/* directory.cc - Results of directory-based searches from a notmuch database * * Copyright © 2009 Carl Worth * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/ . * * Author: Carl Worth <cworth@cworth.org> */ #include "notmuch-private.h" #include "database-private.h" /* Create an iterator to iterate over the basenames of files (or * directories) that all share a common parent directory. */ static notmuch_filenames_t * _create_filenames_for_terms_with_prefix (void *ctx, notmuch_database_t *notmuch, const char *prefix) { notmuch_string_list_t *filename_list; Xapian::TermIterator i, end; i = notmuch->xapian_db->allterms_begin (); end = notmuch->xapian_db->allterms_end (); filename_list = _notmuch_database_get_terms_with_prefix (ctx, i, end, prefix); if (unlikely (filename_list == NULL)) return NULL; return _notmuch_filenames_create (ctx, filename_list); } struct _notmuch_directory { notmuch_database_t *notmuch; Xapian::docid document_id; Xapian::Document doc; time_t mtime; }; #define LOG_XAPIAN_EXCEPTION(directory, error) _log_xapian_exception (__location__, directory, error) static void _log_xapian_exception (const char *where, notmuch_directory_t *dir, const Xapian::Error error) { notmuch_database_t *notmuch = dir->notmuch; _notmuch_database_log (notmuch, "A Xapian exception occurred at %s: %s\n", where, error.get_msg ().c_str ()); notmuch->exception_reported = true; } /* We end up having to call the destructor explicitly because we had * to use "placement new" in order to initialize C++ objects within a * block that we allocated with talloc. So C++ is making talloc * slightly less simple to use, (we wouldn't need * talloc_set_destructor at all otherwise). */ static int _notmuch_directory_destructor (notmuch_directory_t *directory) { directory->doc.~Document (); return 0; } static notmuch_private_status_t find_directory_document (notmuch_database_t *notmuch, const char *db_path, Xapian::Document *document) { notmuch_private_status_t status; Xapian::docid doc_id; status = _notmuch_database_find_unique_doc_id (notmuch, "directory", db_path, &doc_id); if (status) { *document = Xapian::Document (); return status; } *document = notmuch->xapian_db->get_document (doc_id); return NOTMUCH_PRIVATE_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* Find or create a directory document. * * 'path' should be a path relative to the path of 'database', or else * should be an absolute path with initial components that match the * path of 'database'. * * If (flags & NOTMUCH_FIND_CREATE), then the directory document will * be created if it does not exist. Otherwise, if the directory * document does not exist, *status_ret is set to * NOTMUCH_STATUS_SUCCESS and this returns NULL. */ notmuch_directory_t * _notmuch_directory_find_or_create (notmuch_database_t *notmuch, const char *path, notmuch_find_flags_t flags, notmuch_status_t *status_ret) { notmuch_directory_t *directory; notmuch_private_status_t private_status; const char *db_path; bool create = (flags & NOTMUCH_FIND_CREATE); if (! (notmuch->features & NOTMUCH_FEATURE_DIRECTORY_DOCS)) { *status_ret = NOTMUCH_STATUS_UPGRADE_REQUIRED; return NULL; } *status_ret = NOTMUCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; path = _notmuch_database_relative_path (notmuch, path); if (create && _notmuch_database_mode (notmuch) == NOTMUCH_DATABASE_MODE_READ_ONLY) INTERNAL_ERROR ("Failure to ensure database is writable"); directory = talloc (notmuch, notmuch_directory_t); if (unlikely (directory == NULL)) { *status_ret = NOTMUCH_STATUS_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return NULL; } directory->notmuch = notmuch; /* "placement new"---not actually allocating memory */ new (&directory->doc) Xapian::Document; talloc_set_destructor (directory, _notmuch_directory_destructor); db_path = _notmuch_database_get_directory_db_path (path); try { Xapian::TermIterator i, end; private_status = find_directory_document (notmuch, db_path, &directory->doc); directory->document_id = directory->doc.get_docid (); if (private_status == NOTMUCH_PRIVATE_STATUS_NO_DOCUMENT_FOUND) { if (! create) { notmuch_directory_destroy (directory); directory = NULL; *status_ret = NOTMUCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; goto DONE; } void *local = talloc_new (directory); const char *parent, *basename; Xapian::docid parent_id; char *term = talloc_asprintf (local, "%s%s", _find_prefix ("directory"), db_path); directory->doc.add_term (term, 0); directory->doc.set_data (path); _notmuch_database_split_path (local, path, &parent, &basename); *status_ret = _notmuch_database_find_directory_id ( notmuch, parent, NOTMUCH_FIND_CREATE, &parent_id); if (*status_ret) { notmuch_directory_destroy (directory); directory = NULL; goto DONE; } if (basename) { term = talloc_asprintf (local, "%s%u:%s", _find_prefix ("directory-direntry"), parent_id, basename); directory->doc.add_term (term, 0); } directory->doc.add_value (NOTMUCH_VALUE_TIMESTAMP, Xapian::sortable_serialise (0)); directory->document_id = _notmuch_database_generate_doc_id (notmuch); directory->notmuch-> writable_xapian_db -> replace_document (directory->document_id, directory->doc); talloc_free (local); } directory->mtime = Xapian::sortable_unserialise ( directory->doc.get_value (NOTMUCH_VALUE_TIMESTAMP)); } catch (const Xapian::Error &error) { _notmuch_database_log (notmuch, "A Xapian exception occurred finding/creating a directory: %s.\n", error.get_msg ().c_str ()); notmuch->exception_reported = true; notmuch_directory_destroy (directory); directory = NULL; *status_ret = NOTMUCH_STATUS_XAPIAN_EXCEPTION; } DONE: if (db_path != path) free ((char *) db_path); return directory; } unsigned int _notmuch_directory_get_document_id (notmuch_directory_t *directory) { return directory->document_id; } notmuch_status_t notmuch_directory_set_mtime (notmuch_directory_t *directory, time_t mtime) { notmuch_database_t *notmuch = directory->notmuch; notmuch_status_t status; status = _notmuch_database_ensure_writable (notmuch); if (status) return status; try { directory->doc.add_value (NOTMUCH_VALUE_TIMESTAMP, Xapian::sortable_serialise (mtime)); directory->notmuch ->writable_xapian_db->replace_document (directory->document_id, directory->doc); directory->mtime = mtime; } catch (const Xapian::Error &error) { _notmuch_database_log (notmuch, "A Xapian exception occurred setting directory mtime: %s.\n", error.get_msg ().c_str ()); notmuch->exception_reported = true; return NOTMUCH_STATUS_XAPIAN_EXCEPTION; } return NOTMUCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } time_t notmuch_directory_get_mtime (notmuch_directory_t *directory) { return directory->mtime; } notmuch_filenames_t * notmuch_directory_get_child_files (notmuch_directory_t *directory) { char *term; notmuch_filenames_t *child_files = NULL; term = talloc_asprintf (directory, "%s%u:", _find_prefix ("file-direntry"), directory->document_id); try { child_files = _create_filenames_for_terms_with_prefix (directory, directory->notmuch, term); } catch (Xapian::Error &error) { LOG_XAPIAN_EXCEPTION (directory, error); } talloc_free (term); return child_files; } notmuch_filenames_t * notmuch_directory_get_child_directories (notmuch_directory_t *directory) { char *term; notmuch_filenames_t *child_directories = NULL; term = talloc_asprintf (directory, "%s%u:", _find_prefix ("directory-direntry"), directory->document_id); try { child_directories = _create_filenames_for_terms_with_prefix (directory, directory->notmuch, term); } catch (Xapian::Error &error) { LOG_XAPIAN_EXCEPTION (directory, error); } talloc_free (term); return child_directories; } notmuch_status_t notmuch_directory_delete (notmuch_directory_t *directory) { notmuch_status_t status; status = _notmuch_database_ensure_writable (directory->notmuch); if (status) return status; try { directory->notmuch-> writable_xapian_db->delete_document (directory->document_id); } catch (const Xapian::Error &error) { _notmuch_database_log (directory->notmuch, "A Xapian exception occurred deleting directory entry: %s.\n", error.get_msg ().c_str ()); directory->notmuch->exception_reported = true; status = NOTMUCH_STATUS_XAPIAN_EXCEPTION; } notmuch_directory_destroy (directory); return status; } void notmuch_directory_destroy (notmuch_directory_t *directory) { talloc_free (directory); }