/* notmuch - Not much of an email program, (just index and search) * * Copyright © 2009 Carl Worth * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ . * * Author: Carl Worth <cworth@cworth.org> */ #include "notmuch-client.h" #include "sprinter.h" typedef enum { OUTPUT_SUMMARY, OUTPUT_THREADS, OUTPUT_MESSAGES, OUTPUT_FILES, OUTPUT_TAGS } output_t; static char * sanitize_string (const void *ctx, const char *str) { char *out, *loop; if (NULL == str) return NULL; loop = out = talloc_strdup (ctx, str); for (; *loop; loop++) { if ((unsigned char)(*loop) < 32) *loop = '?'; } return out; } static int do_search_threads (sprinter_t *format, notmuch_query_t *query, notmuch_sort_t sort, output_t output, int offset, int limit) { notmuch_thread_t *thread; notmuch_threads_t *threads; notmuch_tags_t *tags; time_t date; int i; if (offset < 0) { offset += notmuch_query_count_threads (query); if (offset < 0) offset = 0; } threads = notmuch_query_search_threads (query); if (threads == NULL) return 1; format->begin_list (format); for (i = 0; notmuch_threads_valid (threads) && (limit < 0 || i < offset + limit); notmuch_threads_move_to_next (threads), i++) { thread = notmuch_threads_get (threads); if (i < offset) { notmuch_thread_destroy (thread); continue; } if (output == OUTPUT_THREADS) { format->set_prefix (format, "thread"); format->string (format, notmuch_thread_get_thread_id (thread)); format->separator (format); } else { /* output == OUTPUT_SUMMARY */ void *ctx_quote = talloc_new (thread); const char *authors = notmuch_thread_get_authors (thread); const char *subject = notmuch_thread_get_subject (thread); const char *thread_id = notmuch_thread_get_thread_id (thread); int matched = notmuch_thread_get_matched_messages (thread); int total = notmuch_thread_get_total_messages (thread); const char *relative_date = NULL; notmuch_bool_t first_tag = TRUE; format->begin_map (format); if (sort == NOTMUCH_SORT_OLDEST_FIRST) date = notmuch_thread_get_oldest_date (thread); else date = notmuch_thread_get_newest_date (thread); relative_date = notmuch_time_relative_date (ctx_quote, date); if (format->is_text_printer) { /* Special case for the text formatter */ printf ("thread:%s %12s [%d/%d] %s; %s (", thread_id, relative_date, matched, total, sanitize_string (ctx_quote, authors), sanitize_string (ctx_quote, subject)); } else { /* Structured Output */ format->map_key (format, "thread"); format->string (format, thread_id); format->map_key (format, "timestamp"); format->integer (format, date); format->map_key (format, "date_relative"); format->string (format, relative_date); format->map_key (format, "matched"); format->integer (format, matched); format->map_key (format, "total"); format->integer (format, total); format->map_key (format, "authors"); format->string (format, authors); format->map_key (format, "subject"); format->string (format, subject); } talloc_free (ctx_quote); format->map_key (format, "tags"); format->begin_list (format); for (tags = notmuch_thread_get_tags (thread); notmuch_tags_valid (tags); notmuch_tags_move_to_next (tags)) { const char *tag = notmuch_tags_get (tags); if (format->is_text_printer) { /* Special case for the text formatter */ if (first_tag) first_tag = FALSE; else fputc (' ', stdout); fputs (tag, stdout); } else { /* Structured Output */ format->string (format, tag); } } if (format->is_text_printer) printf (")"); format->end (format); format->end (format); format->separator (format); } notmuch_thread_destroy (thread); } format->end (format); return 0; } static int do_search_messages (sprinter_t *format, notmuch_query_t *query, output_t output, int offset, int limit) { notmuch_message_t *message; notmuch_messages_t *messages; notmuch_filenames_t *filenames; int i; if (offset < 0) { offset += notmuch_query_count_messages (query); if (offset < 0) offset = 0; } messages = notmuch_query_search_messages (query); if (messages == NULL) return 1; format->begin_list (format); for (i = 0; notmuch_messages_valid (messages) && (limit < 0 || i < offset + limit); notmuch_messages_move_to_next (messages), i++) { if (i < offset) continue; message = notmuch_messages_get (messages); if (output == OUTPUT_FILES) { filenames = notmuch_message_get_filenames (message); for (; notmuch_filenames_valid (filenames); notmuch_filenames_move_to_next (filenames)) { format->string (format, notmuch_filenames_get (filenames)); format->separator (format); } notmuch_filenames_destroy( filenames ); } else { /* output == OUTPUT_MESSAGES */ format->set_prefix (format, "id"); format->string (format, notmuch_message_get_message_id (message)); format->separator (format); } notmuch_message_destroy (message); } notmuch_messages_destroy (messages); format->end (format); return 0; } static int do_search_tags (notmuch_database_t *notmuch, sprinter_t *format, notmuch_query_t *query) { notmuch_messages_t *messages = NULL; notmuch_tags_t *tags; const char *tag; /* should the following only special case if no excluded terms * specified? */ /* Special-case query of "*" for better performance. */ if (strcmp (notmuch_query_get_query_string (query), "*") == 0) { tags = notmuch_database_get_all_tags (notmuch); } else { messages = notmuch_query_search_messages (query); if (messages == NULL) return 1; tags = notmuch_messages_collect_tags (messages); } if (tags == NULL) return 1; format->begin_list (format); for (; notmuch_tags_valid (tags); notmuch_tags_move_to_next (tags)) { tag = notmuch_tags_get (tags); format->string (format, tag); format->separator (format); } notmuch_tags_destroy (tags); if (messages) notmuch_messages_destroy (messages); format->end (format); return 0; } enum { EXCLUDE_TRUE, EXCLUDE_FALSE, EXCLUDE_FLAG, EXCLUDE_ALL }; int notmuch_search_command (notmuch_config_t *config, int argc, char *argv[]) { notmuch_database_t *notmuch; notmuch_query_t *query; char *query_str; notmuch_sort_t sort = NOTMUCH_SORT_NEWEST_FIRST; sprinter_t *format = NULL; int opt_index, ret; output_t output = OUTPUT_SUMMARY; int offset = 0; int limit = -1; /* unlimited */ int exclude = EXCLUDE_TRUE; unsigned int i; enum { NOTMUCH_FORMAT_JSON, NOTMUCH_FORMAT_TEXT, NOTMUCH_FORMAT_TEXT0, NOTMUCH_FORMAT_SEXP } format_sel = NOTMUCH_FORMAT_TEXT; notmuch_opt_desc_t options[] = { { NOTMUCH_OPT_KEYWORD, &sort, "sort", 's', (notmuch_keyword_t []){ { "oldest-first", NOTMUCH_SORT_OLDEST_FIRST }, { "newest-first", NOTMUCH_SORT_NEWEST_FIRST }, { 0, 0 } } }, { NOTMUCH_OPT_KEYWORD, &format_sel, "format", 'f', (notmuch_keyword_t []){ { "json", NOTMUCH_FORMAT_JSON }, { "sexp", NOTMUCH_FORMAT_SEXP }, { "text", NOTMUCH_FORMAT_TEXT }, { "text0", NOTMUCH_FORMAT_TEXT0 }, { 0, 0 } } }, { NOTMUCH_OPT_INT, ¬much_format_version, "format-version", 0, 0 }, { NOTMUCH_OPT_KEYWORD, &output, "output", 'o', (notmuch_keyword_t []){ { "summary", OUTPUT_SUMMARY }, { "threads", OUTPUT_THREADS }, { "messages", OUTPUT_MESSAGES }, { "files", OUTPUT_FILES }, { "tags", OUTPUT_TAGS }, { 0, 0 } } }, { NOTMUCH_OPT_KEYWORD, &exclude, "exclude", 'x', (notmuch_keyword_t []){ { "true", EXCLUDE_TRUE }, { "false", EXCLUDE_FALSE }, { "flag", EXCLUDE_FLAG }, { "all", EXCLUDE_ALL }, { 0, 0 } } }, { NOTMUCH_OPT_INT, &offset, "offset", 'O', 0 }, { NOTMUCH_OPT_INT, &limit, "limit", 'L', 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; opt_index = parse_arguments (argc, argv, options, 1); if (opt_index < 0) { return 1; } switch (format_sel) { case NOTMUCH_FORMAT_TEXT: format = sprinter_text_create (config, stdout); break; case NOTMUCH_FORMAT_TEXT0: if (output == OUTPUT_SUMMARY) { fprintf (stderr, "Error: --format=text0 is not compatible with --output=summary.\n"); return 1; } format = sprinter_text0_create (config, stdout); break; case NOTMUCH_FORMAT_JSON: format = sprinter_json_create (config, stdout); break; case NOTMUCH_FORMAT_SEXP: format = sprinter_sexp_create (config, stdout); break; default: /* this should never happen */ INTERNAL_ERROR("no output format selected"); } notmuch_exit_if_unsupported_format (); if (notmuch_database_open (notmuch_config_get_database_path (config), NOTMUCH_DATABASE_MODE_READ_ONLY, ¬much)) return 1; query_str = query_string_from_args (notmuch, argc-opt_index, argv+opt_index); if (query_str == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "Out of memory.\n"); return 1; } if (*query_str == '\0') { fprintf (stderr, "Error: notmuch search requires at least one search term.\n"); return 1; } query = notmuch_query_create (notmuch, query_str); if (query == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "Out of memory\n"); return 1; } notmuch_query_set_sort (query, sort); if (exclude == EXCLUDE_FLAG && output != OUTPUT_SUMMARY) { /* If we are not doing summary output there is nowhere to * print the excluded flag so fall back on including the * excluded messages. */ fprintf (stderr, "Warning: this output format cannot flag excluded messages.\n"); exclude = EXCLUDE_FALSE; } if (exclude != EXCLUDE_FALSE) { const char **search_exclude_tags; size_t search_exclude_tags_length; search_exclude_tags = notmuch_config_get_search_exclude_tags (config, &search_exclude_tags_length); for (i = 0; i < search_exclude_tags_length; i++) notmuch_query_add_tag_exclude (query, search_exclude_tags[i]); if (exclude == EXCLUDE_FLAG) notmuch_query_set_omit_excluded (query, NOTMUCH_EXCLUDE_FALSE); if (exclude == EXCLUDE_ALL) notmuch_query_set_omit_excluded (query, NOTMUCH_EXCLUDE_ALL); } switch (output) { default: case OUTPUT_SUMMARY: case OUTPUT_THREADS: ret = do_search_threads (format, query, sort, output, offset, limit); break; case OUTPUT_MESSAGES: case OUTPUT_FILES: ret = do_search_messages (format, query, output, offset, limit); break; case OUTPUT_TAGS: ret = do_search_tags (notmuch, format, query); break; } notmuch_query_destroy (query); notmuch_database_destroy (notmuch); talloc_free (format); return ret; }