  test_cmp dump.expected dump.actual'

test_expect_success 'Accumulate with no tags' \
  'notmuch restore --accumulate < clear.expected &&
  notmuch dump > dump.actual &&
  test_cmp dump.expected dump.actual'

test_expect_success 'Accumulate with new tags' \
  'notmuch restore --input=dump.expected &&
  notmuch restore --accumulate --input=dump-ABC_DEF.expected &&
  notmuch dump >  OUTPUT.$test_count &&
  notmuch restore --input=dump.expected &&
  test_cmp dump-ABC_DEF.expected OUTPUT.$test_count'

# notmuch restore currently only considers the first argument.
test_expect_success 'Invalid restore invocation' \
  'test_must_fail notmuch restore --input=dump.expected another_one'

test_begin_subtest "dump --output=outfile"
notmuch dump --output=dump-outfile.actual
test_expect_equal_file dump.expected dump-outfile.actual

test_begin_subtest "dump --output=outfile --"
notmuch dump --output=dump-1-arg-dash.actual --
test_expect_equal_file dump.expected dump-1-arg-dash.actual

# Note, we assume all messages from cworth have a message-id
# containing cworth.org

grep 'cworth[.]org' dump.expected > dump-cworth.expected

test_begin_subtest "dump -- from:cworth"
notmuch dump -- from:cworth > dump-dash-cworth.actual
test_expect_equal_file dump-cworth.expected dump-dash-cworth.actual

test_begin_subtest "dump --output=outfile from:cworth"
notmuch dump --output=dump-outfile-cworth.actual from:cworth
test_expect_equal_file dump-cworth.expected dump-outfile-cworth.actual

test_begin_subtest "dump --output=outfile -- from:cworth"
notmuch dump --output=dump-outfile-dash-inbox.actual -- from:cworth
test_expect_equal_file dump-cworth.expected dump-outfile-dash-inbox.actual

test_begin_subtest "Check for a safe set of message-ids"
notmuch search --output=messages from:cworth | sed s/^id:// > EXPECTED
notmuch search --output=messages from:cworth | sed s/^id:// |\
	$TEST_DIRECTORY/hex-xcode --direction=encode > OUTPUT
test_expect_equal_file OUTPUT EXPECTED

test_begin_subtest "format=batch-tag, dump sanity check."
notmuch dump --format=sup from:cworth | cut -f1 -d' ' | \
    sort > EXPECTED.$test_count
notmuch dump --format=batch-tag from:cworth | sed 's/^.*-- id://' | \
    sort > OUTPUT.$test_count
test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED.$test_count OUTPUT.$test_count

test_begin_subtest 'roundtripping random message-ids and tags'
    ${TEST_DIRECTORY}/random-corpus --config-path=${NOTMUCH_CONFIG} \

     notmuch dump| \
	 ${TEST_DIRECTORY}/hex-xcode --direction=encode| \
	 sort > EXPECTED.$test_count

     notmuch tag +this_tag_is_very_unlikely_to_be_random '*'

     ${TEST_DIRECTORY}/hex-xcode --direction=decode < EXPECTED.$test_count | \
	 notmuch restore 2>/dev/null

     notmuch dump| \
	 ${TEST_DIRECTORY}/hex-xcode --direction=encode| \
	 sort > OUTPUT.$test_count

test_expect_equal_file EXPECTED.$test_count OUTPUT.$test_count
