/* The Ruby interface to the notmuch mail library
 * Copyright © 2010, 2011 Ali Polatel
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/ .
 * Author: Ali Polatel <alip@exherbo.org>

#include "defs.h"

notmuch_rb_database_alloc (VALUE klass)
    return Data_Wrap_Struct (klass, NULL, NULL, NULL);

 * call-seq: Notmuch::Database.new(path [, {:create => false, :mode => Notmuch::MODE_READ_ONLY}]) => DB
 * Create or open a notmuch database using the given path.
 * If :create is +true+, create the database instead of opening.
 * The argument :mode specifies the open mode of the database.
notmuch_rb_database_initialize (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
    const char *path;
    int create, mode;
    VALUE pathv, hashv;
    VALUE modev;
    notmuch_database_t *database;
    notmuch_status_t ret;

    /* Check arguments */
    rb_scan_args (argc, argv, "11", &pathv, &hashv);

    SafeStringValue (pathv);
    path = RSTRING_PTR (pathv);

    if (!NIL_P (hashv)) {
	Check_Type (hashv, T_HASH);
	create = RTEST (rb_hash_aref (hashv, ID2SYM (ID_db_create)));
	modev = rb_hash_aref (hashv, ID2SYM (ID_db_mode));
	if (NIL_P (modev))
	else if (!FIXNUM_P (modev))
	    rb_raise (rb_eTypeError, ":mode isn't a Fixnum");
	else {
	    mode = FIX2INT (modev);
	    switch (mode) {
		rb_raise ( rb_eTypeError, "Invalid mode");
    } else {
	create = 0;

    Check_Type (self, T_DATA);
    if (create)
	ret = notmuch_database_create (path, &database);
	ret = notmuch_database_open (path, mode, &database);
    notmuch_rb_status_raise (ret);

    DATA_PTR (self) = database;

    return self;

 * call-seq: Notmuch::Database.open(path [, ahash]) {|db| ...}
 * Identical to new, except that when it is called with a block, it yields with
 * the new instance and closes it, and returns the result which is returned from
 * the block.
notmuch_rb_database_open (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
    VALUE obj;

    obj = rb_class_new_instance (argc, argv, klass);
    if (!rb_block_given_p ())
	return obj;

    return rb_ensure (rb_yield, obj, notmuch_rb_database_close, obj);

 * call-seq: DB.close => nil
 * Close the notmuch database.
notmuch_rb_database_close (VALUE self)
    notmuch_status_t ret;
    notmuch_database_t *db;

    Data_Get_Notmuch_Database (self, db);
    ret = notmuch_database_destroy (db);
    DATA_PTR (self) = NULL;
    notmuch_rb_status_raise (ret);

    return Qnil;

 * call-seq: DB.path => String
 * Return the path of the database
notmuch_rb_database_path (VALUE self)
    notmuch_database_t *db;

    Data_Get_Notmuch_Database (self, db);

    return rb_str_new2 (notmuch_database_get_path (db));

 * call-seq: DB.version => Fixnum
 * Return the version of the database
notmuch_rb_database_version (VALUE self)
    notmuch_database_t *db;

    Data_Get_Notmuch_Database (self, db);

    return INT2FIX (notmuch_database_get_version (db));

 * call-seq: DB.needs_upgrade? => true or false
 * Return the +true+ if the database needs upgrading, +false+ otherwise
notmuch_rb_database_needs_upgrade (VALUE self)
    notmuch_database_t *db;

    Data_Get_Notmuch_Database (self, db);

    return notmuch_database_needs_upgrade (db) ? Qtrue : Qfalse;

static void
notmuch_rb_upgrade_notify (void *closure, double progress)
    VALUE *block = (VALUE *) closure;
    rb_funcall (*block, ID_call, 1, rb_float_new (progress));

 * call-seq: DB.upgrade! [{|progress| block }] => nil
 * Upgrade the database.
 * If a block is given the block is called with a progress indicator as a
 * floating point value in the range of [0.0..1.0].
notmuch_rb_database_upgrade (VALUE self)
    notmuch_status_t ret;
    void (*pnotify) (void *closure, double progress);
    notmuch_database_t *db;
    VALUE block;

    Data_Get_Notmuch_Database (self, db);

    if (rb_block_given_p ()) {
	pnotify = notmuch_rb_upgrade_notify;
	block = rb_block_proc ();
	pnotify = NULL;

    ret = notmuch_database_upgrade (db, pnotify, pnotify ? &block : NULL);
    notmuch_rb_status_raise (ret);

    return Qtrue;

 * call-seq: DB.begin_atomic => nil
 * Begin an atomic database operation.
notmuch_rb_database_begin_atomic (VALUE self)
    notmuch_status_t ret;
    notmuch_database_t *db;

    Data_Get_Notmuch_Database (self, db);

    ret = notmuch_database_begin_atomic (db);
    notmuch_rb_status_raise (ret);

    return Qtrue;

 * call-seq: DB.end_atomic => nil
 * Indicate the end of an atomic database operation.
notmuch_rb_database_end_atomic (VALUE self)
    notmuch_status_t ret;
    notmuch_database_t *db;

    Data_Get_Notmuch_Database (self, db);

    ret = notmuch_database_end_atomic (db);
    notmuch_rb_status_raise (ret);

    return Qtrue;

 * call-seq: DB.get_directory(path) => DIR
 * Retrieve a directory object from the database for 'path'
notmuch_rb_database_get_directory (VALUE self, VALUE pathv)
    const char *path;
    notmuch_status_t ret;
    notmuch_directory_t *dir;
    notmuch_database_t *db;

    Data_Get_Notmuch_Database (self, db);

    SafeStringValue (pathv);
    path = RSTRING_PTR (pathv);

    ret = notmuch_database_get_directory (db, path, &dir);
    notmuch_rb_status_raise (ret);
    if (dir)
	return Data_Wrap_Struct (notmuch_rb_cDirectory, NULL, NULL, dir);
    return Qnil;

 * call-seq: DB.add_message(path) => MESSAGE, isdup
 * Add a message to the database and return it.
 * +isdup+ is a boolean that specifies whether the added message was a
 * duplicate.
notmuch_rb_database_add_message (VALUE self, VALUE pathv)
    const char *path;
    notmuch_status_t ret;
    notmuch_message_t *message;
    notmuch_database_t *db;

    Data_Get_Notmuch_Database (self, db);

    SafeStringValue (pathv);
    path = RSTRING_PTR (pathv);

    ret = notmuch_database_index_file (db, path, NULL, &message);
    notmuch_rb_status_raise (ret);
    return rb_assoc_new (Data_Wrap_Struct (notmuch_rb_cMessage, NULL, NULL, message),
        (ret == NOTMUCH_STATUS_DUPLICATE_MESSAGE_ID) ? Qtrue : Qfalse);

 * call-seq: DB.remove_message (path) => isdup
 * Remove a message from the database.
 * +isdup+ is a boolean that specifies whether the removed message was a
 * duplicate.
notmuch_rb_database_remove_message (VALUE self, VALUE pathv)
    const char *path;
    notmuch_status_t ret;
    notmuch_database_t *db;

    Data_Get_Notmuch_Database (self, db);

    SafeStringValue (pathv);
    path = RSTRING_PTR (pathv);

    ret = notmuch_database_remove_message (db, path);
    notmuch_rb_status_raise (ret);
    return (ret == NOTMUCH_STATUS_DUPLICATE_MESSAGE_ID) ? Qtrue : Qfalse;

 * call-seq: DB.find_message(id) => MESSAGE or nil
 * Find a message by message id.
notmuch_rb_database_find_message (VALUE self, VALUE idv)
    const char *id;
    notmuch_status_t ret;
    notmuch_database_t *db;
    notmuch_message_t *message;

    Data_Get_Notmuch_Database (self, db);

    SafeStringValue (idv);
    id = RSTRING_PTR (idv);

    ret = notmuch_database_find_message (db, id, &message);
    notmuch_rb_status_raise (ret);

    if (message)
        return Data_Wrap_Struct (notmuch_rb_cMessage, NULL, NULL, message);
    return Qnil;

 * call-seq: DB.find_message_by_filename(path) => MESSAGE or nil
 * Find a message by filename.
notmuch_rb_database_find_message_by_filename (VALUE self, VALUE pathv)
    const char *path;
    notmuch_status_t ret;
    notmuch_database_t *db;
    notmuch_message_t *message;

    Data_Get_Notmuch_Database (self, db);

    SafeStringValue (pathv);
    path = RSTRING_PTR (pathv);

    ret = notmuch_database_find_message_by_filename (db, path, &message);
    notmuch_rb_status_raise (ret);

    if (message)
        return Data_Wrap_Struct (notmuch_rb_cMessage, NULL, NULL, message);
    return Qnil;

 * call-seq: DB.get_all_tags() => TAGS
 * Returns a list of all tags found in the database.
notmuch_rb_database_get_all_tags (VALUE self)
    notmuch_database_t *db;
    notmuch_tags_t *tags;

    Data_Get_Notmuch_Database (self, db);

    tags = notmuch_database_get_all_tags (db);
    if (!tags) {
	const char *msg = notmuch_database_status_string (db);
	if (!msg)
	    msg = "Unknown notmuch error";

	rb_raise (notmuch_rb_eBaseError, "%s", msg);
    return Data_Wrap_Struct (notmuch_rb_cTags, NULL, NULL, tags);

 * call-seq: DB.query(query) => QUERY
 * Retrieve a query object for the query string 'query'
notmuch_rb_database_query_create (VALUE self, VALUE qstrv)
    const char *qstr;
    notmuch_query_t *query;
    notmuch_database_t *db;

    Data_Get_Notmuch_Database (self, db);

    SafeStringValue (qstrv);
    qstr = RSTRING_PTR (qstrv);

    query = notmuch_query_create (db, qstr);
    if (!query)
        rb_raise (notmuch_rb_eMemoryError, "Out of memory");

    return Data_Wrap_Struct (notmuch_rb_cQuery, NULL, NULL, query);